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eially in countries where the population is small when compared to the extent ofterritory. I am very sensible that I may have been led into errors of fact, or inference. In that case I can plead honesty of intention, and the difficulty of collecting at a single point, and within a limited time, correct information; or of analyzing that which was collected, respecting a people in a state of revolution, who are spread over an immense country, and whose habits, institutions, and language, are so different from our own.

I have only to add, that we were politely received by the Supreme Director, who made every profession for our Government, and every offer of accommodation to us, as its agents, which we had a right to expect, and that the people manifested on all occasions the most friendly dispositions.

Estimate of the population of the province of Buenos Ayres, Cordova, Tucumau,,Mendoza, or Cuyo, and Salta, under the names of the different towns or districts which send Representatives to the Congress,

By an imperfect census, taken, it is believed, in 1815, Buenos Ayres contained 93,105, excluding troops and transient persons, and Indians.

Buenos Ayres


Santiago del Es.

tero Valle de Calla


By more
recent es- Exclud-
timates, ing Indi-
excluding ans.


105,000 120,000 150,000
75,000 75,000 100,000
45,000 45,000 20,000*
45,000 60,000
36,000 40,000

[blocks in formation]


Cochabamba 100,000 120,000 200,000 112,000 112,000 250,000 112,000 175,000 800,000

Plata, orChoreas 112,000

La Paz

[blocks in formation]

Note.-It is not understood that any part of the province of Corrientes, or that of the city or district of

Santa Fee, is included in this estimate; and some dis tricts of some of the other provinces may be omitted.

Together with the Reports from our Commissioners, were transmitted to Congress the several documents therein referred to.

As we attach considerable importance to these Reports, we shall in our following Numbers continue them with such remarks as their contents and tenor may suggest.

Political and Literary Anecdotes of his own Times. By Dr. William King, Principal of St. Mary's Hall, Oxon. 8vo. 8s. 6d. Murray, London, 1818.

This work, though small in bulk, is rich in amusing anecdote, and when once taken up is not hastily to be thrown aside. Its author, Dr. King, was born at Stepney, near London, in 1685, and died in 1763. He was an accomplished scholar, and was highly esteemed for his wit, humour, and independent spirit.

The present volume we learn from the editor's prefatory advertisement, was discovered in the possession of two ladies relations of the author. Of its authenticity there can be no doubt; as from a comparison of the hand-writing of the original manuscript with that which is well ascertained to be Dr. King's, in the account books of St. Mary's Hall, Oxford, (of which he was for many years the principal) there is every reason to suppose it to have been written by Dr. K. himself, and to have been intended for publication.

These "Anecdotes," though desultory are exceedingly curious. They contain a very striking character of the pretender, together with many interesting particulars relative to the jacobite party, to which Dr. King was strongly attached, and with the leaders of which he was intimately acquainted. Many pleasant 30,000+ stories of the great men and literary 150,000+ characters, contemporaries of Dr. King, 50,000+ are here recorded, with some elegant criticisms on the latin poets. We select 300,000 a few instances for the amusement of our readers.

+ Under the various names of Santa Cruz de la Sierra Majos, and Chequitos.

Who amongst all the modern writers is to be more esteemed and admired than Monsieur Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray, and author of Telemachus, whose piety,

politeness and humanity were equal to his great learning? Ramsay, the author of Cyrus, who was educated in Monsieur Fenelon's Family, acquainted me with an anecdote which hath ever made me revereace the memory of this excellent man. Some German officers who were prisoners at Cambray were invited to dine with the Archbishop, whose table was always open to the officers of the French garrison, of which a certain number dined with him every day. The Germans during the dinner were continually calling for bumpers of wine. The French seemed to sneer at this behaviour of the German officers, and looked on them with a kind of contempt: which Monsieur Fenelon observing called for an half-pint glass of Burgundy, (which perhaps was more than he had ever taken at one meal before,) and drank it off to the health of the prisoners. This was a bandsome compliment to the Germans, and a proper reprimand to his own countrymen. But, as soon as the German officers were gone, he thus admonished the French gentlemen. "You should endeavour to divest yourselves of all national prejudices, and

never condemn the customs and manners of a foreign people, because they are altogether different from your own. I am a true French-man, and love my country; but I love mankind better than my country."

