Abelard and Eloisa, story of, 352.
Aberdeen, affairs of, fall into confusion, 503-a poll election refused to, 504-Magistrates admit of the necessity of a reform, 515. Alban's, St, state of the prison of, 474.
Alberic, visions of, said to have been the model of Dante's poem, 318. Alceste, account of the loss of, 395.
Alleghany mountains, description of, 375.
Amherst, Lord, shipwrecked in the Alceste, 395.
Aranda, Count de, expels the Jesuits in one day from all the Span- ish dominions, 429.
Arctic expedition, proposed objects of, 5-principles which regulate the distribution of heat over the globe explained, 6-sketch of the revolving year within the Arctic circle, 13—formation of ice- bergs, 15-varieties of salt-water ice, 16-influence of the polar ice cannot extend to our shores, 20-supposed deterioration of the climate of Europe shown to be groundless, 22-list of years noted for the severity of the winter, 23-of those remarkable for heat and drought, 28-general description of Greenland, 31-dis- covery and colonization of that country, 36-plan of reaching thê Pole with sledges drawn by dogs, 39-north-west passage attempt- ed by Willoughby, 40-by Martin Frobisher, 41-by Davis, 45 -by the Danes, 49--by Henry Hudson, 51-by Poole and others, 52-by William Baffin, 55-improbability of the passage ever be- ing effected, 58.
Aretino, Leonardo, his account of a strange fit of devotion which seized the Italians, 325.
Arragon, observations on the constitution of, 162.
Augereau, General, sent to disperse the Legislative Bodies, 302. Baffin, William, voyages of, 54-is killed at the siege of Ormus, 57. Barras, anecdote of, 306.
Barrington, Daines, asserts the possibility of reaching the North Pole, 2.
Barry, Madame du, account of her origin, 430.
Benedictines, great wealth and power of, 326.
Biot, M., assists in the experiments for determining the length of the pendulum, 422.
Birkbeck, Mr, his Notes on America, one of the most instructive books that have lately appeared, 120-reasons which induced the author to emigrate to America, 122-his arrival at Norfolk in Virginia, 124-Negro slavery, 125-journey across the Alleghany mountains to Pittsburg, 127-description of that place, 129- striking features in the great western wilderness, 131-author pur
chases a tract of land in the Illinois territory, 133-method of conducting land sales, ib.-instinctive attachment to home a pow- erful check to emigration, 135-reflections on the vast extension of American dominion, 137-account of a singular religious so- ciety, 139. Buonaparte, judgment of posterity respecting, not clearly to be fore- seen, 303-character of, by Mad. de Staël, 304-puts down the Directory, 307-sets up the Consulate, 308-his unprincipled dis- simulation, 309-assumes the imperial dignity, 310-his character as a General, 312-legitimacy of his dynasty examined, 448- observations on his dethronement, 452-and on the mode of se- curing his person, 455—and of his treatment in confinement, 457. Boniface, Pope, banishes Dante, 324-proclaims a plenary indulgence to all who should make a pilgrimage to Rome, 329. Boon, General, one of the first settlers of Kentucky, 130. Borough Compter, description of, 473.
Boscovich, his method of numbering the vibrations of pendulums, 416. Bradley, Richard, opinion of, that our climate is affected by the isl ands of ice drifted into the Atlantic, 21.
Bristol, shocking state of the jail of, 475.
Brougham, Mr, on the Education of the Poor, 486-moves for a committee to inquire into the state of, 487-object and progress of the bill, 488-yearly income of charities in England, 492- instances of the shameful misapplication of, 493-objections by the enemies of the bill answered, 496.
Brunetto Latini, a work of his said to be the model of Dante's poem, 330.
Burke, Mr, remarks of, on the subject of parties, 191, 194. Burghs, Scottish, history of, 503-disadvantages of the present sys-
tem, 510-inquiry into the most adequate source of reform, 519. Button, Sir Thomas, winters in Hudson's Bay, 52.
Byron's, Lord, Childe Harold-points of resemblance between the author and Rousseau, 87--causes of the deep influence which both exert on the feelings, 89-remarks on the moral character of By- ron's poetry, 96-analysis of the present work, 100-reflections on the character of the Pilgrim, 116.
