Cador's son. I here give thee my kingdom, and guard my Britons ever at cost of thy life, and [50 uphold for them all the laws that have stood in my life-days, and all the good laws that stood in Uther's days. And I will fare to Avalon, to the fairest of all maidens, to Argante their queen, elf most fair, and she shall make my wounds all sound, make me all whole with healing draughts.. And afterwards I will come to my kingdom, and dwell with the Britons with much joy." Pe cunne of ban sode of Arður suggen mare; Merlin ihate; Even with the words there came from the sea a little boat moving with the waves, and two [00 women therein, wonderfully arrayed; and they took Arthur forthwith, and bore him quickly, and softly laid him down, and forth they began to depart. Then was it fulfilled what Merlin had once said, that there should be measureless grief at Arthur's departure. The Britons yet believe that he is alive, and dwelling in Avalon with the fairest of all elves; and the Britons ever yet look when Arthur shall come. There was never the man born, or chosen of any lady, who knows of [70 the truth to say more of Arthur; but once there was a sage named Merlin; he proclaimed with words-his sayings were true-that an Arthur should yet come to help the English. sode Þat an Arður sculde zete his quides weoren cum Anglen to fulste. THE ENGLISH PROCLAMATION OF HENRY III 1 (1258) Henri, burz Godes fultume King on Engleneloande, Lhoaverd on Yrloande, Duk on Normandi, on Aquitaine, and Eorl on Anjow, send igretinge to alle hise holde, ilærde and ileawede, on Hontendonschire: bæt witen ze wel alle bæt we willen and unnen þæt bæt ure rædesmen alle, ober be moare dæl of heom bæt beob ichosen burz us and pur3 bæt loandes folk on ure kuneriche, habbep idon and shullen don in be worbnesse of Gode and on ure treowbe, for pe freme of be loande [10 burz be besizte of ban toforeniseide redesmen, beo stedefæst and ilestinde in alle binge abuten ænde. And we hoaten alle ure treowe in be treowbe þæt heo us ozen, bæt heo stedefæstliche healden and swerien to healden and to werien bo isetnesses þæt beon imakede and beon to makien, burz ban toforeniseide rædesmen, ober burz be moare dæl of heom alswo alse hit is biforen iseid; and þæt æch ober helpe bæt for to done bi ban ilche obe azenes alle men rizt for to done and to foangen. [20 And noan ne nime of loande ne of ezte wherburz bis besizte muge beon ilet ober iwersed on onie wise. And 3if oni ober onie cumen her onzenes, we willen and hoaten bæt alle ure treowe heom healden deadliche ifoan. And for bæt we willen The first royal proclamation issued in English. Henry, by God's grace King of England, Lord of Ireland, Duke of Normandy, of Aquitaine, and Earl of Anjou, sends greeting to all his faithful, clerks and laymen, in Huntingdonshire. This know ye all well, that we will and grant that what all our counsellors, or the greater part of them, that are chosen by the land's folk in our kingdom, have done and shall do in the honor of God and in our faith, for the profit of the land through the provision of the aforesaid counsellors, shall [10 be stedfast and lasting in all ways without end. And we command all our true subjects by the troth that they owe us, that they stedfastly hold and swear to hold and to defend the statutes that are made and shall be made by the aforesaid counsellors, or by the greater part of them, just as it is aforesaid; and that each help the other to do this by the like oath to do right towards all men and to seize upon it. And let no one seize land or property whereby this statute may be [20 opposed or injured in any wise. And if any one or ones come here against, we will and command that all our faithful hold them deadly foes. And because we wish that this be stedfast and lasting, we send you this writ open, signed with our seal, to be kept by you in the treasury. Witness our Rosa sine spina, Thu bere 32 Jhesu, hevene king, 30 30 33 art the chief. 34 Paradise. 35 mother. 37 refuse. boon. courteous Gratia divina; 41 has. 42 has. 45 voice. 46 live. 1 come. 2 loud. 3 seed. • blossometh. 5 meadow. 49 I am. 6 wood. 7 ewe. loweth.cow. 10 leapeth. I have. 50 power. 43 concealed. most beautiful. 1 gentle. 55 I know. 62 fortune. 56 turned. knows. 40 is. 44 pit. 48 she. 11 snorteth. 12 merrily. 13 cease. 57 color. 58 hair. 59 enough. 60 lovely. 61 she. 14 one. 16 look. Lady. 18 may. 62 laughed. 63 waist. 64 for to be. 65 mate. 19 care 20 counsel. 21 beseech. 22 with. 23 heart. 