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SHELBURNE, EARL OF, to Richard Oswald, ‡ 21 May,

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Abridgment of the Book of Common
Prayer, made in part by Franklin, X.
207, 2-8

Absorption, remarks on, VI. 65. Wheth-
er it is in progress at the same time
with perspiration, 66.

Academy, observations relative to the
intentions of the original founders of
the Philadelphia, II. 133. Subscrip-
tions for an, in Philadelphia, VI. 108.
Remarks respecting the Philadelphia,
VII. 51. Interest taken by Franklin
in it, 63. Remarks concerning it, 80.
Account of the Court of the Press, II.

Account of the Negotiations in London
for effecting a Reconciliation between
Great Britain and her Colonies, cir-
cumstances under which it was writ-
ten, V. 1.

Account of the newly invented Pennsyl
vania Fireplace. Its invention describ-
ed, VI. 34.


ADAMS, JOHN, his remarks quoted in
reference to Franklin's correspondence
with Governor Shirley, III. 64. His
letter to Dr. Hosack, relative to the
Hutchinson Letters, IV. 443. Is ap-
pointed by Congress to confer with
Lord Howe, V. 97. His opinion ex-
pressed to Arthur Lee, in regard to the
intercourse of the American commis-
sioners, VIII. 262. His view of the
disposition of the French court, 324.
His erroneous view of the feeling in
America towards France, 479.
correspondence displeasing to the
French court, 487. His account of
the difficulty of procuring a loan in
Holland, IX. 19. Is appointed one
of the commissioners for negotiating
peace, 82. His account of De Neuf-
ville's scheme of a loan, 106. His
interview with Mr. Digges on the sub-
ject of negotiations for peace, 186.
His conversation with Mr. Laurens
respecting the views of the British
ministry, and the basis of peace, 256.
His distrust of the French court, 534.
His comment on the accusation against
Franklin relative to the fisheries, X 12.
Sends to Franklin a copy of his work
on the American Constitutions, 284.

ADAMS, SAMUEL, his character, and his
opinion of Franklin, VIII. 99.
Address of the Assembly of Pennsylva-
nia to Dr. Franklin, on his return from
France, V. 137. Of the American
Philosophical Society, 138. Of the
University of Pennsylvania, 140.
Address to the Public, from the Penn-
sylvania society for promoting the
abolition of slavery, and the relief of
free negroes unlawfully held in bond-
age, II. 515.

Affliction, just mode of considering, V1I.


Africans, anecdote illustrating the honor
of, IV. 69.

Agents of Colonies, their little utility,
VIII. 7.

AGRICOLA, distinction made by, of the
various kinds of earthquakes, VI. 9,
Agriculture, its prosperity after the Rev-
olution, II. 462. Importance of teach-
ing it in colleges, VII. 45. Value of
oxen and horses in, 434. An honor.
able employment, 552.

Aids to the Crown common mode of
granting in the Colonies, IV. 194, 243.
Air, importance of fresh, during sleep,
II. 172. Its effect, in electrical experi
ments, V. 261. Whether it may not give
and receive electrical fire to and from
clouds and vapors passing through it,
337. Reasons for believing that it has
its share of electricity, 369. How the
electricity at different heights may be
determined, 370. Other circumstances
relating to its electricity, 387. Ob-
servations on the same subject, 405.
May be the cause of earthquakes, VI.
2. Some of its properties, 36. Colds
produced by the powerful draught of,
40. Observations respecting its quali
ties, 127. Substances which it attracts
and supports, 130. Mr. Todd's ob-
jections to Franklin's theory relative
to the attraction between water and,
171. Mephitic quality communicated
by respiration to the, 308., Priestley's
experiments upon, 344. Obtained

from metals, 345. Noxious, restored
by sprigs of mint, 347. Properties of
the nitrous, 347. Effect of cold, in
diseases, 386. Moist, not unhealthy,
402. Priestley's experiments on, 404.
On alkaline, 409. Effect of vegeta-
tion on noxious, 414. Experiment

[blocks in formation]

Air thermometer, Franklin's construc-
tion of an electrical, V. 371. Remarks
on the, 389.
ALEMBERT, D', his translation of a
Latin verse, applied by Turgot to
Franklin, VIII. 637.

