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The bishop of Salisbury recommendeth the tenth satire of Juvenal, in his pastoral letter, to the serious perusal of the divines of his diocese.

Id. There ought to be the same difference between pastorals and elegies as between the life of the country and the court; the latter should be smooth, clean, tender, and passionate: the thoughts may be bold, more gay, and more elevated than in pastoral. Walsh.

The first branch of the great work belonging to a pastor of the church was to each. South.

Pastoral is an imitation of the action of a shepherd; the form of this imitation is dramatick or narrative, or mixed of both, the fable simple, the manners not too polite nor too rustick. Pope.

A breach in the general form of worship was reckoned too unpopular to be attempted, neither was the expedient then found out of maintaining separate pastors out of private purses. Swift. 'Tis now become a history little known, That once we called the pastoral house our own. Cowper. Fr. pastisserie, from paste. PA'STRY, n. s. Į PAS'TRY-COOK. Baked paste; paste designed to be baked.: pastry-cook is, one whose trade is to make and sell things baked in paste. Remember

The seed cake, the pasteries, and the furmenty pot. Tusser.

They call for dates and quinces in the pastry.

Beasts of chase, or fowls of game,
In pastry built, or from the spit, or boiled,
Gris amber steamed.

Milton's Paradise Regained.
Let never fresh machines your pastry try,
Unless grandees or magistrates are by,
Then you may put a dwarf into a pie.
I wish you knew what my husband has paid to
the pastrycooks and confectioners.



Fr. pasture, pasturage. Food for

PASTURE, n. s., v. a., & v. n. PAS TURABLE, adj. PAS'TURAGE, n. s. cattle; food of any kind; culture of the mind: to pasture is, both to place in, and graze on pasture ground: pasturable, fit for pasture: pasturage, the art of using or managing pastures; lands grazed by cattle.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he

leadeth me beside the still waters.

Psa. xxiii. 2.

I wish there were ordinances, that whosoever keepeth twenty kine, should keep a plough going; for otherwise all men would fall to pasturage, and none to husbandry. Spenser.

A careless herd
Full of the pasture jumps along by him,
And never stays.

Shakspeare. As You Like it.
The inhabitants each pasture and each plain
Destroyed have, each field to waste is laid;
In fenced towers bestowed is their grain,
Before thou camest this kingdom to invade..


The cattle in the fields and meadows green, Those rare and solitary; these in flocks Pasturing at once, and in broad herds up sprung.


Unto the conservation is required a solid pasture,

and a food congenerous unto nature.


From the first pastures of our infant age, To elder cares and man's severer page We lash the pupil.


When there was not room for their herds to feed together, they, by consent, separated and enlarged their pasture where it best liked them. Locke.

France has a sheep by her to show that the riches of the country consisted chiefly, in flocks and pasturage. Addison. Cattle fatted by good pasturage, after violent motion, die suddenly. Arbuthnot on Aliments. The pastures smile in green array; There lambs and larger cattle play. The new tribes look abroad On nature's common, far as they can see Or wing their range and pasture.


Thomson's Spring.

PASTURE, or PASTURE LAND, is that reserved for feeding cattle. Pasture land is of such advantage to husbandry that many prefer its cultivation even to corn land, because of the small hazard and labor that attend it, and as it lays the foundation for most of the profit that is expected from arable land, because of the manure Pasture ground is of two sorts; the one is meaafforded by the cattle which are fed upon it. dow land, which is often overflowed; and the other upland, which lies high and dry. The first of these will produce a much greater quantity of hay than the latter, and will not require manuring or dressing so often: but then the hay produced on the upland is much preferable to the other; as is also the meat which is fed in the upland more valued than that which is fatted in rich meadows; though the latter will make the fatter and larger cattle, as is seen by those which are brought from the low rich lands in Lincolnshire. But, where people are nice in their meat, they will give a much larger price for such as has been fed on the downs, or in short upland pasture, than for the other, which is much larger. Besides this, dry pastures have an advantage over the meadows, that they may be fed all the winter, and are not so subject to be boggy in wet weather; nor will there be so many weeds produced; which are great advantages, and in a great measure recompense for the smallness of the crop. We shall here only mention some methods for improving upland pasture.

