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Varieties: Literary, Critical, and Historical.



walked before, the grateful parents fol- with the candle, and prevent the plague lowed, their hearts swelling with unut- of snuffing. The invention would be by terable content. After service, they en- no means difficult, and the advantage joyed a walk, and met crowds of well- prodigious; at present, every ten minutes dressed people indulging themselves in the consumer of tallow candles is in abstrolling through the beautiful fields and solute darkness; or is forced, just as he lanes that skirted the busy town. On is finding a rhyme for his poetry, or contheir return home, they found a smoking cluding a period in a sermon, to jump dinner on the table, and sat down with up for the snuffers, which are never excellent appetites to the welcome meal. where they ought to be, and always Business, or other claims, sometimes di- scatter their sable grease on the table, vided the family on other days, but on And, now we are inventing, let me recSunday they regularly assembled; and ommend to the attention of societies who these occasional absences made them re- encourage the useful arts, not only the gard this meeting as a particular gratifi- self-consuming wick, but the self-precation. There was always something to serving cloth-the addition of something be told, something to be described, some. inodorous in the woollen dye, which will thing to be asked. Even the necessity of render the cloth distasteful to moths, and asking assistance or advice served only not unpleasant to the wearer. to unite the members of this family, as grave readers may laugh at these humble it proved their dependance on each hints; but great coats and eyes have other, and how little one could stand their advantages; and whatever tends to alone. If there was pleasure in asking preserve them is not entirely to be desassistance or advice, how much greater pised. the satisfaction in bestowing it! and when Lionel, their elder brother, who weekly attended a master in a neighbouring town, begged his sisters would take care his neat supply of clean linen was more regularly forwarded to him, he felt almost as happy in thinking he had such kind sisters to apply to, as they did in promising to oblige him, and thus having the satisfaction of feeling that they could add to the comfort of their dear brother. Thus, obliging and obliged, the happy circle passed the hour of dinner. The tolling bell again called them to church. The twinsisters, hanging on their brother's arm, attended the cheerful party to the sacred temple. The aisles were crowded with the decent poor, who, standing in rows, listened with reverence to their respected preacher."

To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.




A Correspondent of the New Monthly Magazine will be thankful to any one who can inform him who is the author of the following lines:

When winds breathe soft along the silent deep,
The waters curl, the peaceful billows sleep;
A stronger gale the troubled wave awakes;
The surface roughens, and the ocean shakes.
More dreadful still, when furious storms arise,
The mounting billows bellow to the skies ;
On liquid rocks the tott'ring vessel's tost,
Unnumber'd surges lash the foaming coast;

The raging waves, excited by the blast,
Whiten with wrath, and split the sturdy mast:
When in an instant, he who rules the floods,

Earth, air and fire, Jehovah! God of Gods !
In pleasing accents speaks his sov'reign will,

And bids the waters and the winds be still!
Hush'd are the winds, the waters cease to roar ;
Safe are the seas, and silent as the shore.
Now say, what joy elates the sailor's breast,
With prosp'rous gales so unexpected blest!
What ease, what transport, in each face is

Among the common inventions of life, there are none which concern our comfort more than candles; I wish some chandler of genius may arise in this eration who will invent self-consuming For ev'ry plaint we hear a joyful strain wicks, which will perish at an equal rate To him, whose pow'r unbounded rules the main.


The heav'ns look bright, the air and sea serene;

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accordingly set up at a noted inn in


Among recent Gazette appointments London. The name of this inn long out-living the sign and fame of the conis that of Serjeant Ewart, to an ensigncy in the 3d Royal veteran battalion, quest, an ignorant painter, employed by in consideration of the bravery he dis- a no less ignorant landlord, to paint a played on the 18th of June. In the new one, represented it by a Bull, and a atternoon of that eventful day, the 92d large gaping Mouth; answering to the regiment, reduced to 200, charged a col- vulgar pronunciation of Bull and Mouth. umn of the Enemy, from 2,000 to 3,000 strong; they broke into the centre of the The same event in history gave occacolumn, and the moment they pierced it, sion for the sign of the Bull and Gate, the Scotch Greys dashed in to their supas descriptive of an inn in Holborn, oriIrt, when both these gallant corps ginally meant for Boulogne Gate, and cheered and huzzaed "Scotland for Cer!" The Enemy to a man were put represented by an embattled gate or ent the sword, or made prisoners. The trance into a fortified town, but by ignoGreys afterwards charged the second line, rance converted into a gate, with a bull which amounted to 5,000 men: it was looking over it. in the first that Serjeant Ewart captured the French eagle; the affair is thus modestly detailed by himself: "I had a hard contest for it; the offieer who carried it thrust for my groin; I parried it off, and cut him through the head; after which I was attacked by one of the lancers, who threw his lance at me, but missed the