66 I shall. 67 doomed 68 turn. 65 for this 4 shed. 25 mav 26 lost. 27 born. 28 dark. 70 cheeks. 22 night 30 cometh 3) out. bore. 71 lady. 72 come upon me. 74 neck. 75 maid. 76 I am. 77 wooing. 78 worn out. 79 weir 13 wise man. [Copyright, 1916 and 1917, by K. G. T. Webster and W. A. Neilson. Used by special permission of, and arrangement with, the holders of the copyright, and Houghton Mifflin Company.] 5 III pis kyng lay at Camylot vpon kryst-masse, a-vyse; Such glaumande gle glorious to here, 10 Dere dyn vp-on day, daunsyng on nyztes, With lordez & ladies, as leuest him bo3t; be most kyd knyztes vnder krystes seluen, 15 & be louelokkest ladies bat euer lif haden, & he be comlokest kyng bat be court haldes; For al wat3 bis fayre folk in her first age, on sille; Ie hapnest vnder heuen, 20 Kyng hyzest mon of wylle, Hit were now gret nye to neuen So hardy a here on hille. 1 deprive of. 2 endure. 3 most graceful. skirt. 5 song. guiltless. 7 avenged. 8 beware of. Perth. 10 proffer. 11 ready. 3. This King 32 lay royally at Camelot at Christmas tide with many fine lords, the best of men, all the rich brethren of the Round Table, with right rich revel and careless mirth. There full many heroes tourneyed betimes, jousted full gaily; then returned these gentle knights to the court to make carols. For there the feast was held full fifteen days alike with all the meat and the mirth that men could devise. Such a merry tumult, glorious to hear; joyful din by day, dancing at [10 night. All was high joy in halls and chambers with lords and ladies as pleased them best. With all the weal in the world they dwelt there together, the most famous knights save only Christ, the loveliest ladies that ever had life, and he, the comeliest of kings, who holds the court. For all this fair company were in their prime in the hall the happiest troop under heaven with the proudest of kings. Truly it would be hard to name anywhere so brave a band. [20 12 Stirling. 13 pillagers # spurred. 26 threatens. 32 Arthur. 15 except for. 19 bag-carrier. 23 curse. 27 few. 31 beware. IV Wyle nw zer wat3 so zep bat hit wat nwe cummen, pat day doubble on be dece wat3 be douth serued, Fro be kyng wat3 cummen with knztes in to be halle, 26 De chauntre of be chapel cheued to an ende; Loude crye wat3 ber kest of clerkez & ober, Nowel nayted o-newe, neuened ful ofte; & syben riche forth runnen to reche honde-selle, Zezed zeres ziftes on hi3, zelde hem bi hond, 31 Debated busyly aboute bo giftes; Ladies lazed ful loude, bo bay lost haden, & he bat wan wat3 not worth, bat may ze wel trawe. 35 Alle bis mirbe bay maden to be mete tyme; sete, De best burne ay abof, as hit best semed; 40 Of tryed Tolouse, of Tars tapites in-noghe, Dat were enbrawded & beten wyth be best gemmes, hat myzt be preued of prys wyth penyes to buy, in daye; pe comlokest to discrye, 45 per glent with yzen gray; A semloker bat euer he syzе, Soth mozt no mon say. 5. But Arthur would not eat till all were served. He was so merry in his mirth, and somewhat childlike in his manner; his life pleased him well; he loved little either to lie long or to sit long, so Lusied him his young blood and his wild brain. And another custom moved him also, that he through chivalry had taken up; he would never cat upon such a dear day before he was told an [50 uncouth tale of some adventurous thing, of some great marvel that he could believe, of ancient heroes, of arms, or of other adventures; or unless some person demanded of him a sure knight to join with him in jousting, to incur peril, to risk life against life, trusting each in the other, leaving the victory to fortune. This was the king's custom whenever he held court at each goodly feast among his free company in the hall. And so with undaunted face he strides stoutly to his seat on [60 that New Year, making great mirth with everybody. 