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hierarchy ever found the leaft fault with Tetzel as exceeding his commiffion, till an oppofition was openly made to the practice of indulgences. Whence it is evident, that the proteftants have not unjuftly cenfured the corruptions of the court of Rome in this refpect. Leo is declared to have granted, immediately and without hesitation*, the profits of the indulgences collected in Saxony and the neighbouring countries as far as the Baltic, to his fifter the wife of prince Cibus, by way of gratitude for perfonal favors which he had received from the family of the Cibi. The indulgences were farmed to the best bidders, and the undertakers employed fuch deputies to carry on the traffic, as they thought moft likely to promote their lucrative views. The inferior officers concerned in this commerce were daily feen in public houfes, enjoying themselves in riot and voluptuoufnefs: In fine, whatever the greatest enemy of popery could have wifhed, was at that time exhibited with the most undisguised impudence and temerity, as if on purpose to render that wicked ecclefiaftical fyftem infamous before all mankind.

Indulgences were granted alfo at this time on many PARTICULAR Occafions. The confecrated Hoft had been loft at the parish church at Schiniedeberg in the diocese of Mifnia: in confequence of which, the paftor had excommunicated the deacon and the porter of the church. These men, whom the fuperftition of the times had made culprits, had however recourse to the generofity of Tetzel, who was in the neighbourhood, and who furnished them with a diploma of absolution. The prices. of these indulgences were accommodated to the various circumstances of petitioners; and thus a plan

Maimbourg, p. 11. + Id. p. 12.

+ Seckend. p. 15,

plan was formed and was fuccefsfully carrying into execution, which would infallibly lay all orders of men under contribution. The prodigious fale of indulgences evinces both the profound ignorance of the age, and alfo the power of fuperftitious fears, with which the confciences of men were then diftreffed. This however was the very fituation of things, which opened the way for the reception of the Gofpel. But who was to proclaim the Gospel in its native beauty and fimplicity? To give a fatisfactory answer to this question was no eafy matter. The princes, the bishops, and the learned men of the times, faw all this fcandalous traffic refpecting the pardon of fins, but none was found who poffeffed the knowledge, the courage, and the honefty, neceffary to detect the fraud, and to lay open to mankind the true doctrine of falvation by the remiffion of fins through Jefus Chrift. But at length an obfcure paftor appeared, who alone and without help, began to erect the ftandard of found religion. No man who believes that "The preparation of the heart is from the Lord," will doubt whether Martin Luther, in this great undertaking, was moved by the Spirit of God.-This extraordinary person, at that time an Auguftine monk, was profeffor or lecturer of the university of Wittemberg in Saxony. That Academy was at once a college of students and a fociety of monks. Frederic the Wife, elector of Saxony, ardently defirous of promoting literary knowledge, had added the former character to the latter, and always fhewed a steady regard to Luther, on account of his fkill and induftry in advancing the reputation of that infant feminary of knowledge, which then was very low and abject both in its revenues and its exterior appearance. Luther preached also from time to

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time, and heard confeffions*. In the memorable A. D. year 1517, it happened, that certain perfons, re1517: peating their confeffions before him, and owning themselves to be atrocious offenders, yet refufed to comply with the penances which he enjoined them, because they faid they were poffeffed of diplomas of indulgences. Luther was ftruck with the evident abfurdity of fuch conduct, and ventured to refuse them abfolution. The perfons thus rejected, cómplained loudly to Tetzel, who was preaching in a town at no great distance. The Dominican Inquifitor had not been accustomed to contradiction. He ftormed, and frowned, and menaced every one, who dared to oppose him; and fometimes he ordered a pile of wood to be conftructed and set on fire for the purpose of striking terror into the minds of heretics. Luther was at that time only thirtyfour years old, vigorous both in mind and body, fresh from the fchools, and fervent in the Scriptures. He faw crowds flock to Wittemberg and the neighbouring towns to purchase indulgences, and having no clear idea of the nature of that traffic, yet fenfible of the obvious evils with which it must be attended, he began to fignify, in a gentle manner, from the pulpit, that the people might be better employed than in running from place to place to procure INDULGENCES. So cautiously did this great man begin a work, the confequence of which he then fo little forefaw. He did not fo much as know at that time, who were the receivers of the money. In proof of this, we find he wrote to Albert, arch-bifhop of Mentz, who, he underftood, had appointed Tetzel to this employment, but with whofe perfonal concern in the gains he was then unacquainted, intreating him to withdraw the licence of Tetzel, and expreffing his fears of

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*Seckend. p. 17. + See p. 288, of this Vol.


the evils which would attend the fale of Indulgences. He fent him likewife certain thefes which he had drawn up in the form of queries concerning this fubject. He expreffed himself with the greatest caution and modefty. In fact, he faw enough to alarm a tender confcience, but he knew not well where to fix the blame. He was not, as yet, fully fatisfied in his own mind either as to the extent of the growing mifchief, or the precife nature of its caufe.-In this ftate of doubt and anxiety, he wrote alfo to other bithops, and particularly to his own diocefan the bishop of Brandenburg*, with whom he was a particular favourite.

Nothing can be more orderly, candid, and open, than this conduct of our reformer. Zeal and charity were here united with the most perfect regard to ecclefiaftical difcipline. The bishop of Brandenburg reverenced the integrity of Luther, while he was aware of the dangerous ground on which he was advancing. "You will oppose the church," he replied, "you cannot think in what troubles you will involve yourself; you had much better be ftill and quiet." This was not a language calculated to reprefs the firm and intrepid fpirit of the Saxon monk; for, though by no means as yet a competent mafter of the points in debate, he faw

• Id. p. 16.

† Du Pin, in conjunction with all the Roman catholic writers, afferts that Luther's zeal for the intereft of his own order, led him to oppose the doctrine of indulgences. The best refutation of this calumny is to be derived from a fair statement of facts. It has been faid likewife, that Staupitius, the vicar general of Luther's order of monks, and that the elector of Saxony, ftimulated Luther to commence his oppofition. But there is no where to be found the smallest proof of these affertions. The love of truth itself appears from his whole conduct to have influenced his measures, and the ftory needs only to be fairly told, in order to convince any candid perfon, that this was the cafe.

faw they were of too great magnitude for a conscientious paftor to pass them by unnoticed: He knew too the manners of lower life, and could judge, far better than the bishops in general could do, of the mifchievous confequences, which were to be apprehended. With deliberate steadiness he ventured therefore to perfevere; and having tried in vain to procure the concurrence of the dignitaries of the church, he published his theses, ninety-five in number; and in fifteen days they were spread throughout Germany. Their effect on the minds of men was rapid and powerful, though Tetzel by threats, had filenced fome paftors who had faintly oppofed him, and though bishops and doctors, through fear of the flames, remained perfectly filent.

"Thus," fays Luther, for much of the foregoing account is taken from his own words,-"I was commended as an excellent doctor, who, alone had the fpirit to attempt fo great an undertaking; but the fame, which I had acquired was by no means agreeable to my mind; because I had then fome doubts concerning the nature of indulgences, and because I feared that the task was beyond my powers and capacity*."

But the real motives of Luther will be discovered in the fureft manner by a brief review of the manners and spirit of the man, previous to his open declarations refpecting indulgences.-This Saxon A. D. reformer was born in the year 1483 at Ifleben, a 1483. town belonging to the county of Mansfield. His father wrought in the mines of Mansfield which were at that time very famous; and, after the birth of his fon Martin Luther, removed to that town, became a proprietor in the mines, discharged public offices there, and was efteemed by all men for his integrity. He gave a very liberal education to

* Id. p. 16.


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