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CASAS (BARTHOLOME DE). Istoria,/ ò Breuifsima Relatione/ della Distrvttione/ dell' Indie Occidentali di Monsig. Reverendiss./ Don Bartolomeo dalle Cafe, Cafaus, Siuigliano dell' Ordine de' Predicatori; & Vefcouo di Chiapa./ Conforme al fuo vero Originale Spagnuolo già ftampato in Siuiglia./ Tradotta in Italiano dall Eccell. Sig. Giacomo Castellani,/ già fotto nome di Francesco Berfabita. Al Molt', & Sig. mio Il Sig./ Nicolo' Persico./ In Venetia Preffo Marco Ginammi. M.DC.XLIII./ Con Licenza de' Superiori, & Priuilegio./ (History or very short account of the destruction of the West Indies. By My Lord the most reverend Don Bartholomew de Las Casas, or Casaus, of Seville, of the order of Preachers, and bishop of Chiapa. According to the true Spanish original formerly printed in Seville. Translated into Italian by His Excellency Signor James Castellani, formerly under the name of Francis Bers-abita. To the most Illustrious and most excellent Signor, my most Honored Lord, Signor Nicholas Persico. Venice, At Mark Ginammi's. 1643. With license of the Superiors, and privilege.) 3 prel. leaves and 150 pp. 4to. (1l. 1s. 1647) LAS CASAS (BARTHOLOMEO DE). Conqvista/ dell' Indie/ Occidentali/ di Monsignor/ Fra Bartolomeo dalle Case, Cafaus, Siuigliano, Vofcouo di Chiapa./ Tradotta in Italiano per opera di Marco Ginammi. All' & Sig.or/ & mio Padron Il Sig.or Pietro Sagredo/ Procvratore di S. Marco./ In Venetia, M DC XXXXV./ Preffo Marco Ginammi./ Con Licenza de' Superiori, & Privilegio. (Conquest of the West Indies by My Lord, Brother Bartholomew de Las Casas or Casaus, of Seville, Bishop of Chiapa. Translated into Italian by the labours of Mark Ginammi. To the most Illustrious and excellent Lord, My Lord and most honoured patron the Lord Peter Sagredo, Procurator of Saint Mark. Venice, 1645. At Mark Ginammi's. With the license of the Superiors and privilege.) 184 pp. Vellum. (1l. 1s. 1647*) LAS CASAS (Bartholome de). The Tears of the Indians :/ Being/ An Historical and true Account/


Of the Cruel/ Maffacres and Slaughters/ of above Twenty Millions of innocent People :/ Committed by the Spaniards/ In the Iflands of/ Hifpaniola, Cuba, Jamaica, &c./ As alfo, in the Continent of Mexico, Peru, and other Places of the/ WeftIndies,/ To the total deftruction of thofe Countries./ Written in Spanish by Calaus,/ an Eye-witnefs of thofe things; And made English by J. P./ London,/ Printed by J. C. for Nath. Brook, at the Angel in Cornhil. 1656./ 15 prel. leaves; viz. 1st blank, Title the reverse blank, To His Highnets, Oliver Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, With the Dominions thereto belonging.' 7 pp. Signed 'J. Phillips.' 'To all true English-men.' 18 pp. Text 134 pp. Copper plate by R. Gaywood.' Old calf. Small 8vo. (1/. 1s. 1648)

