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218. These are Greenland, Labrador, the regions round Hudson's Bay, the barbarous nations lately discovered, and those on the western coast adjoining the Pacific Ocean.


219. The West Indies consist of the islands lying between the Continent of North and South America, and of those coasts of South America and Mexico, which bound the Gulf of Mexico.

220. The most extensive of these islands are Cuba, and Port-Rico, Spanish; Hayti, or St. Domingo, an independent empire of blacks; and Jamaica, English.

221. North of Hayti and Cuba, are the Ba hamas, the principal of which is Providence Island; and one of these is Cat Island, the first land seen by Columbus when he discovered America, in 1492.

222. The Caribbee islands extend from Tobago in the south, to the Virgin Islands in the north, and, in 1811, belong wholly to Britain, and are Barbadoes, Antigua, St. Christopher's, St. Vincent, Dominica, Grenada, Trinidad, Montserrat, Nevis, the Virgin Isles; the late

French islands, Martinique, Guadaloupe, St. Lucie, and Tobago; and, the late Danish, St. Croix and St. Thomas.

223. The native Caribs having been inhumanly destroyed, these islands now are inhabited by one fourth Europeans, one fourth Creoles, and one half Black Slaves. They supply all Europe with sugar, rum, cotton, indigo, spices, cocoa, and coffee.


224. South America is best known for its gold and silver mines, which have been wonderfully productive to Spain. The choicest gums and drugs are likewise found in various parts of this immense continent.

225. South America comprehends the various districts called Terra Firma, Guiana, Amazonia, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, Chili, Patagonia, and Terra del Fuego.

226. South America has no inland sea, but the rivers Amazons and La Plata are celebra

ted as the largest in the world. They both have their rise among the Andes, and are many thousand miles in length.

227. The mountains of South America are the loftiest on the globe, and have many volcanoes among them. The Andes run from north to south, and extend four thousand six hundred

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miles. They are from three to four miles high, and are covered with perpetual snow.

228. The immense Spanish dominions in South America are Buenos Ayres, Peru, Chili, and New Granada. Peru and Chili are particularly famous for their gold and silver mines.

229. In North Chili it never rains, and the sky is seldom cloudy; but the dews of night supply the want of rain. Peru is a sterile and almost uninhabited country.,

230. The Portuguese territory of Brazil is of immense extent, and has lately become the residence of the king and court of Portugal.

231. Guiana, partly French, partly Dutch, is, in 1811, in possession of the English. The southern extremity of South America is Patagonia, a desolate country, inhabited by savages, some of whom are of colossal stature..

232. Amazonia is not under the yoke of any European power. It is divided among barbarous tribes, each of which has its chief. The inhabitants worship images, but have no temples or priests.

233. The islands contiguous to South America are Trinidad, the Falkland Islands, Terra del Fuego, Juan Fernandez, the Gallipagos, and the Pearl Islands.

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