The first improvement of upland pasture is by fencing it, and dividing it into small fields of four, five, six, eight, or ten, acres each, planting timber trees in the hedge rows, which will screen the grass from the dry pinching winds of March, which will prevent the grass from growing in large open lands; so that if April proves a dry month, the land produces very little hay; whereas, in the sheltered fields, the grass will begin to grow early in March, and will cover the ground, and prevent the sun from parching the roots of the grass, whereby it will keep growing, so as to afford a tolerable crop, if the spring should prove dry. But in fencing land the enclosure must not be made too small, especially where the hedgerows are planted with trees; because, when the trees are advanced to a considerable height, they will spread over the land: and, where they are close, will render the grass sour; so that, injure the pasture. The next improvement of upstead of being of an advantage, it will greatly inland pasture is to make turf good, where, either from the badness of the soil or want of proper care, the grass has been destroyed by rushes,

bushes, or mole-hills. Where the surface of the land is clayey and cold, it may be improved by paring it off, and burning it; but if it is a hot sandy land, then chalk,-lime, marl, or clay, are very proper manures to lay upon it; but this should be laid in pretty good quantities, otherwise it will be of little service to the land. If the ground is over-run with bushes or rushes, it will be of great advantage to the land to grub them up towards the latter part of summer, and, after they are dried, to burn them, and spread the ashes over the ground just before the autumnal rains; at which time the surface of the land should be levelled, and sown with grass-seed, which will come up in a short time, and make good grass the following spring. So, also, when the land is full of mole-hills, these should be pared off, and either burnt for the ashes, or spread immediately on the ground where they are pared off, observing to sow the bare patches with grass-seed just as the autumnal rains begin. Where the land has been thus managed, it will be of great service to roll the turf in the months of February and March with a heavy wood roller; always observing to do it in moist weather, that the roller may make an impression; this will render the surface level, and make it much easier to mow the grass than when the ground lies in hills; and will also cause the turf to thicken, so as to have what the people usually term a good bottom. The grass likewise will . be the sweeter for this husbandry, and it will be a great help to destroy weeds. Another improvement of upland pastures is the feeding of them; for, where this is not practised, the land must be manured at least every third year; and, where a farmer has much arable land in his possession, he will not care to part with his manure to the pasture. Therefore every farmer should endeavour to proportion his pasture to his arable land, especially where manure is scarce, otherwise he will soon find his error; for the pasture is the foundation of all the profit which may arise from the arable land. Whenever the upland pastures are mended by manure, there should be a regard had to the nature of the soil, and a proper sort of manure applied: as, for instance, all hot sandy land should have a cold manure; neat's dung and swine's dung are very proper for such lands; but, for cold lands, horse dung, ashes, and other warm manures, are proper. And, when these are applied, it should be done in autumn, before the rains have soaked the ground, and rendered it too soft to cart on; and it should be carefully spread, breaking all the clods as small as possible, and then harrowed with bushes, to let it down to the roots of the grass. When the manure is laid on at this season, the rains in winter will wash down the salts, so that the following spring the grass will receive the advantage of it. There should also be great care taken to destroy the weeds in the pasture every spring and autumn: for, where, this is not practised, the weeds will ripen their seeds, which will spread over the ground, and thereby fill it with such a crop of weeds as will soon overbear the grass, and destroy it; and it will be very difficult to root them out afterwards; especially ragwort, and such other weeds as have

