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that he never is thwarted in such innocent recreations. There may be, perhaps, dishes to which he is partial; let them be often dressed with your every attention, and above all, dress your countenance in smiles, and let no trivial and accidental cause of disquiet make that face lour with discontent, which he expects, nay, has a right to expect, to behold adorned with cheerfulness on his return. Remember the strongest tie you can ever have upon your husband, must rise from unaffected and artless gaiety, which he is certain takes its rise from your sincere affection for him. It is not enough to gain your conquest unless you make use of these measures to secure it. A small part alone is done when you have obtained a husband. The task remains to keep possession; nor is it difficult, if you prove your regard by conjugal fidelity, and a delicate and tender attachment. Let not love of admiration, or inherent vanity, or wayward wishes of any kind, ever lead you to display a disposition, which may cross your husband's views, or sour his temper. Remember also, this remark is mutual, that the only way to be happy yourselves, is to make each other happy: that, linked in an indissoluble chain, you will hereafter give an account at that tribunal where subterfuge and hypocrisy will not avail, whether you have reciprocally promoted the satisfaction, ease, comfort, and happiness of each other; or, by the reverse, have become your own tormentors; and what is worse, have by example, entailed misery on your posterity.



HE following remarkable Prophecy is fulfilling at or near these times, as delivered long ago by Johannes Amatus, in his Prophetical Pleiades, which runs thus: "I foresee (says he) great wars and combats, with extraordinary shedding of blood, occasioned by the civil discords of the great men of the kingdoms; I do see wars, the fury whereof shall last some time; provinces divested of their people, and many strong holds and noble houses shall be ruinated, and the cities shall be forsaken of their inhabitants, and in divers places the ground shall lie untilled. There shall be a great slaughter of the people, and many chief persons shall be brought to ruin; there shall be nothing but deceit and fraud among them, whereupon shall ensue the aforesaid great commotions among the kingdoms and people of the world. There shall be likewise great mutations and changes of kings and rulers; the right hand of the world shall fear the left, and the North shall prevail against the South. Yes; thou Versailles, which thou (meaning Louis XIV.) hast made for the glory of thy names, I will throw to the ground, and all your insolent inscriptions, figures, and abominable pictures: and Paris, Paris that imperial city, I will afflict it dreadfully; Yea, I will afflict the Royal Family: Yes, I will avenge the iniquity of the King upon his grand-children."

Lucy's Prophetic Warnings, Lond. 1707.



The following is extracted from a Letter to a respectable House in Liverpool, and its authenticity may be depended upon.



Philadelphia, 11th Month 18th, 1793

S our correspondence with most of our friends both at home and abroad, has been interrupted, on our part, for nearly three months past, it is proper that we should account to them for so extraordinary a suspension, and give some account of our late and present situation.

In the early part of August, it was discovered, that a pestilential fever was raging in the north-east parts of that city. The College of Physicians met to deliberate on it, and published their opinion and advice on the subject, part of which was a precaution, generally understood to be the same used in the East (and which we know from history was used in London), in times when the plague rages; that is, that every house wherein a sick person was, should be marked, to prevent others from entering. This was sufficient to alarm the inhabitants, and excite terror: a great variety of quack preventatives were offered to the public, and some placed confidence in them. The disorder, however, quickly spread to other parts of the city, and threatened to become general: it was so mortal in the beginning, that few survived the third and fifth, and it could not be ascertained for some time, whether any person had survived the eighth day; to be taken, was considered nearly the same as to be dead: hence, there was a general abandoning of the sick to the care of the Blacks, who were supposed not liable to the infection. The nearest connections, with some exceptions, would not visit the chambers of their sick friends.

The Physicians differed about the mode of treating the disorder, and published opposite systems; many of them were taken sick, and it became difficult to procure a visit; many were left to their own opinions, and adopted the mode published by the Physician that stood highest in: their esteem, and many perished without any aid at all. In this situation, a great part of the inhabitants fled to the country in every direction of these, some were taken with the disorder, and died; but we have heard no instance of any person, who had previously resided in the country taking the infection from them. Some few, from an apprehension of duty, more for the security of their property, and yet more, because they had not the means of removal, or a place to remove to, staid in the city; and it is computed that above one-third of the whole number of inhabitants went away. Those who staid were cautious how they went about the streets, so that the city appeared in a degree to be

depopulated: businefs of almost every kind was suspended; inward bound ships came to the villages down the river; and for nearly two months our streets were deserted by all, but a few sorrowful persons, walking, "as with their hands on their loins," about the necessary concerns of the sick, and hearses conducted by negroes, mostly without followers, to and from the different grave-yards.

