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An expedition against Lepanto was proposed; but, owing to some difficulty with the rude and riotous soldiery, it was suspended.

of which they were allowed to erect their target, his hundred, brave and hardy mountaineers, but wholly friends and he dismounted, and, after devoting undisciplined and unmanageable. Of these, having about half an hour to a trial of skill at the pistol, obtained a commission, he, on the first of Februreturned, a little before sunset, into the city." ary, took the command. Leaving Pisa, he removed to Genoa, where he remained till his final departure for Greece, in July, 1823. During this time, he produced "Werner," "The Deformed Transformed," "The Island," Disease now began to prey upon him, and he "The Age of Bronze," and the last cantos of "Don was attacked with a fit of epilepsy on the 15th of Juan." February, which deprived him, for a short time, of He became interested in the struggle of the his senses. On the following morning, he appeared Greeks for freedom, and offered his services in their to be much better, but still quite ill. behalf. He obtained the advance of a large sum of On the 9th of April, after returning from a ride money, and chartered an English vessel, the Hercu- with Count Gamba, during which they had met a les, for the purpose of taking him to Greece. violent shower, he was again prostrated with disAll things being ready, on the 13th of July, he, ease. He was seized with shuddering, and comand those who were to accompany him, embarked. plained of rheumatic pains. The following day he His suite consisted of Count Pietro Gamba, brother arose at his accustomed hour, transacted business, of the Countess Guiccioli; Mr. Trelawny, an Eng- and rode into the olive woods, accompanied by his lishman; and Doctor Bruno, an Italian physician, long train of Suliotes.

who had just left the university, and was somewhat On the 11th his fever increased; and on the 12th acquainted with surgery. He had, also, at his ser- he kept his bed all day, complaining that he could vice, eight servants. not sleep, and taking no nourishment whatever.

There were on board five horses, arms and ammu- The two following days, he suffered much from nition for the use of his own party, and medicine pains in the head, though his fever had subsided. enough for the supply of one thousand men for one On the 14th, Dr. Bruno, finding sudorifics unavailyear. ing, urged the necessity of his being bled. But of

On the morning of the 14th of July, the Hercules this Lord Byron would not hear. At length, howsailed; but, encountering a severe storm, was obliged ever, after repeated entreaties, he promised that, to put back. On the evening of the 15th, they should his fever increase, he would allow it to be again started, and after a passage of five days, done. He was bled; but the relief did not answer reached Leghorn, where they shipped a supply of the expectations of any one. The restlessness and gunpowder, and other English goods. Receiving agitation increased, and he spoke several times in these, they immediately sailed for Cephalonia, and an incoherent manner. On the 17th, it was repeated. reached Argolosti, the principal port of that island, His disease continued to increase; he had not, on the 21st of July. He was warmly received by till now, thought himself dangerously ill; but now, the Greeks and English, among whom his presence the fearful truth was apparent, not only in his own created a lively sensation. feelings, but in the countenances and actions of his


Wishing information, in order to determine upon friends and attendants. the best course for him to pursue, he despatched A consultation of physicians was had. Mr. Trelawny and Mr. Hamilton Browne with a after, a fit of delirium ensued, and he began to talk letter to the Greek government, in order to obtain wildly, calling out, half in English, half in Italian, an account of the state of public affairs. Here, as "Forwards!-forwards!-courage!-follow my exin many other places, he displayed his generosity, ample!" &c., &c.

by relieving the distressed, who had fled from Scio. On Fletcher's asking him whether he should He was delayed at Argolosti about six weeks, by bring pen and paper to take down his words, he adverse winds. At length, the wind becoming fair, replied:-"Oh, no, there is no time-it is now nearly he embarked on board the Mistico, and Count over. Go to my sister-tell her-go to Lady Byron Gamba, with the horses and heavy baggage, in a-you will see her-and say " Here his voice fallarge vessel. tered, and became gradually indistinct. He conThe latter was brought to by a Turkish frigate, tinued speaking in a low, whispering tone. "My and carried, with its valuable cargo, into Patras, Lord," replied Fletcher, "I have not understood where the commander of the Turkish fleet was sta- a word your Lordship has been saying." "Not tioned. Count Gamba had an interview with the understood me!" exclaimed Byron, with a look of Pacha, and was so fortunate as to obtain the release distress, "what a pity!-then it is too late;-all is of his vessel and freight; and sailing, reached Mis-over.' " "I hope not," answered Fletcher; but the solonghi on the 4th of January. He was surprised Lord's will be done!" "Yes, not mine," said to learn that Lord Byron had not arrived. Byron. He then attempted to say something; but On his Lordship's departure from Dragomestri, a nothing was intelligible, except "my sister-my violent gale came on, and the vessel was twice child.”

driven into imminent danger on the rocks; and it About six o'clock in the evening of the 19th, he was owing to Lord Byron's firmness and nautical said, "Now I shall go to sleep;" and, turning skill, that the vessel, several lives, and twenty-five round, fell into that slumber from which he never thousand dollars, were saved. awoke.