LAS CASAS (BARTHOLOME DE). Popery/ Truly Difplay'd in its/ Bloody Colours :/ Or, a Faithful/ Narrative of the/ Horrid and Unexampled Maffacres, But-/cheries, and all manner of Cruelties, that Hell and/ Malice could invent, committed by the Popish Spanish/ Party on the Inhabitants of West-India :/ Together/ With the Devastations of feveral Kingdoms in America/ by Fire and Sword, for the fpace of Forty and Two Years, from the time of its firft Difcovery by them./ Compofed firft in Spanish by Bartholomew de las Cafas, a Bishop/ there, and an Eye-Witness of most of these Barbarous Cruelties;/ afterward Tranflated by him into Latin, then by other hands, into/ High-Dutch, Low-Dutch, French, and now Taught to fpeak/ Modern English./ London, Printed for R. Hewfon at the Crown in Cornhil,/ near the Stocks-Market. 1689./ 4 prel. leaves and 80 pp. 4to. (2l. 2s. 1649) LAS CASAS (BARTHOLOME DE). La Decouverte/ des Indes Occidentales,/ par/ les Espagnols./ Ecrite par Dom Balthazar de Las-/Casas, Evêque de Chiapa./ Dedié à Monfeigneur le Comte/ de Toulouse. A Paris,/ Chez Andrè Prelard, ruë Saint Jacques, à l'Occafion/ M.DC.XCVII. Avec Privilege du Roi./ (The Discovery of the East Indies by the Spaniards. Written by Don Balthasar de Las Casas, Bishop of Chiapa. Dedicated to my Lord, the Count of Toulouse. Paris, At

Andrew Prelard's, St. James Street, at the Opportunity, 1697. With the King's privilege). 6 prel. leaves including engraved title; Text 382 pp; Table 2 pp. Old calf. 12mo. (12s. 6d. 1650) LAS CASAS (BARTHOLOME DE). Relation/ des/ Voyages/ et des découvertes/ Que les Espagnols ont fait dans les/ Indes Occidentales ;/ Ecrite par Dom B. de Las-Cafas, Evê-/que de Chiapa./ Avec la Relation curieufe des Voyages du/ Sieur de Montauban, Capitaine des/ Filbuftiers, en Guinée l'an 1695./ A Amsterdam,/ Chez J. Louis de Lorme Libraire fur le/ Rockin, à l'enseigne de la Liberte.'/ M.DCXCVIII./ prel. leaves, including Frontispiece; Text 402 pp. Catalogue, 2 pp. blank leaf; Followed by L'Art de Voyager/ Utilement./ Suivant la Copie de Paris./ A Amsterdam,/ Chez J. Louis de Lorme Libraire fur le/ Rockin, à l'enfeigne de la Liberte.' M.DC.XCVIII./ 2 prel. leaves and 52 pp. Old calf. 12mo. (10s. 6d. 1651) LAS CASAS (BARTHOLOME DE). An/Account/ Of the Firft/ Voyages and Discoveries/ Made by the Spaniards in America./ Containing/ The most Exact Relation hitherto pub/lifh'd, of their unparallel'd Cruelties/ on the Indians, in the deftruction of a-/bove Forty Millions of People. the Propofitions offer'd to the King of Spain,/ to prevent the further Ruin of the Weft-Indies. By Don Bartholomew de las Cafas, Bishop of Chiapa,/ who was an Eye-witnefs of their Cruelties./ Illuítrated with Cuts./ To which is added,/ The Art of Travelling, thewing how a Man may/ difpofe his Travels to the beft advantage./ London,/ Printed by J. Darby for D. Brown at the Black Swan/ and Bible without Temple-Bar, J. Harris at the/ Harrow in Little Britain, and Andr. Bell at the/ Crofs-keys and Bible in Cornhil. M.DC.XC.IX./ 4 prel. leaves; viz. Title, Preface, and Contents: Text 248 pp. 'The Art of Travelling to Advantage.' 40 pp. 2 copperplates, each in two leaves at page 1. Old calf. 8vo. (12s. 6d. 1652)


LAS CASAS (BARTHOLOME DE). Breve Relacion de la Destruccion de las Indias Occidentales, Presentada a Felipe II siendo Principe de Asturias por D. Fr. Bartolomé de las Casas, Del Orden de

Predicadores, Obispo de Chiapa. Impresa en Sevilla en 1552. Reimpresa en Londres Por Schulze y Dean, 13, Poland Street. 1812. Half-title, title, and 140 pp. Uncut. 12mo. (10s. 6d. 1653) LASO DE LA VEGA (ANTONIO DE CORDOVA).