ALEXANDER, JAMES, his remarks on
Franklin's" Hints towards a Scheme
of Union of the Colonies," III. 28. His
suggestion of an experiment to meas-
ure the time taken up by an electric
spark in moving through any given
space, V. 315. Franklin's comment
thereon, 317.

ALEXANDER, WILLIAM, his certificate
respecting Franklin's interview with
Mr. Pulteney, VIII. 447. His inter-
view with Mr. Hartley, relative to ne-
gotiations for peace, IX. 119. His ex-
planation relative to the willingness
of the American commissioners to
treat without the assent of France,

Algerines, their attempt to seize Ameri-
can vessels, IX. 506. Unfounded ru-
mor of the capture of Franklin by,
X. 230.

Alkaline Air, Priestley's experiments
on, VI. 409.

ALLEN, WILLIAM, Chief Justice, VII.


Alliance, employment of the frigate,
VIII. 352. Of prizes taken by the,
400. Mutiny on board the, IX. 13.
Alphabet, scheme of a new, VI. 295.
Table of such an, 296. Remarks on
the table, 298. Various examples of
the scheme, 300. Of a reform of the,
X. 261.

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Amber, electrical experiments on, V.
403. Its explosion by electricity, 404.
America, frugal mode of living in, II.
428. Future prospects of the pecu-
niary ability of, 430. Its character
abroad, relative to the payment of
debts, 432. Remarks on the internal
state of, 461. Ironical examination of
the question respecting payment of
the debts of, to British merchants, 499.
Popularity of taxing, in England, VII.
352. As to the discovery of, before
Columbus, VII. 69. See United


American Colonies, Plan of Union of the,

III. 23. On the direct taxation of the,
without their consent, 58. Sums which
they pay the mother country, 62. On
their representation in Parliament, 64.
Nature of the government of the, 97.
On the probability and the effect of
their union with the mother country.
IV. 156. Their efforts in conducting
the wars with the French and Indians,
157. Of the British claim of taxing
the, 158. Their disposition towards
Great Britain prior to 1763, and since,
169. Their views relative to the pow-
er of Parliament to legislate for them,
169. Their capacities for manufactur-
ing, 175. Their readiness to grant
aids to the crown, 1993. Their early
system of laws, 217. Extent of the
power of Parliament over them, 218.
Of their representation in Parliament,
220. Policy of Great Britain relative
to trade with them, 225. Mode in
which their aids to the crown have
been granted, 243. On restrictions
imposed on their manufacturing, 251.
Cause of their non-consumption agree-
ments, 253. A repeal of duties not
likely to satisfy them, 262. System
of law brought hither by the settlers,
271. Readiness with which they have
contributed for the common welfare,
285. Disregard of their rights by
Parliament, 286. British policy rela-
tive to their establishment, 307. Ad-
vantage of establishing, upon the sea-
coast, 312. Difficulty in inducing the
inhabitants of the middle, to emigrate
to the north or south, 360. Of the
King's right to quarter troops in the,
V. 18. Franklin's proposition relative
to granting money to the crown, as a
basis of compromise, 20. Not settled
at the expense of Great Britain, 84.
Nor protected by her, 86. As to the
charge, that they refuse to contribute
for their own protection, 88. On the
equality of voting in Congress, 109.
Proceedings of Rhode Island in regard
to the plan of Parliament to tax the,
VII. 264. Plan of their union with
Great Britain, 329. Encroachment of
Parliament on their rights, 477. Of
the right of Great Britain to tax them,
487. Their independence predicted,
522. Their security lies in their in-
creasing strength, VIII. 31. Sugges-
tions as to their mode of procuring
redress, 62. Plan for their immediate
union with Great Britain, 146. Their
situation at the close of 1775, 165.
Popularity of their cause in Europe,
213. Recommended to them by Con-
gress to constitute governments, 184
See Plan of Union of the Colonies.

American Medical and Philosophical
Register, some account of the, VI. 18.
American Philosophical Miscellany,
Franklin's scheme of publishing an,
VI. 72.