down adhering to their seeds. The grasses sown
in these upland pastures seldom degenerate, if
the land is tolerably good: whereas the low
meadows, which are overflowed in winter, in a
few years turn to a harsh rushy grass, though the
upland will continue a fine sweet grass for many
years without renewing. There is no part of
husbandry of which the farmers are in general
more ignorant than that of the pasture: most of
them suppose that, when old pasture is ploughed
up, it can never be brought to have a good
sward again; so their common method of manag-
ing their land after ploughing is to sow with
their crop of barley some grass seeds as they
call them; that is, either the red clover, which
they intend to stand two years after the corn is
taken off the ground, or rye-grass mixed with
trefoil; but as all these are at most but biennial
plants, whose roots decay soon after their seeds
are perfected, so the ground, having no crop up-
on it, is again ploughed for corn; and this is the
constant round which the lands are employed in
by the better sort of farmers. But, whatever may
have been the practice of these people, it is cer-
tainly possible to lay down lands which have
been in tillage with grass, in such a manner as
that the sward shall be as good, if not better,
than any natural grass, and of as long duration.
But this is never to be expected in the common
method of sowing a crop of corn with the grass
seeds; for, wherever this has been practised, if
the corn has succeeded well, the grass has been
very poor and weak; so that, if the land has not
been very good, the grass has scarcely been
worth saving; for the following year it has pro-
duced but little hay, and the year after the crop
is worth little, either to mow or feed. Nor can
it be expected to be otherwise; for the ground
cannot nourish two crops; and if there were no
deficiency in the land, yet the corn, being the
first and most vigorous of growth, will keep the
grass from making any considerable progress; so
that the plants will be extremely weak, and but
very thin, many of them which come up in the
spring being destroyed by the corn; for, when-
ever there are roots of corn, it cannot be ex-
pected there should be any grass. Therefore
the grass must be thin; and if the land is not in
good heart to supply the grass with nourishment,
that the roots may branch out after the corn is
gone, there cannot be any considerable crop of
clover; and, as their roots are biennial, many of
the strongest plants will perish soon after they
are cut; and the weak plants, which had made
but little progress before, will be the principal
part of the crop for the succeeding year; which
is many times not worth standing. Therefore,
when ground is laid down for grass, there should
be no crop of any kind sown with the seeds; or
at least the crop should be sown very thin, and
the land should be well ploughed and cleaned
from weeds, otherwise the weeds will come up
first, and grow so strong as to overbear the grass,
and, if they are not pulled up, will entirely spoil it.
The best season to sow the grass seeds upon
dry land, when no other crop is. sown with them,
is about the middle of September, or sooner if
there is an appearance of rain: for the ground
being then warm, . if there happen some good

showers of rain after the seed is sown, the grass will soon make its appearance, and get sufficient rooting in the ground before winter: so will not be in danger of having the roots turned out of the ground by frost especially if the ground is well rolled before the frost comes on, which will press it down, and fix the earth close to the roots. Where this has not been practised, the frost has often loosened the ground so much as to let in the air to the roots of the grass, and done it great damage; and this has been brought as an objection to the autumnal sowing of grass; but it will be found to have no weight if the above direction is practised: nor is there any hazard of sowing the grass at this season, but that of dry weather after the seeds are sown; for if the grass comes up well, and the ground is well rolled in the end of October, or the beginning of November, and repeated again the beginning of March, the sward will be closely joined at bottom, and a good crop of hay may be expected the same summer. But where the ground cannot be prepared for sowing at that season, it may be performed in the middle or end of March, according as the season is early or late; for, in backward springs, and in cold land, we have often sowed the grass in the middle of April with success; but there is danger, in sowing late, of dry weather, and especially if the land is light and dry; for we have seen many times the whole surface of the ground removed by strong winds at that season; so that the seeds have been driven in heaps to one side of the field. Therefore, whenever the seeds are sown late in the spring, it will be proper to roll the ground well soon after the seeds are sown, to settle the surface, and prevent its being removed. The sorts of seeds which are the best for this purpose, are, the best sort of upland hay seeds, taken from the cleanest pastures, where there are no bad weeds; if this seed is sifted, to clean it from rubbish, three bushels will be sufficient to sow an acre of land. The other sort is the trifolium pratense album, commonly called white Dutch clover, or white honeysuckle grass. Of this seed eight pounds will be enough for one acre. The grass seed should be sown first, and then the Dutch clover seed may be afterwards sown; but they should not be mixed, because the clover-seeds being the heaviest will fall to the bottom, and consequently the ground will be unequally sown. When the seeds are come up, if the land should produce many weeds, these should be drawn out before they grow so tail as to overbear the grass; for where this has been neglected, the weeds have taken such possession of the ground as to keep down the grass, and starve it; and, when these weeds have been suffered to remain until they have shed their seeds, the land has been so plentifully stocked with them as entirely to destroy the grass; therefore it is a principal care in husbandry never to suffer weeds to grow on the land. If the ground is rolled two or three times at proper distances after the grass is up, it will press down the grass, and cause it to make a thicker bottom: for, as the Dutch clover will put out roots from every joint of the branches which are near the ground, so, by pressing down of the stalks, the roots will mat so closely together as to form a sward

