Imágenes de página

Naples and Sardinia, 101-every
fresh conqueft affords the French
fresh means for continuing the war
that is neceffary to the existence of
the directorial government, 106–
the Emperor of Ruffia prepared to act
with vigour, 107-march of his
troops endeavoured to be stopped by.
the Directory, 108-recommended
to the King of Pruflia to accede to
the confederacy, ib.-diftreffed ftate
of French finance, ib.-dreadful
tyranny of the French government,
109. See Union. Views and con-
duct of the French Directory, 228
reduction of Naples, 230-French
declaration of war against the Em-
peror and Grand Duke of Tufcany,
344-object of the French plunder
through conqueft and revolution, ib.
-profeffions of the Directory, 345-
practice of, 346-characterized by
Carnot, 347-reflections on the Se-
cret Committee, 350-propofed re-
gulations in confequence of the dif
covery, 351- commencement of
hoftilities, 457-heroic conduct and
fuccefs of Prince Charles, ib.-fuc-
cefs of the Auftrians in Italy, 458-
the victories of the Auftrians infpire
the Swifs with confidence, 459-
the Italians, ditto, ib.-alarm the
Directory, 460-propose measures in
confequence of the report of the Se-
cret Committee, 462.
Hutton's Strictures on the Reviewers,
eviewed, 433.

[blocks in formation]
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Mackintosh's Difcourfe on 'the Law of
Nature and Nations reviewed, 140-
fubject worthy of the learning, ge-
nius, and philofophy, of the author,
ib. reafons for undertaking the
work, 141-history of the fubject,
ib. 142-character of Grotius, 143—
of Puffendorff, 144-plan and ar-
rangement. 275-refcues metaphy-
fics from the odium it has incurred
through falfe pretenders, 277-ap-
peals to experience in analyzing the
human mind, 278-deduces the rela-
tive duties of life from the inftitu-
tions of marriage and property, 279-
duties of fubject and fovereign, 358
-does not fpeculate on the origin of
government, ib.-extracts from,359,
390, 391-general character of the
work, 393.

[ocr errors]

Mackintosh, J. Efq. letter to, 222.
Metaphyfics defined, 277-true meta-
phyfics, general principles formed
from obfervation and experience, ib.
-the ravings of Paine, Godwin,'
Holcroft, &c.-not metaphyfics but
fictions, ib.

Milne's (Dr.) fermon before the Deptford
Affociation reviewed, 155-general
character of his eloquence, 156---
fpeaks forcibly to the heart through
the understanding, ib.-inerit of his
fermon, ib.

Milner's Civil and Ecclesiaftical Hiftory
of Winchester reviewed, 122—great
ftores of antiquarian knowledge, 123
-attacks Hume, ib.-extracts from,
125-well acquainted with the chro
niclers and mankith bittorians, 248
-in minutia more accurate than Da-
vid Hume, 250.

[ocr errors]

Mifcellanies. Obfervations on tythes,
90-attempt to justify the Diffenters,
97-remarks on Dr. Geddes, 100-
the Beauties of the Anti-Jacobin, or
Weekly Examiner, 302-Beauties of
Burke, 304-Carey's Balnea, 305-
Thoughts upon the State Lotteries,
ib.-Tax upon Income, 306-Mar-
fon's Faltehood detected, 307-
Cullyer's Gentleman's and Farmer's
Affiftant, 308--Volney's Answer to
Priestley, 331 - Defence of the
Quakers, (concluded) 335-Hewitt's
Strictures on the Reviewers, 337
-Henhall's Reply,, (continued,)
339-Report of the. Secret Com-
mittee reviewed, 413--Inftructions
for the Drill, reviewed, 419-Gwil-
lim's Charge to the Grand Jury of
Ely, reviewed, 420-Volney's An-
fwer to Priestley, (concluded,) 443—
Stiftures on INffenters, 446-Hints
on the Tax on Income, 448-The
Quakers, 449-Childrens Books, and
I, I, I, 451.

