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have earnestly inquired of us what you ought to do in this affair. We long since, indeed. wished to comply with your request; but an incredible variety of accumulating concerns have so pressed upon us on every side, that, till this day, we could not yield to your solici


We have been truly shocked at this most crafty device, by which the very foundations of Religion are undermined; and having, because of the great importance of the subject, convened for consultation our venerable brethren, the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, we have, with the utmost care and attention, deliberated upon the measures prope to be adopted by our Pontifical authority, in order to remedy and abolish this Pestilence as far as possible. In the mean time, we heartily congratulate you, venerable brother; and we commend you again and again in the Lord, as it is fit we should, upon the singular zeal you have displayed under circumstances so hazardous to Christianity, in having denounced to the Apostolic See, this defilement of the Faith, most imminently dangerous to souls. And although we perceive that it is not at all necessary to excite him to activity who is making haste, since of your own accord you have already shown an ardent desire to detect and oppose the impious machinations of these Innovators; yet, in conformity with our office, we again and again exhort you, that whatever you can achieve by power, provide for by counsel, or effect by authority, you will daily execute with the utmost earnestness, placing yourself as a wall for the House of Israel.


the Faith committed to them, we congratulate in the Lord, trusting that they all will very abundantly justify the opinion which we have entertained of them.

It is moreover necessary that you should transmit to us, as soon as possible, the Bible which Jacob Wuiek published in the Polish language with a Commentary, as well as a copy of the edition of it lately put forth without those annotations, taken from the writings of the Holy Fathers of our Church, or other learned Catholicks, with your opinion upon it; that thus, from collating them together, it may be ascertained, after mature investigation, what errors may lie insidiously concealed therein, and that we may pronounce our judgment on this affair for the preservation of the true faith.

Proceed, therefore, venerable Brother, to pursue the truly pious course upon which you have entered; viz. diligently to fight the battles of the Lord in soundness of doctrine, and warn the people intrusted to your care, that they fall not into the snares which are prepared for them to their everlasting ruin. The Church waits for this from you, as well as from the other Bishops, whom our rescript equally concerns; and we most anxiously expect it, that the deep sorrow we feel on account of this new species of tares which an enemy is sowing so abundantly, may, by this cheering hope, be somewhat alleviated: and, we heartily invoke upon you and your fellow-Bishops, for the good of the Lord's flock, ever increasing gifts by our Apostolic benediction, which we impart to yourself and to them.---Gent. Mag.


For this end we issue the present Brief, viz. that we may convey to you a signal testimony of our approbation of your excellent conduct, and also may endeavour therein still more and more In August last, a buck that was reto excite your pastoral solicitude and vigi markably fat and healthy in condition, lance. For the general good imperiously requires us to combine all our means and enerwas killed in Bradby park, and, on opengies to frustrate the plans, which are prepared ing him, it was discovered that, at some by its enemies for the destruction of our most distant time, he had been shot in the Holy Religion: whence it becomes an Episcopal duty, that you first of all expose the wick- heart; for a ball was contained in a cyst edness of this nefarious scheme, as you already in the substance of that viscus, about are doing so admirably, to the view of the faithful, and openly publish the same, accord- two inches from the apex, weighing 292 ing to the rules prescribed by the Church, with grains, and beaten quite flat. In the all that erudition and wisdom in which you second volume of the Medico-Chirurgic-. excel; namely," That Bibles printed by Hereticks are numbered among other prohibited al Transactions, is published an extrabooks by the Rules of the Index (No. II. and ordinary case of a soldier who survived III.); for it is evident from experience, that forty-nine hours after receiving a bayonet-wound of the heart; but a gunshot wound of the heart affords a still more striking example of the great extent to which this vital organ may sustain an injury from external violence, without its functions being immediately destroyed,or even permanently impaired. Mon. Mog.

the Holy Scriptures, when circulated in the vulgar tongue, have, through the temerity of men, produced more harm than benefit:" (Rule IV.) And this is the more to be dreaded in times so depraved, when our Holy Religion is assailed from every quarter with great cunning and effort, and the most grievous wounds are in

flicted on the Church. It is, therefore, necessary to adhere to the salutary Decree of the Congregation of the Index (June 18th, 1757,) that no versions of the Bible in the vulgar tongue be permitted, except such as are approved by the Apostolic See, or published with Annotations extracted from the writings of the Holy Fathers of the Church.

