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ments thereof, and the upper coverings of rams' skins dyed red and the blue coverings, and the other coverings, and the pins and all the instruments for the service of the tabernacle of the testimony, which the Lord had commanded Moses. And when the children of Israel had thus made all the furniture and Moses had viewed all the works and they had executed them and made them in the manner the Lord commanded Moses, Moses blessed them.

Then the Lord spoke to Moses saying, On the first day 2 of the first month it being then new moon, thou shalt rear up the tabernacle of the testimony and place therein the ark of the 3 testimony and cover it with the veil. Then thou shalt carry in the table and set in order the service thereof. And thou shalt 5 carry in the candlestick and place on it the lamps: and thou shalt set the golden altar, to burn incense, in its place before the ark; and thou shalt hang up the covering curtain at the door 6 of the tabernacle of the testimony. And the altar of homage offerings thou shalt place at the doors of the tabernacle of the testimony. Then thou shalt surround the tabernacle and 9 hallow all the things belonging to it round about. For this purpose thou shalt take the anointing oil and anoint the tabernacle and all the things in it and hallow it and all its utensils 10 and they shall be holy. And thou shalt anoint the altar of homage offerings and all its utensils and hallow the altar, and 12 this altar shall be a holy of holies. Then thou shalt bring Aaron and his sons to the doors of the tabernacle of the testi13 mony and wash them with water. And thou shalt put the holy robeson Aaron and anoint him and hallow him that he may mi14 nister to me in the priest's office. Thou shalt then bring forward his sons and clothe them with vestures and anoint them as 15 thou didst their father and they shall serve me as priests. And this unction of the priesthood shall belong to them forever throughout their generations.

16 So Moses did all these things. Whatever the Lord com17 manded him so did he. Accordingly in the first month in the

second year of their coming out of Egypt, at the new moon 18 the tabernacle was reared up. And when Moses had reared up the tabernacle he put on the capitals and put in the bars and 19 set up the pilasters and spread the curtains over the taberna

cle and put over it the upper covering of the tabernacle as the 20 Lord commanded Moses. Then taking the testimonies he put 21 them in the ark, and put the staves under the ark, and carried the ark into the tabernacle and hung up the covering of the veil and covered from view the ark of the testimony in the 22 manner the Lord commanded Moses. Then he placed the ta

ble in the tabernacle of the testimony, on the north side with23 out the veil of the tabernacle and set thereon the presence loaves 24 before the Lord as the Lord commanded Moses. Then he

placed the candlestick in the tabernacle of the testimony on the 25 south side of the tabernacle and put the lamps thereon before 26 the Lord, as the Lord commanded Moses. He then placed the

golden altar in the tabernacle of the testimony over against the 27 veil and burned thereon compound incense as the Lord com29 manded Moses. Then he placed the altar of homage offerings 33 at the doors of the tabernacle and reared up the court around 34 the tabernacle and the altar. And when Moses had finished

all these works the cloud covered the tabernacle of the testimo35 ny, and the tabernacle was filled with the glory of the Lord so that Moses could not go into the tabernacle of the testimony, because the cloud overshadowed it and with the glory of the Lord the tabernacle was filled.


Now when the cloud ascended from the tabernacle, the 37 Israelites prepared to march with their baggage. But if the cloud did not ascend they did not prepare to march till the day 38 when the cloud ascended. For there was a cloud on the tabernacle by day and in the night there was a fire on it in the sight of all Israel throughout all their journeyings.



Then the Lord called up Moses and spoke to him out of the tabernacle of the testimony saying, Speak to the children 2 of Israel and thou shalt say to them, When any man among you bringeth gifts to the Lord from your cattle, you shall 3 bring them either from the flocks or the herds. If his gift be a whole burnt offering from the herd, he shall bring a male without blemish to the door of the tabernacle of the testimony. 4 He shall bring it before the Lord for acceptance; and he shall

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lay his hand on the head of the homage offering to be accept5 ed for him-to make atonement for him. And they shall kill the young bull before the Lord; and the sons of Aaron the priests shall carry the blood and pour it out round about on 6 the altar which is at the doors of the tabernacle of the testimo

ny; and having flayed the whole burnt offering they shall cut 7 it in quarters; and the sons of Aaron the priests shall put the 8 fire on the altar and pile wood on the fire; and the sons of Aaron the priests shall lay the quarters with the head and the 9 suet on the wood which is on the fire on the altar; and they shall wash the entrails and the feet with water, and the priests shall lay them all on the altar. It is an homage gift, a sacrifice, a smell of fragrance for the Lord.


And if his gift to the Lord be from the flocks, either from the lambs or the kids for a whole burnt offering, he shall bring 11 a male without blemish and he shall lay his hands on its head; and they shall kill it on the north side of the altar before the Lord: and the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall pour the blood 12 on the altar round about; then they shall cut it in quarters and the priests shall lay these with the head and the suet on the 13 wood which is on the fire on the altar; and they shall wash the entrails and the feet with water; and the priests shall carry them all up and lay them on the altar. It is an homage offering, a sacrifice, a smell of fragrance for the Lord.


