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Thomas W. Smart, Esq.
Sir P. A. Jennings
Sir A. Renwick, M.D....

Thomas S. Mort, Esq....
Thomas Walker, Esq.

100 0 0 1,100 0 0 125 0 0

315 0 0 700 0 0

[blocks in formation]

Towards an Organ for the Great Hall.
For purchase of book, "Lepsius' Antiqui-
ties of Egypt and Ethiopia."
For a Travelling Fellowship.

Being the amount paid by him for the
Library of the late Mr. Stenhouse, pre-
sented to the University.
Scholarship-For the sons of Freemasons.

Bequest-Property of the estimated value

of £250,000, to be applied to
the general purposes of the

Towards an Organ for the Great Hall.
To provide a Screen for the Organ Gallery.

Bursary or Scholarship.

Scholarship-For Law.

Exhibition-For Medical Students.

For establishing and maintaining a Library in the University.

Annual Prize-For Mathematics.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]


APRIL, 1897, TO MARCH, 1898.

Twenty-eight Specimens of Educational Publications by Messrs. Macmillan & Co., two by Messrs. Collins Bros., one by Messrs. Blackie & Son.

Calendars and other Publications by the following Universities, &c. :— Aberdeen, Allahabad, Auckland, Bendigo, Bombay, Calcutta, California, Canterbury (N.Z.), Cape of Good Hope Observatory, Columbia (New York), Cornell (Ithaca), Dalhousie (Nova Scotia), Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Graz, Grenoble, Harvard (Cambridge), Japan, Johns Hopkins (Baltimore), King's College (London), London, Lyon, McGill (Montreal), Madras, Melbourne, Nebraska, New Zealand, North Wales (Bangor), Panjab (Lahore), Pennsylvania, Pisa, Princeton, Royal College of Surgeons (London), Royal University of Ireland, St. Andrews, Sheffield, Toronto, Trinity College (Dublin), Trinity College (London), Trinity College (Melbourne), Victoria (Manchester), Yale University Observatory, Yorkshire College (Leeds).

Proceedings, Transactions, &c., from the following Societies, &c. :—

Academia Nacional de Ciencias (Cordoba), Australian Institute of
Mining Engineers, Australian Museum, Biblioteca Nazionale
Centrale di Firenze, British Museum, Cambridge Philosophical
Society, Chicago Academy of Sciences, Clinical Society of London,
Institute of Chemistry (London), Institute of Civil Engineers
(London), Johns Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore), Linnean Society of
New South Wales, Milwaukee Public Museum, New Zealand
Institute, Public Library of New South Wales, Queensland
Museum, Royal Academy of Medicine (Ireland), Royal Irish
Academy, Royal Colonial Institute (London), Royal Societies of
Canada, London, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia,
Tasmania, Victoria, St. Bartholomew's Hospital (London), Smith-
sonian Institution, Volta Bureau (Washington).

Publications of the Meteorological Department and the Archæological Survey of India; California State Mining Bureau; Geological Survey of Canada; Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Education, Coast and Geodetic Survey of the United States; Report of the United States Commission upon the Boundary between Venezuela and British Guiana.

Acts of the Parliament of Victoria, Report of the Minister of Public Instruction, by the Government of Victoria.

Proceedings and Acts of the S.A. Parliament, Debates in the Houses of Legislature and Meteorological Observations, by the Government of South Australia.

Ethnological Studies (Roth), by the Government of Queensland.

Report of the Minister of Public Instruction, Publications of the Department of Mines, by the Government of New South Wales.

Books, &c., were presented to the Library, in terms of the " Copyright Act, 1879," by Messrs. Angus & Robertson, Australian Publishing and Advertising Co., Messrs. James Best, C. Brennan, F. H. Cole, Mrs. J. Dibden, Mr. S. Elyard, Epsworth Printing and Publishing Co., Miss Lily Froude, Messrs. W. H. Glen & Co., Gordon & Gotch, Hayes Bros., Dr. R. Hodgson, Mr. P. P. Kemp, Mrs. Langer, Messrs. Marsden & Dalgleish, G. Metcalfe, Morgan & Co., S. Nathan, T. Neal, W. H. Paling & Co., H. E. C. Robinson, Geo. Robertson & Co., H. S. Shaw, W. E. Smith, and the Publishers of the Australasian Anthropological Journal, Australasian Independent, Australasian Medical Gazette, Australian Theosophist, Australasian United Service Gazette and Volunteer Record, Australian Economist, Australian Field, Australian Home Journal, Australian Pastoral Directory, Australian Photographic Journal, Australian Young Folks, Brewer, Building and Engineering Journal, Co-operator, Courier Australien, Dawn, DeutschAustralische Post, Elector, Hebrew Standard of Australasia, Leisure Moments, New South Wales Cyclist, New South Wales Educational Gazette, Nepean Times, New South Wales Railway Budget, Oakshaw Annual, Sands' Sydney and Suburban Directory, Sydney Daily Telegraph, Sydney Mail, Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney Sheep and Carnival Guide, Stock and Station Journal, Town and Country Journal, Trades Directory of Sydney, Trades Protective Institute Reports, Yachtsman and Canoeist, Year Book of New South Wales.

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