American Philosophical Society, account
of the, 1.576, II. 9. Its address to
Franklin, on his return from France,
V. 138. First suggested by Franklin,
and its plan, as proposed by him, VI.
14. Its condition and purposes, 15.
How formed, 28. Its establishment
alluded to, VII. 455. Efforts of Frank-
lin to animate it, X. 90. Count de
Campomanes's notice of its Transac-
tions, 308.

AMONTONS, his discourse relative to air,
as the cause of earthquakes, VI. 7.
Anchor, suggestion of a swimming, for
vessels, VI. 481. How constructed,

Animal Magnetism, its efficacy doubted,
X. 75. Commission in Paris to exam-

ine the subject, 76.
ANSTEY, mentioned, X. 276.
Anthony Afterwit, letter from, II. 532.
Anti-Federalists, their conduct compar-
ed with that of the ancient Jews, V.
Antigua, description of a water-spout
at, VI. 143. Salubrity of, VII. 59.
Apologue by Franklin, II. 163. An-
other, showing the conduct of man-
kind towards one another, IX. 226.
Appalachian Mountains, discovery of
sea shells in the, VI. 81.
Apparatus, construction of a portable,
to demonstrate Franklin's principles
of electricity, V. 446. Mode of using
it, 447.

Apprentices, general conduct of, VII.


Arabian Tale, II. 193.

Arabs, their treatment of prisoners of
war, IV. 66.

ARANDA, Count d', interview of the
American commissioners with, VIII.
194. Remarks addressed to, on the
proposition of the United States in re-
gard to Spain, 212. His interview
with Franklin and Jay, respecting a
treaty with Spain, IX. 350.
Arcana Imperii, remarks on a work en-
titled, VIII. 283.

ARENDT, Baron d', recommended to
the President of Congress, VIII. 455.
ARISTOTLE, his distinction of the differ-
ent kinds of earthquakes, VI. 9.
Armed Neutrality, its origin, VIII. 463,
466. Completed and proclaimed, 490.
Armonica, an ode composed by Metasta-
sio, and expressly designed to be ac-
companied by the, I. 265. Account of
the origin of the, VI. 245. The in-

strument described, 246. Directions
for drawing out its tones, 353.
ARMSTRONG, his suggestions respect-
ing fresh air in fevers, VI. 314.
Army, American, their inadequate sup-
ply of military stores, VIII. 198. Their
operations early in 1777, 206. Of sup-
plies of arms and clothing for the, from
the French court, 422. Their dis-

tressed condition, 535. Their con-
dition in 1782, IX. 413.
Army, British, their conduct in Ameri-
ca, VIII. 416.

Army, French, in America, suggestion
that they be furnished with provisions
there, VIII. 521.

ARNOLD, BENEDICT, curious impres
sions respecting his personal history,
VIII. 304. His treachery, IX. 30.
Art of Procuring Pleasant Dreams, II.

Art of Virtue, Franklin's plan of pre-
paring a work entitled, I. 115. Ex-
plained, VII. 197. Alluded to, 232.
Articles of Confederation and Perpetual
Union, proposed in General Congress,
origin of the, and difference from the
plan finally adopted, V. 91. Mode of
election under, and the powers and
duty of Congress, 92. How to be
ratified, 95.
Asbestos, a purse made of, VII. 1.
ASGILL, Captain, his case alluded to;
justice of the proceedings against him,
IX. 375.

Assembly of Massachusetts. See Mas-


Atlantic Ocean, conjecture as to the
cause why westward voyages across
the, are longer than the eastward, VI.
74. This to be attributed to the preva
lence of westerly winds, 77.
Attraction, of the law of, between dif-
ferent quantities of the electric fluid,
V. 386.

of the American Revolution mention-
ed, IX. 444.

Aurora Borealis, V. 219. Suggestion
respecting its cause, 284. Whether it
may not be the flashing of electrical fire
from positive towards negative clouds,
337. Suppositions and hints towards
forming a hypothesis to explain the,
VI. 417. Paper by Franklin on the,
mentioned, VIII. 327.

Austria, offers to mediate between the
belligerents. Her offer declined by
France, IX. 3. Declined by England,
89. Her willingness to acknowledge
the independence of the United States,
501. Of a commercial treaty with,
X. 118, 142.

Automaton Chess-Player, Kempel's BARTRAM, JOHN, his account of a re-
mentioned, X. 23.

