AMERICANA (Continued). Revolution. 8vo, cloth. 1.00 6251 WASHINGTON (G.) Reprint of the Original Letters from 8vo, boards. Albany, 1820 3.25 6255 WESLEY (JOHN). Narrative of the late Work of God at and near Northampton, in New England, and two other Tracts. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1755 The other items in this vol. are, "Thoughts concerning the Present Revival in New England," by Jonathan Edwards. London, 1745; and the Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God! extracted from Mr. Edwards by John Wesley. London, 1756. 3.50.6256 WESTCHESTER. County Atlas of, by J. B. Beers. 80 colored maps. Imp. 4to, half morocco. New York, 1872 1.39 6257 YATES AND MOULTON. History of the State of New York. Vol. I., Part 1. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1824 6. 6258 YOUNG (ALEX.) Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony of Plymouth, 1602 to 1625. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1841 3.50 6259 ANALECTA SCOTICA. Collections illustrative of the Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Literary History of Scotland, chiefly from Original MSS. ment. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Edited by James Maid- London, 1846 80 6262 ANDERSON (C.) Native Irish, and their Descendants. Post 8vo, cloth. 6.00 6263 ANDERSON (JAMES). Essay Showing that the Crown and Kingdom of Scotland is imperial and independent. 8vo, calf. Edinburgh, 1705 See ATWOOD. Anderson not only received a monetary reward for this Essay, but the Duplicate from the British Museum. 1.00 6264 ANDERSON (JAMES). Prize Essay on the State of Society and Knowledge in the Highlands of Scotland, 1745 to 1825. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1827 Presentation copy "to Miss E. Thomson from her affectionate cousin, the author." 1. 6. 6264* ANDERSON. The same. Cloth. Edinburgh, 1827 6265 ANDERSON. Royal Genealogies, from Adam to these Thick royal folio,. London, 1736 "The most useful and valuable work of the kind, and probably the most difficult and laborious one ever undertaken by author printer; it may be considered as an abridgment of Universal History." -MOULE. or 6266 ANDERSON (W.) Philosophy of Ancient Greece investiEdinburgh, 1791 gated. 4to, calf. A work of much learning, written with a view to supply the deficiencies of Stanley's History of Philosophy. 25 6267 ANE ORATIOUNE set furth be Master Quintine Kennedy ye Zeir of Gode, 1561. 4to, paper, (20 pp.) Edinburgh, 1812 50 ANGLING. 3.75 6268 ANGLER'S Almanac and Pocket Book for 1855." Wood-cuts. Post 8vo, unbound. London, 1855 6269 ANGLER'S SOUVENIR (THE). By R. P. Fisher, assisted by several Eminent Piscatory Characters. Upwards of 60 beautiful steel engravings, by Beck with and Taylor, and every page bordered with wood-cut devices. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1835 1.75 6270 [BLAKEY (R.)], (' Palmer Hackle.") Hints on Ang ling. 8vo, cloth. London, 1846 10.50 6271 BOUSSUETI (FRANCISCI). Natura Aquatilium carmen in universam Gulielmi Rondeletii. Curious plates of Fish. Both Parts complete. 4to, calt, Bonhome, Lugduni, 1558 2.50 6272 BOWLKER (C.) Art of Angling; or, Compleat Fly 1. gilt. Rare. Fisher. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, calf. Birmingham, 1788 6273 BROWNE (MOSES). Angling Sports, in Nine Piscatory Dialogues. Frontispiece. Small 8vo, calf. London, 1773 2.50. 6274 COLQUHOUN (J.) The Moor and the Loch, with an Essay on Loch-Fishing. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1840 ANGLING (Continued). 2.356275 DAVY (SIR H.) Salmonia; or, Days of Fly Fish ing. 12mo, boards, uncut. First Edition. Murray, London, 1828 3.75 6276 DAVY. Salmonia. Second Edition. With a beauti ful series of plates on steel, and wood-cuts. 12mo, morocco extra, gilt edges. 1.76 6278 DEYEUX (T.) Le Vieux Pécheur. 24 illustrations. London, 1829 London, 1851 12mo, boards. Paris, 1837 6279 ESSAY on Angling, by a Member of the Worcester Anglers' Society. Post 8vo, cloth. Privately printed. Very scarce. Worcester, 1840 3.50 6280 FRANCK (R.) Northern Memoirs, calculated for the Meridian of Scotland, to which is added the Contemplative and Practical Angler. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1821 Wales. Post 8vo, cloth. 1.75 6281 HANSARD (G. A.) Trout and Salmon Fishing in London, 1834 2.25 6282 HICKS (J.) Wanderings by the Lochs and Streams of Assynt, etc. Colored plates of Flies, and other illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1855 4. 