of man. It was suggested by the digging up of some Roman burial urns in Norfolk. 128. 10. Sic ego, etc. Thus I should wish to be laid at rest when I am become bones. 20. Considerable. Worthy of consideration. 24. To retain a stronger propension unto them. I. e., such souls clung more strongly to the bodies. 129. 36. Archimedes. The famous Syracusan mathematician and physicist of the third century B. C. 37. The life of Moses his man. The life of man as described by Moses, in the socalled Prayer of Moses, the ninetieth Psalm. 42. One little finger. "According to the ancient arithmetic of the hand, wherein the little finger of the right hand contracted, signified an hundred." (Browne's note). 54. Alcmena's nights. Jupiter, in love with Alcmena, mother of Hercules, made one night as long as three. 65. What name Achilles assumed. Thetis, 69. Ossuaries. Receptacles for bones. servators. cality. 83. Pyramidally extant. tombstone. Known by a 93. Atropos. The one of the three Fates who cuts the thread of life. 99. Meridian. The noon, or middle point, 106. Prophecy of Elias. "That the world 107. Charles the Fifth... Hector. 115. One face of Janus . . . the other. The past and the future. 126. Setting. Declining. 130. 136. The mortal right-lined circle. 0, the character of death. 147. Gruter. Jan Gruter (1560-1627), a continental scholar; author of Inscriptiones Antiquæ (1603). 157. Cardan. Italian philosopher of the sixteenth century. 160. Hippocrates. Greek physician (460377 B. C.). 164. Entelechia. A word coined by Aristotle to denote the actual being of a thing in distinction to its capacity for being. 167. Canaanitish woman. See Genesis, xlvi: 10. 178. Adrian. Hadrian, Emperor of Rome. 182. Thersites. A foul-mouthed coward in the Iliad, where Agamemnon is leader of the Greek host. 130. 205. Lucina. Goddess of childbirth; here equivalent to midwife. 211. Our light in ashes. According to the custom of the Jews, who place a lighted wax-candle in a pot of ashes by the corpse." (Browne's note.) 212. Brother of death. Sleep. 224. To weep into stones. A reference to the fable of Niobe. 131. 257. Mummy is become merchandise. A medicinal preparation made, or supposed to be made, from mummies, was highly regarded in the old medicine. 258. Mizraim. The Biblical name for Egypt; Browne seems to use it as symbolic of Egypt's great men. 268. Nimrod. The Hebrew equivalent of the Greek Orion. 269. The dog-star. Sirius. 274. Perspectives. Telescopes. 327. Decretory. Established by decree. 346. Alaricus. King of the Visigoths, who captured and sacked Rome in 410; he was buried, with vast treasure, in the bed of a river. 348. Sylla. Roman general and dictator (138-78 B. C.) 132. 357. That poetical taunt of Isaiah. See Isaiah, xiv: 16-17. 367. St. Innocent's churchyard. In Paris. 371. Moles of Adrianus. Hadrian's Mole, or tomb, now known as the Castle of St. Angelo. FULLER THE GOOD SCHOOLMASTER 133. 111. Cockering. Coddling. 113. Peculiar. A parish exempted from the jurisdiction of the bishop within whose diocese it lies; here applied to a condition of exemption from the usual regulations. 132. De insolenti carnificina. Of the excessive torture. Conscindebatur .. singulos. He was lashed with whips seven or eight times a day. 136. Tusser. Thomas Tusser, an English poetaster of the sixteenth century. 143. Udall. Nicholas Udall, headmaster of Eton 1534-1541; best known as author of the first regular English comedy, Ralph Roister Doister. 137. 1. Piscator. The Complete Angler is written in the form of dialogue; the chief characters are Piscator, the Fisherman, and Venator, the Hunter, who is the pupil. 9. Gesner. Conrad Gesner (1516-1565), a Swiss naturalist. 36. Mercator. Gerard Mercator (15121594), famous for his contributions to geographical science. The 138. 125. Albertus. Albertus Magnus (1206?1280), a scholastic philosopher. 160. History of Life and Death. Latin Historia Vita et Mortis, 1623. 139. 221. The Royal Society. The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge was incorporated 15 July, 1662. See Huxley's essay "On the Necessity of Improving Natural Knowledge," p. 720. 275. Make a catch. Sing a "round." 