Mayer, Tobias, invents the circular instrument for measuring angles, 408.
Medusa French frigate, account of the wreck of, 389-shocking con- duct of the crew, 391.
Mélanges d'Histoire et de Litterature, 351-story of Abelard and Eloisa, 352-of the man in the iron mask, 357-on the fortunes amassed by ministers of state in France, 358-journal of Madame du Hausset, 359.
Metals, precious, cause of the difference in the comparative values of, 62.
Mirabeau, character of, 294.
Montrose, reform in the burgh of, 503.
Motte, Madame la, trick put upon the Cardinal de Rohan by, 437--- share she had in the affair of the diamond necklace, 439. Necker, M., measures proposed by, 292.
Negro slavery, condition of, in Virginia, 125-contrasted with that of the English peasant, 126.
Newgate, wonderful reform introduced among the female prisoners in,
Norwegians colonize Iceland and Greenland, 35.
O'Meara, Mr, testimonies of the respectability of his character, 457 -manner of his appointment to St Helena, 458-dispute between, and Sir Hudson Lowe, 459.
Opinion, the basis of all political power, 283.
O'Reilly, Bernard, character of his work on Greenland, &c. 4. Paley, anecdote of, 211.
Paraclete, account of the monastery of the, 354.
Parc aux Cerfs, an infamous establishment of Louis XV. at Ver- sailles, 432.
Parties, political, circumstances that render the present moment pe- culiarly adapted to an impartial survey of the state of, 181-causes of the odium that has lately fallen upon party, 182-ground upon which alone such associations are to be defended, 184-remarks on the subject by Mr Burke, 191-benefit derived to the cause of sound principles, by the enlistment of aristocratical influence in the ranks of party, 192-too much, and in too short a time, expect- ed from new and popular ministers, 195-present opposition for- midable from its numbers and talents, 197-how ministry have been able to stand out against them, 198.
Peter of Cluni, letter of, to Eloisa, 355.
Phipps, Captain, despatched to explore the Polar seas, 3. Pilgrimage to Rome, in consequence of an indulgence proclaimed by Pope Boniface, 329.
Pitt, Mr, remarks on the ministry of, 301.
Poetical Extracts, from Childe Harold, 100-from Dante, 384.
Pole, Mr Scoresby's plan for approaching the, 39.
Pompadour, Madame, influence of, in state affairs, 370.
Poole, Jonas, voyages of, to the Arctic seas, 53.
Prison Discipline, two classes of subjects, which engage the atten- tion of public men, 463-popular favour gained rather by the splendid than the useful, 465-institutions for the repression of guilt, or the relief of misery, frequently become the sources of both, 467-what the means of correcting these evils, 468—stric- tures on the present management of our prisons, 469-description of several of the English prisons, 473-reform effected in New- gate by Mrs Fry, 480.
Quarterly List of New Publications, 257, 536.
Quesnay, the founder of the sect of the Economists, account of, 360 -specimen of his mode of conveying instruction in the form of fables, 362-remarks on the principles of his sect, 363. Rent, inquiry into the nature and causes of, 72.
Ricardo, Mr, Principles of Political Economy, &c. The author ad- vantageously known from his former writings, 59-mistake in con- founding the natural and market price of commodities, 60-cost of production the permanent regulator of the exchangeable va- Jue of every commodity, 61-this the cause of the comparative difference of the value of gold and silver, 62-author's opinion that the accumulation of capital, &c. has no effect in increasing the real price of commodities, illustrated, 64-inquiry into the na- ture and causes of rent, 72-and into the laws in general by which the profit of stock is regulated, 79-remarks on the author's theory of taxation, 83.
Rimini, Francesca da, remarks on the episode of, in Dante, 340. Rohan, Cardinal de, duped by Madame la Motte, 437. Rousseau, points of resemblance between, and Lord Byron, 88- what the cause of the deep interest excited by his works, 89. Salt-water ice, varieties of, distinguished by the whale fishers, 16- that which covers the Arctic seas annually formed and destroyed,
Salt springs in America, 386.
Sass, Mr, on Art and Italy, preliminary remarks on, 524-his de- scription of the requisites of a painter, 525-discontent of the Genoese, 527-barbarous spoliation of the remains of antiquity at Rome, 529-condition of the paintings in the Vatican, 531- author's strictures on the Venetian school of painting, 533-an adventure with banditți, 533.
Schlegel, Mr, remarks of, upon Dante, 333.
Scoresby, Mr, author of a paper on the Greenland or Polar ice, 3— plan for approaching the Pole suggested by, 39.
Segur, Count de, appointed to the ministry of France, by a curious mistake, 441.
Shipwreck of the French frigate Medusa, 389-of his Majesty's ship Alceste, 395-behaviour of the crews of the two vessels contrast- ed, 399.
Sieyes, Abbé, sketch of, 295.
Smith, Dr, his opinion how the exchange of commodities would be regulated, in an early and rude state of society, examined, 63,
Soldiers, hired, when first employed, 151. Staël, Mad. de, sur la Revolution Françoise, character of her writ- ings in general, 275-preliminary remarks on the present work, 277-what the scope of it, 281- -causes that gradually led to the French Revolution, 285-meeting of the States General, 288- solemn procession of, to Notre Dame, 291-dismissal of Necker, 293-Demolition of the Bastile, 294-sketches of the parties in the Constituent Assembly, ib.-conveyance of the king from Ver- sailles to Paris, 297-picture of France during the early period of the Revolution, 298King's plan of retiring to Campiegne, and emigration of the les, 299-tone of the Constituent Assembly described, 300-demeanour of the King at the anniversary of the 14th July, ib.-his execution, 301-excesses of the parties in France at this time, 302-legislative bodies dispersed by an arm- ed force, ib.-character of Bonaparte, 303-anecdote of Barras, 306-deposition of the Directory, 307-setting up of the Con- sulate, 308-remarks on the restoration of the Bourbons, 313. Stephens, Mr, reaches the latitude of 844 deg. without obstruction from ice, 33.
Toaldo, period of nine years supposed by, with regard to the wea- ther, 30.
Turgot, M., anecdote of, 371.
Taxation, inquiry into the principles of, 83.
Tothil-Fields jail, description of, 474.
Vatican, neglected state of the paintings in, 531.
Vaucluse, temperature of the celebrated fountain of, 7.
Watson, Bishop, Memoirs of, great attention excited by, 206-his birth and parentage, 207-his manner of life at Cambridge, 208 -tendency of his mind to support the principles of constitutional liberty, 210-his mode of studying divinity, 212-opinions on na- tional establishments and subscription, 213-Court offended by his Restoration sermon, 216-causes of his Majesty's dislike of him, 219-his views of church preferment, &c. 223-recommended to Lord Shelburne, 224-Mr Pitt's proposal for the sale of the tithe of the country, 226-part the author took in the Regency question gives offence at Court, 227-his reception at the Queen's draw- ing-room, 228-is an admirer, at first, of the French Revolution, 229-his sentiments on the dismissal of the Whig ministry, 231- letter to Mr Hayley, 232.
Weights and Measures, new system of, adopted by the French, 409. Wilson, Capt., finds the sea clear from ice in a very high latitude, 33. Year, revolving, sketch of, within the Arctic circle, 13.
No. LXI. will be published in December.
D. Willison, Printer, Edinburgh.
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