It is well known that during Sir Robert Walpole's administration corruption was carried to a most disgraceful extent in Parliament. Dr. King, (who it will be recollected was a zealous jacobite) boldly ascribes all our national misfortunes since the accession of the House of Brunswick to that administration.

It is certain that all our national misfortunes since the accession of the House of Hanover must be chiefly ascribed to Walpole's administration. He unhinged all the principles and morals of our people, and changed the government into a system of corruption. He openly ridiculed virtue and merit, and promoted no man to any employment of profit or honour, who had scruples of conscience, or refused implicitly to obey his commands. He was a ready speaker, understood the business of parlia ment, and knew how to manage an House of Commons, which however was not a very difficult task, if it be considered that a majority of the members were of his own nomination. He seemed to have great resolution; and yet he was once so much intimidated by the clamours of the people without doors, that he thought it expedient

to give up one of his most favorite schemes. He had besides some difficulties to encounter through his whole administration, which were not known to the public. A friend of mine who dined with him one day tetea-tete took occasion to compliment him on the great honour and power which he enjoyed as prime minister. "Doctor," says he, "I have great power it is true, but I have two cursed drawbacks, Hanover, and the *** avarice." This minister who thought he had established himself beyond a possibility of being shaken, fell at last by his too great security: if he may be said to fall who went out of employment with an Earldom and a pension of 40001, or 50001. a year.

Other anecdotes of profligate corruption are recorded, for which we refer to the volume itself, but there is so much good sense in the following observations on a custom, now growing into some degree of disuse, that we cannot withhold them from our readers, who (we think) cannot fail to be amused with the stories with which they are enlivened.

The custom of giving money to servants is now become such a grievance, that it legislature totally to abolish it. How much seems to demand the interposition of the are foreigners astonished when they observe that a man cannot dine at any house iu England, not even with his father or his brother, or with any other of his nearest relations, or most intimate friends aud But how can they behold without indig companions, unless he pay for his dinner! nation or contempt a man of quality standing by his guests, while they are distributing money to a double row of his servants? I when I am invited to dine with any of my acquaintance, I were to send the master of the house a sirloin of beef for a present, it would be considered as a gross affront; and yet as soon as I shall have dined or before I leave the house, I must be obliged to pay for the sirloin, which was brought to his table or placed on the sideboard. For I contend, that all the money which is bestowed on the servants, is given to the master. For if the servants' wages were increased in some proportion to their vails (which is the practice of a few great families, the D. of Norfolk's, Mr. Spencer's, Sir Francis Dashwood's, &c.) this scandalous custom might be totally extinguished. I remember a Lord Poor, a roman catholic Peer in [reland, who lived upon a small pension which Q. Anne had granted him he was a man of honour, and well esteemed, and had formerly been an officer of some distinction in the service of France. The Duke of

Ormonde had often invited him to dinner, and he as often excused himself. At last the Duke kindly expostulated with him, and would know the reason why he so constantly refused to be one of his guests. My Lord Poor then honestly confessed that be could not afford it: but, says he, if your Grace will put a guinea into my hands as often as you are pleased to invite me to dine, I will not decline the honour of waiting on you. This was done, and my Lord was afterwards a frequent guest in St. James's Square. For my part, whenever I am invited to the table of any of my noble friends, I have the vanity to imagine that my company is desired for the sake of my

conversation, and there is certainly no reason why I should give the servants money because I give the master pleasure. Be sides I have observed the servants of every great house consider these vails to be as

