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Among the books which are held in high estimation by the Catholics, not only in Europe, but also in the United States, is one with the following title "The Pious Guide to prayer and devotion, containing various practices of piety calculated to answer the demands of the devout members of the Roman Catholic Church."

From this volume the subjoined is an extract:

"An Agnus Dei, so called from the image of the Lamb of God impressed on the face of it, is made of Virgin wax, balsam and chrism, blessed according to the Roman ritual.-The spiritual efficacy of it, which is to preserve him who carries an Agnus Dei or any particle of it about him, from the attempts of his spiritual or temporal enemies-from the dangers of fire, of water, storms and tempests, of thunder and lightning, and from sudden death. It puts the devils to flight-succours women in childbed-takes away the stain of past sins, and furnishes us with new grace for the future, that we may be preserved from all adversities and peril both in life and death, through the cross and merits of the Lamb who redeemed and washed us in his own blood. The pope consecrates the Agnuses Dei the first year of his pontificate, and then every seventh year, on the Sunday before Low Sunday, with many fine ceremonies, and devout prayers."-Page 277.


The following statement of the Roman Catholic and Protestant Clergy in France, with their respective stipends, paid by the French Government, is extracted from documents laid before the Chambers by the Minister of the


Roman Catholic Clergy. The established Church of France is composed of four cardinals, one of whom, the archbishop of Paris, has 100,000 francs yearly, about $20,000; the other three 30,000 each, about 6000. There are 18 archbishops, besides the metropolitan, who receive each 25,000 francs, $5000; 66 bishops, each 15,000; 174 vicars general, each from 2000 to 4000; 660 canons or prebendaries, each from 1500 to 2400; 2917 cures or rectors, each from 1100 to 1600; 22.316 deservants or curates, each from 750 to 900 francs per-annum. To the colleges for educating the younger clergy, 940,000 francs, or $188,000; and for repairing and building churches, 200,000, or $40,000. The whole expense of the establishment, including annuities to the infirm clergy, is estimated at 25,650 francs, or $5,130,000!

Protestant Clergy. -The Calvinists have three pastors, who receive yearly each 3000 francs; 28 who receive each 1500; and lastly 195 pastors, each 1000-total Calvinist ministers, 295. There are 2 Lutheran pastors, each receiving 3000 francs; 25 each 2000; 21, each 1500; and 175 pastors, each 1000 total 220 Lutheran ministers. Sum total paid to the Protestant Clergy 623,000 francs, ($124,600) 24,000 francs allowed for their colleges, and 50,000 for their place of worship-sum total for the Protestant religion, $139,400. This sum is paid by the French government; but it must also be remarked, that there are many Protestant clergy in France, who do not receive any stipend from the government, it being a regulation not to make any grant where the Protestant population does not amount to a thousand.


The following extract from the last number of "the Catholic Miscellany," published at Charleston, under the sanction of the Catholic Bishop England, is a lamentable evidence, that the spirit of deception and delusion which characterized the dark ages of that fallen church is still actively engaged in opposing the true doctrine of the cross, and in rivetting the chains of darkness on its deluded votaries. What a striking commentary are such things on 2d Thess. ii. 7-11.


Extract of a letter from Paris dated, Jan. 15, 1827.

"A Missioner was lately preaching in the open air, in the neighbourhood of Poitiers; it was towards the close of the day, and as his subject was on the miracles wrought on the finding of the true cross he gave an account of the appearance of the cross in the Heavens to the Emperor Constantine-he was proceeding in his discourse when suddenly all his auditors, to the number of some hundreds dropped on their knees, uttering loud acclamations of surprise, and directing his attention to a luminous cross that appeared in the air, apparently about 300 feet above their heads; it seemed about 80 feet in length, and after remaining a considerable time, disappeared. The Missioner immediately waited upon the authorities, ecclesiastical and civil, of Poitiers and gave testimony to what he saw-a process verbal was drawn up attested by several hundred persons. This circumstance has been spoken of for some days; it was only on this day I heard it authenticated."

Summary of Religious Entelligence.


The following summary view of African Missions, is prepared from the annual survey of Missionary stations in the London Missionary Register. The Missionaries and Teachers, are distinguished into Foreign and Native, and the Native Teachers are divided into teachers and sub-teachers by a dot. The dates mark the time of the commencement of the Mission, and the initials indicate the Society by which they are supported.

Western Africa.

M. H. C. T. S date. pop. FIN


Gambia, Bathurst, W. M. S. 1821 1867 1
Sierra Leone, Freetown, C. M. S. 1818 5643 2 2 270

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1. 6 512

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Explanation of the initials at the head of this table.-M. missionaries.-H. hearers C. communicants.-T. teachers.-S. scholars.-F foreign.-N native. *This is a colony of Africo-Americans and liberated Africans, formed at cape Mesurado. It has but one station, which is at Monrovia, the town of the colony of the American Colonization Society.

South Africa.

This region had a population in 1820, of 105,336, and it contains the forlowing divisions:


In the first of these, among the Hottentots, are the following Missionary establishments:

1812 Cape Town, capital of the colony. The London Missionary Society has one, and the Wesleyan Missionary Society 11 missionaries, at this place.

