UNIVERSITY CLUBS, ETC. SYDNEY UNIVERSITY UNION. The object of the Union is the promotion of the mental culture of its members by Debates, Readings, and such other means as may be determined upon. The meetings are held weekly on Fridays, at the University, or other place as arranged by the Executive Committee. The Professors, Lecturers, and Examiners of the Sydney University are ex-officio Honorary Members. All Graduates, Undergraduates, Superior officers, and all Graduates and Undergraduates of British and Colonial Universities, are eligible for ordinary membership. Except in the case of members of other Universities, the formality of an election is dispensed with. Subscription, 5s. per Life Member's subscription, £1 10s. annum. OFFICE BEARERS FOR 1898. PRESIDENT-F. Lloyd, B.A., LL.B. COMMITTEE-E. M. Mitchell, B.A., W. J. E. Davies, B.A., LL.B., W. G. Forsyth, B.A, UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY MEDICAL SOCIETY. The objects of this Society, which was founded in 1885, are the intellectual and social improvement of its members, by lectures, essays and discussions, in any branch of Medical Science, and by any other means calculated to advance the objects of the Society. The meetings are held monthly, in the Clinical Theatre, Prince Alfred Hospital, on Friday evenings, at 7.45. All teachers in the Faculty of Medicine are honorary members ex-officio, All Students of Medicine, or qualified Medical Practitioners, whose qualifications are recognised by the University of Sydney, are eligible for ordinary membership. OFFICE BEARERS FOR 1898. PRESIDENT-E. Maynard Pain, M.B., Ch.M. VICE-PRESIDENTS-F. J. T. Sawkins, M.B., Ch.M., J. MacPherson, M.A., B.Sc., M.B., Ch.M., H. R. Cope, M.B., Ch.M., H. J. W. Brennand, B.A., D. Æ. D. MacMaster, B.A., B.Sc. HON. SECRETARY-H. J. P. Knight. HON. TREASURER-F. G. Griffiths, B.A. HON. AUDITORS-A. G. Corbin, B.Sc., F. P. Sandes. EDITORIAL COMMITTEE OF THE SOCIETY'S JOURNAL-J. MacPherson, M.A., B.Sc., M.B., Ch. M., D. Æ. D. MacMaster, B.A., B.Sc., H. J. W. Brennand, B.A. REPRESENTATIVES OF THE YEARS-C. B. Blackburn. W. F. Burfitt, B.A., B.Sc., R. W. Maffey, B.A., L. W. Bond, H. A. Jones. SYDNEY UNIVERSITY SPORTS UNION. The Union has been formed by the amalgamation of the existing Football, Cricket, Boat, Athletic, and Tennis Clubs. Such other Clubs as may from time to time be approved by the Committee shall be admitted. Membership is open to Graduates of this University and of other recognised Universities, and members of the University who have matriculated in accordance with the by-laws. Annual Subscription-For active members, £2 28.; ladies, £1 1s.; Honorary Members, £1 1s. Life Active Members £15 15s.; Life Honorary Members, £10 10s. OFFICE BEARERS FOR 1898. PATRON-His Excellency Viscount Hampden. PRESIDENT-The Hon. H. N. MacLaurin, M.A., M.D., LL.D., Chancellor. VICE-PRESIDENTS-Professor Scott, Professor Anderson, Professor Wood, H. E. Barff, M. A., J. T. Walker, H. M. Faithfull, M.A., Hon. H. E. Kater, M.L.C., John Harris, N. F. White, B.E., A. H. Uther, B.A. COMMITTEE The Committee consists of Delegates from the constituent clubs. HON. TREASURERS-H. F. Maxwell, B.A., C. H. Gibson, F. W. West, H. M. Stephen. HON. SECRETARY—J. A’B. D. Barton, B.A. GROUNDS COMMITTEE-C. T. Russell, B.A., W. G. Gregson, B.A., H. F. Maxwell, B.A. UNIVERSITY BOAT CLUB. All members of the Sports Union are members of the Boat Club. The boat shed of the Club stands on the Western side of Woolloomooloo Bay, next to the Corporation baths. OFFICE BEARERS FOR 1898. PATRON-His Excellency Viscount Hampden. PRESIDENT—His Honor Judge Backhouse (Vice-Chancellor). VICE-PRESIDENTS-Professor Scott, H. E. Barff, M.A., The Hon. H. E. Kater, M.L.C., A. Consett Stephen, T. Rolin, M.A., A. MacCormick, M.D., John Harris, A. C. Millard, B.A., W. H. Palmer, V. B. MacDermott, B.A. CAPTAIN-C. H. Helsham, B.A. VICE-CAPTAIN-G. A. Vivers. HON. SECRETARY-J. E. d' Apice. TRUSTEES-Professor Scott, R. Smith, M.A. COMMITTEE C. T. Russell, B.A., N. W. Kater, M.B., Ch.M., A. G. Purves, T. G. Wilson, W. H. Gregson, B.A., H. W. Kendall. DELEGATES ΤΟ SPORTS UNION-A. L. Vivers (ex-officio), C. T. Russell, B.A. DELEGATES TO N.S.W. R.A.