ARM. I will hereupon confefs, I am in love: and, as it is bafe for a foldier to love, so I am in love with a base wench. If drawing my fword against the humour of affection would deliver me from the reprobate thought of it, I would take defire pri which I find happened at Rome, where to the disgrace of the age, of the country, and of humanity, they were burnt by order of the pope, for magicians. See Don Zara del Fogo, 12m0. 1660. p. 114. REED. The following representation of Bankes and his Horse, is a facfimile from a rude wooden frontispiece to the pamphlet mentioned by Mr. Reed. STEEVENS. i foner, and ransom him to any French courtier for a new devis'd court'sy. I think scorn to sigh; methinks, I should out-swear Cupid. Comfort me, boy: What great men have been in love? Мотн. Hercules, master. ARM. Most sweet Hercules! - More authority, dear boy, name more; and, sweet my child, let them be men of good repute and carriage. Мотн. Sampson, master: he was a man of good carriage, great carriage; for he carried the towngates on his back, like a porter: and he was in love. ARM. O well-knit Sampson! strong-jointed Sampson! I do excel thee in my rapier, as much as thou didst me in carrying gates. I am in love too. Who was Sampson's love, my dear Moth? MOTH. A woman, master. ARM. Of what complexion? МотH. Of all the four, or the three, or the two; or one of the four. ARM. Tell me precisely of what complexion? ARM. Is that one of the four complexions? Мотн. As I have read, fir; and the best of them too. ARM. Green, indeed, is the colour of lovers: 9 Green indeed is the colour of lovers :) I do not know whether our author alludes to " the rare green eye," which in his time feems to have been thought a beauty, or to that frequent attendant on love, jealousy, to which in The Merchant of Venice, and in Othello, he has applied the epithet green-ey'd. MALONE. Perhaps Armado neither alludes to green eyes, nor to jealoufy; but to the willow, the supposed ornament of unfuccessful lovers: Sing, all a green willow shall be my garland," is the burden of an ancient ditty preferved in The Gallery of Gore gious Inventions, &c. 4to. 1578. STEEVENS. but to have a love of that colour, methinks, Sampson had small reason for it. He, surely, affected her for her wit. MOTH. It was fo, fir; for the had a green wit. ARM. My love is most immaculate white and red. MOTH. Moft maculate thoughts, master, are mask'd under such colours. 2 ARM. Define, define, well-educated infant. Мотн. My father's wit, and my mother's tongue, afsist me! ARM. Sweet invocation of a child; most pretty, and pathetical! MOTH. If she be made of white and red, Her faults will ne'er be known; A dangerous rhime, mafter, against the reason of white and red. ARM. Is there not a ballad, boy, of the King and the Beggar?s 2 Moft maculate thoughts,] So the first quarto, 1598. The folio has immaculate. To avoid fuch notes for the future, it may be proper to apprize the reader, that where the reading of the text does not correfpond with the folio, without any reason being affigned for the deviation, it is always warranted by the authority of the first quarto. MALONE. 3 For blushing-) The original copy has-blufp in. The emendation was made by the editor of the second folio. MALONE. 4 Which native she doth owe.] i. e. of which she is naturally pofffed. To owe is to poffefs. So, in Macbeth: the disposition that I owe." STEEVENS. s-the King and the Beggar?] See Dr. Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, in three vols. STEEVENS. MOTH. The world was very guilty of fuch a ballad some three ages fince: but, I think, now 'tis not to be found; or, if it were, it would neither ferve for the writing, nor the tune. ARM. I will have the fubject newly writ o'er, that I may example my digreffions by some mighty precedent. Boy, I do love that country girl, that I took in the park with the rational hind Coftard;" she deferves well. MOTH. To be whipp'd; and yet a better love than my master. [Afide. ARM. Sing, boy; my spirit grows heavy in love. Мотн. And that's great marvel, loving a light wench. 5 ARM. I say, fing. Мотн. Forbear till this company be past. my digreffion - Digreffion on this occasion signifies the act of going out of the right way, tranfgreffion. So, in Romeo and Juliet: Thy noble shape is but a form of wax, Digreffing from the valour of a man." STEEVENS. Again, in our author's Rape of Lucrece: 6 - my digreffion is so vile, fo base, "That it will live engraven on my face." MALONE. the rational hind Coftard ;) Perhaps, we should read-the irrational hind, &c. TYRWHITT. The rational hind, perhaps, means only the reasoning brute, the animal with some share of reason. STEEVENS. I have always read irrational hind: if hind be taken in it's bestial fenfe, Armado makes Costard a female. FARMER. Shakspeare uses it in its bestial sense in Julius Cæfar, Act I. fc. iii. and as of the mafculine gender: "He were no lion, were not Romans hinds." Again, in K. Henry IV. P. I. fc. iii: "-you are a shallow cowardly hind, and you lie." STEEVENS. Enter DULL, COSTARD, and JAQUENETTA. DULL. Sir, the duke's pleasure is, that you keep Coftard fafe: and you must let him take no delight, nor no penance; but a' must fast three days a-week: For this damfel, I must keep her at the park; she is allowed for the day-woman. Fare you well. ARM. I do betray myself with blushing.-Maid. ARM. I will visit thee at the lodge. ARM. I know where it is fituate. JAR. Lord, how wife you are! F12. With that face ?? ARM. I love thee. JAR. So I heard you say. [Exeunt DULL and JAQUENETTA. Sfor the day-woman.] "i. e. for the dairy-maid. Dairy, fays Johnfon in his Dictionary, is derived from day, an old word for milk. In the northern counties of Scotland, a dairy-maid is at present termed a day or dey." Edinburgh Magazine, Nov. 1786. STEEVENS. 6 That's hereby.] Jaquenetta and Armado are at cross purposes. Hereby is used by her (as among the vulgar in some counties) to fignify-as it may happen. He takes it in the sense of just by. STEEVENS. With that face?] This cant phrafe has oddly lafted till the present time; and is ufed by people who have no more meaning annexed to it, than Fielding had; who putting it into the mouth of Ecau Didapper, thinks it necessary to apologize (in a note) ior its want of fenfe, by adding-" that it was taken verbatim, from very polite conversation." STEEVENS. * Come, &c.] To this line in the first quarto, and the first folio, |