much their due as the fees which are claim

ed in the Custom-house, or in any other
public office. And therefore they make no
distinction between a gentleman of 2001. a
year and one of 2000l. although they look
on the former as inferior in every respect
to themselves. Maxima quæque domus ser-
vis est plena superbis is an axiom which will
hold true to the end of the world. Upon
the whole if this custom which is certainly
a disgrace to our country, is to continue in
force, I think it may at least be practised
in a better manner. Suppose there were
written in large gold letters over the door
of every man of rank: The fees for dining
here are three half crowns (or ten shillings)
to be paid to the porter on entering the
house: Peers or Peeresses to pay what
more they think proper. By this regulation
two inconveniences would be avoided:
first the difficulty of distinguishing amongst
a great number the quality of the servants.
I who am near sighted have sometimes
given the footman what I designed for the
butler, and the butler has had only the
footmau's fee: for which the butler treated
me with no small contempt, until an oppor-
tunity offered of conecting my error.
secondly this method would prevent the
shame which every master of a family can-
not help feeling whilst he sees his guests
giving about their shillings and half crowns
to his servants. He may then conduct them
boldly to his door, and take his leave with
a good grace. My Lord Taaffe of Ireland
a general officer in the Austrian service,
came into England a few years ago on ac-
count of his private affairs. When his
friends who had dined with him were
going away, he always attended them to
the door, and if they offered any money to
the servant who opened it (for he never
suffered but one servant to appear,) he


always prevented them, saying in his manner of speaking English, "If you do give, give it to me, for it was that did buy the dinner."

The following anecdote relative to Oliver Cromwell, has we believe never before been published. To us at least it is perfectly new, and it exhibits a pleasing trait in the character of that extraordinary man.


In the civil war my grandfather Sir William Smyth was governor of Hillesdon House, near Buckingham, where the King had a small garrison. This place was besieged and taken by Cromwell. But the officers capitulated to march out with their arms, baggage, &c. As soon as they were without the gate, one of Cromwell's soldiers snatched off Sir William Smyth's hat. He immediately complained to Cromwell of the fellow's insolence and breach of the capitulation. "Sir," says Cromwell, "if you can point out the man, or I can discover him, I promise you he shall not go unpunished. In the mean time (taking off a new beaver which he had on his head) be pleased to accept of this hat instead of your own."

We must conclude our extracts with the following anecdotes relative to the Pretender, with whom our author had a conversation in September 1750.

September 1750, I received a note from my Lady Primrose, who desired to see me immediately. As soon as I waited on her she led me into her dressing-room and presented me to- -t. If I was surprised to find him there, I was still more astonished when be acquainted me with the motives which had induced him to hazard a journey to England at this juncture. The impatience of his friends who were in exile had formed a scheme which was imprac ticable; but although it had been as feasible as they had represented it to him, yet no preparation had been made, nor was any thing ready to carry it into execution. He was soon convinced that be had been de. ceived, and therefore, after a stay in London of five days only, he returned to the As I had place from whence he came. some long conversations with him here, and for some years after held a constaut correspondence with him, not indeed by letters but by messengers, who were occasionally

*The siege of Hillesdon House is nowhere mentioued by my Lord Clarendon. The noble historian and Sir W. Smyth were not good friends.

+ The Pretender.

I These were not common couriers, but gentlemen of fortune, honour, and veracity, and on whose relations I could entirely depend.

