A Bibliography of the Japanese Empire: Being a Classified List of All Books, Essays and Maps in European Languages Relating to Dai Nihon (Great Japan) Published in Europe, America and in the East

Kraus Reprint, 1928

Pasajes populares

Página 404 - Convention d'union de Paris du 20 mars 1883 pour la protection de la propriété industrielle, revisée à Bruxelles le 14 décembre 1900, à Washington le 2 juin 1911, à La Haye le 6 novembre 1925, et à Londres le 2 juin 1934: Adhésion par les Pays-Bas 406 N° 4833.
Página 662 - Icones of the Plants of Formosa, and Materials for a Flora of the Island, based on a Study of the Collections of the Botanical Survey of the Government of Formosa. By Bunzö Hayata, Rigakuhakushi. Volume X. (March 25th, 1921.) Published by the Bureau of Productive Industries, Government of Formosa, Taihoku. 4».
Página 658 - A geological problem concerning the raised coral reefs of the Riukiu Islands and Taiwan — A consideration based on the fossil foraminifera faunas contained in the raised coral — reef formation and the youngest deposits underlying it.
Página 406 - Chambre des députés ayant approuvé la convention de commerce et de navigation signée à Paris, le 19 août 1911, entre la France et le Japon, et cet acte ayant été ratifié, ladite convention dont la teneur suit recevra sa pleine et entière exécution.
Página 643 - Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan by the Rev. BW Clement who adds comparative chronological tables of the Christian Era, Japanese Eras and Emperors, Chinese Eras and Emperors and Korean Kings,, with years of the Sexagenary Cycles from 660 BC to 1910 AD Although a particular day is usually specified as the one on which an earthquake took place, it must be remembered that these may have been "foreshocks" and "aftershocks" in previous and subsequent dates.
Página 704 - YABE, H. : A contribution to the Genus Fusulina with Notes on a Fusulina-Limestone from Korea.
Página 536 - Geschichte der Medizin in Japan. Kurzgefasste Darstellung der Entwicklung der japanischen Medizin mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Einführung der europäischen Heilkunde in Japan, von Dr. med.
Página 482 - Catalogue of a Selection of Art Objects from the Freer Collection exhibited in the new building of the National Museum April 15 to June 15, 1912.
Página 661 - Flora Montana Formosae, An Enumeration of the Plants found on Mt. Morrison, the Central Chain, and other Mountainous Regions of Formosa at altitudes of 3,000 — 13,000 ft., in the Journal of [the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo.

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