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for the greater or less proportion of security which France can afford them of future tranquillity, but because France, under its present Chief, is unable to afford them any security whatever.

In this war, they do not desire to interfere with any legitimate right of the French people; they have no design to oppose the claim of that nation to choose their own form of government, or intention to trench, in any respect, upon their independence as a great and free people; but they do think they have a right, and that of the highest nature, to contend against the re-establishment of an individual as the head of the French government, whose past conduct has invariably demonstrated, that in such a situation he will not suffer other nations to be at peace-whose restless ambition, whose thirst for foreign conquest, and whose disregard for the rights and independence of other states, must expose the whole of Europe to renewed scenes of plunder and devastation. However general the feelings of the Sovereigns may be in favour of the restoration of the King, they no otherwise seek to influence the proceedings of the French, in the choice of this or any other dynasty, or form of government, than may be essential to the safety and permanent tranquillity of the rest of Europe: such reasonable security being afforded by France in this respect, as other States have a legitimate right to claim in their own defence, their object will be satisfied; and they shall joyfully return to that state of peace, which will then, and then

only, be open to them, and lay down those arms which they have only taken up, for the purpose of acquiring that tranquillity sa eagerly desired by them on the part of their respective Empires.

Such, my Lord, are the general sentiments of the Sovereigns and of their Ministers here assembled; and it should seem, that the glorious forbearance observed by them, when masters of the French capital in the early part of the last year, ought to prove to the French, that this is not a war against their freedom and independence, or excited by any spirit of ambition, or desire of conquest, but one arising out of necessity, urged on the principles of self preservation, and founded on that legitimate and incontrovertible right of obtaining reasonable security for their own tranquillity and independence

to which, if France has on her part a claim, other nations have an equal title to claim at the hands of France.

I this day laid before the Plenipotentiaries of the three Ailied Powers in conference, the note proposed to be delivered upon the exchange of the ratifications of the treaty of the 25th of March. After the opinions which I have detailed as those with which the Allied Sovereigns are impressed, with respect to the object of the war, it is scarcely necessary for me to add, that the explanation afforded in this note, as the construction put by his Royal Highness the Prince Regent on the eighth article of that treaty, was favourably received. Immediate instructions will consequently be issued to the Ambassadors of the


Imperial Courts of Austria and Russia, and to the Minister of his Prussian Majesty, to accept of this Note on the exchange of the ratifications of the treaty in question.

In order to be assured that I have advanced nothing in this dispatch which does not accord with the views of the Cabinets of the Allied Sovereigns, I have acquainted the Plenipotentiaries of the High Allied Powers with the contents thereof, and have the honour to inform you, that the sentiments contained in it entirely coincide with those of their respective Courts.

I have the honour to be, &c.


Proclamation by the King of


"When, in the time of danger, I called my people to arms to combat for the freedom and independence of the country, the whole mass of the youth, glowing with emulation, thronged round the standards, to bear with joyful self-denial unusual hardships, and resolved to brave death itself. Then the best strength of the people intrepidly joined the ranks of my brave soldiers, and my generals led with me into battle a host of heroes, who have shewn themselves worthy of the name of their fathers, and heirs of their glory. Thus we and our allies, attended by victory, conquered the capital of our enemy. Our banners waved in Paris.-Napoleon abdicated his authority liberty was restored to Germany, security to thrones, and to the

world the hope of a durable peace.

"This hope is vanished: we must again march to the combat. A perfidious conspiracy has brought back to France the man who for ten years together brought down upon the world unutterable miseries.

The people, confounded, have not been able to oppose his armed adherents; though he himself, while still at the head of a considerable armed force, declared his abdication to be a voluntary sacrifice to the happiness and repose of France, he now regards this, like every other convention, as nothing; he is at the head of perjured soldiers, who desire to render war eternal; Europe is again threatened; it cannot suffer the man to remain on the throne of France, who loudly proclaimed universal empire to be the object of his continually renewed wars; who confounded all moral principle by his continued breach of faith; and who can, therefore, give the world no security for his peaceable intentions.

"Again, therefore, arise to the combat! France itself wants our aid, and all Europe is allied with us. United with your antient companions in victory, reinforced by the accession of new brethren in arms, you, brave Prussians, go to a just war, with me, with the Princes of my family, with the generals who have led you to victory. The justice of the cause we defend will ensure us the vic-` tory.

I have ordered a general arming, according to my Decree of September 3, 1814, which will be executed in all my dominions, The army will be completed; the


volunteer companies of yagers be formed; and the landwehr called together. The youth of the chief classes of the citizens, from the age of 20 upwards, are at liberty to join either the landwehr first called out, or the yager corps of the regular army. Every young man who has completed his 17th year, may, if possessing the requisite bodily strength, join the army of his own choice. I publish a particular regulation on this subject. Concerning the formation of the single corps, and of the landwehr, a notice will appear in every province from the constituted authorities.

"Thus united, with all Europe in arms, we again enter the lists against Napoleon Buonaparte and his adherents. Arise, then, with God for your support, for the repose of the world, for order, for morality, for your King and country.


"Vienna, April 7, 1815.

Proclamation of the Emperor of Austria.

