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carilla, cassia caryophyllata, china, culilavan, frangula, fraxinus, quassia, quercus, simaruba, lignum sanctum, ulmus. In the state of binoxylate of potash it exists in the leaves of the oxalis acetosella, oxalis corniculata, different species of rumex, and geranium acidum.

The juice of the cicer parietinum is said to be pure oxalic acid. Bergman procured it from honey, gum-arabic, alcohol, and the calculous concretions in the kidneys and bladders of animals. Scheele and Hermbstadt from sugar of milk. Scheele from a sweet matter contained in fat oils, and also from the uncrystallisable part of the juice of lemons. Hermbstadt from the acid of cherries, and the acid of tartar. Goettling from beech-wood. Kohl from the residuum in the distillation of ardent spirits. Westrumb, not only from the crystallised acids of currants, cherries, citrons, and raspberries, but also from the saccharine matter of these fruits, and from the uncrystallisable parts of the acid juices. Hoffmann from the juice of the barberry; and Berthollet from silk, hair, tendons, wool; also from other animal substances, especially from the coagulum of blood, whites of eggs, and likewise from the amylaceous and glutinous parts of flour. M. Berthollet observes that the quantity of the oxalic acid obtained by treating wool with nitric acid was very considerable, being above half the weight of the wool employed. He mentions a difference which he observed between animal and vegetable substances thus treated with nitric acid, namely, that the former yielded, beside ammonia, a large quantity of an oil which the nitric acid could not decompose; whereas the oily parts of vegetables were totally destroyed by the action of this acid: and he remarks that in this instance the glutinous part of flour resembled animal substances, whereas the amylaceous part of the flour retained its vegetable properties. He further remarks that the quantity of oxalic acid furnished by vegetable matters thus treated is proportionable to their nutritive quality, and particularly that, from cotton, he could not obtain any sensible quantity. Deyeux, having cut with scissars the hairs of the chick pea, found they gave out an acid liquor, which, on examination, proved to be an aqueous solution of pure oxalic acid. Proust, and other chemists, had before observed that the shoes of persons walking through a field of chick peas were corroded.

Oxalic acid crystallises in quadrilateral prisms, the sides of which are alternately broad and narrow, and summits dihedral; or, if crystallised rapidly, in small irregular needles. They are efflorescent in dry air, but attract a little humidity if it be damp; are soluble in one part of hot and two of cold water; and are decomposable by a red heat, leaving a small quantity of coaly residuum. 100 parts of alcohol take up nearly fifty-six at a boiling heat, but not above forty cold. Their acidity is so great that, when dissolved in 3600 times their weight of water, the solution reddens litmus paper, and is perceptibly

acid to the taste.

The oxalic acid is a good test for detecting lime, which it separates from all the other acids, unless they are present in excess. It has like

wise a greater affinity for lime than for any other of the bases, and forms with it a pulverulent insoluble salt, not decomposable except by fire, and turning syrup of violets green.


From the oxalate of lead Berzelius infers its prime equivalent to be 4-552,, and by igneous decomposition he finds it resolved into 66-534 oxygen, 33-222 carbon, and 0-244 hydrogen. Since Berzelius published his analysis, oxalic acid has been made the subject of some ingenious remarks by Dobereiner, in the 16th vol. of Schweigger's Journal. We see that the carbon and oxygen are to each other in the simple ratio of 1 to 2; or, referred to their prime equivalent, as 2 of carbon 1-5, to 3 of oxygen This proportion is what would result from a prime of carbonic acid C + 2. O, combined with one of carbonic oxide C+0. C being carbon, and O oxygen. The sum of the above weights gives 45 for the prime equivalent of oxalic acid, disregarding hydrogen, which constitutes but one-thirty-seventh of the whole, and may possibly be referred to the imperfect desiccation of the oxalate of lead subjected to analysis. Oxalic acid acts as a violent poison when swallowed in the quantity of two or three drachms; and several fatal accidents have lately occurred in London, in consequence of its being improperly sold instead of Epsom salts. Its vulgar name of salts, under which the acid is bought for the purpose of whitening boot-tops, occasions these lamentable mistakes. But the powerfully acid taste of the latter substance, joined to its prismatic or needle-formed crystallisation, are sufficient to distinguish it from every thing else. The immediate rejection from the stomach of this acid by an emetic, aided by copious draughts of warm water containing bicarbonate of potash, or soda, chalk, or carbonate of magnesia, are the proper remedies.