dispatched to him; and as during this inter- | character is his love of money, a vice which course I'informed myself of all particulars relating to him and of his whole conduct, both in public and private life, I am perhaps as well qualified as any man in England to draw a just character of him; and I impose this task on myself not only for the information of posterity, but for the sake of many worthy gentlemen whom I shall leave behind me, who are at present attached to his name, and who have formed their ideas of him from public report, but more particularly from those great actions which he performed in Scotland. As to his person he is tall and well made, but stoops a little, owing perhaps to the great fatigue which he underwent in his northern expedition. He has an handsome face and good eyes; (I think his busts which about this time were commonly in London, are more like him than any of his pictures which I have yet seen ;) but in polite company he would not pass for a genteel mau. He hath a quick apprehension, and speaks French, Italian, and English, the last with a little of a foreign accent. As to the rest very little care seems to have been taken of his education, He had not made the belles lettres or any of the finer arts his study which surprised me much considering his preceptors and the noble opportunities he must have always had in that nursery† of all the elegant and liberal arts and science. But I was still more astonished when I found him unacquainted with the history and constitution of England, in which he ought to have been very early instructed. I never heard him express any noble or benevolent sentiments, the certain indications of a great soul and a good heart; or discover any sorrow or compassion for the misfortunes of so many worthy men who had suffered in his cause. But the most odious part of his

*He came one evening to my lodgings and drank tea with me: my servant after he was gone said to me," that he thought my new visitor very like Prince Charles." "Why," said I. "have you ever seen Prince Charles?" "No sir," replied the fellow, "but this gentleman, whoever he may be, exactly resembles the busts which are sold in Red lion-street, and are said to be the busts of Prince Charles." The truth is, these busts were taken in plaster of Paris from his face.

I do not remember to have been imputed by our historians to any of his ancestors, and is the certain index of a base and little mind. I know it may be urged in his vindication that a prince in exile ought to be an economist. And so he ought; but nevertheless his purse should be always open, as long as there is any thing in it, to relieve the necessities of his friends and adherents. King Charles the second during his banishment would have shared the last pistole in his pocket with his little family. But I have known this gentleman with two thousand Louis d'ors in his strong box pretend he was in great distress, and borrow money from a lady in Paris, who was not in affluent circumstances. His most faithful servants, who had closely attended him in all his difficulties were ill rewarded. Two Frenchmen who had left every thing to follow his fortune, who had been sent as couriers through half Europe, and executed their commissions with great punctuality and exactness, were suddenly discharged without any faults imputed to them, or any recompense for their past service. To this spirit of avarice may be added his insolent manner of treating his immediate dependants, very unbecoming a great prince, and a sure prognostic of what might be expected from him if ever he acquired sovereign power. Sir J. Harrington * and † Col. Goring who suffered themselves to be imprisoned with him, rather than desert him, when the rest of his family and attendants fled, were afterwards obliged to quit his service on account of his illiberal behaviour. But there is one part of his character, which I must particularly insist on, since it occasioned the defection of the most powerful of his friends and adherents in England, and by some concurring accidents totally blasted all his hopes and pretensions. When he was in Scotland, he had a mistress whose he is a protestant; and to convince the latter of his sincerity, he often carried an English Common Prayer-book in his pocket; and sent to Gordon (wbom I have mentioned before) a nonjuring clergyman, to christen the first child he had by Mrs. W.

*Sir J. Harrington remained in banishment till the accession of the present King George III. No man is better acquainted with the private history and character of Prince Charles, and if ever he reads what I have here written, I am confident that he will readily vouch the truth of my nar

+ Rome. His governor was a protestant, and I am apt to believe purposely neglected his education, of which it is surmised he made a merit to the English ministry; for he was always sup-rative. posed to be their pensioner. The Chevalier Ramsay the author of Cyrus was Prince Charles' preceptor for about a year, but a court faction removed him.

As to his religion he is certainly free from all bigotry aud superstition, and would readily conform to the religion of the country. With the catholics he is catholic; with the protestants

+Goring upon quitting his service was recommended by my Lord Marshall to the King of Prussia, who immediately gave him a command in his army equal to his pretensions. Goring died soon after, and his loss was greatly lamented by his Prussian Majesty, who honoured him with a character in a letter to my Lord Marshal.