/Por/ D. Antonio de Cordova/ Lafo de la Vega, Capitan de las Guardas de el Governador, y Teniente Gene-/ral de la Cavalleria del Reyno/ de Chile. Con/ El Señor Fiscal del/ Confejo de Indias, y el Promotor Fifcal/ de Cobranças de él./ [Lima 1620?] 4 unnumbered leaves, unbound. Folio. (1l. 1s. 1654) LASSO DE LA VEGA (GABRIEL). Elogios/ en loor de/los Tres Famosos Varo-/nes Don layme Rey de Aragon, Don Fernan-/do Cortes Marques del Valle, y Don/Aluaro de Baçan Marques de/ Santacruz./ Copueftos por Gabriel Laffo dela Vega Cotino del R. N. S./ Dirigidos a Don Gafpar Galçaran de Caftro y Pi-/nos, Cõde de Guimaran, Vizcõde de Ebol, &c./ Año 1601/. Con priuilegio, En Caragoça por Alonfo Rodriguez./ 8 prel. leaves and 144 folioed leaves. Fine copy. Old calf. (3l. 13s. 6d. 1655)


LAST (THE) Eaft-Indian/ Voyage./ Containing Mvch/ varietie of the State of the feuerall/ kingdomes where they haue traded :/ with the Letters of three feuerall Kings/ to the Kings Maieftie of England,/ begun by one of the Voyage: fince continued/ out of the faithfull obferuations of them that are come home./ At London,/ Printed by T. P. for Walter Burre./ 1606./ Title, reverse blank; "To the Reader.' 1 page, Signed W. B.' Text, sig. B to K in fours. Half mor. 4to. (3l. 3s. 1656) LATHROP (JOHN). A Discourse Preached, December 15th 1774. Being the day recommended By the Provincial Congrefs, To be Observed In thanksgiving to God for the Bleffings enjoyed; and humiliation on account of public Calamities. By John Lathrop, A.M. Pastor of the Second Church in Boston. Boston: Printed by D. Kneeland; and Sold by Samuel Webb, in Queen-Street. 1774. 39 pp. Uncut. 8vo. (4s. 6d. 1657) LATHROP (JOSEPH). Two Sermons, on the Christian Sabbath, for Distribution in the New

Settlements of the United States. By Joseph Lathrop, D.D. Paftor of the first Church in WeftSpringfield. Northampton, (Maffachusetts.) Printed By William Butler, (For the Hampshire Miffionary Society.) 1803. 28 pp. Uncut. 8vo. (2s. 6d. 1658) LATOUR (A. LACARRIERE). Historical Memoir of the War in West Florida and Louisiana in 1814-15. With an Atlas. By Major A. Lacarriere Latour, Principal Engineer in the Seventh Military District United States' Army. Written Originally in French, and translated for the Author, by H. P. Nugent, Esq. Philadelphia: Published by John Conrad and Co. J. Maxwell, printer 1816. xx and 264 pp. Appendix,' cxc pp. With 7 colored maps and plans. Boards, uncut.

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(15s. 1659)

8vo. LAW (WILLIAM). An Extract from a Treatise By William Law, M.A. Called, The Spirit of Prayer; or, The Soul rifing out of the Vanity of Time, into the Riches of Eternity. Difcovering the true Way of turning to God, and of finding the Kingdom of Heaven the Riches of Eternity in our Souls. Philadelphia: Printed by B. Franklin, and D. Hall. 1760. 47 pp. 8vo. (10s. 6d. 1660) LAWSON (DEODAT). Christ's Fidelity/ the only/ Shield/ against/ Satan's Malignity./ Asserted in a/Sermon/ Deliver'd at Salem-Village the/ 24th of March, 1692. Being Lecture-/day there, and a time of Publick Examination, of fome Sufpected/ for Witchcraft./ By Deodat Lawson, Minifter/ of the Gospel./ The Second Edition./ Printed at Bofton in New-England, and Reprinted/ in London by R. Tokey for the Author; etc. 1704./ 6 prel. leaves, and 120 pp. Fine copy, half calf. (2l. 2s. 1661)


LAWSON (JOHN). A New Voyage to Carolina; Containing the Exact Defcription and Natural Hiftory of that Country: Together with the Prefent State thereof. And A Journal Of a Thousand Miles, Travel'd thro' feveral Nations of Indians. Giving a particular Account of_their_Customs, Manners, &c. By John Lawson, Gent. SurveyorGeneral of North-Carolina. London: Printed in

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