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in which it had been openly represented by his anceftors in this council? But fo imperious were the Italian cardinals, that they used very threatening language, accufing both the emperor, and those who favoured his views, of herefy. They alfo added craft to their menaces, and by degrees drew over the German deputies themselves to their party; and at length Sigifmund, being left alone, confented that the choice of a pope fhould be previous to the reformation. This was all that the Italians defired: for Martin and his cardinals contrived to elude the wishes of the nations for reform. And thus,-the French, who, with Gerfon as their adviser, had condemned the upright fervants of God,-the Germans, who, with Sigifmund at their head, had fupported the accufation against them,and the English who had perfecuted the followers of Wickliff, and joined in the cry against Hufs and Jerom, all these very deservedly became the dupes of papal artifice; and the nations were deftined for another century to groan under one of the most intolerable of all governments. The glory of God, the truths of the gofpel, and the real kingdom of Jefus Chrift being kept out of fight by all parties, none of them regarding reformation much further than it concerned their own interested views, nothing that deserved the name of Reformation enfued. Among the valuable leffons to be learnt from the hiftory of the council of Conftance, this is one; namely,-Those who really mean to ferve God and his Chrift, and to profit mankind in religion, whether they be paftors, or fynods, muft begin, if the people be in a state of ignorance,-with explaining the written word of God; they must plainly fet forth the effential doctrines of falvation by Jefus Chrift, and then erect the whole structure of their reformation upon thofe doctrines.

How void the council was of all true knowledge


of the fcripture-doctrines of falvation, will appear from the Bull, by which the pope diffolved that affembly. An extract of it is as follows, " Martin, bishop, fervant of the servants of God,—at the request of the facred council, we difmifs it.

Moreover, by the authority of Almighty God, and of the bleffed Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul, and by our own authority, we grant to all the members of the council plenary abfolution of all their fins once in their lives, fo that every one of them, within two months after the notification of this privilege has come to his knowledge, may enjoy the benefit of the faid abfolution in form. We alfo grant them them the fame privilege in the moment of death; and we extend it to the domeftics, as well as to the masters, on condition, that from the day of the notification, both the one and the other fast every friday, during a whole year, for the absolution granted to them while alive; and another year for their abfolution in the moment of death, unless there be fome lawful impediment, in which cafe they shall do other works of piety. And after the fecond year they fhall be obliged to faft on fridays during life, or to do fome other acts of piety, on pain of incurring the displeasure of Almighty God and of the bleffed Apoftles St. Peter and St. Paul."

I hasten to close the hiftory of this council, because in the latter part of their proceedings there is little that falls within my plan. Martin V., by making agreements with the nations feparately, found means to defeat all attempts after any thing that might deserve the name of a general and effectual reformation.-But though this new pontiff feemed reluctant and dilatory in correcting abufes, he foon discovered a difpofition fufficiently active in fupporting his own authority.


He perfecuted the Huffites moft vigorously.These were divided into two bodies, the Calixtines*, who differed from the church of Rome only in the affair of the new communion in both kinds; and the Taborites mentioned above, who are thought to have much refembled the Waldenfes. A greater encomium, the circumftances of those times being fully confidered, could fcarcely be paffed upon them. But, it is difficult to reconcile this encomium with the accounts of their military ferocity. Moft probably, wheat was mixed with the tares; and while one part of the people lived the life of "the faith of the Son of Godt," the other could produce few marks of zeal in the caufe of religion, except thofe, which were of a bloody and violent kind.

Under the auspices of the council of Conftance paganifm was extirpated in Samogitia by the king of Poland. Hiftorical juftice required that this fact fhould be mentioned:-yet, I know no evidences of real converfion among the Samogitians; but, the very introduction of chriftian formalities among idolaters, ought to be esteemed, on the whole, a confiderable advantage to a nation.

This celebrated council, which began to fit A. D. in 1414, was diffolved in 1418.

If the materials of evangelical history appear by no means in quantity proportioned to the length of this chapter, the importance of the falutary leffons, connected with the information it contains, may be thought a fufficient apology for the defect. A great effort was made by the united wifdom of Europe, but in vain, to effect that reformation, which God alone in

*From calix the cup. VOL. IV.


+ Gal. xi. 20.


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in his own time produced in fuch a manner, as to illuftrate the divine declaration, namely, Salvation is not by power, but by my Spirit, faith the Lord of hofts."


Zech. iv. 6.




W Bohemians heard of the murder of John Hufs and Jerom of Prague. To this cause hiftorians afcribe the commencement of the Huffite war, which was carried on by the enraged Bohemians for three years under the famous Zifca, and for ten years after his death.

E have feen with what indignation the

The hiftorian of the church of Chrift withdraws from a fcene, crowded with almoft incredible victories over the emperor, and with inhuman cruelties on both fides.-The main body of the discontented Bohemians were at length fatisfied with the liberty of the cup in the facrament, and with the administration of the ordinance in their own language. Thefe points, after the effufion of a deluge of blood, were given up by the papal party in the year 1433, and a treaty of peace was made, of A. D. which thefe formed the bafis. In other refpects, 1433the Calixtines resembled the papifts, by whofe artifices they were induced even to perfecute the genuine followers of Hufs. Thefe laft mentioned, the true Huffites, befides the fcriptural celebration of the facrament, defired to fee a real reformation of the church, and the eftablishment of purity of doctrine and difcipline. But, after a long feries of military confufion, they found themselves ftill a perfecuted body of men; and

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