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would afford him lefs fatisfaction than this; and though Luther never reproached Staupitius for having recommended fo extremely injudicious and fuppliant a measure, yet the latter might poffibly obferve in the former fome diffatisfaction on that account; and, at any rate, he could not fail to be convinced from many circumftances, that his own difpofition was not calculated, like that of his friend, to encounter fuch difficulties and hazards as were likely to arife in a righteous and determined oppofition to the popedom. These confiderations may help further to explain, why it might not be difagreeable to Staupitius to remove from Wittemberg, and thereby avoid the dangerous fellowship, and importunities of a man who, in his opinion, was apt to be impetuous and turbulent in his public conduct.

But perhaps the circumftance, which may be thought moft unfavourable to the reputation of Staupitius, is, that, in the year 1523, we find a. D. him preferred to an abbacy at Saltsburg. Luther's 1523. affectionate regard and veneration for his vicargeneral, reftrained him from faying any thing harsh or fevere on this occafion, but he could not diffemble his doubts and anxieties refpecting the confequences of this preferment. We will conclude this chapter with two valuable extracts of his letters. The firft is dated 1522, and is in anfwer A. D. to a letter received from Staupitius at a time, when 1522. Luther had heard an unfounded rumour that his friend was actually made an abbot.

"The report of your being made an abbot is fo general, that if I had not received your own letter in "contradiction, I must have been compelled to believe it. It is, I fuppofe, in the fame way that you receive UNTRUTHS concerning me. May the Providence of God attend you! but, I confess,

A. D.

my plain understanding does not point out to me,
how it can be advifeable for you to accept an
abbacy at this time. I would not, however, in-
terfere with your judgment. One thing I intreat
you, by the bowels of Chrift, not readily to believe
those who calumniate me. In regard to what you
inform me, that my doctrines are the delight of
debauchees, and that many fcandalous practices
have been the confequence of my recent publica
tions, I am neither afraid of such cenforious
fentations, nor furprised to hear of them. Certainly
I have laboured, and am labouring, that the pure
WORD of God may be spread abroad without tu-
mult. But you know that I am not master of
events. My object has been to attack, by means
of the written WORD, that fyftem of impieties,
which hath been introduced in oppofition to found
doctrine. The abominations, my father, the abo-
minations of the pope with his whole kingdom
must be deftroyed. And the Lord does this
without hand* by the woRD alone. The fub-
ject exceeds all human comprehenfion; and there-
fore we need not wonder that great commotions,
fcandals, and even prodigies fhould arife. Let not
these things disturb you, my father. I cherish the
beft hopes. The counfel and the stretched out
arm of God is plain in this matter. Remember
how my
caufe, from the very firft, gave the highest
offence to the world, and yet it hath continually
prevailed. Satan feels his wound: hence he rages
the more, and endeavours to throw all into con-


The fecond letter, dated 1523, is addreffed to 1523. the reverend abbot of St. Peter's in Saltsburg.

"Reverend father, Your filence is unkind. But though I cease to find favor in your eyes, I ought

Dan. viii. 25.

never to forget You, through whofe means, the light of the gospel firft dawned in my heart. I muft tell you the truth,-It would have been more. agreeable to me, if you had not been appointed an abbot; but fince it is fo, let neither of us interfere with our refpective rights of private judgment. Your best friends are forry for your leaving us, but ftill much more forry that you are so near the infamous cardinal Langius, and that you will be compelled to bear in filence all his outrageous behaviour. I fhall wonder if you are not in danger of denying Christ.. We ftill hope the best of you, though your long filence disheartens us. If you are become another man, which may Chrift forbid!-I fpeak plainly, I fhall throw away no more words, but have recourfe to prayer, that God may be pleased to show mercy upon you, and us all. You observe, reverend father, how doubtfully I exprefs myfelf. The reafon is, your long filence leaves us ignorant of the difpofition of your mind; whereas you very well know our most fecret thoughts and wilhes. Permit me however to speak pofitively on one point, - We are confident, that we are not really objects of your contempt, even though you fhould diflike all our proceedings," I fhall not ceafe to pray that you may be as much eftranged from the popedom, as I am at this moment, and, indeed, as you were formerly. May the Lord hear me, and take you and us to himself."

Thefe letters may deferve the reader's diligent confideration. They throw light on the general character both of the writer and of his friend: they intimate an evident progrefs of knowledge, in Luther's mind, refpecting the nature of the A. D. papacy, which took place between the years 1518, 1518. and 1523: they manifeft the ftrength of divine 1523:

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grace, which enabled him to withstand that threatening ftorm which alarmed Staupitius, and drove him into a difhonourable fhelter; and laftly, they compel the mind to entertain painful fears and conjectures respecting the perfect uprightness of the new abbot of Saltsburg, however we may be inclined to indulge cheerful hopes, that at the last day he will be found not to have gone the length of actually denying his Lord and Master.

Staupitius enjoyed his abbacy only for a very fhort time. He died in the year 1524.


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himfelf he faw the total ruin of his worldly circumftances, the hardships of poverty and of exile, and the fear of a violent death from papal vengeance. He was not without hope of the protection of the elector, partly from the well known juftice and humanity of that prince's character, and partly from the good offices of his fecretary Spalatinus. Moreover, as yet, the interference of Frederic in the ecclefiaftical controverfy had not only been firm and discreet, but also as fpirited and friendly, as could reasonably be expected in behalf of one who was looked on by the hierarchy as a turbulent and an abandoned heretic. Still it behoved our reformer not to be over confident in his expectations of future fupport. He had abundant caufe to be thankful for the paft exertions of his prince, which had been found fo ufeful and effective; but trying times were coming on apace, Every day the conteft grew more and more perilous. Luther himself had a fingle eye to the profperity of the kingdom of Chrift; but he could not be anfwerable for the zeal or the perfeverance of others he was well acquainted with the human heart; and he forefaw that political and fecular concerns might clash with the interefts of the gofpel. He would not wonder if the love of many began to wax cold; even his much efteemed friend

Matth. 12.

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