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Monthly Register.




On the 18th ult. Mr. Bankes moved for leave to bring in a bill to regulate the sale of game; he thought that all persons should be rendered liable to the penalties for buying game. Mr. Curwen thought the penalties ought to be so regulated as to apply equally to the rich and the poor. Mr. Warre thought it impossible to prevent the sale of game. The laws on this subject, like the forest-laws, were founded on the same principle of tyranny, a most unreasonable notion of permanent property in wild creatures; there was this difference, however, between them, that while the former established one mighty hunter throughout the land, the latter had raised a little Nimrod in every manor. -Motion for leave carried by a majority of 32.


Mr. M. A. Taylor, in consequence of what had passed on a previous night on this subject, moved for a secret committee, to consider whether any, and what steps were necessary for the purpose of giving to the counties of Cumberland, Westmoreland, Durham, Northumberland, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, the same advantage of of having the assizes held twice a year, which was enjoyed by all the other counties.-Motion immediately agreed to, and committee thereupon appointed.


Mr. Curwen, in moving for leave to bring in a bill to regulate the laws respecting tithes, observed, that it was impossible for those who turned their attention on this subject, not to see the extent of the evil, The numberless causes of animosity which existed in the present system of tithe-laws loudly called for some wiser arrangement, and while it was his anxious wish to respect the rights of vested property against any infringement, on which the House had always properly exercised a strict jealousy, yet he was equally desirous on the other hand to do away that great injustice which was incurred by the system as it now stood. Sir W. Scott did not rise to oppose the motion, but to exhort the House to great caution.

Sir S. Romilly was satisfied the object was not to put an end to the tithe system, but only to the inconveniences with which it was attended.Leave given.

REPORT OF SECRET COMMITTEE. The Duke of Montrose, on the 23d. ult. brought up the report of the Secret Committee in the Lords, the conclusion of which stated the convictionn of the Committee, that the government bad exercised the powers vested in it by the two acts of the last sessions with discretion and moderation. Ordered to be printed. That of › the lower house, brought up by Mr. Bathurst on the 27th ult. was much to the same



On the 23d. ult. Mr. Bankes presented praying that they might be enabled to pura petition from the Trustees of the B. M., chase the library of the late Dr. Burney,' an eminent collector of the most valuable works. Referred to a Committee.


On the 25th ult. the Duke of Montrose demnifying His Majesty's ministers and said it was his duty to present a bill for inpersons employed in apprehending prisoners under the late Suspension act.Without entering into its support at this stage, he should merely propose that it be read a first time. The Earl of Lauderdale opposed it at the time, on the ground that the Secret Committee had not then made their report, which might prove of such a nature as to render a proceeding of Liverpool saw no cause for delay, and it this nature highly improper. The Earl of the holidays. Read a first time accordwas necessary the bill should pass before ingly-On the Friday following, the Duke of Montrose moved the second reading, and took `a review of the circumstances which had occasioned it. that the magistrates and government had He considered discharged their duties with prudence and humanity, necessary consequence of the Suspension The bill, he thought, was a bill. The Marquis of Landsdowne was of a different opinion. the disturbances had by no means jus He considered that employed, and he demanded therefore a tified the strong measures which had been more full enquiry into the conduct of miniHe proposed, therefore, to defer the second sters, by hearing evidence on both sides. reading for a fortnight. The Earl of Liverpool argued the necessity ofgovernment being vested with extraordinary powers,

and the equity and justice of protecting those who had saved the country from anarchy by their exertions, in fulfilling most arduous duties. Lord Erskine supported the amendment. The Lord Chancellor thought the public safety the supreme law, and that the people would have lost their liberties if Parliament had not suspended them. Lord Holland contended, that if ministers had only done their duty, and been guilty of no oppression, they would need no indemnity. The bill in effect went to protect spies and informers, and those busy magistrates who had employed them. Lord Sidmouth had a motive for rising quite distinct from personal considerations. Those who conceived he asked for the bill to preclude himself from the necessity of disclosing the information which had come before him, completely mistook his purpose and character. The individuals who had trusted their names to his confidence, might have felt perfectly secure, even if this had not passed; for no consequences which might involve his own liberty, property, or reputation, would ever have induced him to betray them. The noble Lord had heaped more abuse upon one individual than he had ever heard, but which was, in fact, totally unfounded and nnjustifiable. He bad gone further. He had drawn a most degrading picture of the magistrates, who were the main pillars of the internal strength of the country, and whose characters had hitherto been unimpeachable. The noble Lord might not wish to degrade them, but his manner had certainly that tendency. The noble Lord had never on any occasion supported the measures which the wisdom of Parliament had thought necessary for the country's safety. As to the system of espionage, he disdained it as much as any man; he abhorred, with all his heart, whatever tended to shake the confidence of the private dwelling, or weaken the bonds of private intercourse between man and man; but placed as he was in a moment of danger, he could not, as an upright minister, or an honest man, resist the means he had of saving the country from insurrection. He only wished that he could, consistently with his duty, disclose what had passed between himself and Oliver. Though he had disclosed it to the Committee, he could not do it to the country generally. His noble friend (Lord Erskine) had asserted, that he