so thick as to cover the whole surface of the ground, and form a green carpet, and will better resist the drought. For if we examine the common pastures in summer, in most of which there are patches of this white honeysuckle grass growing naturally, we shall find these patches to be the only verdure remaining in the fields. And this the farmers in general acknowledge is the sweetest feed for all sorts of cattle; yet they never thought of propagating it by seeds, nor has this been long practised in England. As the white clover is an abiding plant, so it is certainly the very best sort to sow, where pastures are laid down to remain; for as the hay-seeds which are taken from the best pastures will be composed of various sorts of grass, some of which may be but annual, and others biennial; so, when these go off, there will be many and large patches of ground left bare and naked, if there is not a sufficient quantity of the white clover to spread over and cover the land. Therefore a good sward can never be expected where this is not sown; for in most of the natural pastures we find this plant makes no small share of the sward; and it is equally good for wet and dry land, growing naturally upon gravel and clay in most parts of England: which is a plain indication how easily this plant may be cultivated to great advantage in most sorts of land throughout this kingdom. Therefore the true cause why the land which has been in tillage is not brought to a good turf again, in the usual method of husbandry, is, from the farmers not distinguishing which grasses are annual from those which are perennial; for, if annual or biennial grasses are sown, these will of course soon decay; so that, unless where some of their seeds may have ripened and fallen, nothing can be expected on the land but what will naturally come up. Therefore this, with the covetous method of laying down the ground with a crop of corn, has occasioned the general failure of increasing the pasture in many parts of Britain, where it is now much more valuable than any arable land. After the ground has been sown in the manner before directed, and brought to a good sward, the way to preserve it good is, by constantly rolling the ground with a heavy roller, every spring and autumn, as has been before directed. This piece of husbandry is rarely practised by farmers; but those who do, find their account in it, for it is of great benefit to the grass. Another thing should also be carefully performed, which is, to cut up docks, dandelion, knapweed, and all such weeds, by their roots, every spring and autumn; this will increase the quantity of good grass, and preserve the pastures in beauty. Dressing of these pastures every third year is also a good piece of husbandry; for otherwise it cannot be expected the ground should continue to produce good crops. Besides this, it will be necessary to change the seasons of 'mowing, and not to mow the same ground every year, but to mow one season and feed the next: for, where the ground is every year mown, it must be constantly dressed, as are most of the grass grounds in the environs of London, otherwise the ground will be soon exhausted.

PASTY, n. s. Fr. paste. A pie of crust latitude: being surrounded by Chili, Paraguay,

without a dish.

Of the paste a coffin will I rear,
And make two pasties of your shameful heads.

I will confess what I know; if ye pinch me like a pasty I can say no more. Id.

If you'd fright an alderman and mayor, Within a pasty lodge a living hare.

A man of sober life,


Not quite a madman though a pasty fell. And much too wise to walk into a well. Pope. What say you-a pasty, it shall, and it must, And my wife little Kitty is famous for crust.

PATLY, adv.


PAT, adj., n. s.,& v. a. Belg. pas. (Skinner.) Dr. Johnson says Fr. patte, is a foot, and thence pat may be a blow with the foot. Smart; fit; convenient; suited: hence a smart, quick blow; a tap: to strike lightly or smartly: patly is, suitably, with exact fitness. Pat, pat; and here's a marvellous convenient place for our rehearsal.

Shakspeare. Midsummer Night's Dream. Now I might do it pat, now he is praying.

Shakspeare. Children prove, whether they can rub upon the breast with one hand, and pat upon the forehead with another, and straightways they pat with both. Bacon's Natural History.

They never saw two things so pat, In all respects as this and that.


If we do search about for a case to that which we do now commemorate, we should, perhaps, hardly find one more patly such, than is that which is implied in this psalm.


The least noise is enough to disturb the operation of his brain; the pat of a shuttlecock, or the creaking of a jack will do.


Zuinglius dreamed of a text, which he found very pat to his doctrine of the Eucharist. Atterbury. Gay pats my shoulder, and you vanish quite.

Pope. He was sorely put to it at the end of a verse, Because he could find no word to come pat in.


