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SINCE the publication of our last number, three public meetings of considerable importance have been held in the metropolis. The first of these took place on the last day in 1817, and was intended to celebrate the tricentenary of the reformation. In the early part of the meeting, the chair was occupied by the Rev. Charles Simeon of Cambridge, but vacated by him on the entrance of the Duke of Sussex, who had promised to preside, and was prevented attending sooner by the intensity of the fog and the breaking down of his carriage. The company present were very numerous, and were addressed on the object of their assembling, by many clergymen and gentlemen of the first respectability. The Royal Duke who presided observed, that he was the friend of civil and religious liberty, and with pride he looked back to the noble stand made in former ages by his ancestors against re

ligious tyranny. God forbid he should ever relinquish such noble principles, or dare to find fault with the man who followed his own conscience. That man's God was his only judge, and no man on earth had a right directly or indirectly to say what should or should not be the arti

cles of a man's faith. It was to him a source of the greatest enjoyment, that his

father was the Sovereign, not of slaves, or of an ignorant barbarous horde, but of a free, independent, honest, enlightened people. This was a title far, infinitely

far, more honourable to the monarch than that of Autocrat, Emperor, or any other. To be the father of his people, and that people a free one, was the highest honour a king could have. Liberty was the birthright of a British subject, and he was the worst of enemies who would try to take away that liberty. He had heard truths since he came there which seldom reached a Court. With attachment to liberty he came among them, and with the same feelings he would now depart. These feelings had been approved and fortified by what he had heard, and he trusted the impression made on his mind would be permanent. If a cry were raised that the Church was in danger, they ought to treat such nonsense with contempt. No Church in a Protestant country would be endangered by the diffusion of knowledge. Let them rely on the secure approbation of their own consciences for the justification of their acts.

The second, had for its object the relief of Destitute Seamen, and was held at the City of London Tavern, on Monday, Jan. 5th, William Wilberforce, Esq. in the Chair. The subject of the meeting was very appositely spoken to, and with a feeling called forth by the occasion. A liberal subscription was immediately entered into, and, we rejoice to add, that the committee appointed to enquire into and relieve the necessities of those distressed men have been countenanced and supported in the most encouraging manner. The Trinity House and the East India House subscribed each £200, and the Marine Society clothing for 100 men. The Committee entered immediately on their labours at the King's Head. hundreds were examined, and received temporary relief; but the objects of misery at first poured in so fast as to overwhelm the Committee. Their attention is, howbeen also very active, and has sent 100 of ever, unremitted. The Lord Mayor has them to the London Workhouse, others to Newington Butts, and elsewhere. Government have ordered three sloops to be stationed for them- one off the Tower, another at the entrance of the London Docks, and a third as an hospital-ship.


The third meeting was held at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, in the Strand, of the most advisable steps to be pursued, on Thursday, the 8th January, to consider for the immediate relief of the destitute, and the ultimate suppression of mendicity in the metropolis. Mr. Williams, the banker, occupied the chair, and resolutions were adopted to take such measurés as are most likely to conduce to so desirable an end.

Singular Accident.-January 18th, this evening, about seven o'clock, the Salisbury coach stopped in the vicinity of Charing-Cross, and during the temporary absence of the driver (who, we understand, got off to transact some business), the horses took fright at some object, and set off in full speed along the Strand, to the imminent danger of the passengers. The horses could not be stopped until they ran against the fence surrounding the open sewer at the corner of Southamptonstreet, and were precipitated into the abyss, a depth of twenty feet. The guard, who was behind, fortunately escaped unhurt, by leaping off. There were four or five men at work in the hole at the time,

who fortunately escaped, by precipitately running into the open sewer, which empties itself out of Southampton-street into the Strand. By the weight of the horses the arch of the main sewer was broken in. Of the four horses, three cleared the fence, and fell into the excavation. Fortunately the traces were broken by the sudden jerk, leaving the coach and one of the wheel-horses on the very brink of the abyss. There was no passenger in the coach. In a few minutes a great crowd were assembled; the military guard immediately arrived from the Savoy, and formed a circle to keep back the mob. By great trouble and exertion the harness was loosened; a crane was erected to get out the horses, in the execution of which, three of the large scaffolding poles, that were erected to support the pullies, gave way, and fell with violence among the crowd, by which one man had his arm broken, and several were slightly wounded. The three horses were extricated with great difficulty; they did not appear to have had any bones broken.

Coal Duties.-It is generally understood, that the present system of coal-duties, over sea and coastwise, are to undergo a revision; and it is not unlikely but that some modification of these duties will take place, with a view to lessen the rice of this article to the inhabitants all the districts which are supplied with coals coastwise. The improved state of the collieries at Liege, and in other parts of the Continent, render a reduction of over-sea duty necessary.