140. 337. Kit Marlow. Christopher Marlowe. Marlowe's song and Raleigh's answer were both printed in England's Helicon (1600). 359. A syllabub of new verjuice. A sort of custard made of cream and fruit juice. most 146. 45. Then to come in spite of sorrow. The passage has been much disputed about. The interpretation which seems satisfactory is that L'Allegro finds pleasure in hearing the song of the lark in the early morning, and then in coming to the window to look out through sweet briar and eglantine, to bid good morrow to the new day.. 67. Tells his tale. Counts his sheep. 103. She ..he. Persons who are 125. Hymen. The god of marriage. 147. 145. Orpheus. According to the Greek myths, Orpheus was the most wonderful of all human musicians. Pluto consented to let Eurydice return with her husband to the earth, but Orpheus, by looking back to be sure she was following, broke the terms of his agreement with Pluto, and Eurydice remained in Hades. Hence the phrase," half-regained." IL PENSEROSO 10. Morpheus. The god of sleep. 18. Prince Memnon's sister. Memnon was a handsome king of the Ethiopians, according to Homer. Milton here assumes that his sister must have been equally 19. Starred Ethiop queen. Cassiopeia, 53. Fiery-wheeled throne. Cf. Ezekiel, x. 55. Hist. Probably an imperative, bring silently "; by another interpretation it is a past participle, "hushed", agreeing with Silence. 59. Cynthia. Goddess of the moon. 148. 87. The Bear. The constellation Ursa Major, which, in northern latitudes, never sets. 88. Thrice-great Hermes. Hermes Trismegistus, a learned Egyptian. 99. Thebes... Pelops' line . . . Troy. All subjects of Greek tragic poetry. 101. The reference here may be to Shakespeare's tragedies. 102. Buskined. The buskin was the high-heeled boot worn by actors in classical tragedy; opposed to the sock of L'Allegro, l. 132. 104. Musæus. A mythical Greek poet, sometimes called the son of Orpheus. 109. Him that left half-told. The reference is to Chaucer, who left his Squire's Tale unfinished. by Thracian women, and his head cast into the river Hebrus. 149. 65. Shepherd's trade. The art of poetry. 68. Amaryllis . . . Neæra. Conventional pastoral names for women. 75. Blind Fury. Atropos, not one of the Furies, but the Fate who cuts the thread of life. 150. 77. Phœbus. The god of poetry. 79. Glistering foil. Glittering tinsel; gold leaf. 85. Arethuse. Arethusa, a Sicilian spring, symbolic of Greek pastoral poetry. 86. Mincius. A stream in Italy, near which Virgil was born. Vocal. Used for shepherds' pipes. 88. Oat. Oaten pipe; symbolic of pastoral verse. Triton, son 89. The herald of the sea. The genius of the river 104. Sedge. Coarse grass and reeds along 106. That sanguine flower. The hyacinth, 115. The fold. The church. 119. Blind mouths. For an excellent exposition of the phrase cf. Ruskin's Sesame and Lilies. 126. Wind and rank mist. False teachings of the unprincipled clergy. 128. The grim wolf. The Roman Catho- 130. Two-handed engine. Milton has in 151. 149. Amaranthus. The amaranth, symbolic of immortality. 151. Laureate. Crowned with laurel. 160. Bellerus. The Latin name for 161. The guarded mount. St. Michael's 184. In thy large recompense. On the As a re 189. His Doric lay. His pastoral song. ON SHAKESPEARE 152. This (so-called) sonnet was written for the second (1632) folio edition of Shakespeare's works. TO THE LORD GENERAL CROMWELL 7, 8. Darwen stream, Dunbar field. Scenes of two of Cromwell's victories over the Scots. 9. Worcester's laureate wreath. Cromwell won the decisive victory over Charles II and his Scottish allies at Worcester, 3 September, 1651. ON THE LATE MASSACRE IN PIEDMONT The Vaudois, or Waldenses, a Protestant people living in the northwestern part of Italy, were subjected in 1655 to a bloody persecution because they refused to accept Catholicism. 153. 12. The triple tyrant. The Pope, who wears a triple crown. 14. The Babylonian woe. The Puritans frequently applied the name Babylon to Rome, alluding to the scriptural account in Revelation, xvii-xviii. ON HIS DECEASED WIFE This was Milton's second wife, Catherine Woodcock, who died in childbirth in 1658. 