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has somewhat ceased to be the popular amusement it once was.

The Church is repaired by annual assessments, raised and levied on the several townships. This rate is of so early a date as now to be unequal and unfair, and it certainly requires adjustment. Its arranged proportions were made shortly after the Reformation.

The dimensions of the Structure are,

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A font of florid gothic character was recently presented to the Church, by Mr. Henry Rogerson, of Bramley. The gift, a tribute of admiration to the fabrick, was presented through Thomas Clough, Esq. one of the Churchwardens.

The following is a list of the Vicars of Howden : 1320. Dr. Thomas Thorogolt, presented by the Prior and Convent of Durham.

John de Oustrope.

1322. John de Gripthorpe, vacated p. m.

1341. John de Galmeton.

John Skarlett, m.

1362, John de Esyngton, m.

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