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FAREWEL, great Charles, monarch of bleft renown,
The best good man that ever fill'd a throne;"
Whom Nature as her highest pattern wrought,
And mix'd both fexes virtues in one draught ;,
Wisdom for councils, bravery in war,
With all the mild good-nature of the fair.
The woman's fweetnefs, temper'd manly wit,
And loving power, did crown'd with meeknefs fit;,
His awful perfon reverence engag'd,

With mild addrefs and tenderness affwag'd:
Thus the almighty gracious King above,

Does both command our fear, and win our love.

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With wonders born, by miracles preserv❜d,
A heavenly Hoft the infant's cradle ferv'd :
And men his healing empire's omen read,
When fun with stars, and day with night agreed,
His youth for valorous patience was renown'd;
Like David, perfecuted first, then crown'd:
Lov'd in all courts, admir'd where'er he came,
At once our nation's glory, and its shame:
They bleft the ifle where fuch great fpirits dwell,
Abhorr'd the men, that could fuch worth expel.
To fpare our lives, he meekly did defeat
Thofe Sauls, whom wand'ring affes made fo great
Waiting till heaven's election should be shown,
And the Almighty should his unction own.
And own he did- -his powerful arm display'd;
And Ifrael, the belov'd of God, obey'd;
Call'd by his people's tears, he came, he eas'd
The groaning nation, the black storms appeas'd,
Did greater bleffings, than he took, afford
England itself was more, than he, restor❜d.
Unhappy Albion, by ftrange ills oppress'd,
In various fevers toft, could find no reft;
Quite fpent and weary'd, to his arms fhe fied,
And rested on his shoulders her fair bending head.
In conquefts mild, he came from exile kind;
No climes, no provocations, chang'd his mind;
No malice fhew'd, no hate, revenge, or pride,
But rul'd as meekly, as his father dy'd;
Eas'd us from endlefs wars, made difcords ceafe,
Reftor'd to quiet, and maintain'd in peace.

A mighty

A mighty series of new time began,

And rolling years in joyful circles ran.
Then wealth the city, bufinefs fill'd the port,
To mirth our tumults turn'd, our wars to sport:
Then learning flourish'd, blooming arts did fpring,
And the glad Muses prun'd their drooping wing:
Then did our flying towers improvement know,
Who now command as far as winds can blow;
With canvass wings round all the globe they fly,
And, built by Charles's art, all storms defy ;-
To every coaft with ready fails are hurl'd,
Fill us with wealth, and with our fame the world;
From whofe diftractions feas do us divide;

Their riches here in floating caftles ride.
We reap the fwarthy Indian's fweat and toil;
Their fruit, without the mifchiefs of their foil.
Here in cool fhades their gold and pearls receive,
Free from the heat which does their luftre give.
In Perfian filks, eat Eastern spice; fecure
From burning fluxes, and their calenture :
Under our vines, upon the peaceful shore,
We fee all Europe toast, hear tempefts roar:
Rapine, fword, wars, and famine, rage abroad,
While Charles their hoft, like Jove from Ida, aw'd;
Us from our foes, and from ourselves did shield,
Our towns from tumults, and from arms the field;
For when bold Faction goodnefs could difdain,
Unwillingly he us'd a ftraiter rein :

In the still gentle voice he lov'd to speak,
But could with thunder harden'd rebels break.


Yet though they wak'd the laws, his tender mind
Was undisturb'd, in wrath severely kind;
Tempting his power, and urging to affume ;
Thus Jove in love did Semele confume.

As the ftout oak, when round his trunk the vine
Does in foft wreaths and amorous foldings twine,
Eafy and flight appears; the winds from far
Summon their noify forces to the war:

But though fo gentle seems his outward form,
His hidden ftrenth out-braves the loudeft ftorm:
Firmer he stands, and boldly keeps the field,
Shewing stout minds, when unprovok'd, are mild.
So when the good man made the crowd prefume,
He fhew'd himself, and did the king assume :
For goodness in excess may be a fin,

Juftice muft tame, whom mercy cannot win.
Thus winter fixes the unftable fea,
And teaches reftlefs water conftancy,

Which under the warm influence of bright days,
The fickle motion of each blast obeys.
To bridle factions, ftop rebellion's course,
By eafy methods, vanquish without force;
Relieve the good, bold ftubborn foes fubdue,
Mildness in wrath, meekness in anger shew,
Were arts great Charles's prudence only knew..
To fright the bad, thus awful thunder rolls,.
While the bright bow fecures the faithful fouls.
Such is thy glory, Charles, thy lafting name,
Brighter than our proud neighbour's guilty fame;


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