Monthly Review exposed, 206.
Mowbray, Geoffrey's, remarks on the
conduct of oppofition reviewed, 71
--conduct of the new Whigs con-
fidered, ib.-just and able account of
the Whig Club, 72-Crown and An-
chor Whigs often recruited by vanity,
73-general character of the work,


Munkhoufe's (Dr.) Thanksgiving Ser-

mon, reviewed, 423-merits of, 424-
recommends the expulfion of demo-
cratic publications from news-rooms
and book-clubs.


Nelfon, Lord,,ode on his conqueft in
Egypt reviewed, 56.
Netbi'i's fermon on public fafts, 66.
Now or Never, reviewed, 399.


Park, Mungo, abftract of his travels,
reviewed, 252-well qualified by vi-
gour of conftitution and understand-
ing for this undertaking, ib.-diffe-
rence between the Moors and Man-
dingoes in Africa, fimilar to that be-
zwixt the Mahometans and Gentoos
in India, 253-taken prifoner by the
Moors, 254-favagenets of thofe Ma-
hometans, ib.-the nuptial benedi&ion
for a bride, 255-cfcapes from con-
Enement, ib.-arrives at the Niger,

[blocks in formation]

Pinkerton's Hiftory of Scotland, re-
viewed, 113-fubject of well chofen,
ib. exhibits the progrefs of man
from barbarifm towards civilization,
114-character of Robert H. con-
fidered, 115-faulty arrangement,
116-juft view of James I. character,
ib.-deals too much in abftract ob-
fervations, fome of them obvious
and frivolous, 117-affects figurative
language, ib.-faulty metaphors, 118
-account of the fubjugation of the
Houfe of Douglas, 263-an unjust
implied cenfure on the illuftrious Dr.
Robertfon, 266-Mr. Pinkerton's
opinion on female modefty, 267.
Plumtree's confecration fermon, review,
ed, 324.

Polyfyllables, essay on, 219.
Pope, Shade of, reviewed, 280—juftly
fevere ftrictures on Grattan, 281-
proper exposure of Godwin's philo-
fophifm, 282-deferved animadver.
fions on Jacobinical writers, 285.
Prince's fermon reviewed, 299,


Quixote, Political, reviewed, 133-ex-
plains the fources of Jacobinifm, ib.
-ftory of, 134-character of, 136.


Rennel's fermon before the Univerfity
of Cambridge, reviewed, 68-proves
atheifm, faction, and fuperftition to
arife from ignorance, ib.-extracts
from, 69.

Rivers's pamphlet, defence of, 215-
fermon, at Highgate, reviewed, 206.
Robinfon's View of the Caufes and
Confequences of English Wars, 3-
opinion on refiftance difcuffed, ib.-
on infurreétion, 4-praifes Walter Ty-
ler, ib.-Jack Cade, ib.-attacks the
Christian religion, 5-erroneous ac-
count of the revolution, 7-repro-
bates Ireland for loyalty, 8-work, a
text book of Jacobinifm, 9.
Robinfon's Thanksgiving Sermon re-
viewed, 411.
Rofcoe's tranflation of the Nurfe, an
Italian poem, reviewed, 272--an ute-


ful and impreffive work, ib.-well
tranflated 273-recommended to our
fair country-women, 274.
Rofe, George, on the revenue

[ocr errors]

reviewed, 385-his authentic an
official communications highly fa-
tisfactory to the friends of their
country, ib.-fair criterion by which
to estimate the merits of a ftateinian,
ib.-proof of his juft ftatements
from authentic documents, 386-
general refult of his ftatements, 387.


Smith's Difcourfe on the Tax upon
Income, 408.

Soliloquy on the Poll Tax, 456.
Somerville's Reign of Queen Ann re-'
viewed, 353-importance of that
period of British hiftory, ib.-view
of the ftate of Europe during the
fucceffes of Louis XIV. 354-Dr. S.'s
accurate fources of authentic infor-
mation, 355-ftate affairs of the
acceffion of Queen Anne, 357-in-
fluence of the Counters of Marlbo-
rough, 358-the Earl appointed
Captain General, 359-firft cam-
paign, 361..

Sotheby's Battle of the Nile reviewed,
151-high character of, 152—ex-
tracts from, 153, 154.

Stewart's Collection of Trifles reviewed,
146-Critical Trifles reviewed, 149.
Still's Sermon on Lord Nelion's Victory,
reviewed, 412.

