Bibliotheca Architectonica: A Catalogue of Books on the Fine Arts, Arranged in Twelve Classes, as a Manual for the Use of the Architect, Engineer, Student, and Amateur; in which are Included Works on the Theory and Practice of Painting and Sculpture, in the Possession of Priestley and Weale, High-street, Bloomsbury. A Copious Index is SubjoinedPriestley and Weale, 1825 - 189 páginas |
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Bibliotheca Architectonica: A Catalogue of Books on the Fine Arts, Arranged ... Priestley And Weale No hay ninguna vista previa disponible - 2018 |
Bibliotheca Architectonica: A Catalogue of Books on the Fine Arts, Arranged ... Priestley And Weale No hay ninguna vista previa disponible - 2015 |
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50 plates Ancient Antiche Antiquities Arch Architect boards Bridge Buildings Canal Saint Martin Cathedral Church Clerisseau's Collection containing contenant d'après Decoration Description Descrizione Designs dessinés Drawings Edifices edition elephant folio Elgin Marbles engraved Essai etched fine plates Firenze folio volume Galerie gilt leaves Gothic Architecture gravées Gwilt's half-bound in calf half-bound in russia imperial 4to imperial 8vo imperial folio impressions inches India paper Joseph Gwilt l'Art large 4to large atlas folio large folding plates large folio large oblong 4to large oblong folio large paper livraisons Maisons marble leaves Mémoire Milano Monuments morocco neat in calf neatly half-bound numerous plates Ornaments Painting Palais Palazzi di Roma Palladio Paris Peinture Perspective Piranesi G. B. planches Pompeii Ponts et Chaussées portrait Recueil Roma Romæ Roman Rome Rondelet royal 4to royal 8vo Sarcofagi Sections sewed Temple tion Traité Treatise Vaisseaux Vases Vedute vellum Venet Views Villas vols volume of plates Vues
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Página 123 - Essai sur le goût de la Sculpture Polychrome, l'analyse explicative de la Toreutique, et l'histoire de la Statuaire en or et en ivoire chez les Grecs et les Romains; avec la restitution des principaux monumens de cet art , et la démonstration pratique ou le renouvellement de ses procédés mécaniques, i vol.
Página 112 - Etruscan vases ; displaying their probable connection with the shows at Eleusis, and the Chinese feast of lanterns, with explanations of a few of the principal allegories depicted upon them.
Página 110 - Osservazioni sopra alcuni frammenti di vasi antichi di vetro ornati di figure, trovati ne' cimiteri di Roma, Firenze 1716, Tafel 30.
Página 32 - The several plans and drawings referred to in the third report from the Select Committee upon the improvement of the Port of London...
Página 82 - PLANS, ELEVATIONS, and SECTIONS of BUILDINGS, Public and Private, executed in various Parts of England, &c. including the New Custom House, London, with Plans, Details, and Descriptions.
Página 130 - Drawing, Shadowing, and Tinting a complete Landscape, in all its Progressive Stages ; and directions for compounding and using Colours, Sepia, Indian Ink, Bister, &c. By J.
Página 131 - Traité de la science du dessin , contenant la théorie générale des ombres, la perspective linéaire , la théorie générale des images d'optique , et la perspective aérienne appliquée au lavis ; pour faire suite à la
Página 25 - Report and Survey relative to the Communication between England and Ireland by the North- West of Scotland.
Página 78 - Antiquités de la Nubie, ou Monumens Inédits des Bords du Nil, situés entre la première et la seconde Cataracte, dessinés et mesurés, en 1819, par FC GAU, Architecte.