Vienna, April 14. We, Francis the First, by the Grace of God, Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, Bohemia, Lombardy, and Venice, Galicia and Lodomiria, &c. &c. Archduke of Austria. In consequence of the treaties concluded with the Allied Powers, and further Conventions concluded with them, the Provinces of Lombardy and Venice, in their whole extent, as far as Lago Maggiore, the river Ticino, and the Po, together with part of the ter

ritory of Mantua on the right bank of the latter river, also the province of the Valtelin, the counties of Chiavenna and Bormio, are incorporated with the Austrian imperial dominions, and united for ever to them as an integral part.

Animated with the most ardent desire to confer on the inhabitants of these provinces and districts an unequivocal proof of our imperial affection, and the high value we set upon this union, and also to give them an additional guarantee for the close ties which henceforth bind them to us, we have thought fit to create the above mentioned provinces and districts into a kingdom, by the title of the kingdom of Lombardy and Venice, and have, therefore, published these presents for the purpose of making known to every one this our Imperial deter

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mote disunion or disturbance, to excite disorder and sedition, by persuading the people to rebellion in the streets and public places, or by any other act inconsistent with good order, according to the enormity and circumstances of the offence, shall be punished, separately or collectively, by being exposed for from one hour to six, by privation of their rank, by marks of ignominy, by imprisonment from one hour to ten, and by a fine of from 100 to 10,0000 francs.

2. In case of crimes not mentioned in the preceding article, those who may have rendered themselves culpable by disturbing the public repose, as well as their accomplices, shall be condemned, besides being fined, to hard labour for a certain time, to be marked.

3. A special court, composed of eight counsellors, selected from our superior court of justice at Brussels, of the Attorney-General, or one of the Advocates General, who fill the functions of the public officers, and of the registrar of the court, is specially charged to take cognizance of, and pass judgment on, all crimes and misdemeanours on the process issued by our Attorney-General.

4. The process takes place without delay, or any previous information by the Judge of Instruction; these decrees shall not be open to appeal, nor can they be repealed.

5. These decrees shall be put into execution 24 hours after their being pronounced.

Our Attorney-General is charged with their execution; and with transmitting an accurate

copy of any decree executed to our Commissary General of Justice.

(The same proclamation orders that its several decrees be published in the papers of the day; and commands the Commissaries General, and other authorities, to see to their prompt and strict execution.)

Dated Brussels, April 20, 1815, and the second year of our reign. (Signed) WILLIAM.

Additional Convention (concluded at Vienna April 30, 1815,) to the Treaty between his Britannic Majesty and his Majesty the King of Prussia, &c. signed March 25, 1815:


His Britannic Majesty engages to furnish a subsidy of five millions sterling, for the service of the year ending on the 1st of April, 1816, to be divided in equal proportions amongst the three powers, namely, between his Majesty the King of Prussia, his Majesty the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia, and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias. The subsidy above stipulated of five millions sterling shall be paid in London by monthly instalments and in equal proportions, to the Ministers of the respective powers, duly authorised to receive the same, The first payment thereof, to become due on the first day of May next, and to be made immediately upon the exchange of the ratifications of this present additional convention. In


ease peace should take place, or be signed between the Allied Powers and France, before the expiration of the said year, the subsidy calculated upon the scale of five millions sterling, shall be paid up to the end of the month in which the definitive treaty shall have been signed; and his Britannic Majesty promises in addition, to pay to Russia four months, and to Austria and to Prussia two months, over and above the stipulated subsidy, to cover the expenses of the return of their troops within their own frontiers.

The present additional convention shall have the same force and effect as if it were inserted word for word in the treaty of the 25th of March.

It shall be ratified, and the ratification shall be exchanged as soon as possible.

In faith of which the respective plenipotentiaries have signed it, and have affixed thereunto the seals of their arms.

Done at Vienna this 30th day of April, in the year of our Lord 1815.





Proclamation of Ferdinand IV. King of the Two Sicilies, &c. to the Neapolitans.

At length I reascend the throne of Naples. Every thing concurs to make my return happy. Your unanimous wishes recall me. The general wish of the Great Powers renders justice to my rights. The

firm and vigorous assistance of my august allies animates and supports me.

I put myself in march at the head of an army, not like usurpers, to deceive and disturb nations, or like adventurers, to carry off, in the disorder of the tempest and the shipwreck, that which the calm could not procure for them. I return to the bosom of my dear family: I bring to it consolation and peace: I come to restore its ancient serenity, and to efface the recollection of all past evils.

No, you are not made to carry the flame of revolt among those who are not your enemies. You are not made to debase yourselves by that sort of greatness which is born of destruction and of terror, The history of your ancestors is far more glorious. You, descendants of the Bruttians, the Campanians and the Samnites, you should cause to tremble those foreign disturbers of your prosperity, and your internal tranquillity: but never could you be the instruments of their ambition, or the victims of their artifices. Your children should not perish in frozen climates. It is for you alone to enjoy your substances, the fruits of your labours, and the produce of your happy climate.

I was

Neapolitans, come and throw yourselves into my arms. born among you; I-know, I appreciate your habits, your character, and your manners. I desire only to give you the most striking proofs of my paternal love, and to make the new period of my government the most fortunate epoch of the well-being and happiness of our common coun


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