[blocks in formation]

talized by a connection with the
English, ib.-forgets what he pro-
pofes to write upon till he comes to
the appendix, 162-fecond part
afferts Britons to be brutes, 165-
by Charles Ball, 165-Ball write
like a gentleman, ib.--and with good
fenfe and information, 167-Price's
Anfwer to Mr. Cooke, 168-fuperfi
cial and paltry, ib.—an Irish Logician's
Anfwer to Mr. C. 169-abufc of the
Minifter and government not inten
tional, ib.--the logician does not
know what he means to prove, ib.-
by a Student at Trinity College, 170

a kin in information and reafoning
to the logician, ib.-by Pemberton
Rudd, 171-Mr. R. is afraid that
refidence in London may contaminate
Irith morality, 172-by a Friend to
Ireland, 174-not deficient in ability,
ib.-by an Attorney for the Union,
175-fenfible and judicious, 176-
by M'Kenna, for the Union, 176-
ably written, ib.-reply to ditto,

Remarks by a farmer, 182-on
Irith independence, 183-by Sir J.
Jervis, ib.-afferts the neceflity of
knowing a fubject before we difcufs
it, but proceeds to difcufs it without
that knowledge, 184-the Baronet's
dreadful apprehenfions from an
Union, 185-having declaimed
againft it, proceeds to bring argu-
ments for it, 186-by an Irish Catho-
lic, on the independence of Ireland,
with high praifes on the French,
186-by a Barrifter at Law, on ditto,
189-an Irishman against the Union,
190 arguments against it, taken
from the Roman hiftory, question
and antwer, ib.--by an officer, fhew-
ing the beneficial effects to Scotland
from the Union, 191-an able Letter
to Joshua Spencer, Efq. ib.--A Loyal
Subje&t's Thoughts on the Union,
193-probable confequences of an
Union, 194-Reasons on the Union,
ib.-Letter from a Barrifter, on the
Union, 195-Union or Not, ib.--
Thoughts on an Union, 197-Ire-
land profiting by Example, ib.—
Reafons for adopting an Union, 199
--by Gerahty, 289--fhews Ireland
to have been in a ftate of barbarifm
previous to its connection with thit
country, and explains the present
ftate of Ireland, 290-proves the
beneficial confequences that may
accrue to Ireland from an Union, 291
-Neceffity of an incorporate Union,


292-well-informed and able, 293-
Thoughts on an Union, by Spencer,
293-reafons on falfe principles, 294
-Reply to Meffrs. Saurin and Jebb,
294-an able and judicious confuta-
tion of the Anti-Unionists, 295-
Lord Faulkland's Effay on reviewed,

[blocks in formation]

Vagabond reviewed, 137-ob-
of Godwin's Philofophy,
ero of, in obedience to
duces the miftrefs of
se Rouffeau, leaves
marifh, ib.-get
n a riot, ib.-


the chil
beaten and t
cured by a be
ib.-feduces his

t apothecary,
enciaftor's wife, in

compliance with the philofopher's
opinion on marriage, ib.-follows
the philofopher's doctrines on pro-
perty, 139 for that purpose provides
himfelf with a pair of piftols, ib.—
commits divers highway robberies,
ib.-in one of them fhoots his mo-
ther, ib.-attempts a rape, 140-be-
'takes himself to America, ib.-by
hardships restored to his fenfes, ab-
jures the philofophy of Godwin, ib.
Weld's Travels through North America
reviewed, 49-faithful delineation of
American manners, 50-contains an
ufeful warning to perfons defirous of
emigration, 53-inducements to set-
tle in Canada, 241-mode of treating
prifoners in Pennsylvania, 244-im-
provements in mechanics, 246-au
agreeable and interesting publication,


Williams's Abridgement of Cafes re-
viewed, 1-an ufeful compilation, ib.
-character of the work, 3.
Wodhul's Equality of Mankind re-
viewed, 287-unjuft abufe of Lord
Clarendon, 288.

Woodrow's Faft Sermon, reviewed, 229.
Wright's Art of Floating Land reviewed,

267-fhews the advantages of that
plan, 269-friendly to experimental
farming, 271-a plain and practical
treatife, 272.


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