1808 Groenckloof, 45 miles north of Cape Town. The United Brethren have 4 Missionaries.

Bosjesveld, 40 miles north of Cape Town. The United Brethren have 1 missionary.

1819 Paarl, 35 miles North East of Cape Town. The London Missionary Society has one missionary,-congregation large and has connected with it 8 out stations of about 150 hearers each.

Tulbagh, 75 miles North East of Cape Town. One missionary of the
London Missionary Society.

Gnadenthal, 180 miles East by North from Cape Town. Established in
1736 renewed in 1792, by the United Brethren-7 missionaries.

1823 Hemel en Arde, a hospital for the relief of lepers. The United Brethren have one missionary.

1824 Elim, one day's ride S. E. of Gnadenthal, has two missionaries of the United Brethren.

1818 Pacaltsdorp, 245 miles E. of Cape Town. L. M. S. has one missionary. 1825 Hankey, a new. station between Pacaltsdorp and Bethelsdorp. L. M. S. has one missionary.

1802 Bethelsdorp, 450 miles east of Cape Town, near Algoa Bay. L. M. S. has 3 missionaries and 1 school superintendent.

1818 Enon, near Algoa Bay, has 400 inhabitants; 246 are baptized, and there are 140 scholars. Here there are 4 missionaries of the U. B. 1814 Theopolis, in the district of Albany, 550 miles E. of Cape Town and 69 N. E. of Bethelsdorp. The L. M. S. has here I missionary, 1 superintendent and 1 schoolmaster.

1820 Albany, a district in the Eastern part of the colony; has two stations, Grahamstown and Salem, occupied by the Wesleyan M. S. Some others have lately been commenced.

CAFFRES.-The Caffres inhabit that division of Southern Africa, called Caffraria. It extends along the coast N. E. from the Keishamma river, nearly to the confines of Delagoa Bay, and is about 700 miles N. E. of Cape Town. The term Caffraria, has sometimes been applied to all that part of Southern Africa, not included in the colony of the Cape. In 1821 Dr. Thorn states, the term Caffre is very undefined, and we know as yet, but very little of the country or the population. The following missionary stations were established among them at the date preceding their names.

1817 Chumie. Two misionaries and one assistant, maintained by the colonial government, and the Glagow Missionary Society. Little is known respecting this place.

1823 Wesleyville, a new station 12 miles from the mouth of the Kalumna. In this district there is 10 or 12.000 inhabitants.

1825 Mount Coke. At this and the last mentioned station, religion is said to have greatly prospered; they are both occupied by the W. M. S. 1826 Tzatzoe's Kraal, established by the L. M. S. There is one missionary and one native teacher.

GRIQUAS WITH BOJESMANS AND CORANNAS.-This district lies 700 miles N. E. of Cape Town, and has a population of 5,000. The London Missionary Society has here three stations, as follows:

1802 Griqua Town, 27 miles N. E. of Orange river. It has 2 missionaries, and in 1821, a church of 200 members.

1921 Campbell, 30 miles E. of Griqua Town. At this station at present there is a catechist.

Philipolis, on the North side of the Cradock river. great capabilities for a mission to the Bojesmans. BOOTSUANNAS.-In this district there are two stations.

At this place are

1817 New Lattakoo, N. E. of Cape Town 630 miles. The L. M. S. has. here 2 missionaries and one artizan. The number that attend public worship is small. Dr. Philip, who visited this mission in 1825, remarks on the climate, that the scarcity of rain is a great barrier to improvement in this country; a shower to moisten the ground is a rare event.The missionaries assured me that they had not for five years seen a drop of water running on the surface of the ground, and their sole dependence ⚫ for corn and vegetables, is upon irrigation. It is seldom that a single cloud is seen: clouds and shade impart to a Bootsuanna a more lively idea of felicity than sunshine and fine weather does to an Englishman. In the Bootsuanna language, "Pulo," (rain,) is the only word which they have for a blessing, and showers of rain are 'showers of blesssings.' 1823 Maquasse, a Bootsuanna town, a day's journey N. of the Yellow river. It is occupied by the Wesleyan M. S.

NAMAQUAS. These people are a race of Hottentots, inhabiting the districts called Great and Little Namaqualand-630 miles N. of Capetown and 200 miles beyond the great Orange river. The L. M. S. has established among this people the following stations, viz:

Bethany in 1815, one missionary. Pella in 1814. Steinkoff in 1817.Reed Fountain in 1824. The Namaquas at the last place keep up family worship morning and evening, read the scriptures diligently, and when the catechist is absent on the Sabbath at other stations, perform divine service themselves.

Lily Fountain, is a station occupied by the W. M. S. in 1817: considerable success has attended this mission.

African Islands.

Mauritius, or Isle of France-East of Madagascar-inhabitants 70,000chiefly French colonists and blacks, but belongs to Great-Britain. The L. M. S. established a mission here in 1814. The congregation has of late fluctuated between 80 and 100. The number of scholars in the Sabbath school is 50. The day school is attended by 130 boys. Another mission was established in 1818, and renewed in 1820, at

Tananarivoo, the capital of the territory of King Radama in the Island of Madagascar. This Island is about 800 miles in length, and from 150 to 200 bredth, and contains about 4 millions of inhabitants. There are 3 missionaries, 4 artisans, and 1 printer. The schools are in active operation, and have been extended, to the number of 23, out of the capital.