With barytes it forms an insoluble salt; but this salt will dissolve in water acidulated with oxalic acid, and afford angular crystals. If, however, we attempt to dissolve these crystals in boiling water, the excess of acid will unite with the water, and leave the oxalate, which will be precipitated.

The oxalate of strontian too is a nearly insoluble compound.

Oxalate of magnesia too is insoluble, unless the acid be in excess.

The oxalate of potash exists in two states, that of a neutral salt, and that of an acidule. The latter is generally obtained from the juice of the leaves of the oxalis acetosella, wood sorrel, or rumex acetosa, common sorrel. The expressed juice, being diluted with water, should be set by for a few days, till the feculent parts have subsided, and the supernatant fluid is become clear; or it may be clarified, when expressed, with the whites of eggs. It is then to be strained off, evaporated to a pellicle, and set in a cool place to crystallise. The first product of crystals being taken out, the liquor may be farther evaporated and crystallised; and the same process repeated

till no

more can be obtained. In this way, Schlereth informs us, about nine drachms of crystals may be obtained from two pounds of juice, which are generally afforded by ten pounds

of wood sorrel. Savary, however, says that ten parts of wood sorrel, in full vegetation, yield five parts of juice, which give little more than a 200th of tolerably pure salt. He boiled down the juice, however, in the first instance, without clarifying it; and was obliged repeatedly to dissolve and recrystallise the salt to obtain it white. This salt is in small, white, needley, or lamellar crystals, not alterable in the air. It unites with barytes, magnesia, soda, ammonia, and most of the nietallic oxides, into triple salts. Yet its solution precipitates the nitric solutions of mercury and silver in the state of insoluble oxalates of these metals, the nitric acid in this case combining with the potash. It attacks iron, lead, tin, zinc, and antimony.

This salt, beside its use in taking out ink spots, and as a test of lime, forms with sugar and water a pleasant cooling beverage; and, according to Berthollet, it possesses considerable powers as an antiseptic.

The neutral oxalate of potash is very soluble, and assumes a gelatinous form, but may be brought to crystallise in hexahedral prisms with dihedral summits, by adding more potash to the liquor than is sufficient to saturate the acid.

Oxalate of soda likewise exists in two different states, those of an acidulous and a neutral salt, which in their properties are analogous to those of potash.

The acidulous oxalate of ammonia is crystallisable, not very soluble, and capable, like the preceding acidules, of combining with other bases, so as to form triple salts. But, if the acid be saturated with ammonia, we obtain a neutral oxalate, which, on evaporation, yields very fine crystals in tetrahedral prisms with dihedral summits, one of the planes of which cuts off three sides of the prism. This salt is decomposable by fire, which raises from it carbonate of ammonia, and leaves only some slight traces of a coaly residuum. Lime, barytes, and strontian, unite with its acid, and the ammonia flies off in the form of gas.

The oxalic acid readily dissolves alumina, ⚫ and the solution gives on evaporation a yellowish transparent mass, sweet and a little astringent to the taste, deliquescent, and reddening tincture of litmus, but not syrup of violets. This salt swells up in the fire, loses its acid, and leaves the alumina a little colored.

OXALIS, wood sorrel, a genus of the pentagynia order, and decandria class of plants: natural order fourteenth, gruinales: CAL. pentaphyllous, the petals connected at the heels: CAPS. pentagonal, and opening at the angles. There are seven species; the only remarkable one is

O. acetosella, common wood sorrel. This grows naturally in moist shady woods, and at the sides of hedges in many parts of Britain, and is seldom admitted into gardens. The roots are composed of many scaly joints, which propagate in great plenty. The leaves arise immediately from the roots upon single long footstalks, and are composed of three heart-shaped lobes. They are gratefully acid, and of use in the scurvy and other putrid disorders.

OXFORD, a city of England, the county town of Oxfordshire, and celebrated for its university,

which in the extent and number of its institutions and 'the wealth of its endowments is unequalled. The city stands on a gentle eminence, in a valley, at the confluence of the Isis and Cherwell, which descending towards the south, and uniting at an acute angle, nearly encompass it. Between these streams and the city, particularly on the south and west, are beautiful and luxuriant meadows; and beyond them the prospect is bounded on the east, south, and west, by an amphitheatre of hills. From these hills the city presents a noble spectacie. It is of an oval form, and was formerly surrounded by a wall, about two miles in circumference, having bastions at 150 feet distant from each other; very little of these works, however, remain. The city and suburbs now include a circuit of three miles, extending in length a mile and a quarter from east to west, and about as much from north to south. The entrances east, south, and west, present bridges crossing the respective rivers.