must be conscious of at least one instance of injury to some innocent person, or indemnity would not be asked; but he could broadly say, there was not one instance

of imprisonment, which, in his own mind or in the minds of those who had advised it, produced the slightest feeling of reproach: there was not one individual apprehended, against whom, under similar circumstances, he would not proceed in a similar way. The accounts of the prisoners, as to their treatment, furnished by themselves, were full of the grossest exaggerations and falshoods, and he could enter into particulars to convince the House, did they concern the present dis cussion. Oliver had done nothing to require forgiveness; and he defied the noble Lord to say, that he had made use of him in any way repugnant to strict honor or law, or that he had exercised his functions in any way injurious to the constitution. Earl Grosvenor thought that if Oliver were innocent, the guilt would fall the heavier on his employers, and the Earl of Caernarvon thought the petitions on the table should be examined before any determination. The House divided, Contents, 100, Non-contents, 33. Majority, 67. It was subsequently read a third time and passed. It went through the lower House with much the same strain in support and opposition; and afterwards received the royal assent.


On the 25th ult. Sir S. Romilly moved for leave to bring in a bill for the purpose of repealing such parts of the acts of 10th and 12th of William III. as took away the benefit of clergy from persons indicted and tried for stealing in dwelling-houses, &c. The bill had passed the Commons twice in sisted in the Upper House. the present parliament, but had been reFrom 1805 to

1816, (10 years,) 655 had been indicted ; of these only 113 had been capitally con victed, not one executed. Of simple larceny 365 had been found guilty. Numberless fraudulent bankruptcies occurred every year, and yet how few convictions punishments, if they did not destroy or were carried into effects. Sanguinary diminish the evils, were attended with the worst of consequences. There was great danger to the moral feelings of the people paid to lives.- Leave granted. in letting them see there was light regard

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January to the 7th of March, no less a sum than 675, 0007. had been invested in the Bank of England by different Saving Banks. Connected, as they were, with the morals, frugality, and industry of the people, he sincerely hoped they would continue to flourish.- Granted.


On the 10th inst. Mr. Calcraft moved for a Committee of 21, to take into consideration the salt-duties, with a view to remedy the evils resulting therefrom Mr. Egerton thought it was not of more benefit to the morals than to the agriculture of the country. The Chancellor of the Exchequer admi ted its great importance, but reminded the House that a large part of the revenue was involved in it. Mr. Calcraft could not propose any alteration, without the idea of finding some substitute. -Committee appointed.


continued depressed. The Chancellor of the Exchequer thought a favourable change was taking place, and he entreated the House to consider how they made such serious encroachments on the revenue, as the repeal of the salt duties and on leather would occasion. On a division, Lord Althorp's motion was carried by a majority of 10, in a House of 178. The second reading is appointed on the 6th of April.


On the 12th inst. Mr. Bourne moved for leave to bring in a Bill for amending the Poor Laws. The numerous evils which exist under the present system are too, well known to need detail. We can only draw the attention of our readers to the subject, and refer to the report of a Committee now coming forth for particulars.-Leave granted.


The Chancellor of the Exchequer moved a committee to consider of that part of the Prince Regent's speech which related to this subject, and took a clear view of the condition of the country, which, with the exception of our large cities, went to prove the want of accommodation through

Lord Althorp, on the 12th inst. moved for leave to bring in a bill for repealing the additional duty upon leather, The great depression in this particular branch of business, and the number of bankruptcies both before, and particularly after this tax was imposed, together with the nume-out the country; be therefore proposed rous petitions which had been presented, were proofs presumptive, he thought, that the trade was in great distress. While all other trades were improving, this still

the issue of £1,000,000 in Exchequer bills, to be applied, under certain regulations, towards erecting additional churches and chapels in England.- Agreed to.



Murder and Suicide.-The inhabitants of Tottenham and its neighbourhood were thrown into the utmost consternation on the morning of the 20th ult. by the disco very of the bodies of a man named Kn ghton and his wife, who were found with their throats cut in a bed-room of their house, which had been shut up for a week preceding this dreadful discovery. An inquest was held over the bodies, and every effort made to elucidate the transaction, but as there was not the slightest appearance of any individual having been in the house, the jury concluded that Knighton had first murdered his wife and then committed suicide, he not being in a state of sanity at the time.