-C. T. Russell, B.A., G. A. Vivers, H. W. Kendall. HON. MEDICAL OFFICER. --N. W. Kater, M,B., Ch.M. UNIVERSITY CRICKET CLUB. This Club was established in the year 1865. All members of the Sports Union are members of the Cricket Club. The Senate has granted to the Club the use of that portion of the University grounds known as the "Oval." A considerable sum of money has been spent upon this ground, and a handsome pavilion has been erected upon it. Practice is carried on from October to April (inclusive) on the Oval. Fourteen matches have been played between this University and that of Melbourne. Of these nine have been won by Sydney. OFFICE BEARERS FOR 1898. PRESIDENT-H. M. Faithfull, M.A. VICE-PRESIDENTS-R. Teece, H. E. Barff, M.A., Theo. Powell, M.A., John Harris, Thomas Buckland, B.A., R. C. Allen, B.A., Professor Wood, M.A., Hon. E. Barton, M.A. HON. SECRETARY-W. D. Cargill. ASSISTANT HON. SECRETARIES-Second XI., H. E. Manning; Third XI., W. B. Dight; Veteran XI., A. C. Gill, B.A., LL.B. HON. TREASURER-W. H. Gregson, B.A. DELEGATES TO S. U. SPORTS UNION-W. H. Gregson, B.A, (ex-officio), G. R. C. Clarke. COMMITTEE-N. F. White, B.E., H. D. Wood, B.A., LL.B., W. Camac Wilkinson, M.D., A. I. Blue, H. Terry, M.B., H. S. Stacy, M.B., Ch.M., L. O. S. Poidevin, T. W. Lipscomb, M.B. DELEGATES TO NEW SOUTH WALES CRICKET ASSOCIATION-Theo. Powell, M.A., and W. D. Cargill. SELECTION COMMITTEES-First Eleven: G. R. C. Clarke, W. D. Cargill, N. F. White, B.E. Second Eleven: H. E. Manning, A. I. Blue, W. H. Gregson, B.A. Third Eleven: H. S. Stacy, M.B., Ch.M., W.B. Dight, E. B. L. Fitzpatrick. Veteran Eleven: A. C. Gill, B.A., LL.B., H. D. Wood, B.A., LL.B., J. S. Cargill, B.A. Undergraduates' Eleven-G. R. C. Clarke, H. C. M. Delohery, W. H. Gregson, B.A. UNIVERSITY TENNIS CLUB. The Club was established in September, 1885. All members of the Sports Union are also members of the Tennis Club. OFFICE BEARERS FOR 1898. PRESIDENT-Professor Wood, M.A. VICE-PRESIDENTS-F. Lloyd, LL.B., H. E. Barff, M.A., Professor Wilson, D. S. Edwards, B.A., P. B. Colquhoun. HON. SECRETARY-E. P. T. Griffith. HON. TREASURER-T. G. Wilson. COMMITTEE-W. H. Gregson, B.A., W. D. Cargill, A. Curtis, E. L. Newman, C. B. Cameron, V. W. Savage. DELEGATES TO SPORTS UNION-D. S. Edwards, B.A., E. P. T. Griffith. LADIES' TENNIS CLUB, OFFICE BEARERS FOR 1898. PRESIDENT-Mrs. Gurney. VICE-PRESIDENTS-Mrs. MacCallum, Mrs. Trechmann. HON SECRETARY-Marian Harris, B.A. HON. TREASURER-Gertrude L. Bavin, B.A. COMMITTEE Millicent V. Elliott, B.A. (Captain), Annie Beaumont, B.A., Nona Dumolo, B.A., Ethel N. De Lissa, B.A., Maude Scrutton, Gwendolene Wilson. UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC CLUB. OFFICE BEARERS FOR 1898. PATRON-His Excellency Viscount Hampden. PRESIDENT-Professor Anderson, M.A. VICE-PRESIDENTS-John Harris, J. T. Walker, Dr. Wilkinson, H. E. Barff, M.A., H. D.Wood, B.A. LL.B., F. Lloyd, B.A., LL.B., H. B. Rowlands, B.E. HON. GRADUATE SECRETARY-A. H. Uther, B.A. HON. UNDERGRADUATE SECRETARY-C. B. Cameron. HON. TREASURER-F. G. Griffiths, B.A. DELEGATES TO S.U. SPORTS UNION-F. G. Griffiths, B.A., H. A. Jones. DELEGATES TO N.S.W. A.A.A.-A. H. Uther, B.A., H. H. Lee. GENERAL COMMITTEE J. A'B. D. Barton, B.A., H. H. Lee, W. H. Gregson, B.A., H. A. Jones, St. A. W. L. McDowall, F. T. Perkins, F. West. UNIVERSITY FOOTBALL CLUB. This Club was formed in 1863. Matches are played every Saturday and Wednesday during the season, which lasts from April till September. All members of the Sports Union are members of the Football Club. |