Magdalen bridge is an elegant stone building over the Cherwell, 526 feet in length, built in 1779, at an expense of £8000. That over the Isis, on the west, consists of three substantial arches. On the south is another over the same river, on which, till lately, stood a lofty tower, termed Friar Bacon's Study. From Magdalen bridge the High-street stretches westwards, under different names, through the whole city. At Quarte Vois, or Carfax church, this is crossed at right angles by St. Giles's, the other principal street; and from these most of the other streets diverge.


High-street is perhaps the most beautiful in the world for its length and breadth, the number and elegance of its public buildings, and its remarkably graceful curvature, continually presenting new combinations of objects. Giles's begins near the church of that name, and is for some distance of a fine width. It contains the town hall and Christ Church. All the streets are well lighted, paved, and watched. The houses originally erected as lodgings for the students or gentry during the occasional residence of the court here, still appear, and are often built of stone on an extensive scale. The best modern houses are situated in St. Giles's.

The university consists of twenty colleges, and four halls, each of which has its own students and teachers, revenues and regulations, while they are all united in a common university government. The students all live in their respective colleges at their own expense or that of the university; and on their entrance qualify as mem-. bers of the church of England. The university, as a corporate body, acts under a charter of Charles I., and consists of the vice-chancellor, heads of houses, and proctors; of the house of convocation, which is formed by the vice-chancellor, proctors, and all doctors and masters who have taken out their regency; and of the congregation, which is composed of the vice-chancellor, the proctors or their deputies, the necessary regents (doctors in divinity, law, or medicine, or masters of arts for the first two years after they are admitted to their degrees), and the regents ad placitum (all resident doctors, all public professors and lecturers, all heads of

colleges and halls, and in their. absence their deputies, the masters of the schools, the public examiners, and deans and censors of colleges). In the first body must originate all new statutes, orders, and regulations; and, being there passed, they are ratified by the house of convocation. The administrative officers of the university are the chancellor, high steward, vice-chancellor and two proctors. The chancellor is elected by the members of the convocation, and is usually a distinguished member of the nobility. His office was once annual, but since the fifteenth century, when Russell, bishop of London, was made chancellor for life, this mode of election has been continued. The chancellor has a court, in which he can preside either in person or by deputy, and his authority is recognised by every one of the colleges. The high steward is nominated by the chancellor. His duty is to assist the chancellor, vice-chancellor, and proctors; and executively under the chancellor to defend the privileges of the university. In the court he sits when required, as legal representative of the chancellor, and holds the court leets of the university. His appointment is for life, and he is generally a man of high birth and eminent talent. The vice-chancellor is nominated by the chancellor, recommended by the heads of houses, and sworn into office before the convocation. He is always the head of some college, and annually nominated. His duty is to superintend the performance of the university discipline, to call convocations, congregations, and courts, to license taverns, &c. He is assisted by four deputies, termed pro-vice-chancellors. The two proctors are masters of arts of at least four years standing, and not more than ten from their regency. They are chosen from the several colleges in turns. The proctors are elected by the common suffrages of all doctors and masters of arts. They assist the vice-chancellor in convocations and congregations, to see that the scholastic exercises are duly performed, the statutes and discipline observed, just weights and measures kept, &c. They name four masters of arts as assistants or pro-proctors. There is also a public orator of the university, who is chosen by the convocation, and must be at least either a bachelor of civil law or master of arts. His duty is to write letters and addresses on public occasions, as the organ of the university; and to present the honorary degree of master of arts; he also is keeper of the archives and charter, and registrar of the convocations, congregations, and other meetings, and acts. He also collects and receives the rents of the university. There are at Oxford public lecturers and professors of divinity, Hebrew, Greek, civil law, medicine, modern history, botany, natural philosophy, astronomy, geometry, ancient history, anatomy, music, Arabic, poetry, Anglo-Saxon, common law, and chemistry. Four terms are kept in the year at the university, and degrees are taken in divinity, law, physic, music, and the arts. The total number of members in the university books is about 3000, 1000 of whom are maintained on the revenues of the university, and the rest at their own expense.