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His proficiency in his studies, 372,
375. Again mentioned, X. 3.
BACHE, RICHARD, marries Franklin's
daughter, VII. 350.

BACHE, SARAH, her exertions to sup-
ply the American troops with clothing,
BACHE, Professor, his attempt to fix
the date of Franklin's observation rel-
ative to northeast storins, referred to,
VI. 106.


Bagatelle, by Franklin, II. 164.
Balloons, remarks on, VI. 452. Those of
Charles and Robert, and Montgolfier,
453. On the invention of, X. 13.
Ascent of one, 32. Of the means of
directing their course, 93. Improve-
ments in constructing, 123. Inflated
with inflammable air, 146.
of ascending in, 187.
BALM, Captain, recommended by Frank-
lin to Congress, VIII. 195.
Baltimore, rapid growth of, VII, 519.
BANCROFT, EDWARD, his account of
Franklin's demeanor before the Privy
Council, IV. 453. And of his dress
when signing the treaty with France,
454. Mentioned, VIII. 266, IX. 525.
Bank of the United States, its success,
X. 306.

Banks, nature and utility of, II. 266.
Barbary States, relations between the
United States and the, alluded to, VIII.
361, IX. 544.

BARCLAY, DAVID, his conversation
with Franklin on the subject of a
reconciliation between the colonies
and Britain, V. 8. Produces a plan of
permanent union, 58.

BARCLAY, THOMAS, is admitted as consul
of the United States for France, IX.

BARD, JOHN, account of, VI. 73.
BARIATINSKI, Prince, anecdote relating
to his visit to Franklin, IX. 285. His
civilities to Franklin, 299.
Barometer, effect of air on the, VI. 222.
Remark on the changes of the, VII.


Barrier Colonies, Pownall's plan for
settling, III. 69.

BARROW, MRS., her situation in New
York, VIII. 200.

BARRY, JOHN, Captain, his services to
a Venetian vessel, IX. 88. Mentioned,
154. Requested to take goods to
America for the use of the troops, 159.

markable Aurora Borealis, VI. 211.
His character, VII. 55, 88. Some par-
ticulars respecting him, 433. Of the
publication of his "Travels and Obser-
vations," 446. His pension, 534.
BASKERVILLE, JOHN, account of his
printing, VII. 212. Franklin's opin-
ion of his skill, 213.

BATH, Earl of, his Letter to Treo Great
Men on the subject of Canada, alluded
to, IV. 1.

Bathing, cold, not injurious, VI. 58.
Bararia, Electorate of, on establishing
commercial relations between
United States and the, IX. 526, 543.
BAXTER, ANDREW, his "Inquiry into
the Nature of the Human Soul," VI.
87. His doctrine examined, 88. His
book again referred to, 93.
VIII. 289. His contract for supplies
for the United States, 294. Of his
accounts, 385. His delay in settling
his accounts, IX. 390. His Figaro
mentioned, X. 162. Advance of a
million of livres by the French Gov-
ernment to, 287.

BEAUMONT, his Reflexions d'un Etranger
désintéressé, alluded to, VII. 470.
on electricity, V. 355. Franklin's
view of it, 356. His experiment of
the explosion of water, 393. Paper
by, containing an account of electri-
cal experiments, 505. Notice of his
work on electricity, VII. 84.
BECKFORD, allusion to his bill for pre-
venting bribery at elections, VII. 384.
BECKWITH, General, his plan of join-
ing the American army discouraged,
VIII. 348.

Bedford Party, their hostility to the
Americans, VII. 467.

BELL, his account of the hospitality of
the Daggestans, IV. 66.
Bells, superstitious notion respecting,
during thunder-storms, V. 422.
BELTON, JOSEPH, his contrivance for
destroying the vessels of an enemy,
mentioned, VIII. 185.

Benefits, motives with which they should
be conferred, VII. 74.
BENTINCK, Captain, his experiment to
show the efficacy of oil in stilling
waves, VI. 365.

BERGMANN, Professor, his remarks on
one of Franklin's electrical experi
ments, V. 513.

BERNARD, FRANCIS, Governor, his of
ficial communication to the Houses of
Assembly in Massachusetts, IV. 466.
His acknowledgment relative to the

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