We confidently hope that, even in these tur

bulent circumstances, the Poles will afford


A. T. (in reference to your Magazine for December last, p. 495) says: "I cannot help communicating a very simple remedy for Insanity, which was given me by a very respectable Clergyman of the Establishment, with which he had

the clearest proofs of their attachment to the religion of their ancestors; and this especially by your care, as well as that of the other Prelates of this kingdom, whom, on account of the stand they are so wonderfully making for recently cured a young man who was in




a high state of derangement; and I had been burning from time immemorial; the gratification of seeing its good effect that they exist without any visible comon a young lady in my own neighbour- bustible matter on spots where the ground hood, who received immediate benefit is perfectly bare, in the midst of cultivat from it. Though it may not perform a ed fields, and at a short distance from radical cure, yet if taken as soon as the houses. When they are extinguished complaint appears to be coming on, I by heavy rain or a high wind, the country am persuaded, it will have a good effect. people kindle them again by means of So inoffensive a remedy is certainly fire-brands held over the surface of the worth a trial. In great nervous irrita- ground, whence issue currents of hydrobility I doubt not but it would have its gen gas. The flame is exactly similar in use.-An Aloe pill taken every night, appearance and origin to that produced and three table-spoonsfull of the express- by coal-gas. ed juice of Ground-ivy in the morning fasting."-Gent. Mag.



Mr. MENKE, of Berlin, has invented a process for converting mahogany sawA letter from Vienna of the 2d of Ju- dust into a soft paste, which becomes ly, 1817, mentions, that the mountain harder by exposure to the atmosphere, called the Hausruck, in Upper Austria, and is susceptible of receiving and retainhas disappeared, and its place is supplied ing the forms given to marble, wood and by a lake. This mountain was very high, bronze. This substance takes the most and the country around took its name beautiful gilding, as well as the colour from it. Since tho preceding month sev- of bronze. It is made into candelabra, eral phenomena had warned the inhabi- lustres, lamps, vases, statues, and all tants that something awful would happen, kinds of ornaments for furniture, which and frequent subterraneous noises were equal in elegance the finest works in heard. About a dozen cottages, which bronze, and cost only one-eighth of the were built in various parts of the hill, price. have of course disappeared; but it was not known whether any persons perished.


M. MENARD, of Paris, states as the result of his observations on the natural tires of Pietra-Male and Barri-Gazzo in the Apennines, that those fires have

From La Belle Assemblee.


The French papers contain an ordinance of considerable importance: it prohibits, under pain of confiscation, all vessels from importing slaves into the West-India islands of his Most Christian Majesty. We rejoice at the promulgation of such an ordinance, and shall rejoice more at knowing that it is carried into complete effect.---Geni. Mag.




Sharing the soldier's toilsome lot,
Deem'st thou, that this, thy natal day,
By kindred hearts was e'er forgot?
Ah! no, it still returned to see
Our thoughts, our hopes, belov'd! with thee!
And when, beside the glowing hearth,

We gathered close, as night-shades fell,
While winter brooded o'er the earth,
And wild winds raved, with mighty swell;
Still to our hearts thy image came,
Stili to our lips thy cherished name.
"Perhaps," we said, "our soldier now,
By the red watch-fire's fitful blaze,
Beneath some dark sierra's brow,

Thinks of the home of happier days;
Perhaps to us his thoughts have flown,
E'en now, while ours are all his own!