The twenty colleges are, All Souls, Baliol,

Brazen Nose, Christ Church, Corpus Christi, Exeter, Jesus, Hertford, Lincoln, Magdalen, Merton, New College, Oriel, Pembroke, Queen's, St. John Baptist's, Trinity, University, Wadham, and Worcester. All Souls college, founded in the year 1437, by Chichele, archbishop of Canterbury, has a warden, forty fellows, two chaplains, and six clerks and choristers. Two spacious courts, one entering from High-street, and the other from the paved court in which the Radcliffe library stands, are its principal parts. The front, towards High-street, is a low irregular range of building, but the interior has considerable grandeur. One court is 172 feet by seventy-two, and the other 172 by 155. The interior of the chapel was arranged by Sir Christopher Wren and Sir James Thornhill. The hall is a room of striking elegance, and the library is forty feet high, and 198 feet by thirty-two and a half. Sir Christopher Wren and Sir William Blackstone were educated here.

Buliol was founded about the year 1263, by Sir John Baliol of Bernard Castle, father of Baliol, king of Scotland. The society consists of a master, twelve fellows, fourteen scholars, and eighteen exhibitioners; but none of the present buildings are older than the reign of Henry VI. The chapel was built in 1529, and contains fine specimens of painted glass. The hall is a neat building, in the pointed style. The library was lately rebuilt by Wyatt, in the Gothic style.

Brazen Nose was founded in 1509 by William Smyth, bishop of Lincoln, and Sir Richard Sutton. It consists of a principal, twenty fellows, thirty-two scholars, and fifteen exhibitioners, and derives its name from a large brazen face, which was fixed on the door of an ancient hall as a knocker. It is built on the site of several ancient halls, among which was Little University Hall, supposed to have been instituted by Alfred. The court is occupied in the south by the library and the chapel; and besides the quadrangle and court are several new buildings. The hall is spacious: the present chapel was begun in 1656.

Christ Church was founded by Cardinal Wolsey in 1525: in 1529, when he fell into disgrace, Henry VIII. suspended it for three years, when he re-established it under his own name, and in 1546 translated the episcopal ser hither from Oseney. Queen Elizabeth convertec the grammar scholars into students, whose vacancies should be supplied from the Westminster school. The society consists of a dean, eight canons, 101 students, three professors, eight chaplains, and a suitable choir. The buildings consist of the cathedral, two spacious quadrangles, and two smaller courts. The west, or principal front, has a noble air. From the gateway in the centre rises a stately tower, in which is suspended the famous bell Great Tom, at the sound of which, every evening, the students are directed, by the statutes of the university, to retire for the night. The grand western quadrangle, entered through the gateway, was erected, and the foundation stone laid, by Wolsey. It is nearly a square of 260 feet. The second great quadrangle is termed Peckwater Court, and

the architecture is perfectly classical. The southern side contains the library. Canterbury Square is a small quadrangle, built after the model of Peckwater. Christ Church cathedral is one of the most interesting objects in Oxford. The chief parts can be traced to the reign of Henry I.; and the style is even of an earlier period. It has the form of a cross, with a square tower, surmounted by a spire steeple in the centre. The choir is ornamented with a splendid Gothic roof. The hall was built entirely under the direction of Wolsey; and is 115 feet long, and forty wide; containing several interesting paintings. The oak ceiling is beautifully carved.

Corpus Christi was founded in 1516 by bishop Fox, lord privy seal to Henry VII. and VIII.; and the society consists of a president, twenty fellows, twenty scholars, two chaplains, two clerks, and two choristers. The building is at the east of Christ Church, and to the west of Merton College, and consisted at first of one spacious quadrangle; but various additions have since been made. The library is well furnished.

Exeter, was founded by Walter Stapleton, bishop of Exeter, in 1314; it consists of a rector, twenty-five fellows, one scholar, and ten exhibitioners.

Hertford, formerly called Hert Hall, was founded also by Walter Stapleton in 1312. It consists of a principal, four senior and eight junior fellows, eight probationary students, twenty-four actual students, and four scholars. The buildings are incomplete, and the college has had no principal since 1805. Here the late Mr. Fox was educated.

Jesus was founded in 1571 by queen Elizabeth, and endowed by Hugh Price, treasurer of St. David's, for a principal, eight fellows, and eight scholars, which has been since raised to nineteen fellows, and eighteen scholars, besides exhibitioners.