Cartwright, Major, principles of the faction with which he is con- nected, 199.
Castile, remarks on the early constitution of, 155,
Cavern, calcareous, in Kentucky described, 386.
Choiseul, Due de, character of, 386-circumstance which made him so eager for the suppression of the Jesuits, 427-accused of háv- ing poisoned the Dauphin of France, 429.
Church, gradual usurpations of, on the civil authority, 163.
Cleaveland, Mr, sketch of his treatise on the mineralogy, &c. of America, 382.
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Clement XIV., alleged remorse of, for having consented to the de- struction of the Jesuits, 427.
Coal, where found in America, 383.
Commodities, difference between the natural and market price of, 60. Courage, French, peculiar quality of, in all ages, 402-contrasted with that of the British, 403.
Crawford, Mr Quintin, the editor of Mélanges d'Histoire, &c. 352. Crusades projected by Pope Gregory VII. 323.
Danes, account of their settlements on Greenland, 38. Dante accused of being an imitator, 317—what the supposed model of his poem, ib.-end he aimed at in it, 321-state of Europe at the time he wrote, ib.-extraordinary fit of devotion throughout Italy, 325-account of the varions monastic orders, 326-pilgrim- age to Rome, 329-Dante vindicated from harshness of soul, 333. Davis, John, voyages of, to discover a north-west passage, 45. Devonshire, Dutchess of, a munificent patroness of the arts, 529. Devotion, singular fit of, in Italy, 325.
Disco bay, enormous icebergs at, 17.
Discoveries, geographical, all those of greatest importance in modern times, have originated in attempts to find out a short route to In- dia, 40.
Dominicans, attempt to substitute the visions of the Abbé Joachim for the New Testament, 329.
Dominick, Saint, founds the Inquisition, 326.
Egede, Hans, settles a colony in Greenland, 3.
Elba manuscript, authenticity of, examined, 444-sketch of its con- tents, 446.
Elgin marbles, models of, in miniature, 530.
Emigration, instinctive attachment to home, a sufficiently powerful check to, 135.
Equinoxial gales, origin of, 10.
Eric Raude settles a colony on Greenland, 35.
Europe, opinion that the climate of has altered for the worse, errone- ous, 22-list of years remarkable for the severity of the winter, 23 -and of those extremely hot, 28.
Europe, progress of the kingdoms of, from feudal aristocracies to limited monarchies, 281-state of, in the middle ages, 321. Fayette, M. de la, character of, 295.
Females, exclusion of, from inheritance, not common among the Teutonic nations, 151.
Feudal System, view of its effects upon the welfare of mankind, 145– consequences of its decay in France, 147.
Florence, free constitution of, subverted by the Medici, 154. Fotherbye, Robert, voyages of, to Greenland, 53.
Franciscans, foundation of the order of, 326.
Frobisher, Martin, voyages of, to discover a north-west passage, 41. Fry, Mrs, reform introduced among the female prisoners in New- gate by the exertions of, 480.
Genoese, discontented with their present government, 527. Georgel, Abbé, sketch of his life, 425-consequences of the destruc- tion of the Jesuits, 426-alleged remorse of Clement XIV. for having consented to it, ib.―anecdotes of the Duke de Choiseul, 427-account of the expulsion of the Jesuits from Spain, 429- of the origin of Madame du Barry, 430-opinions of the court of Louis XV. on civil government, 432-character of the Prince de Kaunitz, 433, and of the Emperor Joseph II. 434-singular ac- cident the Abbé met with at Vienna, 435-intrigues of Madame la Motte, 437-appointment of the Count de Segur to the mini- stry by mistake, 441.
Gold found in North Carolina, 385.
Grafton, Duke of, recommends a revisal of the liturgy, 225-letter from Bishop Watson to, 229.
Granby, Marquis of, letter from, to Dr Watson, 214-remarks on his political consistency, ib.