6283 HOFLAND (T. C.) British Angler's Manual; or, the Art of Angling in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. Numerous fine engravings and woodcuts. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1848 2.25 6284 KNOX (Dr.) Fish and Fishing in Scotland. Wood cuts. 8vo, paper. 1.75 6285 LATHY (T. P.) The Angler: a Poem, with Instructions in the Art, etc. Over 20 beautiful woodcuts. Post 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1820 6286 MEDWIN (T.) Angler in Wales; or, Days and Nights of Sportsmen. Engravings. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, 2. 8. uncut. London, 1834 6287 NORTH (R.) Treatise on Fish and Fish-Ponds. 18 fine engravings, BEAUTIFULLY COLORED, of freshwater fish, by Albin. Impl. 4to, half morocco. London, (1820) *** Copies with the plates colored are very scarce. 1.75 6288 OLIVER (S.) Scenes and Recollections of Fly-Fishing. Wood-cuts. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1834 6289 RENNIE (J.) Alphabet of Scientific Angling. WoodLondon, 1833 1. cuts. 12mo, cloth. ANGLING (Continued). 13.00 6290 SALTER (T. F.) Angler's Guide, with the Art of Trolling for Jack or Pike. Illustrated. 8vo, paper covers. London, 1814 6291 SCROPE (W.) Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing on London, 1843 2.50 6292 SMITH (J. V. C.) Natural History of the Fishes of .. Massachusetts. Wood-cuts. Post 8vo, cloth. Embraces "A Practical Essay on Angling." Boston, 1833 2.50 6293 SPORTSMAN in Ireland, with his Summer Route through the Highlands of Scotland, by a Cosmopolite. Engravings. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1840 1.75 6294 STODDART (T. T.) Angler's Companion to the Rivers and Lochs of Scotland. Steel plates and woodcuts, large map, and colored plate of flies. Crown 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1853 3.12 6295 STODDART. Angling Reminiscences. Etchings. Post 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1837 3.25 6296 TREATYSE of Fysshynge wyth an Angle, by Julia Berners (Barnes). Reprinted from the Book of St. Alban's. Fac-simile wood-cuts. Post 8vo, Pickering, London, 1827 boards, uncut. One of the earliest, and by far the most curious, Essay upon Angling ever published. Reprint, with Baskerville's types, of the edition printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1496. 5.75 6297 UNIVERSAL ANGLER: Made so by Three Books of Fishing. The first written by Mr. Izaac Walton, 5th Edition; the second by Charles Cotton, Esq., 1st Edition; the third by Col. Robert Venables, 4th Edition. Together 3 vols. in 1, 12mo, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Mackenzie. Title-page mounted. London, 1676 *** The Venables' Angler wants frontispiece, otherwise perfect. 1.75 -6298 VENABLES (COL. R.) ling Improved. ON INDIA PAPER. 4. Experienced Angler; or, Ang- London, 1825 ANGLING (Continued). 11.00 6300 WALTON AND COTTON. Complete Angler, with Notes and Additions by Moses Browne. Numerous illustrations. Post 8vo, calf. London, 1750 First Edition in which the songs are set to music and the laws concerning angling added. 14. 6301 WALTON AND COTTON. Complete Angler, with Lives and Notes by Sir John Hawkins. Portrait, wood-cuts, and plates, by Wale. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. First Edition. Rare. London, 1760 5.50 6302 WALTON AND COTTON. Complete Angler, with Lives and Notes by Sir John Hawkins. Portraits, wood-cuts of Fish, and plates, by Wale. 8vo, calf, gilt. Third Edition. 3.50 6303 WALTON AND COTTON. 13. London, 1775 engravings of Fish. uncut. Complete Angler. Beautiful Fac-simile reprint of the First Edition. 6304 WALTON AND COTTON. Complete Angler, with Lives 8.50 6305 WALTON AND COTTON. Complete Angler, with Notes [by J. Major]. 77 wood-cuts and 14 beautiful engravings by Cook and Pye. 8vo, calf, gilt. Major, London, 1823 Large Paper copy, with proof impressions of the plates on India Paper. 1.01 6306 WALTON AND COTTON. Complete Angler. Portraits and vignettes. 2 vols. 24mo, boards, uncut. Beautifully printed by Whittingham. Chiswick Press, 1824 1.50 6307 WALTON AND COTTON. Complete Angler, and Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert, and SandPortraits. Pickering's Miniature Edition, beautifully printed in diamond type by Corrall. 2 vols. 48mo, cloth, uncut. erson. Pickering, London, 1825-7 1.25 6308 WALTON AND COTTON. Complete Angler; or, the Contemplative Man's Recreation. Portraits and wood-cuts. 32mo, cloth. 6. Pickering, London, 1826 6309 WALTON AND COTTON. Complete Angler. Reprinted from Major's Edition, with all the plates. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. Lewis, London, 1839 |