The True Beauty
And what are cheeks but ensigns oft That wave hot youth to fields of blood? Did Helen's breast, though ne'er so soft, Do Greece or Ilium any good? Eyes can with baleful ardour burn; Poison can breathe, than erst perfumed There's many a white hand holds an urn With lovers' hearts to dust consumed. For crystal brows there's nought within; They are but empty cells for pride; He who the Syren's hair would win Is mostly strangled in the tide. Give me, instead of Beauty's bust, A tender heart, a loyal mind Which with temptation I would trust, Yet never link'd with error find,-
One in whose gentle bosom I
pour my secret heart of woes, Like the case-burthen'd honey-fly
That hides his murmurs in the rose--
My earthly Comforter! whose love So indefeasible might be
That, when my spirit wonn'd above Hers could not stay, for sympathy.
He that loves a rosy cheek Or a coral lip admires, Or from star-like eyes doth seek Fuel to maintain his fires;
1 By GIORGE DArley (1795-1846).
To Dianeme
As old Time makes these decay, So his flames must waste away. But a smooth and steadfast mind, Gentle thoughts, and calm desires, Hearts with equal love combined, Kindle never-dying fires :- Where these are not, I despise Lovely cheeks or lips or eyes.
Sweet, be not proud of those two eyes Which starlike sparkle in their skies; Nor be you proud, that you can see All hearts your captives; yours yet free: Be you not proud of that rich hair Which wantons with the lovesick air; Whenas that ruby which you wear, Sunk from the tip of your soft ear, Will last to be a precious stone When all your world of beauty's gone.
Tell her, that wastes her time and me,
That now she knows,
When I resemble her to thee,
How sweet and fair she seems to be.
Tell her that's young
And shuns to have her graces spied, That hadst thou sprung
In deserts, where no men abide, Thou must have uncommended died.
Small is the worth
Of beauty from the light retired: Bid her come forth,
Suffer herself to be desired,
And not blush so to be admired.
Then die! that she
The common fate of all things rare May read in thee:
How small a part of time they share They are so wondrous sweet and fair!
Drink to me only with thine eyes, And I will pledge with mine; Or leave a kiss but in the cup
And I'll not look for wine.
The thirst that from the soul doth rise Doth ask a drink divine;
But might I of Jove's nectar sup, I would not change for thine.
I sent thee late a rosy wreath, Not so much honouring thee As giving it a hope that there
It could not wither'd be ;
But thou thereon didst only breathe And sent'st it back to me;
Since when it grows, and smells, I swear,
Not of itself but thee!
There is a garden in her face
Where roses and white lilies blow; A heavenly paradise is that place, Wherein all pleasant fruits do grow; There cherries grow that none may buy, Till Cherry-Ripe themselves do cry. Those cherries fairly do enclose Of orient pearl a double row, Which when her lovely laughter shows, They look like rose-buds fill'd with snow : Yet them no peer nor prince may buy, Till Cherry-Ripe themselves do cry. Her eyes like angels watch them still ; Her brows like bended bows do stand, Threat'ning with piercing frowns to kill All that approach with eye or hand These sacred cherries to come nigh, Till Cherry-Ripe themselves do cry!
A sweet disorder in the dress Kindles in clothes a wantonness:- A lawn about the shoulders thrown Into a fine distractión,—
An erring lace, which here and there Enthrals the crimson stomacher,— A cuff neglectful, and thereby Ribbands to flow confusedly,-
The Poetry of Dress
A winning wave, deserving note, In the tempestuous petticoat,- A careless shoe-string, in whose tie I see a wild civility,-
Do more bewitch me, than when art Is too precise in every part.
Whenas in silks my Julia goes
Then, then (methinks) how sweetly flows That liquefaction of her clothes.
Next, when I cast mine eyes and see That brave vibration each way free; O how that glittering taketh me!
My Love in her attire doth shew her wit, It doth so well become her : For every season she hath dressings fit, For Winter, Spring, and Summer.
No beauty she doth miss
When all her robes are on:
But Beauty's self she is When all her robes are gone.
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