Blood-money Plot. Since our last a coalition of the most diabelical nature has been discovered to have taken place between an officer of the police and a man named Finney, a dealer in forged Bank VOL II.

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notes; the latter of whom employed two boys, to pass off his paper, one, Kelly, 15 years of age, the other, Spicer, 17. The first of these had been for some time in his employment; the latter was apprehended, it would seem, even before he had attempted to pass off any of Finney's wares. The wretch had gone out with the two boys, and directed Kelly into a butcher's shop, where he got change for a 51. note; on coming out he handed the money to Finney, who instantly gave it to Spicer. The trio walked to a little distance, when Limbrick the police-officer came behind Kelly, who was walking by the side of Finney, and seized him, calling at the same time to another officer who accompanied him, to "go forward and nipper him," pointing to Spicer. Spicer was apprehended: he and Kelly were dragged into a shop, while Finney was allowed to look on and walk off. These circumstances were communicated to Alderman Wood I i

when visiting Newgate, and in cousequence of his representation to Lord Sidmouth a reprieve was granted to the two boys. The police-officers have been examined hefore a committee of the House of Commons, and Limbrick suspended. Finney absconded, but has since been apprehended near Shrewsbury, and conveyed to Town.

Calamitous Fire.-On Sunday morning March 1st, a few minutes before six o'clock an alarm of fire was given at the house of Mr. Wheater, grocer, No. 460, Strand, nearly opposite Hungerford-street. And shouts of "fire!" became so general from one end of the Strand to the other, that in a few minutes after the first alarm, a sight of the most heart-rending description took place- men and women were seen rushing out of doors in their night-clothes, and children actually in a state of nudity. At the house of Mr. Wheater a sight more dreadful was witnessed; at the front window, second floor, was observed Mrs. Wheater, with an infant in her arm: she leaned out of the window, holding the child by its clothes for a considerable time, endeavouring to excite the attention of persons underneath to catch the child. She dropped the infant, and it fell upon the heads of the crowd; at the moment she loosed the child, a blaze and volume of smoke rushed through the window where Mrs. Wheater stood; she was not afterwards seen, and fell a victim to the flames. In about a minute after, one of the shopmen of Mr. Wheater, named Tasker, was seen at the window of the third floor, enveloped in fire and smoke; seeing no hopes of relief, he threw himself out of the window, fell upon his head, and instantly expired; before the body was carried from the ground, another of Mr. Wheater's shopmen, named Lloyd, fell upon the pavement; he had thrown himself out of the third floor back-window: his fall was broke by his dropping upon a projection, but he was injured so dreadfully, that no hopes are entertained of his recovery. At the back of the house Mr. Wheater was found, nearly insensible, on the ground. He had thrown himself through a back window at the top of the stairs on the landing of the first floor. He was injured very much by the fall, and was carried into a house in Hungerfordstreet, where he was put to bed; his inquiries after his wife and child were truly distressing. His child was shown to him; his little feet were burnt, and his head cut, though not dangerously. Aneighbour had the child to suckle it. A great num.

ber of firemen were very promptly on the premises: but no water could be got for three quarters of an hour! The firemen were running from plug to plug, and no water could be got, while the thieves were plundering the premises, and carrying off the property. At length some of the guards arrived, who were placed at the disposal of the civil authority. The flames raged with great fury, so that at half past eight o'clock, the houses of Mr. Wheater, Mr. Ashman, pawnbroker, Mr. Buckingham, brush-maker, and Mr. Rowley, carver and gilder, with property incalculable, were destroyed, and six others behind in Hewit's-court, nearly gutted. Besides Mrs. Wheater, with the shopman Tasker, another shopman named Surgeon, is found to have perished in the flames; and doubts are entertained of the recovery either of Mr. Wheater, Lloyd the shopman, or the child. This lamentable catastrophe is believed to have been caused by some sparks of fire from the flue used in warming St. Martin's Church, which were noticed on the previous evening by the inhabitants.

Hurricane, Mar. 4.- The metropolis was this evening visited by a most destructive hurricane, by which not only several shells of houses, but houses which had been slightly built in the vicinity of the metropolis, are entirely levelled to the ground, particularly in the east. Trees in St. James's Park were blown down, houses were unroofed during the storm, and chimney-pots were falling in almost every direction. Considerable damage has been done to the shipping in the river. Several of the mail-coaches did not arrive till two hours beyond their time, and many of the heavy coaches were four hours later than usual being stopt by trees blown across the roads.-Upwards of two cwt. of lead was blown from the roof of Surgeon's-hall. Lincoln's-inn-fields. During the preva lence of the storm, the wall of the old building on the eastern side of the avenue to the Waterloo-bridge came down with a dreadful crash.