Except in a few instances, the success of missionary exertions, at the different stations in South Africa, is mentioned only in general terms. The number, at each, who have professedly embraced christianity, is generally small, and very fluctuating. The little that has been done, however, considering the character of the inhabitants, is of great importance.


SURRINAM.-The congregation of the United Brethren has been established here 50 years. A statement was made to the congregation, on the jubilee of the mission, shewing that during that period 2477, persons were baptized.The congregation now consists of 1240 baptized persons. During the above period, 925, of those in union with the United Brethren, have died.


LABRADOR.-The Esquimaux congregation at Hopedale has, in general,. enjoyed peace and rest. The total number of inhabitants, is 188; of these, 66 are communicants. At Okak, religion is prospering. During the last winter, 7 adults and 15 children, were baptized; and 5 persons admitted to the Lord's table. The congregation consists of 350 members. At Nain, a religious festival was celebrated in commemoration of the commencement of the mission 50 years ago. The number of inhabitants, is 228; of whom, 72 are communicants, and 21 are candidates for baptism. At all these places, the children attend school and make gratifying progress. Some idea, of the severity of the climate, may be formed, when it is stated, that the bay at Nain was covered with ice from the end of Nov. to the end of June.

REVIVAL IN TROY.-A well written pamphlet, has been published by a number of the late church and congregation, under the care of Mr. Beman, giving a brief account of the origin and progress of the divisions in that church; and containing also, strictures upon the new doctrines broached, by the Rev. C. G. Finney, and N. S. S. Beman; with a summary relation of the trial of the latter, before the Troy Presbytery:If the statements there made, be correct, respecting the sentiments expressed, and the course of conduct pursued, by the Rev. Messrs. Finney and Beman, in promoting the revival in that place, of which they have been the chief instruments; and if it has been half as destructive to the peace of religious society and to the prosperity and credit of religion, as there represented, then we say, the fewer of such revivals the better. A spirit, very different, we fear, from the spirit of God, has undoubtedly had a large share in it. The Editor of the Philadelphian, is displeased with the notice we gave of the Revival in Albany, because it did not accord with the testimony of his correspondents "both in and out of this city," but which, nevertheless, is as true, as it is "marvellous" in his eyes; He moreover infers, that we would not reckon "what is called a revival" as among the subjects of thanksgiving. The truth of the inference is most freely conceded. A revival of religion, worthy of the name, we certainly do consider as a fit subject for thanksgiving. But in such scenes as have disgraced religion during the past year in the city of Troy, and which have been called a great revival, through the length and breadth of the land, we confess, we do not see any thing to afford ground of thanksgiving; unless it be, that in the good providence of God such razers of foundations, as Messrs. Beman and Finney have been restrained from doing all the injury to religion which their doctrines and practices are calculated to effect. But" God is in the midst of Zion, she shall not be moved :" this is ground of thanksgiving, indeed. We think it would astonish and utterly shock a person, not familiar with the arts of certain promoters of revivals, to read the blasphemous and horrid expressions made use of by these men who profess to be the ministers of religion; and whose ministry we have all along been told has been blessed to the conversion of so many souls! We reccommend the pamphlet to our readers, as throwing much light on the popular subject of revivals. One thing, however, the truth of which cannot be questioned, we cannot omit to mention, as it shows how charges against ministers of the Presbyterian church for teaching the grossest errors, are disposed of by her courts. "During the late sitting of the Presbytery for the trial of Mr. Beman, his heterodoxy (see review of Beman on the atonement in our 2nd vol. particulary, page 109) was suggested to them, as furnishing a suitable foundation for one of the charges, but was rejected by a committee chosen by that body to frame the accusations against him. The avowed reason of this omission, was, that it could constitute no offence in the eyes of a majority of the Presbytery, who were unfortunately in the same dilemma, and who would thus in effect be judges of their own case." Is it then come to this, in the Presbyterian Church, that heresy cannot be the subject of discipline in her courts, because a majority of her ministers are heretics themselves? It would appear to be so; for the opinions of Mr. Beman have been published to the world for three years, and no notice has been taken of him, or them, by the courts of the church to which he belongs. Mr. Beman however was put upon his trial on the ground of common fame, for certain allegations against him, the result of which is given in the pamphlet before us, in the following words:

66 Notwithstanding the many flagrant offences which had been clearly elicited against Mr. Beman, his own unfair and jesuitical demeanour before. the court by which he was tried, and the distracted state of the church and congregation, the presbytery acquitted him of all the charges, and resolved to afford him an opportunity of accomplishing still more mischief by prolonging his continuance here. And the Troy presbytery, to add insult to injustice, transgressed their authority by passing a vote of censure upon those members of the church who had signed the petition for the trial, and outraged common sense by a vote of thanks to Mr. Beman for his ministerial zeal and fidelity"

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