6. Thus the great king stands waiting before the high table, talking of trifles full courteously. The good Gawain was placed there beside Guinevere, and Agravain of the Hard Hand sat on the Other side, both of them the king's sister's sons and full sure knights. Bishop Baldwin at the top begins the table, and Ywain, Urien's son, ate by himself. These were placed on the dais and [70 honorably served, and after them many a good man at the side tables. Then the first course came in with blare of trumpets, which were hung with many a bright banner. A new noise of kettledrums with the noble pipes, wild and stirring melodies wakened the echoes, that many a heart heaved full high at their tones. Dainties of precious meats followed, foison of fresh viands, and on so many dishes that it was dincait to find place 4. When New Year was fresh and but newly come, the court was served double on the dais. As soon as the king with his knights was come into the hall, the chanting in the chapel came to an end; loud was the cry there of clerks and others. Noel was celebrated anew, shouted full often; and afterwards the great ones ran about to take handsel; called aloud for New Year's gifts, paid them out briskly, busily discussed the gifts; ladies laughed full loud, though they had lost; and he [30 that won was not wroth, that may ye well trow. All this mirth they made till the meat time. When they had washed, worthily they went to their seats, the best man ever above, as it best behoved. Queen Guinevere full beauteous was set in the midst, placed on the rich dais adorned all about. Fine silk at the sides, a canopy over her of precious cloth of Toulouse, and tapestries of Tars, that were embroidered and set with the best gems that money could buy. Truly no man could say [40 that he ever beheld a comelier lady than she, with her dancing gray eyes. before the people to set on the cloth the silver [80 that held the several courses. Each man as he himself preferred partook without hesitation. Every two had twelve dishes between them, good beer and bright wine both.. 7. Now will I tell you no more of their service, for everybody must well understand that there was no lack of opportunity for the people to take their food. Another noise full new suddenly drew nigh, for scarcely had the music ceased a moment, and the first course been properly served in the [00 court, than there burst in at the hall door an awesome being, in height one of the tallest men in the world; from the neck to the waist so square and so thick was he, and his loins and his limbs so long and so great, that half giant I believed him to have been, or, at any rate, the largest of men, and withal the handsomest in spite of his bulk, that ever rode; for though his back and breast were so vast, yet his belly and waist were properly slim; and all his form according, full fairly [100 shaped. At the hue of his noble face men wondered; he carried himself in hostile fashion and was entirely green. 8. All green was this man and his clothing; a straight coat sat tight to his sides; a fair mantle above, adorned within; the lining showed, with costly trimming of shining white fur; and such his hood also, that was caught back from his locks and lay on his shoulders, the hem well stretched; hose of the same green, that clung to his calf; [110 and clean spurs under, of bright gold upon silk bands richly barred, and shoes on his shanks as the hero rides. And all his vesture verily was clean verdure, both the bars of his belt, and the other beauteous stones that were set in fine array about himself and his saddle, worked on silk. It would be too difficult to tell the half of the trifles that were embroidered there, with birds and flies, with gay gauds of green, -the gold ever in the middle; the pendants of the poitrel, the proud crupper, [120 the bits, and all the metal was enamelled; the stirrups that he stood on were coloured the same, and his saddle bow likewise, and his fine reins that glimmered and glinted all of green stones. The horse that he rode on was of the same colour too, a green horse, great and thick, a steed full stiff to guide, in gay embroidered bridle, and one right dear to his master. 9. This hero was splendidly dressed in green; and the hair of his head matched that of his [130 horse; fair flowing locks enfolded his shoulders; a beard as big as a bush hung over his breast; and it, together with his splendid hair that reached from his head, was trimmed evenly all round above his elbows, so that half his arms were caught thereunder in the manner of a king's hood, that covers his neck. The mane of that great horse was much like it, very curly and combed, with knots full many folded in with gold wire about the fair green, always one knot of the hair, [140 another of gold. The tail and the forelock were twined in the same way, and both bound with a band of bright green, set with full precious stones the whole length of the dock, and then tied up with a thong in a tight knot; where rang many bells full bright of burnished gold. Such a steed in the world, such a hero as rides him, was never beheld in that hall before that time. His glances were like bright lightning, so said all that saw him. It seemed as if no man could endure [150 under his blows. 