PATECI, in mythology, images of gods which the Phoenicians carried on the prows of their galleys. Herodotus, lib. iv., calls them TaTwixo. The word is Phoenician, and derived from pethica, i. e. titulus, a title, or mark of dignity. See Bochart's Chanaan, lib. ii. cap. 3. But Scaliger derives it from Heb. patach, to engrave. Morin derives it from Onkos, monkey, this animal having been an object of worship among the Egyptians, and hence might have been honored by their neighbours. Mr. Elsner has observed, that Herodotus does not call the patæci gods, but that they obtained this dignity from the liberality of Hesychius and Suidas, and other ancient lexicographers, who place them at the stern of ships; whereas Herodotus placed them at the prow. Scaliger, Bochart, and Selden, have taken some pains about this subject. Mr. Morin has also given us a learned dissertation on this head in the Memoires de l'Acad. des Inscript. et Belles Lettres, tom. i.

PATAGONIA, a name given to that part of South America which extends from Chili and Paraguay to the extremity of this continent south-west, that is, from 35° almost to 54° of

the South and North Seas, and the Straits of Magellan, which .separate it from Terra del Fuego, and extend about 116 leagues in length from sea to sea, but only from half a league to three or four in breadth. This country had the name of Terra Magellanica, from Magellan. The lofty mountains of Andes, which are covered with snow a great part of the year, crossing the country from north to south, the air is much colder than in the north, under the same latitude. Towards the north it is covered with wood, but on the south not a single tree fit for any mechanical purpose is to be seen yet there is good pasture, and incredible numbers of wild horned cattle and horses. The east coast is mostly low land, with few or no good harbours; one of the best is Port St. Julian. Patagonia is inhabited from which the country takes its name; the Pamby a variety of Indian tribes, as the Patagons, pas, the Cossares, &c., of whom we know very little. From the accounts of commodore Byron and his crew, and the testimonies of other navigators, some of them were long said to be of a gigantic stature, and clothed with skins; others to go almost quite naked, notwithstanding the inclemency of the climate. Some of them who live about the Straits are perfect savages: but those with whom Byron and his people conversed were gentle and humane. They live on fish and game, and what the earth produces spontaneously. On the coasts of Patagonia lie a great number of islands. A vast deal has been said respecting the stature of the Patagonians, by sions. Mr. Charles Clarke, who was on board people of different nations, and on various occaByron's ship in 1764, says that some of them are certainly nine feet, if they do not exceed it. Captain Wallis, on the other hand, who went out to the Straits of Magellan after Byron's return, found that the tallest man among them measured only six feet seven inches high; and several were within an inch or two as tall; but the ordinary size was from five feet ten inches to six feet.

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Bougainville, who sailed along the coast in 1767, says, 'the natives have a good shape, of those we saw, as to broadness of their shoulders, the size of their head, and the thickness of their limbs; they are robust and well-fed; their nerves are braced, and their muscles are strong and sufficiently hard. They are men left entirely to nature, and supplied with food abounding in nutritive juice, by which means they are come to the full growth they are capable of. Their figure is not coarse or disagreeable; on the contrary, many of them are handsome. Their face is round, and somewhat flattish; their eyes are very fiery; their teeth white, and are somewhat too large. At Paris they have long black hair, tied up on the top of their heads. I have seen some of them with long but thin whiskers. Their color is bronzed, as it is in all the Americans without exception, both in those who inhabit the torrid zone, and those who are born in the temperate and frigid zones. Some of them had their cheeks painted red. Their language seemed very delicate; and nothing gave us reason to fear any ferocity from them. The dress of these Patagonians is very nearly the