Lincoln was founded by Richard Fleming, who obtained a license from Henry VI. in 1427, to make All Saints' church collegiate, and to found a college for a rector and seven scholars. It was finished in 1475, by Rotherham, bishop of Lincoln, and consists of a rector, twelve fellows, eight scholars, thirteen exhibitioners, and a Bible clerk. The buildings consist of two quadrangles. The chapel was built in 1631, and the hall in 1636.

Magdalen is one of the noblest institutions in the university. It was founded in 1458 by William Waynflete, bishop of Winchester, and consists of a president, forty fellows, thirty demies, a divinity lecturer, four chaplains, eight clerks, and sixteen choristers. No commoners are admitted. It is situated at the eastern extremity of the city, and the side towards the High-street is ornamented by a lofty tower. The great quadrangle is composed of the chapel, hall, library, a part of the president's lodgings, and chambers for the fellows and demies. The chapel is a beautiful Gothic structure, divided into two parts; the inner chapel retaining much of its original sublimity. The library is a low but extensive room. The interior of the hall is

very elegant. Magdalen is required by its statutes to entertain the kings of England and their eldest sons, whenever they visit Oxford, and has been honored with the presence of many of our kings. Attached to the college on the banks of the Cherwell are beautiful pleasure grounds. Cardinal Wolsey, Cardinal Pope, Hampden, Collins, and Addison, were educated here.

Merton is the most ancient college in Oxford, and was founded in 1264 by Walter de Merton, bishop of Rochester, and chancellor of England. It consists of a warden, twenty-four fellows, fourteen post-masters, four scholars, two chaplains, and two clerks, and is situated to the east of Corpus Christi; consisting of three courts. The first is small and irregular, but a handsome arch leads to the inner quadrangle of a pleasing style of Gothic architecture; the third court is also on a small scale: the library occupies two sides of it. The hall is a plain but respectable structure. The chapel is one of the finest Gothic buildings in the university. It is the parish church of St. John Baptist, and was erected in 1424, on the ruins of a more ancient building.

New College was founded in 1379 by William of Wykeham, bishop of Winchester. It is composed of a warden, seventy fellows, ten chaplains, three clerks, and sixteen choristers, and consists of a quadrangle, with attached chapel, hall, and library, a fine range of cloisters, and a series of buildings for the use of students, termed the Garden Court, which was completed in 1684 on the model of the palace of Versailles. The chapel is, in the interior, one of the most splendid in the university. It has undergone numerous modern alterations, under the direction of Wyatt. The painted windows are a remarkable feature of the building. The library consists of two rooms in different stories, and the gardens are laid out in good taste.

Oriel was founded in 1324 by Adam de Brom, archdeacon of Stow. The society is composed of a provost, eighteen fellows, and thirteen exhibitioners: the buildings consist of a quadrangle, with two ranges on the east and west sides of the garden, between which is placed the library, a chaste and classical structure, begun in 1788.

Pembroke was founded in 1620, by Thomas Teesdale of Glympton, in Oxford, and Richard Wightwick, rector of Isley, Berks, being named after the earl of Pembroke, then chancellor of the university. It consists of a master, fourteen fellows, and thirty scholars and exhibitioners. The chapel is a small building of the Ionic order.

Queen's takes the sixth place in the order of foundation, though the present buildings are of recent date. It was founded in 1340, by Robert Eglesfeld, confessor of queen Philippa, consort of Edward III., and consists of a provost, sixteen fellows, eight taberdars, sixteen scholars, two chaplains, two clerks, and forty.exhibitioners. The hall is a fine room, sixty feet by thirty, and the library is one of the largest attached to any university.

St. John's was founded in 1555 by Sir Thomas White, and consists of a president, fifty fellows,

two chaplains, and choir. It stands on the north of the city, and has in front a wide terrace and a beautiful row of elms. It is formed of two Gothic quadrangles; the hall is a fine and well-proportioned room; the library occupies the upper story of the east and south sides of the second quadrangle. In the chapel the Corinthian order prevails.

Trinity was founded in 1554 by Sir Thomas Pope. The members are a president, twelve fellows, and twelve scholars; the chapel has great simplicity of arrangement, and the hall is a plain but noble room.

University College continues erroneously ascribed to king Alfred as its founder, but was founded by William of Durham, rector of Wearmouth, in 1249. It consists of a master, twelve fellows, and seventeen scholars, and is situated on the north side of High-street. The valuable library was completed in 1699. The hall is a spacious and handsome room: in the common room is a fine bust of Alfred.