"Or, haply on the dewy ground,

While night has hush'd the battle's roar, And still'd is every martial sound,

And arms and banners gleam no more,
He sleeps---while, from that combat-plain,
Sweet visions waft him home again !"
Those days are past---but oh! believe,

By all their hopes, by all their fears,
Those hopes that smil'd not to deceive,

Those terrors of long an anxious years,
By every peril thou has prov'd,
We greet thee, wanderer more belov'd i
And oh! 'tis well our souls, thus warm,

Affection still to joy can sway,
For we have seen full many a storm,
And many a cherish'd hope decay!
And were domestic love to fly,
What bliss for us could earth supply?
Those are no common ties that bind,

In tender union, hearts like ours;
By sorrow strengthen'd and refin'd,
We prize their worth, we know their pow'rs;
And smile, while yet so sweet a ray,
With lonely brightness, gilds our way.


From the Panorama.




From "Odin," a Poem by SIR WILLIAM


UT lo! where clad in raiment sheen like

The Vola seems to sleep the sleep of death,
Her couch is on the rock, all sculptured o'er
With mystic symbols. At her side are placed
A lute, a drum, a chalice and a wand,
Tablets, and talismans, and graven gems---
All aids of magic: pallid are her cheeks,
And motionless her limbs. The ruddy blood
Has left her lips. Upon her bosom lies
The fatal leaf of baleful mistletoe,

That Hoder, blind and old, in Asgard threw,
When well-loved Balder died. One lily hand
Supports her head, and one still grasps a bough
Plucked from the mountain-ash of Ydrasil.
Awake, O Prophetess !' the monarch cries,
Awake, fair daughter of the house of death,
And guide my footsteps in this dreadful vault.'
He speaks in vain. No voice replies to his.
Perplex'd he stands. At length with out.
stretch'd hand,

Cased in its iron glove, not knowing now
The peril of the deed, he lifts the leaf
Mortiferous, that, touching human flesh,
Brings death, or sleep like death. The Vola

Her eyes, half-open'd, from the livid glare
She turns abhorrent. Hated light! she cries,
Why comest thou so soon? What power dis-

The mortal charm, that left my soul awhile.
Ah! wherefore must the Vola live again
To hate her being? Brilliant comes the morn,
The face of nature brightens into smiles;
Gay laughs the year, clad in his summer

And beauty, youth, and love, in frolic mood
Lead on the dancing hours. But in her cave,
Callous to human sorrow; dead to joy ;
Far from the realms of light, let Thoka dwell
The solitary Vola. Garish day

Delights me not, nor æther's azure glare.' She said; and from her couch majestic rose; In form a goddess. Who shall paint a face, That more than human seem'd, and spake the


Above all sympathy with mortal man---
A cheek so pale---a brow so sternly calm---
Eyes that ne'er wept, and lips that could not

"[The Vola utters loud complaints at the interruption of her perennial slumber; but at length recognizes in the hero a mortal protected by Fate.]

She spake; and from a golden cup pour'd

Libations, to the threefold Norna due;
Of sacred water drawn at Mimer's fount.
Her ebon wand she lifted high in air;
Nine times a circle round the king she traced;
Nine times pronounced a fear inspiring name;
And struck nine times upon the painted drum,
That fell Modguder beats with dead men's

When Lapland witches, riding on the storm,
Rejoice at midnight for the morrow's scath.
But now, her flaxen ringlets all unbound,
Her long white vestments floating far behind,
In mystic mazes, and in magic rounds,
The Vola moved; what time she touch'd the

And wildly chaunted incantations dire.

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With these in power might never be compared
Or spell, or charm, of dark idolators,
When in the chambers of their imagery,
By Jordan, or Orontes, eastern streains,
They communed nightly with the Demoo-Gods.
No voice on earth,' she cried, is like to mine.
Ev'n Hela bears it, deaf to all besides.
Mine is the Runic verse that Loke obeys;
And mine the song that can recal the dead.
My hand sustains the branch of magic power:
I shake its leaves, and hell flings wide its


Now quaked the troubled earth; red lightnings glared;

The subterranean thunder roar'd beneath.
The Vola shriek'd, her countenance was

Her locks rose rigid o'er her knitted brow
And in her eye demoniac fury beam'd.