Jame with that of the Indians of Rio de la Plata. They have merely a piece of leather which covers their natural parts, and a great cloak of guanaco, or sorillos skins, which is fastened round the body with a girdle. This cloak hangs down to their heels, and they generally suffer that part which is intended to cover the shoulders to fall back; so that, notwithstanding the rigor of the climate, they are almost always naked from the girdle upward. Habit has certainly made them insensible to cold; for, though we were here in summer, Reaumur's thermometer was only one day risen to 10° above the freezing point. These men have a kind of half-boots, of horse-leather, open behind; and two or three of them had on the thigh a copper ring about two inches broad. Some of my officers likewise observed that two of the youngest among them had such beads as are employed for making necklaces. The only arms which we observed among them are two round pebbles fastened to the two ends of a twisted gut, like those which are made use of in all this part of America. They had likewise little iron knives, of which the blade was about an inch and a half broad; these knives were of an English manufacture, and were certainly given to them by Mr. Byron. Their horses, which are small and very lean, were bridled and saddled in the same manner as those belonging to the inhabitants of Rio de la Plata. One of the Patagonians had at his saddle gilt nails, wooden stirrups, covered with plates of copper, a bridle of twisted leather, and a white Spanish harness. The principal food of the Patagonians seems to be the marrow and flesh of guanacos and vicunnas; many of them had quarters of this flesh fastened on their horses, and we saw them eat pieces of it quite raw. They had likewise little nasty dogs with them, which, like their horses, drink sea-water; it being a very scarce thing to get fresh water on this coast, or even in the country. None of them had any apparent superiority over the rest; nor did they show any kind of esteem for two or three old men who were in the troop. It is remarkable that several of them pronounced the Spanish words manano, muchacha, bueno, chico, capitan. I believe this nation leads the life of Tartars. Besides rambling through the immense plains of South America, men, women, and children, being constantly on horseback pursuing the game or the wild beasts with which those plains abound, dressing and covering themselves with skins, they bear probably yet this resemblance with the Tartars, that they pillage the caravans of travellers. I shall conclude this article by adding, that we have once since found a nation in the South Pacific Ocean, which is taller than the Patagonians. The soil in the place we landed at is very dry, and in that particular bears great resemblance with that of the Malouines. The botanists have likewise found almost all the same plants in both places. The sea shore was surrounded with the same sea-weed, and covered with small shells. Here are no woods, but only some shrubs.'

These tribes have been described by Falkner, a South American missionary, who represents the Puelches as divided into three or four tribes,

the most southern of which are the Tehuels, who extend on the east to the strait, as the Huilliches do on the west. The Tehuels are the proper Patagonians, who are a warlike tribe, but courteous and humane. According to this writer, their complexion is a copper-color, like the other American Indians. Their hair is straight, black, and coarse, and tied back with a string; but neither sex wear any covering on their heads. They are well made, robust, bony, and very strong; though their hands and feet are small in proportion to their size. They are generally clad in the skins of the guanaco, sewed together into pieces of about six feet long and five broad, which are wrapped round their bodies with the hairy side inwards, and which forms a kind of cloak, fastened round the waist with a girdle. Some of them wear the puncho, which is made of the wool of the guanaco, and all have a kind of tight drawers, with buskins that reach from the middle of the leg to the instep, and pass under the heel, while the rest of the foot is uncovered. This cloak hangs down to their heels, and they generally suffer that part which is intended to cover the shoulders to fall back; so that, notwithstanding the rigor of the climate, they are always naked from the girdle upward. Habit has certainly made them insensible to cold; for, though we were here in summer, Reaumur's thermometer was only 10° above the freezing point.'

PATAGONULA, in botany, a genus of the monogynia order, and pentandria class of plants: natural order forty-first, asperifolia. The characters are these: the cup is an extremely small perianth, divided into five segments, and remains after the flower is, fallen; the flower consists of a single petal, with almost no tube, the margin of which is divided into five acute oval segments; the stamina are five filaments of the length of the flower; the antheræ simple; the germen of the pistil is oval and pointed; the style is slender and slightly bifid, its ramifications are also bifid; this is of the same length with the stamina, and remain when the flower is fallen; the stigmata are simple; the fruit is an oval and pointed capsule standing on a large cup, made up of five long segments emarginated or rimmed round their edges; the seeds of this plant are yet unknown; but the construction of the cup, in which the capsule stands, is alone a sufficient distinction for this genus. There is but one species.

PATAN, a town of Hindostan, in the district of Harowty, Ajmeer. It is situated on the south side of the Chambul, and is the capital of a district of thirty-two villages, belonging to the Mahrattas. It contains a handsome temple, dedicated to Vishnu, and a palace belonging to the rajah. Long. 75° 50′ E., lat. 25° 17′ N.

PATANY, a port on the eastern coast of the peninsula of Malacca, near the mouth of the gulf of Siam. It is situated about six miles up a river falling into a good roadstead. The English established a factory here in 1610, where they imported Surat and Coromandel cloths, to the value of 10,000 dollars; but they withdrew it in 1623. The trade is now in the hands of the Chinese. European goods are received from

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