REPORT OF THE SENATE OF THE UNIVERSITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 1897. 1. The Senate of the University of Sydney, in pursuance of the provisions of section 22 of the Act of Incorporation, 14 Victoria, No. 31, has the honour to transmit the account of its proceedings during the year 1897, for the information of His Excellency the Governor and the Executive Council. Matriculation. 2. The number of persons who qualified themselves for Matriculation in 1897 by passing one of the various University Examinations was 291. Of these, 87 passed the ordinary Matriculation Examination, 138 the Junior Public Examination, 12 the Law Matriculation Examination, 46 the Senior Public Examination, and 8 the Entrance Examination for Law, Medicine and Science. The number of students actually admitted to Matriculatlon, with a view to proceeding with the curriculum in one of the various Faculties, was 97. Annual University Examinations. 3. The numbers of students who attended and passed the annual examinations in December, 1896, and March, 1897, after attending the prescribed courses of lectures, are shown in the following table: FACULTY OF ARTS. In addition to the students passing through the regular curriculum, 20 evening students and students of special subjects passed examinations in individual subjects. 4. The following table shows the number of students attending lectures in the several Faculties : Faculty of Arts (day), 168; (evening), 59; total Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Science .. 227 41 Faculty of Science-Department of Engineering Included are 69 women who attended in the Faculty of Arts, 12 in Medicine, and 4 in Science; total, 85. The above also includes 31 unmatriculated students. Degrees conferred. 5. The following degrees were conferred after examination : Master of Arts (M.A.):-George Alfred Blumer, B.A.; James Bachelor of Arts (B.A.):-Margaret Jane Armstrong, John Harry Frederick Jones, James Augustus Klein, Isabella Bachelor of Law (LL.B.):-Thomas Rainsford Bavin, B.A., Doctor of Medicine (M.D.):-James Froude Flashman, M.B., Bachelor of Medicine (M.B.):-Edmund Horatio Barnes, Master of Surgery (Ch.M.):-Edmund Horatio Barnes, John Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.): Marion Charlotte Horton, Donald Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.)-Civil Engineering :-Harry Ad eundem Degree. 6. The following ad eundem degree was conferred in accordance with the provisions of the "Ad eundem Degrees Act," 44 Victoria, No. 22 : Bachelor of Medicine (M.B) :—William Thomas Chenhall, M.B., 7. The total number of degrees conferred during the year was thus 88, divided as follows :—M.A., 3; B.A., 47; LL.B., 7; M.D., 1; M.B., 11; Ch.M., 8; B.Sc., 2; B.E., 9. 8. The degrees conferred by the University from its foundation to the end of 1897 are:-M.A., 259; B.A., 898; LL.D., 23; LL.B., 64; M.D., 38; M.B., 119; Ch.M., 83; B.Sc., 29; M.E., 3; B.E., 43. Total, 1,559. Honours at Degree Examinations. 9. The following honours were awarded at Degree Examinations : FACULTY OF ARTS. M.A. Examination. CLASSICS AND PHILOLOGY-Class II. :-F. V. Pratt, B.A. B.A. Examination. LATIN-Class I.:-H. E. Whitfeld, H. S. Dettmann. Class II. :- GREEK-Class I. :-H. S. Dettmann and H. E. Whitfeld, æq. FRENCH-Class Musmann. II. :-Margaret J. Armstrong, C. E. G. ENGLISH-Class I.:-H. S. Dettmann. Class II.:-Pearl E. GERMAN-Class I.:-H. S. Dettmann. Class II.:-C. E. G. HISTORY-Class I. :-S. D. Chalmers, W. W. Monahan. Class MATHEMATICS-Class I. :-S. D. Chalmers. LOGIC AND MENTAL PHILOSOPHY-Class I. :-D. Wallace, H. E. FACULTY OF LAW. LL.B. Examination. CLASS I.-T. R. Bavin. Class II.:-None, FACULTY OF MEDICINE. M.B. and Ch.M. Examination. Class I.-G. P. Dixon. Class II.:-E. M. Pain. FACULTY OF SCIENCE. B.Sc. Examination. BIOLOGY (Vertebrate Zoology)-Class I.:-Marion C. Horton. GEOLOGY, PALEONTOLOGY AND PETROLOGY-Class I.: Marion C. Department of Engineering. CIVIL ENGINEERING, SURVEYING AND ARCHITECTURE-Class I.:-T. P. Scholarships. · 10. The following Scholarships were awarded: (a) At the Matriculation Examination. Cooper Scholarship, No. II., for Classics-R. N. Robson, prox. acc., Aitken Scholarship for General Proficiency-W. R. Horn, prox. acc., Barker Scholarship, No. II., and Horner Exhibition for Mathematics- (b) At the First Year Examination in Arts. Cooper Scholarship, No. III., for Classics-Gained by R. C. Teece, but awarded to J. J. Walsh, R. C. Teece being the holder of two Scholarships. George Allen Scholarship for Mathematics-R. W. Hawken (Engineering), J. F. Morris (Engineering), E. C. G. Page,* D. T. Sawkins, æq. (c) At the Second Year Examination in Arts. Gooper Scholarship, No. I., for Classics-D. P. Evans-Jones. Barker Scholarship, No. I., and Norbert Quirk Prize for Mathematics- (d) At the B.A. Examination. Frazer Scholarship for History-S. D. Chalmers. (e) At the Intermediate Examination in Law. G. Wigram Allen Scholarship for general proficiency-E. M. Mitchell, B.A. (f) At the First Year Examination in Medicine. Renwick Scholarship for general proficiency in the subject of the examination-A. H. Macintosh, prox. acc., Mabel J. Graham. (g) At the Third Year Examination in Medicine. John Harris Scholarship for Anatomy and Physiology.-C. S. Willis. Levey Scholarship for Chemistry and Physics-G. Harker. T. P. Strickland, B.E. *E. C. G. Page did not comply with the conditions for holding a Mathematical Scholarship. |