Wadham was founded in 1611, by Nicholas Wadham, esq., of Edge and Merrifield, in Somersetshire, for a warden, fifteen fellows, fifteen scholars, two chaplains, and two clerks. It consists of a single quadrangle 130 feet square: the chapel is a handsome structure, in the Gothic style, and the library has a fine Gothic window; the hall is capacious, and here the Royal Society originated.

Worcester, originally named Gloucester College, was founded in 1714, by Sir Thomas Coke of Bentley, in Worcestershire. The whole architecture is of a noble character. It has had several endowments since, and now consists of a provost, twenty-one fellows, ten scholars, and three exhibitioners. Being a seminary for educating the novices of Gloucester monastery, it was at the reformation converted for some time into an episcopal palace. It is agreeably situated near the Isis, at the western extremity of the city. The halls at Oxford were originally houses erected by the citizens of Oxford for the accommodation of the students, to whom they were let. After the foundation of so many colleges, they sunk into neglect; four, however, remain, viz. St. Alban's, St. Edmond, St. Mary Magdalen, and. New Inn Hall, and have been enriched by various endowments. Each is governed by a principal, and by the university statutes; the students possessing the privileges, and wearing the same dress, with those of the colleges. If entitled to little notice, amidst the blaze of architectural beauty around, the buildings are in general commodious, and the halls have produced a due proportion of eminent characters. Of the other public buildings, the schools form, together with the Bodleian library and the picture gallery, a noble quadrangle. These schools were erected in the fifteenth century, the professors reading lectures in their sciences, and the scholars of the university being enjoined to perform here their exercises for degrees. The Bodleian comprises three extensive rooms, disposed in the convenient form of the letter H. It was founded by Humphrey duke of Gloucester, but greatly augmented by the munificence of Sir Thomas Bodley, and now contains one of the most va

luable collections of books, MSS., &c. in Europe, In an apartment on the north side of the schools are the famous ARUNDELIAN MARBLES: see that article. The theatre is a fine building, on the plan of the Roman theatre of Marcellus. It was built by Sir Christopher Wren, and is capable of containing 4000 persons. The Clarendon printing-house is also a large and respectable edifice, built in 1711, with the profits of the sale of lord Clarendon's History. The Radcliffe library is another of the ornaments of the university, founded by Dr. Radcliffe, and completed in 1749. The Ashmolean museum was founded in 1682, by Elias Ashmole, for the reception of curiosities both natural and artificial. The observatory is an elegant building, in a retired situation, at the extremity of the north suburb.

At St. Mary's church, the chief members of the university attend divine service; and, besides this, Oxford contains thirteen other churches, belonging respectively to the thirteen parishes into which it is divided, viz. All Saints, Carfax or St. Martin's, St. Clement's, St. Ebb's, St. Giles's, Holywell, St. John's, St. Mary Magdalen's, St. Michael's, St. Peter's in the East, St. Peter's in the Bailey, St. Aldgate's or St. Old's, and St. Thomas's. There are also places of worship for the Roman Catholics, Quakers, Methodists, Baptists, &c. The other public buildings are the town and county-hall and jail, city bridewell, music room, Radcliffe infirmary, and the wellcontrived general market. Here are also various charity schools; but no theatrical representations are allowed in the city.

Oxford has no considerable manufacture or branch of trade; the canal, however, has recently opened new sources of commerce; and the city sends four members to parliament, two for the city, elected by the citizens and freemen, and two for the university. The government, subject to the chancellor or vice-chancellor of the university, in all affairs of moment, is vested in a mayor, high steward, recorder, four aldermen, eight assistants, two bailiffs, a town-clerk, two chamberlains, and twenty-four common council. The mayor, at the coronation feasts of the kings and queens of England, receives a gilt bowl and cover as his fee. The history of Oxford would require a volume of no ordinary size to trace: its early portions are involved in obscurity, and no credit can be given to any accounts of it before the reign of Alfred, when it appears to have had a famous monastery dedicated to the Trinity. The name is supposed to be derived from a ford for oxen, being formerly written Oxenford, and it was certainly a town in the tenth century. William the Conqueror was compelled to force an entrance into this city; his successors frequently made Oxford the place of their residence, and summoned both parliaments and councils here. Charles I. spent here the whole winter of 1646. Oxford early attained a degree of distinction from the number of its schools, but no regular corporate institution deserving the name of a university appears to have existed even at the period of the Norman Conquest. Many halls and schools were erected under the patronage of Richard I.; and, in the

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