State-Prisoners. Within the last few weeks all the persons apprehended under the Habeas Corpus Suspension Act, have been set at liberty on their entering into recognizances to appear in the Court of King's Bench on the first day of next term, and from day to day, to answer such matters and charges as might be then and there preferred against them, with the exception of Mr. Evans, of Newcastle-street, Strand, and his son, both of whom refused to comply with these conditions, and rejected any compromise that might leave the least doubt as to their innocence. This firmness has produced the desired effect,an order for their unconditional release was received by the keeper of the gaol in Horsemonger-lane, ou Jan. 20th, and the two gentlemen were restored to liberty the same evening.

Appeal of Murder.-In our last we mentioned that this singular case had been deferred till the succeeding term, to allow the

appellee to make his replication. On the 24th instant, proceedings were renewed, when the appellee's reply was read by Mr. Le Blanc, stating the facts recorded in his former trial, and therefrom averring, that "the said circumstances and facts set forth in this replication afford stronger presumptive proof, that he is not guilty," than that he was guilty, wherefore he prayed to be "permitted to wage battel against the said William Ashford." The counsel for the appellant requesting of the court time for answering to this replication, their Lordships ordered the appellant to be prepared on the following Thursday.


On the

Horrid Murder, near Derby.18th ult. Mrs. Greatorex, 63 years of age, the wife of John Greatorex, a small farmer of Alvaston, near Derby, was barbarously murdered in a cow-house, where she went for the purpose of milking. She was discovered about seven o'clock with her head shockingly bruised and cut in many places, apparently with an instrument: though not quite dead, she was speechless and insensible, and died in a few hours afterwards. Suspicion has fallen upon a person named Jackson, of the same village, who is in custody.

Durham. A few days ago, Mr. George Wardle of Edmonsley, shot a woodcock, in Sacriston Wood, near Durham, which falling into a holly-bush, raised a fox that was lying there. Reynard immediately seized the precious morceau, and made a precipitate retreat with it, to the no small mortification of the wearied sportsman.

Lincolnshire. An inquest was held at Bunyan, coroner, on the body of John the castle of Lincoln, Dec. 30, by Mr. Raithby, the Theddlethorpe murderer. This unhappy mortal fell a prey to the remorse he felt for the bloody deeds he committed at Theddlethorpe, on the 7th October last, viz. the murder of Thomas Hall and Mary Grant, which he confessed most unreservedly, and with every mark of sinsince his committal he had been unceascere repentance. It was stated that ever ingly in prayer; and his agony of mind, accompanied with visions of horror, continued day and night till nature sunk under the conflict. The verdict was --Died from excessive grief.

Very singular Accident.-On the 23d Dec. about one o'clock in the afternoon, two sons of Mr. Hippisley, of Chewton, house at Little-Mills, for some wheat which and another boy, were waiting in the mill

had been sent to be ground; the eldest was leaning on the hopper, watching the progress of the operation; suddenly, without the least warning whatever, the upper stone was rent in three pieces, with a tremendous report, heard at more than a quarter of a mile distance: the three parts of the stone were projected through the mill with the velocity of a cannon-ball; and one of them about five hundred weight, being thrown towards the wall, near which the youngest of the boys was standing, crushed his foot against the wall, lacerating it in a most shocking manner, insomuch that immediate amputation was necessary, and was performed the same evening. The boy is doing well, but the cause of the accident remains undiscovered; and considering the narrow escape the two other boys had of being killed, the piece of stone having passed close by the head of one of them, it seems almost a miracle that no greater damage was done by the forcible projection of 15 cwt. of stone in three pieces, through the small space in which the three boys were standing.

Northumberland.-A boy, about ten years of age, lately met his death in a singular manner in the neighbourhood of Newcastle. He was amusing himself in a stubble field, with some of his companions, by attempting to walk upon his hands and head, when a blade of straw passing up his nostril, entered the brain, and caused his death in a few hours afterwards.

Manchester.-An explosion happened on Friday Jan. 9. in Jersey-street, Manchester, in the following manner:-Messrs. A. and G. Murray were driving a tunnel for their gas works, and the workmen being incommoded by the water gaining upon them, imprudently opened into another tunnel, (connected with their gas apparatus,) for the purpose of letting it off. In this latter tunnel it is probable a quantity of gas had been generated from the tarwater, &c. which usually ran into it, and on the approach of the candles it exploded with a tremendous report, found a vent through the shaft, and broke the windows of some houses in the neighbourhood.— Fortunately, this is all the mischief that was done, with the exception of one man and two boys slightly burnt.