And if he bring an homage offering from among the fowls as his gift to the Lord; he shall bring his gift either from 15 among the turtle doves or the pigeons; and the priest shall carry it to the altar and wring off the head, and the priest 16 shall lay it on the altar; then he shall squeeze out the blood against the base of the altar; and he shall take away the craw with the feathers and throw it on the east side of the altar into the ash hole, then he shall break it off from the wings but shall 17 not divide it; and the priest shall lay it on the altar, on the wood which is upon the fire. It is an homage offering, a sacrifice, a smell of fragrance for the Lord.


And when any person shall bring a sacrificial gift to the Lord, his gift shall be fine flour, and he shall pour oil on it 2 and lay frankincense on it. It is a sacrifice; and he shall carry it to the sons of Aaron, the priests; and the priest having taken out a handful of the flour with the oil, and all the frank. 3 incense thereof shall lay this memorial of it on the altar. It is a sacrifice, a smell of fragrance for the Lord. And the rest of the sacrifice shall be for Aaron and his sons, a most holy portion from the sacrifices of the Lord.


And if he bring a gift, a baked sacrifice from the oven, his gift to the Lord shall be of fine flour-he shall bring unleavened loaves tempered with oil or unleavened cakes anointed 5 with oil. And if thy gift be a sacrifice from the pan, it must 6 be of fine flour tempered with oil, without leaven. And having broken it to pieces thou shalt crumble the fragments and 7 pour oil thereon. It is a sacrifice to the Lord. And if thy gift be a sacrifice from the hearth, the fine flour must be made up 8 with oil. And he shall bring the sacrifice which he hath prepared of these materials for the Lord and carry it to the priest; 9 and the priest shall carry it near to the altar and shall take from the sacrifice the memorial of it and lay it on the altar. It is an homage offering, a smell of fragrance for the Lord; and the 10 rest of the sacrifice shall be for Aaron and his sons. These are most holy portions from the homage offerings of the Lord. 11 Every sacrifice which you bring to the Lord, you shall prepare without leaven; for you must not bring any kind of leaven, 12 not even honey, as a gift to pay homage to the Lord. You may bring them as gifts of first fruits to the Lord; but they shall not be laid on the altar for a smell of fragrance for the Lord.



Every gift of your sacrifice must be seasoned with salt. You shall not withhold the salt of the covenant of the Lord from your sacrifices. With every gift you make, you shall offer salt to the Lord your God.

And when thou bringest a sacrifice of first fruits to the Lord, 15 it must be young parched grains broken in the mill. This sacrifice of the first fruits thou shalt offer to the Lord, and thou shalt pour oil on it and put frankincense on it. It is a sacrifice. 16 And the priest shall carry up as the memorial of it some of the broken grains with all the frankincense. It is an homage offer. ing to the Lord.


And if his gift to the Lord be a sacrifice of thanksgiving, and he bring it from the herd, whether it be a male or a female, 2 he shall bring it without blemish before the Lord and shall lay his hands on the head of the gift and kill it before the Lord at the doors of the tabernacle of the testimony. And the sons of Aaron, the priests shall pour the blood on the altar of whole 3, burnt offerings round about: And from the sacrifice of thanksgiving they shall offer up as an homage offering to the Lord the caul which covereth the belly and all the suet on the belly 4 and the two kidneys with the suet on them, and that on the flanks, and with the kidneys he shall take off the lobe of the 5 liver. And the sons of Aaron, the priests shall offer up these on the altar-on the whole burnt offerings which are on the wood on the fire. It is an offering of homage, a smell of fragrance for the Lord.


And if his gift be a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Lord from the flock, whether it be a male or a female, he shall offer 7 it without blemish. If he bring a lamb as his gift he shall bring 8 it before the Lord and lay his hands on the head of his gift and kill it at the doors of the tabernacle of the testimony, and the sons of Aaron the priest shall pour the blood on the altar round 9 about. And from the sacrifice of thanksgiving he shall offer as an offering of homage to the Lord the fat tail and the whole loin which he shall take off with the rump; and having taken 10 off the caul which covereth the inwards and all the fat on the belly and the two kidneys with the suet on them and on the loin and the lobe of the liver with the kidneys the priest shall 11 offer up these on the altar. It is a sweet savour, an offering of homage to the Lord.

12 And if his gift be from the goats, he shall bring it before 13 the Lord and lay his hands on its head. And they shall kill it before the Lord at the doors of the tabernacle of the testimony; and the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall pour out the blood 14 against the altar round about; And from it he shall offer up as an offering of homage to the Lord the caul which covereth the belly and all the fat on the belly and both the kidneys and all 15 the suet on them. That on the loins and the lobe of the liver

he shall take off with the kidneys and the priest shall offer them 16 on the altar. It is an offering of homage, a smell of fragrance for the Lord.


All the suet for the Lord shall be an ordinance for ever throughout your generations. You shall not eat suet nor blood of any kind.

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