| 1784 - 722 páginas
...Provinces, and the United States of America, have been concluded at Paris, and the ratifications thereof duly exchanged : In conformity thereunto we have thought fit hereby to command, that the fame be publiilied throughout all our dominions: And we do declare to all our loving fubjecxs our will ;:nd... | |
 | 1763 - 776 páginas
...laft, 'and the ratifications thereof have been exchanged upon the loth day of this iartant March ; in conformity thereunto, We have thought fit hereby to command, that the fame be publilhed throughout ail our dominions: And we do declare to all Our loving fubjeils Our will and pleafnre,... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - 1763 - 252 páginas
...February laft, and the ratifications thereof have been exchanged upon the 1oth day of this inftant March; in conformity thereunto, we have thought fit hereby to command, that the fame be publifhed throughout all our dominions : And we do declare to all our loving fubje&s our will and pleafure,... | |
 | 1763 - 552 páginas
...Boking of Portugal hath acceded, hath been concluded at Paris on the i oth day of this inftant March ; in conformity thereunto, we have thought fit hereby to command, that the fame be publiihed throughout all oar dominions : And we do declare to all our loving fubjefts our will and... | |
 | 1783 - 532 páginas
...imi.'ii ßi-ftember, and the ratifications thereof have bctn exchanged upon the- nincteccth. inttant : in conformity thereunto, we have thought fit hereby to command, that the fame be publifhed throughout all our diminions. And we do declare to all our loving fubjeâs, our will and... | |
 | 1783 - 422 páginas
...inftant September, and the ratifications thereof have been exchanged upon the nineteenth inftant : in conformity thereunto, we have thought fit hereby to command, that the fame be published throughout all ourdominions. And we do declare to al] our loving (ubjects, our will and pleafure,... | |
 | 1783 - 524 páginas
...this inftant September, and the ratifications thereof have been exchanged upon the nineteenth inftantt in conformity thereunto, we have thought fit hereby to command, that the fame be publimed throughout all our dominions. And we do declare to all our loving fabjecls, our will and pleafure,... | |
 | 1783 - 360 páginas
...this intrant September, anu the ratifications thereof have been exchanged upon the nineteenth inrtant: in conformity thereunto, we have thought fit hereby to command, that the Came be pi;blilhco\ throughout all our dominion?* And we do declare to all o'jr Ijvin;; fubjccb, our... | |
 | 1784 - 1048 páginas
...and the United States of America, have been concluded at Paris, and the ratifications thereof duely exchanged: in conformity thereunto we have thought fit hereby • to command that the fame be publilhed throughout all our dominions : and we do- declare to all our loving fubjects our will and... | |
 | 1784 - 538 páginas
...of America, have been concluded at Paris, and the ratifications thereof duely exchanged: in conbmity thereunto we have thought fit hereby to command that the fame be publilhed throughout all our dominions r and we do declare to all our loving lubjcfb our will and pleal'ure,... | |
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