Meanwhile the monarch gazed intent around;
For now the horrid cavern open'd wide
Its monstrous jaws; and the firm rock, that

Receding like a cloud, or humid mist,
Chaced by the gales of morning, vanish'd quite.
Nor light, nor dark,there was. He saw, as secs
The northern mountaineer, at twilight hour,
'Twixt day and night. Before him rolled

The Gial call'd among the sons of men.
A golden bridge, with nine vast arches,spann'd
The yellow wave, a flood of molten gold.
Here on her throne, heap'd high, of human

In dreadful arms array'd, Modguder sat,
In blood delighting. Her the nations fear,
When loud her "war-proclaiming trumpet

To battle, and confronted armies close.
Dire is the clangour of her chariot wheels,
When through the streets of cities, leaguer'd

She rides at length triumphant, and unfurls
Her standard, crimson'd with the blood of men.
Now from her seat she rose with ireful mien,
And brandish'd high the sword she hates to

Prepar'd for combat strange, the monarch stood Intrepid. But the Vola took his hand;

And shook the branches of the mystic bough. A cloud of misty darkness round them felt.--Their footsteps sounded on the golden bridge--Dread silence reign'd---they pass'd the bourne, That separates the living from the dead.

[The scene changes several times :---through a dreary region, of clime ungenial, and of prospect dark;----to another of winter; (who can doubt its power in hell?)---here the King finds a structure of "pure ice, diaphanous "---again, to a broad sea, tempestuous ---next, "before them lay Surtur's vast world of fire ;---then, Hela's hall ;--at last, the residence of Loke, the principal of evil: bere the monarch consents to reign on any terms :---]

'Shall I refuse due homage to this God, Who tempts ambition with a kingdom---puts A crown within my reach---and bids me grasp At universal empire? Prophetess! 'I serve thy God."

Thus spake the king perturb'd; And as he gazed, awe-stricken, on the world Infernal, almost wish'd his words unsaid: For who, without a shudder, first throws off Allegiance to his father's faith? and who, Without compunctions shiv'rings of the soul, First pats in peril its eternal weal?

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But lo! he kneels at length before the throne Of evil Loke; the banner he receives ; But may not see that Hela's horrid hand Conveys the fatal gift. The deed is done. All, all is silent in the house of Death. It seems that universal Nature sleeps. Dread silence this, the silence of the tomb !


[The description of a serpent's hiss, from this
work, strikes us as new, as well as terrific :]
But now upon Pharnaces and his guide
The scaly fiend of slimy Miguard turn'd
His glaring eyes; while, brandish'd o'er their

The three-fork'd terrors of his poison'd tongue
Protruded; and bis turgid neck immense
Was swoln with ire. His hiss was like the sound
Of many rushing waters, or of winds
Among the shrouds,when scatter'd navies drive
Before the storm.


Here to the elves that sleep in flowers by day,
Thy softest bun in Julling whispers pour,
Or o'er the lovely band thy shield display
When blue-eyed Twilight sheds her dewy

So shall the fairy train by glow-worm light
With rainbow-tints thy folding pennons fret,
Thy scaly breast in brightest azure dight,
Thy burnished armure speck with glossier jet;
With viewless fingers weave thy wintry tent,
And line with gossamer thy pendant cell,
Safe in the rift of some lone ruin pent,

Where ivy shelters from the storm-wind fell. Blest if, like thee, I cropt with heedless spoil The gifts of youth and pleasure in their bloom;

Doom'd for no coming winter's want to toil, Fit for the spring that waits beyond the tomb.

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With many a tiny coal-black freckle deckt, My watchful look thy loitering saunter guards, My ready hand thy footstep shall protect. Daunted by me beneath this trembling bough On forked wings no greedy swallow sails, No hopping sparrow pries for food below, Nor evet lurks, nor dusky blind-worm trails. Nor shall the swarthy gaoler for thy way His grate of twinkling threads successful strain,

With venom'd trunk thy writhing members flay,

Or from thy heart the reeking life-blood drain.