It was while at Dragomestri, that an imprudent The sad intelligence was received by the people bath brought on a cold, which was the foundation of Missolonghi with feelings of sorrow, which we of that sickness which resulted in his death. are unable to describe; and all Europe was in mourning over the lamentable event, as its tidings spread through its cities, towns, and villages.

He reached Missolonghi on the 5th of January, and was received with enthusiastic demonstrations of joy. No mark of welcome or honor that the Greeks could devise, was omitted.

It was but a short time previous, that the Greeks were inspired by his presence, and inspirited by the One of the first acts of Lord Byron, was an at- touch of his ever-powerful genius. Now, all was tempt to mitigate the ferocity of war. He rescued over. The future triumphs which they had pictured a Turk from the hands of some sailors, kept him at forth for their country's freedom, vanished. Their his house a few days, until an opportunity occurred bright hopes departed, and lamentation filled hearts to send him to Patras. He sent four Turkish pris- lately buoyant with rejoicing.

oners to the Turkish Chief of Patras, and requested In various parts of Greece, honors were paid to that prisoners, on both sides, be henceforward his memory. treated with humanity. The funeral ceremony took place in the church of Forming a corps of Suliotes, he equipped them St. Nicholas. His remains were carried on the at his own expense. They numbered about six shoulders of the officers of his corps. On his coffin

were placed a helmet, a sword, and a crown of laurel. Jble of all extremes of expression, from the most The church was crowded to its utmost extent, dur-joyous hilarity to the deepest sadness, from the very ing the service. sunshine of benevolence to the most concentrated

On the 2d of May the body was conveyed to Zante, scorn or rage. under a salute from the guns of the fortress. From But it was in the mouth and chin that the great thence, it was sent in the English brig Florida, in beauty of his countenance lay. Says a fair critic of charge of Col. Stanhope; and, being landed under his features, " Many pictures have been painted of the direction of his Lordship's executors, Mr. Hob- him, with various success; but the excessive beauty house and Mr. Hanson, it was removed to the house of his lips escaped every painter and sculptor. In of Sir Edward Knatchbull, where it lay in state dur- their ceaseless play they represented every emotion, ing the 9th and 10th of July. On the 16th of July, whether pale with anger, or curled in disdain, smilthe last duties were paid to the remains of the great ing in triumph, or dimpled with archness and love. poet, by depositing them close to those of his mother, This extreme facility of expression was sometimes in the family vault in the small village church of painful, for I have seen him look absolutely ugly-I Hucknall, near Newstead. It is a somewhat singu- have seen him look so hard and cold that you must lar fact, that on the same day of the same month hate him, and then, in a moment, brighter than the in the preceding year, he said to Count Gamba, sun, with such playful softness in his look, such "Where shall we be in another year?" affectionate eagerness kindling in his eyes, and On a tablet of white marble, in the chancel of the dimpling his lips into something more sweet than a church of Hucknall, is the following inscription:-smile, that you forgot the man, the Lord Byron, in the picture of beauty presented to you, and gazed with intense curiosity-I had almost said-as if to


WHERE MANY OF HIS ANCESTORS AND HIS MOTHER satisfy yourself, that thus looked the god of poetry, ARE BURIED,

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Thus lived and died the poet Byron. With a mind, blest with an active genius, which but few are privileged to possess, he passed through this world, like a comet, on its bright but erratic course, leaving a luminous trace behind to mark his passage, and to keep his memory fresh in the hearts of many future generations. It is not our purpose, in this place, to speak of the general tone of his writings or of their influence. That he had faults, we are ready to admit; and that he had an inward goodness of heart, we are as ready to assert. But few men, with like temperament and associations with his, would have pursued a different course.

In height he was five feet eight inches and a half. His hands were very white and small. Of his face, the beauty may be pronounced to have been of the highest order, as combining at once regularity of features with the most varied and interesting expression. His eyes were of a light gray, and capa

the god of the Vatican, when he conversed with the sons and daughters of man."