A number of citizens, however, with a courage that will always do them honour, formed themselves into a Committee, headed by the Mayor, borrowed money upon the credit of future subscriptions; established an bospital about a mile from town, for the poor; procured carriages to convey the sick to it; sat daily at the City-hall, to receive applications and administer relief; and two of them, Steven Girard, a French merchant, long resident here, and Peter Helm born here, of German parents (men whose names and services fhould never be forgot) had the humanity and courage constantly to attend the hospital; and not only saw that the nurses did their duties, but they actually performed many of the most dangerous, and at the same time most humiliating services for the sick with their own hands. These gentlemen are mercifully preserved alive and well, though four of the committee who sat at the City-hall, took the disorder and died. Their names were Daniel Offley, Joseph Inskeep, Jonathan D'Sergeant, and Andrew Adgate.

The mortality was great in proportion to the number of the sick, in the beginning; but as they increased, although the number of deaths increased to a terrifying degree, so as actually to exceed one hundred persons per day on some days; yet, after a little cool weather in the 9th month, the disorder took another type, and was not so mortal; which gave hopes, that a change usually expected in the temperature of our air, with heavy rains, before or about the time of the equinox, would bring us a providential relief; but these rains and this change were looked for in vain for six weeks after their usual time of coming, and we were left under the affliction till about the 24th of last month, when it pleased Divine Providence, who permitted the affliction, to give it a check, without much apparent change in our atmosphere; from that time the number of deaths rapidly decreased, and of convalescents increased; and some rains and cool weather, which have succeeded, seem to have nearly, if not altogether eradicated it, as we have heard of no new cases for many days past; and most of those who had it before, are recovered and recovering, though from the violence of the remedies recommended by several physicians, and most generally adopted, many are left in a very weak state, which will require time to restore them to their former strength. This calamity, we conceive, has been nearly, if not quite as fatal, in proportion to the numbers, as the plague in London, in 1665; for, if we compute that thirty thousand persons remained in town, and that of these about four thousand died, which, when the accounts are all collected, we believe will be near the matter, it will approach to one seventh of the whole in about three months, which is nearly equal to the proportion who died in London in a whole year,

Among these, we have to deplore the loss of very many of our most valuable citizens. We leave to the learned to trace the cause of this pestilence; some of whom insist it was imported; others, that it was generated here, by a long, hot, dry summer: We take it to be the putrid bilious fever of the tropical climates, remembered here by elderly people twice, under the name of the yellow fever; and, during the late war, once, by the name of the camp fever, when it did not spread much among the inhabitants, but was confined principally to the soldiers. Our private opinion is, that it was imported here from the West-Indies, but was much more general and spread more rapidly, owing to the season, which had disposed our bodies to receive infections of any kind.

The physicians are all agreed, that the infectious disorder is no more in the city, and the citizens are rapidly returning.

We are your respectful friends, &c.

As it is of very great importance to the community at large, that every circumstance of this disorder should be fully known, we have a particular pleasure in having it in our power to publish the report of two very eminent physicians at Philadelphia, who were desired to give their opinion on the subject:

"Being well assured of the great importance of dissections of morbid bodies in the investigation of the nature of diseases, we have thought it of consequence, that some of those dead of the present prevailing malignant fever should be examined; and without enlarging on our observations, it appears at present sufficient to state the following facts: "ist. That the brain in all its parts has been found in a natural condition.

"2d. That the viscera of the thorax are perfectly sound. The blood, however, in the heart and veins is fluid, similar in its consistence to the blood of persons who have been hanged, or destroyed by electricity.

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3d. That the stomach, and beginning of the duodenum are the parts that appear most diseased. In two persons, who died of the disease on the 5th day, the villous membrane of the stomach, especially about its smaller end, was found highly inflamed, and this inflammation extended through the pylorus, into the duodenum some way. The inflammation here, was exactly similar to that induced in the stomach by acrid poisons, as by arsenic, which we have once had an opportunity of seeing in a person destroyed by it.

"The bile in the gall bladder was quite of its natural colour, though very viscid.

"In another person who died on the 8th day of the disease, several spots of extravasations were discovered between the membranes, particularly about the smaller end of the stomach, the inflammation of which had considerably abated. Pus was seen in the beginning of the duodenum, and the villous membrane at this part was thickened.

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