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DOUND JUL 8 1913

KE 31874 (4)

1864, llar. 30.





Difficulty of the first address. Practice of the epic po-
ets. Convenience of periodical performances
The necessity and danger of looking into futurity. Wri-
ters naturally sanguine. Their hopes liable to disap-


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Retirement natural to a great mind. Its religious use
The thoughts to be brought under regulation; as they
respect the past, present, and future

The fondness of every man for his profession. The gra-

dual improvement of manufactures

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

The folly of anger. The misery of a peevish old age 56

The history of a young woman that came to London for

[blocks in formation]

The duty of secrecy. The invalidity of all excuses for

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The dangers and miseries of literary eminence
The frequent contemplation of death necessary to mode-
rate the passions

The unhappiness of marriage caused by irregular motives
of choice

The danger of ranging from one study to another. The

importance of an early choice of profession

[ocr errors]


The necessity of attending to the duties of common life.
The natural character not to be forsaken

Rashness preferable to cowardice. Enterprize not to be


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The mischief of extravagance, and misery of depen-

An author's treatment from six patrons

The various arts of self-delusion

The folly of anticipating misfortunes

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[blocks in formation]
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The advantages of memory

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

The mischiefs of rural faction

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