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" : " an allowance made to any one without an equivalent. In England it is generally understood to mean pay given to a State hireling for treason to his country. "
Blackwood's Magazine - Página 680
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Temple Bar, Volumen 47

George Augustus Sala, Edmund Yates - 1876 - 586 páginas
...Norwich and patron of the arts, alike discerning and munificent. "Pension—An allowance made to anyone without an equivalent. In England it is generally...given to a state hireling for treason to his country." Such was the opinion of the great Doctor—once. If one grain of cynicism could be found in Upcott's...
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The North Briton, XLVI: Numbers Complete, Volumen 1

1772 - 250 páginas
...rccourfe to, for the trueft literary information on this fubjcct. His definition then of a penfion is, an allowance made to any one without an equivalent. In England it is generally underjlood to mean pay given to a Jlate hireling for treafon to his country. And under the word penfioner...
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The Speeches of Iohn Wilkes, One of the Knights of the Shire for the County ...

John Wilkes - 1777 - 162 páginas
...paper he ever read. His Lordfnip's nice, exquifite judg-- •J- Pen/inn, nf [penjion, Fr.] An allownnce made to any one without an equivalent. In England it is generally underftocd to mean pay given to zjlate hireling for treafoa to his country. Penfaner. nf [from pcnfan}...
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The Speeches of Mr. Wilkes in the House of Commons

John Wilkes - 1786 - 460 páginas
...abufive, bafe, abandoned thing, When pilloried, or fenjimtd by a king. *'Prnfati, nf \jtnjioti, Fr.] An allowance made to any one without an equivalent....it is generally understood to mean pay given to a fate hireling for treejw to hit country. Fenfiontr. \\. f. [from poifao] i. One who is fupported by...
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Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Review, Volumen 263

1887 - 638 páginas
...about pensions and pensioners. " His definition of a pension," Johnson was cruelly reminded, " is ' an allowance made to any one without an equivalent...given to a state hireling for treason to his country." And under the word 'pensioner' we read : '(i) One who is supported by an allowance paid at the will...
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Boswell's Life of Johnson: Including Boswell's Journal of a Tour ..., Volumen 1

James Boswell - 1799 - 640 páginas
...first edition, published in 1678. A ^ pensioner or bride \bribed\ person is rendered Mercenarius. ^ * ' Pension. An allowance made to any one without an equivalent....given to a state hireling for treason to his country.' Pensioner is defined as ' One who is supported by an allowance paid at the will of another; a dependant.'...
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Life of Johnson: Including Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the ..., Volumen 1

James Boswell - 1799 - 648 páginas
...first edition, published in 1678. A pensioner or bride [bribed] person is rendered Mereenarius. 1 • Pension. An allowance made to any one without an equivalent....given to a state hireling for treason to his country.' Pensioner is defined as 'One who is supported by an allowance paid at the will of another; a dependant.'...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., Volumen 1

Samuel Johnson - 1806 - 328 páginas
...philological labours. Thus he had given the following definitions in his Dictionary : Pension.—An allowance made to any one without an equivalent. In...England, it is generally understood to mean pay given tq a state hireling for treason to his country. Pensioner.—1. One who is supported by an allowance...
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Memoirs of the life of colonel Warle; with the public spirit of 1809 as ...

William Hamilton Reid - 1809 - 228 páginas
...brought by the progress of corruption. The very word pension is odious. Dr. Johnson says, " A pension is an allowance made to any one without an equivalent."...it is generally understood to mean pay given to a state-hireling for treason to his country." (Loud cries of—so it is —the true meaning.) And a pensioner,...
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The Extraordinary Red Book: Containing a List of All Places, Pensions, and ...

A commoner - 1819 - 270 páginas
...hired by a stipend to obey his master ;" and the meaning given to " pension" is still stronger,—" In England it is generally understood to mean, pay...given to a state hireling for treason to his country." About thirty years ago, when the country was much burdened, it was enacted by parliament, " That 110...
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