2. Like Alcestis. Alcestis, the heroine of Sophocles's drama, offered her life for her husband, but was rescued by Hercules. PARADISE LOST: BOOK I 154. 6. Heavenly Muse. Milton is inventing a Muse of Hebrew poetry, and appealing to her for aid in accordance with the classical epic formula. 15. The Aonian mount. Mount Helicon, here symbolizing Greek poetry. 155. 74. As from the center thrice to the utmost pole. The distance between Heaven and Hell was three times the radius of the world. The diagram opposite represents approximately Milton's conception of the universe. 156. 129. Seraphim. Plural form; the seraphim were supposed to be the highest in rank of all the angels. 167. If I fail not. Unless I am mistaken. 197-201. The fables, etc. According to Greek mythology the Titans warred on Saturn, and the giants rebelled against Jove. Briareos, according to one legend, was a giant; Typhon, son of Tartarus and Gaea, was a Titan. Leviathan, the sea monster of the Bible, was identified with the whale. 157. 232. Pelorus. A Sicilian promontory near Mt. Etna. 266. The oblivious pool. A transferred epithet; the pool which makes one oblivious. 158. 288. The Tuscan artist. Galileo, whom Milton met while travelling in Italy. 289. Fesole. Fiesole, a hill near Florence. 290. Valdarno. The valley of the Arno. 303. Vallombrosa. Near Florence, in Tuscany, the ancient Etruria. 305. Orion. The constellation Orion, or the Huntsman, supposed to bring foul weather. 307. Busiris. Here meaning the Pharaoh of the exodus. Memphian. Memphis was the ancient capital of Egypt. 309. Goshen. The portion of Egypt in which the Jews resided before the exodus. 159. 341. Warping. Usually explained as flying with a bending motion, twisting from side to side. Perhaps, however, it describes a progress by short stages, instead of continuous flight, as a ship is warped into harbor: the locusts advance a short distance, then settle down, and after devouring everything green, fly on to the next vegetation, and so on. 351. A multitude like which the populous north. Referring to the various invasions of the Roman Empire by the "barbarians" from the north. 392. Moloch. Human sacrifice, particularly of children, played an important part in the worship of Moloch. 397-9. Rabba. The capital of Ammon. Argob, Basan, Arnon. The first two, districts east of Palestine; the third, a river emptying into the Dead Sea from the east. Heaven Chaos Before the fall of the Angels Heaven Chaos Hell After the fall of the Angels Heaven The World Chaos Hell After the creation of the World 519. Doric. Greek. 520. Adria. The Adriatic Sea. Hesperian. Western; i. e., of Italy. 550. Dorian mood. Martial music like that of the Spartans. 162. 573. Since created man. Since man was created. 575, 6. That small infantry Warred on by cranes. The battle between the pygmies and the cranes, to which Homer refers at the beginning of the third book of the Iliad. 577. Phlegra. On the west coast of Italy, where gods and giants fought a great battle. 580. Uther's son. King Arthur, hero of many romances. 583-7. Aspramont Fontarabbia. The names are those of places mentioned in mediæval romances describing conflicts between Christians and Saracens. Charlemain and all his peerage. Charlemagne and his twelve knights are the heroes of the Chanson de Roland, which gives an account of their defeat in the pass of Roncesvalles, not far from Fontarabbia. 163. 674. The work of sulphur. It was formerly believed that ores could not exist independent of sulphur. 678. Mammon. God of riches. 164. 720. Belus, Serapis. The first an Assyrian god, the second an Egyptian. 728. Cressets. Hanging iron vessels, open at the top, containing a burning illuminant. 737. Orders. The nine ranks of angels in the celestial hierarchy. 738. His name. Hephaestus, the Greek god of fire; analogous to the Latin Vulcan. 739. Ausonian land. Italy. 165. 756. Pandemonium. "The hall of all the devils." Milton coined the word on the analogy of Pantheon, "the hall of all the gods.' 769. The Sun with Taurus rides. The sun is in the sign of Taurus, or the Bull, from the middle of April till the middle of May. Cf. Chaucer's Prologue, 1. 7. |