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Several Laplanders have lately arrived in London with their game, which has been sold by different poulterers in the City. These poor fellows expected when they left Gottenburg, mark, by my throwing it off with my that the packet would land them in Lonsword by my right side, then I cut him don, and that they would have no duties from the chin upwards, which went to pay; whereas they have been obliged through his teeth. Next, I was attacked by a foot soldier, who, after firing, charged ten guineas for freight from Harwich to to pay upwards of 50l. for duties, besides me with his bayonet, but I parried it off, London.-The state of preservation in and cut him through the head-so that which these birds were is stated to be finished the contest for the eagle."


really surprising, after travelling upwards of 1000 miles. They are preserved by The elegant translation of Catullus, being hung up to freeze as soon as killed, printed for Johnson in 1795, bears so and afterwards being packed in cases, close a resemblance of style to the poems lined with skins to keep out the air. of Lord Byron, that it seems permitted This process so effectually preserves them, to suspect the version of having flowed that when the packages are opened, the from the juvenile pen of that accom- the birds are found frozen quite hard : plished nobleman. Wilkes's edition and those packages which are not opened, seems to have furnished the text confided in by the interpreter.


will continue in this state for some weeks. The mode in which the small birds are dressed in Sweden, is by stewing them in cream with a little butter in it, after Henry the Eighth having taken the being larded, which, it is said, gives town of Boulogne in France, the gates them a very excellent flavour: the large of which he brought to Hardes, in Kent, ones are roasted, and basted with cream, where they are still remaining, the flat- which is afterwards served up as sauce. terers of that reign highly magnified the These Laplanders wear a kind of great action, which in eonsequence became a coat, made of rein-deer skin, with caps popular subject for signs, and the port, and gloves of the same, which gives them or harbour, called Boulogne Mouth, was a very grotesque appearance.


Varieties: Literary, Critical, and Historical.



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[60 It

Grand Market of the Innocents.
was no other than the Rocher de Can-
cale. Thither all the guests, amounting
to a dozen, repaired. The dinner and
wine were delicious, and each resolved
ris. At length the fatal moment ap-
to dine daily there during his stay in Pa-
arrived. They had calculated it at half-
proached the bill was called for-it
a-guinea per head, but, alas, they had
ed to sixteen hundred francs-sixty-six
reckoned without their host-it amount-
They could not all muster the sum-they
pounds, thirteen shillings, and four-pence.
called the landlord-an explanation was
entered into-"Gentlemen," said he,

In the commencement of the French revolution, death was always the alternative of a demand, “La liberté, L'égalité, ou la mort, La victoire ou la mort, as if death were the only alternative of the greatest blessings. "La Mort" pas sed into every mouth; and on the days of popular executions," Vive la Mort echoed from ten thousand lungs. On one occasion, "La Mort" made the whole of the National Convention burst into a fit of laughter, though engaged on a most serious subject. It was on the 19th of January, 1793, when the question was agitated whether the deit is evident you did not know the fenders of Louis should be heard before They offered him the security of their reputation of the Rocher de Cancale.” the votes were collected, and, consequently, the judgment definitively set- «Gentlemen, I should be sorry to be watches, which he generously refused-tled. A M. Seconds made various ef- considered worse than the fare with forts to be heard on the point, but in which I regale my friends; the sum is a vain; at last he cried out, "La parole trifle, pay it when you please.”

ou la Mort !" His advice was-first condemn the king, and then hear what his counsel have to say!