Extensive Forgery.-Birmingham, Jan. 5. The police officers having obtained information of a large party of negociators of forged notes of the Bank of England, resident in this town and its vicinity, and suspected of carrying on that nefarious traffic

to a great extent, proceeded on Monday week to search for them, and with much difficulty succeeded in taking eight persons into custody; the capture was effected between the hours of eleven at night and three in the morning. The cases were so numerous, that the examinations lasted from Wednesday morning (by adjournment) until Monday noon, when they were all commited to Warwick goal. The headborough and Mr. Payne went on the Tuesday following to the house of the mother of some of the offenders; and after searching some time, found, secreted on the stairs, 1800 counterfeit sixpences and 900 shillings, all papered and packed up for sale; and on the Thursday following the same premises were again searched, and several French shawls and some lace were found, which had been taken in part of payment for forged notes. The notes are the best executed of any yet discovered.

Singular Circumstance.-Belper, Jan. 6. On Friday the 16th ult. a female (from whose jaws I had before extracted eleven teeth) came to me frantic with the toothach. With the first blood that came out of her mouth, after the tooth was extract ed, came an insect of the winged tribe, about half an inch long; its shape much like an ear-wig, with horns, eyes, legs, and tail, its hind parts rather broad. From the excruciating pain (I believe) it had occasioned, and the tartar that adhered to several parts of its body, I concluded it must have lived in the jaw some time, but appeared to have died the moment it came out. In thirty years practice having never seen any thing of distress, I knew not what to make of it. the kind, nor a patient in such agonies of I took it to an eminent surgeon, who, on lines of the tooth I had taken out, reached examining a skeleton jaw, said, that the and no doubt remained but the insect had a hollow between the jaw and the nose, been taken up by smelling, when an egg, had there grown to that state, and came

out with the blood when the tooth was extracted. This case should be a caution to people how they smell at flowers and lest they hatch them in the head, and bring herbs, on which are the eggs of insects, on diseases and premature death. The animal is preserved in spirits, and may be seen by the curious, at No. 38, Long-row, Belper.-J. G."-Sheffield Iris.

Fire in Sheerness Dock-Yard.-Saturday January 11th, half-past nine p.m. the firing of the minute guns from the Northumberland flag ship, and the ringing

of the Dock-yard bells, announced to the inhabitants of Sheerness a fire in the Dock-yard. It broke out at the steamhouse, and in the course of an hour destroyed the whole of that building. The united exertions of the naval and military authorities, aided by the inhabitants and dock-yard men, prevented the fire from extending farther, otherwise the whole of Blue-town would have been in imminent danger. Fortunately, there was but little wind at the time. The cause of this accident has not yet been ascertained. Lieutenant Griffen, of the Susan cutter, and Mr. Brooman, master measurer, were amongst the first who repaired to the fire, and distinguished themselves by their activity. One man was wounded on the head by the falling of a piece of timber, but not seriously.

Salt Duty.-A County Meeting to consider the propriety of presenting a Petition to Parliament, for the Repeal of the Duty on Salt, was held at the Crown Inn, Northwich, on Tuesday, the 20th January. As a mauure, salt has been proved, by the most experienced agriculturists in this district. to be of very great value; and its excellency as an article of food for cattle is generally acknowledged. Yet, though it is so valuable and useful as a manure, and as an article of food for cattle, the landed proprietor and the dairy, farmer are debarred, by the heavy duty on it, from applying it as extensively as they would wish to agricultural purposes. Such is the injurious tendency of this impost. We hope, however, that it will be abolished in the course of the ensuing session.


York New Bridge.- On new-year's day a grand procession of the six Royal Mail Coaches, of York, passed over the completed half of the magnificent New Bridge, there to open the carriage-way of that fine structure, in the presence of the Magistrates and their Solicitor, who declared the road to be public. The procession, accompanied by part of the excellent band of the First Regiment of Guards, and attended by a most numerous assemblage of spectators, passed through several principal streets and afforded a pleasing spectacle. The guards of the several coaches fired a royal salute in passing and returning over the bridge, also at the mansionhouse, at the benevolent Col. Lloyd's, at the Tavern, and at the Black Swan. A number of gentlemen partook of an elegant public dinner provided at the Black


Swan; and the guards and coachmen dined together at the York Tavern; and the day was spent with much conviviality.

Leeds Saving Bank.-January 7th. A very respectable meeting was held at the Court-House in Leeds, to take into consideration the report of a Committee appointed at a previous meeting, to make a digest of regulations for the government of a Saving Bank for this district. The Mayor having been called to the chair, the report of the Committee was presented by Mr. Richard Fawcett, when various observations were made by the Rev. Armitage Rhodes, William Walker, J. W. Tottie, and Benjamin Dealtry, esqs. and Mr. Edward Baines, the latter of whom objected to vesting the whole stock of the bank in the public funds; and proposed an amendment; this produced an animated discussion, which concluded by the amendment being withdrawn, when the original report and resolutions were put and carried unanimously.