His head was small; the forehead high, on which glossy, dark-brown curls clustered. His teeth were white and regular, and his countenance colorless.

He believed in the immortality of the soul. In one of his letters, he said that he once doubted it, but that reflection had taught him better. The publication of "Cain, a Mystery," brought down upon him the severest denunciations of many of the clergy, whose zeal took rapid flight and bore away their reason and judgment. They called it blasphemous. This, Lord Byron denied in the most positive terms. The misunderstanding was owing to the fact that Byron caused each of the characters to speak as it was supposed they would speak, judging from their actions, and that these fault-finders, who raised such an outery, understood the language to be the belief of the author, than which nothing could be more unreasonable.

At the time of Byron's death many tributes to his memory were paid by the most celebrated authors. Among them was one from Rogers, from which we take the following as best fitted, in closing this sketch, to leave on the mind of our readers a just view of the strange and eventful life of the poet, and at the same time to call forth that charity in judgment which it is our duty to bestow:

"Thou art gone ;

And he who would assail thee in thy grave,
Oh, let him pause ! for who among us all,
Tried as thou wert-even from thy earliest years,
When wandering, yet unspoilt, a Highland boy-
Tried as thou wert, and with thy love of fame;
Pleasure, while yet the down was on thy cheek,
Uplifting, pressing, and to lips like thine,
Her charmed cup-ah, who amongst us all
Could say he had not erred as much and mors."

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L'univers est une espèce de livre, dont on n'a lu que la première page quand on n'a vu que son pays. J'en
ai feuilleté un assez grand nombre, que j'ai trouvé également mauvaises. Cet examen ne m'a point été infructueux.
Je haissais ma patrie. Toutes les impertinences des peuples divers, parmi lesquels j'ai vécu, m'ont reconcilié avec
elle. Quand je n'aurais tiré d'autre bénéfice de mes voyages que celui-là, je n'en regretterais ni les frais ni les


the exception of a few concluding stanzas, the whole of this poem was written in the Levant.

THE following poem was written, for the most The stanza of Spenser, according to one of our part, amid the scenes which it attempts to describe. most successful poets, admits of every variety. Dr. It was begun in Albania; and the parts relative to Beattie makes the following observation: "Not Spain and Portugal were composed from the author's long ago I began a poem in the style and stanza of observations in those countries. Thus much it may Spenser, in which I propose to give full scope to my be necessary to state for the correctness of the de- inclination, and be either droll or pathetic, descripscriptions. The scenes attempted to be sketched tive or sentimental, tender or satirical, as the humor are in Spain, Portugal, Epirus, Acarnania, and strikes me; for, if I mistake not, the measure Greece. There for the present the poem stops: its which I have adopted admits equally of all these reception will determine whether the author may kinds of composition.' -Strengthened in my opinventure to conduct his readers to the capital of the ion by such high authority, and by the example of East, through Ionia and Phrygia: these two cantos some in the highest order of Italian poets, I shall are merely experimental. make no apology for attempts at similar variations

A fictitious character is introduced for the sake of in the following composition; satisfied that, if they giving some connexion to the piece; which, how-are unsuccessful, their failure must be in the execuever, makes no pretension to regularity. It has tion, rather than in the design sanctioned by the been suggested to me by friends, on whose opinions practice of Ariosto, Thomson, and Beattie.

I set a high value, that in this fictitious character, "Childe Harold," I may incur the suspicion of having intended some real personage: this I beg leave, once for all, to disclaim-Harold is the child of imagination, for the purpose I have stated. In some very trivial particulars, and those merely local, there might be grounds for such a notion; but in the main points, I should hope, none whatever.


I HAVE now waited till almost all our periodical journals have distributed their usual portion of It is almost superfluous to mention that the ap-criticism. To the justice of the generality of their pellation "Childe," as "Childe Waters," "Childe criticisms I have nothing to object; it would ill beChilders," &c., is used as more consonant with the come me to quarrel with their very slight degree of old structure of the versification which I have censure, when, perhaps, if they had been less kind adopted. The "Good Night," in the beginning of they had been more candid. Returning, therefore, the first canto, was suggested by "Lord Maxwell's to all and each my best thanks for their liberality, Good Night," in the Border Minstrelsy, edited by on one point alone shall I venture an observation. Among the many objections justly urged to the very With the different poems which have been pub-indifferent character of the "vagrant Childe," lished on Spanish subjects, there may be found some (whom, notwithstanding many hints to the conslight coincidence in the first part, which treats of the Peninsula, but it can only be casual; as, with

Mr. Scott.

• Beattie's Letters.

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