10. He had neither helm nor hauberk, nor gorget, armour nor breastplate, nor shaft nor shield to guard or to smite; but in his one hand he had a holly twig, that is greenest when groves are bare, and an axe in his other, a huge and prodigious one, a weapon merciless almost beyond description; the head had the vast length of an ell-yard, the blade all of green steel and of beaten gold; the bit brightly burnished, with a broad edge, as [160 well shaped for cutting as sharp razors. The stern warrior gripped it by the steel of its stout staff, which was wound with iron to the end of the wood and all engraven with green in beauteous work. A lace was lapped about it, that was fastened at the head, and tied up often along the helve, with many precious tassels attached on rich embroidered buttons of the bright green. This hero turns him in and enters the hall, riding straight to the high dais, fearless of mischief. [170 He greeted never a one, but looked loftily about, and the first word that he uttered was: "Where is the governor of this company? Gladly I would see that hero and speak with him." He cast his eye on the knights and rode fiercely up and down, stopped and gan ponder who was there the most renowned. and tarry, I pray thee; and whatso thy will is we shall wit after." "Nay, so help me he that sits on high," quoth the hero. "To dwell any time in this house was not my errand; but because the fame of this people is lifted up so high, and thy town and thy men are held the best, the stoutest in steel gear on steeds to ride, the wightest and the worthiest [100 of the world's kind, and proved opponents in other proper sports; and here courtesy is known, as I have heard tell, it is this that has enticed me hither certainly at this time. You may be sure by this branch that I bear here that I pass in peace and seek no quarrel; for if I had set out with a company in fighting fashion, I have a hauberk at home and a helm both, a shield and a sharp spear shining bright, and other weapons to wield, 1 ween well also; but since I wished no war, my [200 weeds are softer. Now if thou be as bold as all men tell, thou wilt grant me graciously the game that I ask." Arthur knew how to answer, and said: "Sir courteous knight, if it is battle that thou cravest, thou shalt not fail of a fight here." 13. "Nay, I demand no fight; in faith I tell thee there are but beardless children about on this bench. If I were hasped in arms on a high steed there is no man here to match me, their [210 might is so weak. Therefore I crave in this court a Christmas game, for it is Yule and New Year, and here are many gallants. If there be a man in this house who holds himself so hardy, is so bold in his blood, so rash in his head, that he dares stiffly strike one stroke for another, I shall give him as my gift this rich gisarm, this axe, that is heavy enough, to handle as he likes; and I shall abide the first blow as bare as I sit. If any warrior be wight enough to try what I propose, let him [220 leap lightly to me and take this weapon-I quitclaim it forever, let him keep it as his own-and I shall stand him a stroke firmly on this floor. At another time, by our Lady, thou wilt grant me the boon of dealing him another blow; I will give him respite of a twelvemonth and a day. Now hie, and let us see quickly if any herein dare say aught." 14. If he had astonished them at first, stiller were then all the retainers in hall, the high [230 and the low. The warrior on his steed settled himself in his saddle, and fiercely his red eyes he reeled about; bent his thick brows, shining green; and waved his beard, awaiting whoso would rise. When none would answer him he coughed aloud, stretched himself haughtily and began to speak: "What! Is this Arthur's house," said the hero then, "that is famous through so many realms? Where is now your pride and your conquests, your fierceness, and your wrath and your great [240 words? Now is the revel and the renown of the Round Table overcome by the word of a single man; for all tremble for dread without a blow shown." With this he laughed so loud that the lord grieved; the blood shot for shame into his fair face. He waxed as wroth as the wind; and so did all that were there. The king so keen of mood then stood near that proud man. 15. "Sir," said he, "by heaven thy asking is [250 |