Reform each University, And in them let no learning be, A great eye-sore; 15 20 In this we will not be denied, Because in you we'll not confide, We know wherefore; The citizens their plate provide; Do you but send in yours beside, We'll ask no more. 30 THE CHARACTER OF A ROUND HEAD What creature's this with his short hairs, His little band, and huge long ears, That this new faith hath founded? The Puritans were never such; The Saints themselves had ne'er so much;5 Oh, such a knave's a Roundhead. What's he that doth the Bishops hate, And count their calling reprobate, Cause by the Pope propounded, And say a zealous cobbler's better Than he that studieth every letter? Oh, such a knave's a Roundhead. What's he that doth high treason say As often as his yea and nay, And wish the King confounded; And dare maintain that Master Pym Is fitter for the crown than him? Oh, such a knave's a Roundhead. COME, DRAWER, SOME WINE Come, Drawer, some wine, Or we'll pull down the sign, For we are all jovial compounders: We'll make the house ring With healths to our King, 10 15 5 And confusion light on his confounders. And next, who e'er sees, We drink on our knees, To the King,-may he thirst that re pines; wines. And next, here's a cup To the Queen; fill it up! A brewer may make his foes to flee, And raise his fortunes so that he 15 Which nobody can deny. 20 Were it poison we would make an end Lieutenant-General may be, on't; That for the King did, and will venture; To be an Emperor or a King, May they flourish when those That are his, and their foes, Which nobody can deny. Are hanged, and rammed down to the A brewer may do what he will, center. And next, let a glass To our undoers pass, Attended with two or three curses; May plagues sent from hell Stuff their bodies as well 30 Which nobody can deny! THE LAWYERS' LAMENTATION FOR THE LOSS OF CHARING 10 This is not the way to Westminster, We must go by Charing Cross. Then fare thee well, etc. The Parliament did vote it down, 15 |