As a further proof of the utility of these institutions and the beneficial effects which are likely to result from their general adoption, we subjoin the following:-The Rev. Armitage Rhodes said,-There existed a very great ignorance among the labouring classes as to money-affairs; some of them had no notion what interest meant ; he had now in his hands 200 guineas which a man had kept by him many years, and which at last he had entrusted into his hands, from an opinion that as he was not in trade it would be safe. When he first came to receive the interest, he was so much surprized and overjoyed, that he burst into tears, and every subsequent time he received it with great emotion. There was one class, that of domestic servants, to whom this institution would be most useful; many of them had the means of saving small sums, which they were frequently at a loss how to dispose of safely. Though he was but a young man, two of his servants had saved a considerable sum, one of them 807. and the other 1807. and he did not doubt but that numerous other domestics might be in the same situation; to these persons and great numbers among the labouring classes, such an institution must be of great service, for there was nothing of which the labouring classes were more ignorant than that of using money to the best advantage.

Selby Markets.-The Hon. E. Petre, of Stapleton Park, in the exercise of his usual liberality towards the town of Selby, having abandoned his claim of toll on corn,


&c. exposed to sale in Selby market, many of the principal farmers in the vicinity announced by public notice their intentions of bringing thier corn thither; consequently Monday seemed to be ushered into the page of chronology (under very promising appearances) as the commencement of a new era in the corn-trade there. About ninety waggons, loaded with differeut grain, entered the place, which exceeded the expectation of the inhabitants; many of the most respectable dealers, from different parts of the country, were in attendance, and nearly the whole quantity was bought up at very good prices; and from the mutual satisfaction experienced by the farmer and the dealer, derived from the proceedings of the day, á continuance may reasonably be expected, and especially when proper depositories for the convenience of factors are directed on the banks of the river Ouse, which extends its communications to different parts of Yorkshire and the adjacent counties. No doubt can be entertained, but that Selby in a little time (in proportion to its extent) will rank in eminence with the first corn-markets in the north of England.

Parricide. In a small cottage on the side of Grange-Moor, near the column usually known by the name of the Dumb Steeple, lived James Cheesborough, along with his mother, and his mother's brother. The young man, about twenty-seven years

old, is of weak intellect. On the afternoon of the 15th January, a dispute arose between him and his mother, respecting some tobacco, which she had just purchased, and of which she refused to give him any part. Irritated by this refusal, he attempted to take it out of her bosom. Her brother, James Hammerton, interfered, when Cheesborough snatched up the coal-rake, and struck him a violent blow on the side of the head, which fractured his skull. The wretch then furiously repeated his blows, broke his uncle's left arm, and otherwise so much bruised him, that an amputation must take place, if indeed that operation be able to save the poor old man's life. His mother went to a neighbour's house to procure assistance, when her son met her on her return, and saying with an oath, that he would give it her, levelled a furious blow at her head, by which her skull was severely fractured. He repeated his blows, with one of which he broke her left arm, and with another made a large hole betwixt her shoulders, sufficient alone to produce death. The poor creature languished in great agony until the following day, when she expired. The inhuman wretch, her son, was immediately taken into custody, and after the coroner's jury had found a verdict of wilful murder against him, was committed to York castle.


Monthly Register.

Lately, at Chiddingley, Sussex, Mr. J. Pocock, widower, aged 73, to Mrs. H. Willard, aged 63, who had previously been four times a wife, and as often a widow. The ceremony was preceded by merry peals on the church bells, the first rung by six men, whose ages together amounted to 403 years; and the second peal by another set of six, whose united ages made 400 years. The happy couple trotted lovingly from Hymen's altar, and appeared to anticipate with delight the coming enjoyments of the honey-moon. They each possess a little property, and can boast a progeny of nearly one hundred children aud grand-cbildren.

Dec. 19. At Carlisle, John Moffat, esq. of

Settle, banker, to Miss Mary Hall, of the former place.

23. The Rev. Thomas Atkinson, M.A. of Hartshead, to Frances, youngest daughter of the late S. Walker, esq. of Lascelles-hall, near Huddersfield. At Manchester, Mr. J. B. Laidlaw, of Leeds, confectioner, to Miss Laidlaw.

24. Mr. B. Cookson, of Hunslet, near Leeds, to Miss Sarah Tate, of Halifax.Mr. Jacob Wilks, of Hull, merchant, to Miss Maude, of Otley.-Mr. Gaunt, baptist minister at Sutton, near Skipton, to Miss Ann Lister, of Bramley, near Leeds.

25. Mr. D. Paul, of Yarm, surgeon, to Miss Lee, of Pinchinthorpe-hall.

30. T. Chamberlain, esq. of Skipton, to Margaret, only daughter of Robert Dyne

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