Bibliotheca Architectonica: A Catalogue of Books on the Fine Arts, Arranged in Twelve Classes, as a Manual for the Use of the Architect, Engineer, Student, and Amateur; in which are Included Works on the Theory and Practice of Painting and Sculpture, in the Possession of Priestley and Weale, High-street, Bloomsbury. A Copious Index is Subjoined

Priestley and Weale, 1825 - 189 páginas

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Página 123 - Essai sur le goût de la Sculpture Polychrome, l'analyse explicative de la Toreutique, et l'histoire de la Statuaire en or et en ivoire chez les Grecs et les Romains; avec la restitution des principaux monumens de cet art , et la démonstration pratique ou le renouvellement de ses procédés mécaniques, i vol.
Página 112 - Etruscan vases ; displaying their probable connection with the shows at Eleusis, and the Chinese feast of lanterns, with explanations of a few of the principal allegories depicted upon them.
Página 110 - Osservazioni sopra alcuni frammenti di vasi antichi di vetro ornati di figure, trovati ne' cimiteri di Roma, Firenze 1716, Tafel 30.
Página 32 - The several plans and drawings referred to in the third report from the Select Committee upon the improvement of the Port of London...
Página 82 - PLANS, ELEVATIONS, and SECTIONS of BUILDINGS, Public and Private, executed in various Parts of England, &c. including the New Custom House, London, with Plans, Details, and Descriptions.
Página 130 - Drawing, Shadowing, and Tinting a complete Landscape, in all its Progressive Stages ; and directions for compounding and using Colours, Sepia, Indian Ink, Bister, &c. By J.
Página 131 - Traité de la science du dessin , contenant la théorie générale des ombres, la perspective linéaire , la théorie générale des images d'optique , et la perspective aérienne appliquée au lavis ; pour faire suite à la
Página 25 - Report and Survey relative to the Communication between England and Ireland by the North- West of Scotland.
Página 78 - Antiquités de la Nubie, ou Monumens Inédits des Bords du Nil, situés entre la première et la seconde Cataracte, dessinés et mesurés, en 1819, par FC GAU, Architecte.

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