Greenland, form and extent of, 31-discovered and colonized by the Icelanders, 35-—their colonies extinct about the commencement of the 16th century, 37-supposed existence of a colony on the east side, ib.-state of the Danish settlements at present, 38. Gregory VII., Pope, assumes the supremacy over the sovereigns of his time, and prohibits marriage to the priesthood, 322-projects the Crusades, 323-great improvement which took place in Italy immediatety after his death, ib.
Guelfi and Ghibelini, factions of, 324.
Hallam, Mr, object and character of his work on the State of Eu- rope during the middle ages, 140-remarks on the history of France, from its conquest by Clovis to the invasion of Naples, 142 -rise, &c. of the feudal system, 145-consequences of its decay, 147-introduction of hired soldiers, 151-some doubtful positions in the work examined, ib.-of the struggle between Frederic Bar- barossa and the Lombard cities, 153—dissensions of the Italian republics, 154-mistakes in the account of Castile, 155-of the constitution of Arragon, 162-usurpations of the ecclesiastical power, 163—of the constitution of England, 165.
Hallam, Mr, remarks of, on the character of Dante, 333. Harmonists, a singular religious society in America, 139. Hausset, Madame de, remarks on the journal of, 359-account of Quesnay, the founder of the sect of the Economists, 361. Heat, principles which regulate the distribution of, over the globe, explained, 6.
Henning, Mr, miniature models of the Elgin marbles executed by,
History, to be pleasing and instructive, must be written at a distance from the time to which it relates, 277.
Hudson, Henry, sent to attempt the discovery of a North-west pas- sage, 50-is turned adrift by his crew, and perishes, 52. Hudson's Bay Company erected, 57.
Ice, different kinds by which the navigation of the Arctic seas is ob- structed, 14-influence of, cannot extend to our shores, 20 mountains or islands of, drifted into the Atlantic, supposed by some to affect our climate, 21.
Icebergs formed by the congelation of fresh water, 15-enormous di- mensions of, in Davis's Strait, 17.
Iceland discovered, 35—sends colonies to Greenland, ib.
Jesuits, account of the order of, 327-expulsion of, from the Spanish dominions, 429.
Illinois territory, account of the new settlement in, 133.
Joseph II., character of, 434.
Iron, native, mass of, found in America, 387-ore abundant in many places there, 384.
Iron crown, a relic highly valued in Hungary, 434.
Iron mask, man in, conjectures concerning the, 357.
Kater, Captain on the length of the pendulum, 407-great improve- ment in instruments from the substitution of the entire circle for the quadrant, &c. ib.-first idea of this contrivance owing to Mayer, 408-new system of weights and measures adopted by the French, 409-similar plan in England hitherto unsuccessful, 411 -account of experiments to determine the length of the pendulum, 412-description of the author's convertible pendulum, 414—his ingenious method of determining the number of vibrations made by it in twenty-four hours, 415-what the precise object of his expe riments, 420-French Academy of Sciences join in the experimental researches of the Royal Society, 422.
Kaunitz, Prince, character of, 432.
Knight, John, murdered by the natives on the coast of America, 50. Laplace, remarkable property of the pendulum discovered by, 420. Louis XVI. unfit for the throne in the times wherein he lived, 286— carried prisoner by the mob from Versailles to Paris, 296-re- solves to retire to Compiegne, 299-his demeanour at the anniver- sary of the 14th July, 300 and execution, 301.
Lombard cities, remarks on the struggle between Frederick Barba rossa and the, 153.
Lowe, Sir Hudson, remarks on his treatment of Mr O'Meara, 459. Lyons, discontents in that city, 172-speedily allayed by Marshal Marmont, 173-similarity of to some late disturbances in our own country, 174.
Maclure, Mr, sketch of the contents of his work on American geo- logy, 375.
Marble, quarries of, in Vermont, 385.
Marmont, Marshal, disturbances at Lyons, composed by, 175. Marriage of the clergy prohibited by Pope Gregory VII., 322. Maturin's, Mr, Women, or Pour et Contre, 234-the author's opi- nion of his own former works, 235-sketch of the present work, with extracts, 236-remarkable alteration introduced in the tras gedy of Bertram, 254.
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