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" blow«, While proudly riding o'er the azure realm In gallant trim the gilded Vessel goes : Youth on the prow, and Pleasure at the helm : Regardless of the sweeping Whirlwind's sway, That hush'd in grim repose expects his evening prey. Reft of a. crown,... "
Palgrave's Golden Treasury: 1st series - Página 143
1909 - 351 páginas
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A Collection of Poems: In Six Volumes, Volumen 6

1765 - 414 páginas
...beam were born, " Gone to falute the rifing Morn. " Fair laughs the Morn, and foft the Zephyr blows, " While proudly riding o'er the azure realm " In gallant trim the gilded VefTel goes; " Youth on the prow, and Pleafure at the helm; " Regardlefs of the fweeping Whirlwind's...
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Poems by Mr. Gray

Thomas Gray - 1768 - 140 páginas
...were born ? " Gone to falute the rifmg Morn. *' Fair* laughs the Morn, and foft the Zephyr blows, " While proudly riding o'er the azure realm " In gallant trim the gilded Veflel goes; " Youth on the prow, and Pleafure at the helm; " Regardlefs of the fweeping Whirlwind's...
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Thomas Gray - 1770 - 136 páginas
...were born: " Gone to falute the rifing Morn. " Fair * laughs the Morn, and foft the Zepyhr blows, " While proudly riding o'er the azure realm " In gallant trim the gilded Veflel goes j *' Youth on the prow, and Pleafure at the helm; " Regardlefs of the fweeping Whirlwind's...
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Poems by Mr. Gray

Thomas Gray - 1775 - 168 páginas
...were born! " Gone to falute the rifing Morn, " Fair laughs the Mornf, and foft the Zephyr blows, 41 While proudly riding o'er the azure realm " In gallant trim the gilded vcffel goes; " Youth on the prow, and Pleafure at the helm; " Regardlefs of the fweeping Whirlwind's...
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An Essay on the Application of Natural History to Poetry

John Aikin - 1777 - 172 páginas
...manner wrought up a common image to this purpofe. Fair laughs the morn, and foft the Zephyr blows, While proudly riding o'er the azure realm In gallant trim the gilded Veflel goes ; Youth on the prow, and Pleafure at the helm ; Regardlefs of the fweeping Whirlwind's...
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Thomas Gray - 1778 - 182 páginas
...were born ? " Gone to falute the rifing Morn. " Fair laughs the Morn £, and foft the zephyr blows, " While proudly riding o'er the azure realm " In gallant trim the gilded veffel goes ; " Youth on the prow, and pleafure at the helm; * Death of that king, abontloned by his...
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Volumen 56

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 394 páginas
...born ? " Gone to falute the rifir.g Morn. " Fair || laughs the Morn, and foi't the Zephyr blows, " While proudly riding o'er the azure realm " In gallant trim the gilded veflel goes ; " Youth on the prow, and Pleaftire at the helm ; " Regardlels of the fweeping Whirlwind's...
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The Works of the English Poets: Lyttelton; West; Gray

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 390 páginas
...born ? «* Gone to falute the riling Morn. " Fair || laughs the Morn, and foft the Zephyr blows, " While proudly riding o'er the azure realm " In gallant trim the gilded veflel goes ; " Youth on the prow, and Pleafure at the helm ; " Regardlefs of the fwteping Whirlwind's...
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Volumen 56

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 398 páginas
...were born I " Gone to falufc the rifing Morn" Fair || laughs the Morn, and foft the Zephyr blows,. " While proudly riding o'er the azure realm " In gallant trim the gilded veflel goes ; «' Youth on the prow, and Pleafute at the helm ; " Regardlefs of the fweeping Whirlwind's...
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A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes, Volumen 6

Robert Dodsley - 1782 - 438 páginas
...Prince, dead fome time befere his father. G. ** t Fair laughs the Morn, and foft the Zephyr blows, •' While proudly riding o'er the azure realm *' In gallant trim the gilded Veflel goes ; *' Youth on the prow, and Pleafure at the helm; " Regardlefs of the fweeping Whirlwind's...
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