Did never whiter shew, 40 Then forth they all out of their baskets drew Come softly swimming downe along the lee;1 The snow which doth the top of Pindus Nor Jove himselfe, when he a swan would Great store of flowers, the honour of the be field, That even the gentle streame, the which And all the waves did strew, seeme, them bare, Of fowles so lovely, that they sure did "Ye gentle birdes, the worlds faire ornament, deeme 1 stream. And heavens glorie, whom this happie hower The rest so far as Cynthia doth shend1 That promiseth the same: Did on those two attend, And their best service lend, Thy country may be freed from forraine harmes; 125 Sweete Themmes, run softly, till I end my song. And great Elisaes glorious name may ring 1 shame. Through al the world, fil'd with thy wide alarmes, An endless wind doth tear the sail apace Of forced sighs and trusty fearfulness; 1 sweet. 3 float. 2 mate. 4 mixes. |