Forego thy wheeling in the sunny air,

Thy glancing to the envious insects round; To the din area of my bower repair, Silence and Coolness keep it hallow'd ground.

* In Norfolk, the may-bird is called burniebee, by contraction, from burnie-beetle, or Giery-beetle. The following address to that insect is in the mouths of children there :

Bless you, bless you, burnie-bee,
Tell me where my true love be;
Be suc east, or be she west,
Seek the path she loveth best ;
Go and whisper in her ear,
That I ever think of her;
Tell her, all I have to say
Is about our wedding-day,
Burnie-bee, no longer stay,
Take to your wings and fly away.

From the same.

Translated by Thos. Orger.

THE gorgeous palace of the God of light
Shone in the east majestically bright.
The lofty columns, glorious to behold,
Were starr'd with jewels and embost with gold;
Fair ivory beams the spotless roof inlay,
The folding portals cast a silver ray:
Yetgold, nor gems, nor ivory impart
A wonder equal to the sculptor's art---
With mimic seas embracing mimic earth;
Here Vulcan gave a new creation birth,
Here land was pictur'd, and ethereal plain,
And Sea-Gods flounder'd in the glassy main,
And huge Egeon, giant of the storm,
Triton and Proteus of ambiguous form,
High o'er the deep in scaly triumph rides,
Parts the rude billows, and a whale bestrides.
Fair Doris here her blooming daughters led,
Some frolic in old Ocean's azure bed,
Some ride on fishes, others on the rocks
Seem to recline, and dry their humid locks;
Their features their affinity proclaim.
Not wholly diff'rent, yet not quite the same,
Here sculptur'd earth bore over-arching woods,
And men, and cities, beasts of prey, and floods.
Nymphs of the chace, and demigods were there,
And heav'n refulgent glow'd in upper air.
Six Zodiac Signs the dexter portals grac'd,
And six were o'er the left in order plac'd.

From the New Monthly Magazine.
Written on the banks of the Avon.

THERE Avon winds his gentle stream,

W and harvests bless the lab'ring swain,
The rocky glen, the flow'ry plain,
The Alpine hills, the shelt ring grove---
His native scenes in boyhood's dream!
Th' inspired boy did oft in rapture rove!

No cold, dull caution, barr'd the way---
Keen the fix'd eye, sublime of soul,
But he, in blaze of Genius' day,
Essay'd the steepest heights of Fame!
As mountain flood disdain'd controi---
And gain'd th' immortal wreath in Ella's
deathless name!

Visions of glory! early fled,
Transient as summer's golden morn !
And lo! around terrific borne,
The lucid tempest wing'd its course
Impetuous on th' unshelter'd head!
Scath'd by the storm, he fell a livid corse!


O Chatterton! thy hapless fate Mocks the weak effort of the lyre--Nor may the humble muse aspire, Though admiration points thy flight! Genius, with ardent hopes elate,


In youth's bright dawn quench'd in the shades of night!

Beam of the soul, that led astray; Radiance, too strong for mortal ken; By thee Life's ev'ning path was seen--Dazzling with golden hopes, the boy! Enchantress! by thy powerful ray

Orthunder dying in a sable cloud,


Buz round the walls. Within a mingling crowd
Fill, wondering fill, the wide saloon of brass,
While to and fro the fickle vulgar pass.
Hence various rumors,countle-s comments,rise,
A brainless compound, mix'd of truth and lies.
Some with dull prattle tire the sated ear,
Some carry elsewhere what they gather here.
The mass of lies on which the mob regale,
Grows big, for each adds something to the tale.
Here Error, here Credulity, hold sway,
False Joys, and idiot Terrors false as they,

He soar'd, nor deem'd that aught could hap- And sly Šedition, wrapt in midnight gloom,

piness destroy!