name is Walkensnaw, and whose sister was | Walkenshaw, and that he could see her at that time and is still housekeeper at Lei- removed from him without any concern, but cester House. Some years after he was re- he would not receive directions in respect leased from his prison and conducted out of to his private conduct from any man alive. France, he sent for this girl who soon ac- When M'Namara returned to London and quired such a dominion over him that she reported the Prince's answer to the gentlewas acquainted with all his schemes, and men who had employed him, they were trusted with his most secret correspondence. astonished and confounded. However they As soon as this was known in England, all soon resolved on the measures which they those persons of distinction who were attach- were to pursue for the future, and detered to him were greatly alarmed; they ima- mined no longer to serve a man who could gined that this wench had been placed in his not be pursuaded to serve himself, and family by the English ministers, and con- chose rather to endanger the lives of sidering her sister's situation they seemed his best and most faithful friends than part to have some ground for their suspicion; with an harlot, whom as he had often dewherefore they dispatched a gentleman to clared he neither loved nor esteemed. If Paris, where the Prince then was, who ever that old adage Quos Jupiter vult perhad instructions to insist that Mrs. Walk- dere, &c. could be properly applied to any enshaw should be removed to a convent for person, whom could it so well fit as the a certain term; but her gallant absolutely gentleman of whom I have been speaking ? refused to comply with this demand, and for it is difficult by any other means to acalthough Mr. M'Namara the gentleman count for such a sudden infatuation. He who was sent to him, who has a natural was indeed soon afterwards made sensible eloquence and an excellent understanding, of his misconduct, when it was too late to urged the most cogent reasons, and used all repair it; for from this era may truly be the arts of persuasion to induce him to part dated the ruin of his cause, which for the with his mistress, and even proceeded so future can only subsist in the N-n-ing far as to assure him according to his instruc- congregations, which are generally formed tions, that an immediate interruption of all of the meanest people, from whom no dancorrespondence with his most powerful ger to the present government need ever be friends in England, and in short that the apprehended. ruin of his interest which was now daily increasing, would be the infallible consequence of his refusal, yet he continued inflexible, and all M'Namara's intreaties and remonstrances were ineffectual. M'Namara staid in Paris some days beyond the time prescribed him, endeavouring to reason the Prince into a better temper, but finding him obstinately persevere in his first answer he took his leave with concern and indig. nation, saying as he passed out, "what has your family done, Sir, thus to draw down the vengeance of heaven on every branch of it through so many ages?" It is worthy of remark that in all the conferences which M'Namara had with the Prince on this occasion, the latter declared that it was not a violent passion or indeed any particular regard which attached bim to Mrs.

I believe he spoke truth when he declared he had no esteem for his northern mistress, although she had been his companion for so many years. She had no elegance of manners and as they had both contracted an odious habit of drinking, so they exposed themselves very frequently, not only to their own family but to all their neighbours. They often quarrelled and sometimes fought: they were some of these drunken scenes which probably occasioned the report of his madness.

[ocr errors]

These were all men of fortune and distinction

and many of them persons of the first quality, who attached themselves to ---as to a person who they imagined might be made the instrument of saving their country. They were sensible government was become a system of corruption, that by Walpole's administration the English and that Walpole's successors who pursued his plan without any of his abilities, had reduced us to such a deplorable situation, that our commerof being lost, and Great Britain, which, if her cial interest was sinking, our colonies in danger powers were properly exerted, was able to give laws to other nations, was become the contempt of all Europe.

As they were afterwards in Mr. Pitt's administration.

tion which immediately followed upon the report + He was soon made acquainted with the defecof his answer. He endeavoured to excuse himself by blaming the gentleman who had been sent to him; he pretended the message had not been properly delivered, that he had been treated rudely and insolently, &c. But this was not the case. Mr. M'Namara addressed him in the most respectful manner, and though he spoke firmly, as he knew the consequence of the Prince's refusal, yet he could not have treated him with more deference if he had been on the throne. The Prince's accusation of M'Namara was very unjust, as well as ungrateful, for M'Namara had been often with him, and had served him with great zeal and fidelity on many important occasions, both at home and abroad.

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