Eccentric biography; or, Sketches of remarkable characters, ancient and modern

Vernor & Hood, 1801 - 348 páginas

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Página 178 - Johnson said, he thought he had already done his part as a writer. "I should have thought so too," said the king, " if you had not written so well.
Página 127 - The Body of Benjamin Franklin, Printer, (Like the cover of an old book, Its contents torn out, And stripped of its lettering and gilding,) Lies here food for worms. Yet the work itself shall not be lost, For it will (as he believed) appear once more In a new And more beautiful Edition, Corrected and Amended By The Author.
Página 118 - The first time I was in company with Foote was at Fitzherbert's. Having no good opinion of the fellow, I was resolved not to be pleased, and it is very difficult to please a man against his will. I went on eating my dinner pretty sullenly, affecting not to mind him. But the dog was so very comical, that I was obliged to lay down my knife and fork, throw myself back upon my chair, and fairly laugh it out. No, Sir, he was irresistible.* He upon one occasion experienced, in an extraordinary degree,...
Página 297 - I need only tell you, that this ill-starred, good-natured, improvident man returned to Dublin, unhinged from all favour at court, and even banished from the castle. But still he remained a punster, a quibbler, a fiddler, and a wit. Not a day passed without a rebus, an anagram, or a madrigal. His pen and his fiddle-stick were in continual motion; and yet to little or no purpose...
Página 127 - THE BODY of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Printer, (like the cover of an old book, its contents torn out, and stript of its lettering and gilding) lies here food for worms ; yet the work itself shall not be lost, for it will (as he believed) appear once more in a new and more beautiful edition, corrected and amended by THE AUTHOR.
Página 9 - My lords, cannot I take my subjects money when I want it, without all this formality in parliament ? The bishop of Durham readily answered, God forbid, Sir, but you should ; you are the breath of our nostrils : whereupon the king turned and said to the bishop of Winchester, well, my lord, what say you ? Sir, replied the bishop, I have no skill to judge of parliamentary cases.
Página 219 - I will assure you that they are both very pleasant and very convenient. But I must tell you one circumstance: you are the fifth man that has had the reversion of the place, and I have buried them all. And what is more," continued he, looking very scientifically at him, "there is something in your face, that tells me I shall bury you too.
Página 98 - Elwes knew almost nothing of accounts, and never reduced his affairs to writing — he was obliged, in the disposal of his money, to trust much to memory — to the suggestions of other people still more.
Página 153 - And therefore his death was no less congratulated on the one party, than it was condoled in the other. In a word, what was said of Cinna might well be applied to him ; " he had " a head to contrive, and a tongue to persuade, " and a hand to execute, any mischief.
Página 148 - Fortune now seemed to take some notice of a man she had long neglected. The simplicity of his character, the integrity of his heart, and the merit of his productions, made his company very acceptable to a number of respectable...

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