At half past 10 o'clock, as Mr. Kinnaird, one of the magistrates of the Thames Police, was sitting in his back parlour, at his house in Holborn, with Mrs. K. and his daughters, a stack of chimnies fell in upon them. They had just a moment's time for escape. The chair in which Mr. Kinnaird was sitting was broken into shivers, as well as the flap of the table on which he was leaning. The assistant also, who was sitting in the counting-house, parrowly escaped. What makes the above

case very remarkable is this, that if Mr. K. had not instantly quitted his chair when be heard the noise, he must have been killed; and, if the assistant had quitted his, he would also have been killed.

About the same hour the following occurrence took place at the house of Lady Hayes, Somerset-street :- The servants had just sat down to supper, when the doorbell rang. The footman rose for the purpose of opening it; but had proceeded only a short distance along the passage, when he was alarmed by a loud crash, resembling that of the falling of a house. He instantly ran back, but was unable to proceed farther than the end of the passage; for where the kitchen stood a moment before, was now one mass of ruins. Three of the female servants could not be found. After some time, the body of M. Mauntie, the cook, was taken out, the head dashed to atoms, and the body greatly disfigured: she was quite dead. The bodies of the house-maid and laundry-maid were also dug out, but some signs of life were apparent in both, although they were most dan gerously braised. One had her thigh broken, and was burnt about the shoulder; the other was worse burnt, but had no limb fractured.

Base Coinage. - The immense quantity of base coinage forced into circulation in Birmingham tothe great loss of shopkeepers, has of late become a most serious evil. The police officers, finding that persons opening new shops, and more particularly those retailing provisions, were peculiarly exposed to the designs of persons uttering base metal; a small shop of the kind was lately opened under the direction of Mr. Payn, on a Saturday, in which, with assistants, he concealed himself from view; the stratagem succeeded so well, that they were enabled to detect no less than 13 notosious dealers in bad money -the whole of whom were immediately apprehended, and committed to Warwick gaol, to take their trials at the ensuing


Dissenters. At Wilts assizes, an action was tried, by which it was decided, that protestant dissenters are exempt from turnpike tolls, on Sundays, when attending their places of religious worship. At the same assizes, the Rev. W. Easton, curate of the parish of Anstey, James Jerrard, tythingman, and seven other persons, were convicted of riotously disturbing a dissenting congregation in the said parish

They will receive sentence in the Court of King's Bench.

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Accident. On the afternoon of Feb. 28, the boiler belonging to the steam-engine used in conveying coals from Middleton to Leeds, burst with a dreadful explosion, and killed the man who had the care of it, and to whose imprudence in neglecting to unfasten the safety-valve when the machine was not moving, the accident appears entirely to be attributed.

Inland Navigation.-By the intended extension of inland navigation northward of Boroughbridge, by the rivers Swale and Wiske to Smeaton-Bridge, nearly half way betwixt Northallerton and Darlington, a communication by water will be opened thence to York, Hull, Gainsbo rough, Leeds, Manchester, and Liverpool, also to Sheffield and Birmingham, and by the Grand Junction Canal to Paddington, and to all parts of the south-west. Fire. On the morning of March 5. the woollen-mill, belonging to the proprietors of the Bradford Canal Company, in the occupation of Messrs. Hargreaves, at Frizzingley, near Bradford, was completely destroyed by fire. The atmosphere, over Holbeck and Beeston, appeared like lightning. We have not heard that any lives have been lost, but both the owners and occupiers were insured.

York Assizes commenced on the 7th inst. and concluded at the crown bar on the 14th, when 25 persons received sentence of death; 3 to be transported for 14 years; 3 for seven years; 5 to be imprisoned two years; two one year and three 6 months. One hundred and ninety-six causes were entered for trial, of which

eight had special juries.

Effects of the late storm.-Mar. 4, at midnight, the wind-mill at Hillam, near Selby, in the occupation of Mr. E. Stead, was set on fire under the following extraordinary circumstances:-The occupier and his servants after taking every precaution to fasten the mill-stones, and even to chain the sails, retired to rest. The storm, however, was not to be ruled: it soon forced the sails loose, and swept them with such velocity as to set the upper story of the mill on fire, and it was not until a part of it was carried

away by the fury of the winds, that the

progress of the flames could be effectually checked.

At Hull, also, the storm raged with terrific violence; but we are happy to state that much less mischief has been sustained on our coast than might have been expected.

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