Yes, Poesy! thou wast the cause---
Unfitted with Life's useful aim,

He, impious, dar'd the deed of shame---
Thou wooed'st him to thy native sphere !
For heaven he spuro'd at Nature's laws---
And thou alone may'st plead his flight from
sorrow here!

And thou---for harmony is thine---
Wilt plead in sacred strains above!
Heaven and creative power are Love!
Immortal! to thy God restor❜d,
Beam of thy God, and light divine---
Thou art in heaven, and still by all ador'd!

Still on the cliff, in frowning skies,
That were to thee with rapture fraught,
Awakening the solemn thought,
Spirit of song! is seen thy form,
Thy shadowy car in clouds t' arise,

And oft, in thunder loud, thy voice is in the storm!

Spirit of song! in glory drest, Whose sunbeams gild the mountain's brow, And cheer with smiles the vales below--To thee the hymn the peasants raise, Thy beams the teeming harvest blest! The universal song, eternal, chants thy praise!

Where Avon winds her hallow'd tide, The laughing plains and hills between--Radcleeve thy column points the scene, And Sculpture mourns the Minstrel's doom! Yet though in life of fame denied,

Th' immortal wreath, immortal decks his tomb! G. II. T.

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All distant rumonrs are concenter'd here,
And every voice assails the hollow ear.
Fame, babbling Goddess, calls the spot her own,
And in its topmost chambers builds her throne.
In, thro' a thousand gates, the nations roam,
For not a single bolt protects the dome ;
Wide, day and night, extends its spacious halls,
Light echo plays along its brazen walls;
The dome receives and iterates the din;
Nor soothing rest, nor silence dwells within ;
Yet clamour reigns not there; sounds mur-
mur'd low,

Like distant ocean's undulating flow,

Now Redcliff, a church in Bristol; it was in the tower of this church that the celebrated manuscripts were, by Chatterton, alleged to have been found.

And dubious whispers from one knows not whom ;

All that in ocean, earth, Here fame collects, and world.

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e troubled

From La Belle Assemblee.

IT happen'd once that a young Yorkshire


But newly come to far-fam'd London-town, Was gaping round at many a wond'rous sight, Grinning at all he saw with vast delight, Attended by his terrier, Tyke,

Who was as sharp as sharp may be ; And thus the master and the dog d'ye see, Were very much alike.

After wand'ring far and wide,

And seeing all the streets and squares,
And Temple-bar, and Pidcock's bears,

The Mansion-house, the Regent's Park, And all in which your cocksies place their pride;

After being quizz'd by many a city spark, For coat of country cut, and red-hair'd pate, He came at length to noisy Billingsgate;

He saw the busy scene with mute surprise, Opening his ears and eyes

At the loud clamour and the monstrous fish, Hereafter doom'd to grace full many a dish. Close by him was a turbot on a stall,

Who, with stretch'd mouth, as if to gasp for breath,

Seem'd in the agonies of death: Said Andrew," Pray what name d'ye that fish call?"

"A turbot 'tis (said the sarcastic elf)

"A flat, you see---so something like yourself."

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"D'ye think," said Andrew," that he'll bite?" Why," said the fellow, with a roguish grin, "His mouth is open; put your finger in, "And then you'll know.". Why," replied the wight,


"I shouldn't like to try; but here's my


"Shall put his tail there, an' you like.” Agreed," rejoin'd the man, and laugh'd deWithin the turbot's teeth was plac'd the tail, light. Who bit it too, with all his might;

The dog no sooner felt the bite

Than off he ran, the fish still bolding tight; And though old Ling began to swear and rail, After a number of escapes and dodgings, Tyke safely got to Master Andrew's lodg


Who, when the fisherman in a passion flew, Said," Measter, Lunnon tricks on we wont do "I'se come from York to queer such flats as you;

And Tyke, my dog, is Yorkshire too!" Then laughing at the man, he went away, And had the fish for dinner that same day.

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