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this library. There are few places I would rather haunt after my death than this room, and there are few things I would have my children remember more than this, that this man spoke the discourse at the opening of this glorious library, the first-fruits of a clear understanding that a great town exists to discharge towards the people of that town the duties that a great nation exists to discharge towards the people of that nationthat a town exists here by the grace of God, that a great town is a solemn organism through which should flow, and in which should be shaped, all the highest, loftiest, and truest ends of man's intellectual and moral nature. I wish then for you, Mr. Mayor, and for myself, that in years to come, when we are in some respects forgotten, still now and then in this room the curious questions may be asked-Who was Mayor on that famous day? Who said grace before that famous banquet? Who returned thanks for that gracious meal? Who gathered these books together? Who was the first man that held that new office of 'ibrarian? I trust his name will be printed whenever the name of this corporation appears.


his title is to be I don't know-whether it is to be Town Librarian or Corporation Librarian-but I envy him whatever it may be, and I am glad the Corporation has given itself an officer who represents intellect that it looks upward deliberately and says:-We are a Corporation, who have undertaken the highest duty that is possible to us we have made provision for our people--for all our people—and we have made a provision of God's greatest and best gifts unto man.




Library of English Literature.


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