The Works of the English Poets: DrydenH. Hughs, 1779 |
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Página 15
... please , to bring it to another hearing , before some other court . In the mean time , to follow the thread of my difcourfe ( as thoughts , according to Mr. Hobbes , have always fome connexion ) fo from Chaucer I was led to think on ...
... please , to bring it to another hearing , before some other court . In the mean time , to follow the thread of my difcourfe ( as thoughts , according to Mr. Hobbes , have always fome connexion ) fo from Chaucer I was led to think on ...
Página 19
... please God to give me longer life , and moderate health , my intentions are to translate the whole Ilias ; provided still that I meet with those encouragements from the public , which may enable me to proceed in my undertaking with fome ...
... please God to give me longer life , and moderate health , my intentions are to translate the whole Ilias ; provided still that I meet with those encouragements from the public , which may enable me to proceed in my undertaking with fome ...
Página 21
... please myfelf with enlarging on this fubject , but I am forced to defer it to a fitter time . From all I have faid , I will only draw this inference , that the action of Homer being more full of vigour than that of Virgil , according to ...
... please myfelf with enlarging on this fubject , but I am forced to defer it to a fitter time . From all I have faid , I will only draw this inference , that the action of Homer being more full of vigour than that of Virgil , according to ...
Página 32
... please than to inftruct , the Reeve , the Miller , the Shipman , the Merchants , the Sumner , and , above all , the Wife of Bath , in the prologue to her tale , would have pro- cured me as many friends and readers , as there are beaux ...
... please than to inftruct , the Reeve , the Miller , the Shipman , the Merchants , the Sumner , and , above all , the Wife of Bath , in the prologue to her tale , would have pro- cured me as many friends and readers , as there are beaux ...
Página 89
... To her , and him who best deserves her love ! Depart from hence in peace , and free as air , Search the wide world , and where you please repair ; } But But on the day when this returning fun To the PALAMON AND ARCITE . 89.
... To her , and him who best deserves her love ! Depart from hence in peace , and free as air , Search the wide world , and where you please repair ; } But But on the day when this returning fun To the PALAMON AND ARCITE . 89.
Términos y frases comunes
againſt Arcite arms becauſe befides behold beſt betwixt blood breaſt caft Canterbury tales cauſe Chanticleer Chaucer Cymon dame death defcended deferve defire earth Emily ev'n eyes fafe faid fair fame fate fear feas feaſt fecond fecret feem'd fenfe fent fhade fhall fhould fide fight fince fing fire firft firſt flain fome foon forc'd forrow foul ftill ftood fuch fuffer fure fweet fword Goddeſs grace heart heaven himſelf honour iffuing king knight ladies laft laſt leaſt lefs liv'd loft lord lov'd maid mind moſt muſt myſelf numbers o'er Ovid Palamon Pirithous plac'd pleas'd pleaſe pleaſure poet prefent prepar'd prifon purſued queen reaſon refolv'd reft reſt Reynard ſaid ſeen ſhall ſhe ſkies ſky ſome ſpeak ſpoke ſpread ſtate ſtill ſtood Synalepha Thebes thee thefe themſelves theſe thofe thoſe thou thought tranflated turn'd Twas Virgil whofe wife Wife of Bath
Pasajes populares
Página 43 - I will only say that it was not for this noble Knight that I drew the plan of an epic poem on King Arthur in my preface to the translation of Juvenal. The Guardian Angels of Kingdoms were machines too ponderous for him to manage...
Página 242 - He wander'd on, unknowing where he went Lost in the wood, and all on love intent : The Day already half his race had run, And summon'd him to due repast at noon, But Love could feel no hunger but lu's own.
Página 93 - Twas all it had, for windows there were none. The gate was adamant; eternal frame! Which, hew'd by Mars himself, from Indian quarries came, The labour of a god; and all along Tough iron plates were clench 'd to make it strong.
Página 298 - A creature of a more exalted kind Was wanting yet, and then was Man design'd ; Conscious of thought, of more capacious breast, For empire form'd, and fit to rule the rest...
Página 43 - I have pleaded guilty to all thoughts and expressions of mine, which can be truly argued of obscenity, profaneness, or immorality ; and retract them. If he be my enemy, let him triumph ; if he be my friend, as I have given him no personal occasion to be otherwise, he will be glad of my repentance.
Página 26 - One of our late great poets is sunk in his reputation because he could never forgive any conceit which came in his way; but swept like a drag-net great and small.
Página 66 - Till each with mortal hate his rival view'd; Now friends no more, nor walking hand in hand; But when they met, they made a surly stand; And glared like angry lions as they pass'd, And wish'd that every look might be their last.
Página 239 - This noble youth to madness loved a dame Of high degree, Honoria was her name : Fair as the fairest, but of haughty mind, And fiercer than became so soft a kind ; Proud of her birth, (for equal she had none) The rest she scorn'd; but hated him alone.
Página 32 - May I have leave to do myself the justice (since my enemies will do me none, and are so far from granting me to be a good poet, that they will not allow me so much as to be a Christian, or a moral man), may I have leave, I say...
Página 132 - The attentive, audience, thus his will declared: The Cause and Spring of motion, from above, Hung down on earth the golden chain of Love: Great was the effect, and high was his intent, When peace among the jarring seeds he sent.