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" That all persons shall be admitted as Candidates for the respective Degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, Bachelor of Laws, or Doctor of Laws, to be conferred by the said University of... "
The Sydney University Calendar - Página 18
de University of Sydney - 1853
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The Congregational magazine [formerly The London Christian ..., Volumen 5

998 páginas
...and ordain that all Persona should be admitted as Candidates for the respective Degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, Bachelor of Laws, or Doctor of Laws, to be conferred by the said University, on presenting to the Chancellor, Vice-Chanctllor, and Fellows thereof, a Certificate of their having...
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The Congregational magazine [formerly The London Christian ..., Volumen 4

950 páginas
...and ordain that all persons should be admitted as candidates for the respective degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, Bachelor of Laws, or Doctor of Laws, to be confirmed by the said University, on presenting to the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, and Fellows thereof,...
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Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, Volumen 46

1836 - 566 páginas
...and ordain that all persons shall be admitted as candidates for the respective degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, Bachelor of Laws, or Doctor...of Laws, to be conferred by the said University of London, on presenting to the said Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, and Fellows, a certificate from any...
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Magazine of Popular Science, and Journal of the Useful Arts, Volumen 2

1836 - 534 páginas
...and ordain, that all persons shall be admitted as candidates for the respective degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, Bachelor of Laws, or Doctor...of Laws, to be conferred by the said University of London, on presenting to the said Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, and Fellows, a certificate from any...
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Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, Volumen 46

1836 - 578 páginas
...persons shall be admitted as candidates for the respective degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Master of Atts, Bachelor of Laws, or Doctor of Laws, to be conferred by the said University of London, on presenting to the said Chancellor, Vice-Chaiicellor, and Fellows, a certificate from any...
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The Medico-chirurgical Review, and Journal of Practical Medicine

1836 - 646 páginas
...be admitted as candidates for the respective degrees of 13achelor of Arts, Master of Arts, Eachelor of Laws, or Doctor of Laws, to be conferred by the said University of London, on presenting to the said Chancellor, ViceChancellor, and Fellows, a certificate from any of...
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The Gentleman's Magazine, Volúmenes 160-161

1837 - 732 páginas
...Doctor of Medicine, on presenting to the said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, and Fellows, a certificate to the effect that such candidate has completed the course of instruction which the said Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, and Fellows shall determine. Such certificates may be granted from London...
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The History and Antiquities of London, Westminster, Southwark ..., Volumen 5

Thomas Allen - 1837 - 532 páginas
...candidates for degrees. All persons shall be admitted as candidates for the respective degrees of bachelor of arts, master of arts, bachelor of laws, or doctor of laws, bachelor of medicine, or doctor of medicine, on presenting to the said chancellor, vice-chancellor,...
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The Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle, for the ..., Volumen 160

1837 - 738 páginas
...candidates for degrees. All persons shall be admitted as candidates for the respective degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, Bachelor of Laws, or Doctor of Laws, Bachelor of Medi. cine or Doctor of Medicine, on presenting to the suid Chancellor, Vice Chancellor,...
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The baptist Magazine

1841 - 608 páginas
...and ordain that all persons should be admitted as candidates for the respective Degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, Bachelor of Laws, or Doctor of Laws, to be conferred by the said University, on presenting to the Chancellor, Vice-chancellor, and Fellows thereof, a certificate of their having...
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