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" The future, till the past be gulfd in darkness, It is not of my search. — My mother Earth ! And thou fresh breaking Day, and you, ye Mountains, Why are ye beautiful ? I cannot love ye. And thou, the bright eye of the universe, That openest over all,... "
Contributions to the Edinburgh Review - Página 335
de Lord Francis Jeffrey Jeffrey - 1873 - 762 páginas
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The European Magazine, and London Review, Volumen 72

1817 - 646 páginas
...this sinjnlar drama. The spirits I have rais'd abandon me — The spells which I have studied baflle me— The remedy I reck'd of tortured me; I lean no more on super-human aid, It hath no power upon die past, and for Tie future, till the past be gulf'd in darkness, It U not of my search— my mother...
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The Works of the Right Honourable Lord Byron: Prisoner of Chillon. Manfred ...

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1818 - 216 páginas
...SCENE II. The Mountain of the Jungfrau. — Time, Morning. — MANFRED alone upon the Cliffs. • MAN. The spirits I have raised abandon me — The spells...studied baffle me — The remedy I reck'd of tortured me ; 1 lean no more on super-human aid. It hath no power upon the past, and for The future, till the past...
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Manfred: A Dramatic Poem

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1819 - 88 páginas
...wither ! SCENE II. The Mountain of the Jungfrau. — Time, Morning: MANFRED alone upon the Cliffs. MAN. The spirits I have raised abandon me — The spells...of tortured me ; I lean no more on super-human aid, a SCENE II. MANFRED. 19 It hath no power upon the past, and for The future, till the past be gulf 'd...
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The works of lord Byron, Volumen 4

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1820 - 306 páginas
...SCENE II. Tht Mountain of the Jungfrau. — Time, Morning — MANFRED alone upon the Cliff's. MAN. The spirits I have raised abandon me — The spells...power upon the past, and for The future, till the pass'd be gulf'd in darkness, It is not of my search. — My mother Earth ! And thou fresh breaking...
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The Works of Lord Byron: Manfred. Hebrew melodies. Ode to Napoleon ...

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1821 - 304 páginas
...wither! SCEXE II. The Mountain of the Jungfrau.—Time, Morning.— MANFRED alone upon the Cliff's. MAN. The spirits I have raised abandon me— The spells...till the past be gulf d in darkness, It is not of my search.—My mother Earth! And thou fresh breaking Day, and you, ye Mountains, Why are ye beautiful?...
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Lord Byron's Works ...

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1821 - 478 páginas
...II. The Mountain of the Jung-frau. — Time, Morning.— MABPBED alone upon th€ cliffs. MANFRED. The spirits I have raised abandon me — The spells...upon the past, and for The future, till the past be gulfd in darkness, It is not of my search. — My mother Earth I And ihou, fresh breaking Day, and...
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The works of lord Byron, comprehending the suppressed poems, Volúmenes 5-6

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1822 - 614 páginas
...SCENE II. The Mountain of the Jungfrau. — Time, Morning. — MANFRED alone upon the Cliffs. MAN. The spirits I have raised abandon me — The spells...upon the past, and for The future, till the past be gulf'd in darkness, It is not of my search. — My mother Earth ! And thou fresh breaking Day, and...
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The works of lord Byron, Volumen 5

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1823 - 318 páginas
...wither! SCENE II. The Mountain of the Jungfrau.— Time, Morning.— MANFRED alone upon the Cliffs. MAN. The spirits I have raised abandon me— The spells...upon the past, and for The future, till the past be gulf'd in darkness, It is not of my search—My mother Earth! And thou fresh breaking Day, and you,...
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Select Works of the Right Honourable Lord Byron: In Two Volumes, Volumen 2

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1823 - 310 páginas
...wither I SCENE II. The Mountain of the Jungfrau. — Time, MornvngMANFRED alone upon the Cliff's. MAN. The spirits I have raised abandon me — The spells...upon the past, and for The future, till the past be gulfd in darkness, It is not of my search. — My mother Earth ! And thou fresh breaking Day, and you,...
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The works of lord Byron, Volumen 4

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1823 - 394 páginas
...Jwngfr.au. — Time, Morning. — MANFRED alone upon the Cliff's. MAN. The spirits I have raised abandon The spells which I have studied baffle me — The...It hath no power upon the past, and for The future, til] the past be gulf'd in darkness, It is not of my search. — My mother Earth ! And thou fresh breaking...
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