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At the commencement of the revolution the national cockade was green, as an emblem of Hope; but the Duke of Orleans joining the people, out of compliment, the cockade was changed to the And on the arri


The Rocher de Cancale is one of the most celebrated, and the dearest, coffeehouse in Paris: it is particularly noted for its oysters. Of its charges, some idea colour of his liveries. may be formed from this fact:-Three val of the Marquis de la Fayette from lovers of oysters, wishing to regale them- America, the National Guard changed selves, debated whether it would be its uniform to that of the American army, more economical to make their repast at which it has ever since preserved. the Rocher de Cancale, or to take a post-chaise and go to the coast: they made a calculation, and found that the After the Russian campaign, Napoexpences of travelling to and from Paris leon made a law that the National to the sea-side, and the tavern bills there, Guard should march to the frontiers to would not amount to so much, by three defend them from invasion. This beguineas, as a similar regale would cost ing deemed necessary, the measure was them at the Rocher de Cancale.--A few willingly submitted to. Under this imweeks ago, three Englishmen, who had pression, 100,000 National Guards were made a trip to Paris to spend their hoar- marched from different points to the ded cash, tired of dining at Very's, in the Rhine; they there found the whole Palais Royale, and their funds being army. In two days an order arrived for low, resolved to dine very economically, the whole mass to move forward, and and give a cheap farewell dinner to those the National Guard had the alternative they left behind: accordingly they sought of marching to battle, or being cut to out a decent-looking house in a poor pieces, in case of refusal, by the regular neighbourhood, and, by chance, stum- army; upwards of 70,000 of them perbled on one in a shabby street, near the ished in the campaign.-Month. Mag.



Memoirs of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Shedidan. [62 again fell into the water. The darkness Cornwall, March 3, Sunday. This of the night prevented his regaining his evening, as Mr. John Holman, a farmer resting-place, and he had to support himof Perran, was returning from a place of self as before until Tuesday morning, worship, across a common, to his own when he regained the spot from which house, a heavy mist falling, he mistook he fell. He had now become quite his way, and fell into an exposed shaft of hoarse from cold, and almost incessant a mine, 96 feet deep, besides 9 feet of calling for help; so that the only rewater in the bottom; and, almost mira- source he had for drawing the attention eulously, reached the water without re- of those whom, he supposed, would be ceiving any serious injury. Being an sent to seek for him, was by throwing expert swimmer, he kept himself afloat stones into the water. Tuesday night during the night, occasionally relieving came without affording him any relief; himself by clinging to the projecting points but the terror of again falling into the of rock in the sides of the shaft, The re- water effectually prevented his sleeping. turn of daylight, on Monday, enabled On Wednesday, however, the noise him to see a kind of ledge, on which he made by the stones which he continued contrived to get, and on which he lay the to throw into the water, attracted the whole of Monday, calling for assistance; attention of some persons whom his disbut no person approached the place, and tressed family had dispatched in search Monday night came on whilst he conti- of his remains, and he was extricated nued in his perilous situation, where, from the dreadful abyss, without sustainovercome by fatigue, he fell asleep, and ing any serious contusion.



THIS distinguished writer and orator occasion, when he was assailed with was the son of Thomas and Frances brutal fury by some riotous young men Sheridan, both persons of eminence in of fashion, and the affair produced much the literary world, the former being par- discussion in the public prints a volunticularly distinguished as a corrector of teer pen took up his vindication with so English orthoepy, and the latter as a much zeal and ability as to produce a novelist and dramatist of great elegance. general interest in his favour. It was The grandfather of Mr. Sheridan was the natural that Mr. Sheridan should enquire intimate friend of Swift, in whose works after his generous champion, and to his and correspondence many of his fugitive no small surprize he found that the deproductions and letters may be found. fence came from the pen of a very young He was a clergyman and schoolmaster at lady, named Chamberlaine. Sentiments Dublin, equally remarkable for His wit of gratitude and admiration were soon and extravagance, learning and thought- altered into others of a softer kind, and lessness. Dr. Sheridan died suddenly the parties were married at St. Mary's in 1738, and soon afterwards his son Church, Dublin, in 1748. Soon after Thomas went upon the stage at Dublin, this, Mr. Sheridan built a house in Dorcontrary to the wishes of his friends, who set-street, in that city, at a considerable would have had him follow his father's distance from the Theatre, and merely to profession as a schoolmaster. The ap- gratify Captain Solomon Whyte, the unplause with which he was received at his cle of his wife, who could not endure to first appearance induced him to perse- be separated from a beloved niece who vere in his dramatic course; and at had lived with him as his own child til! length he imprudently undertook the her marriage. management of the theatre at Dublin, by

Here their eldest son, Charles Franwhich he became involved in disputes cis, was born in July, 1750; and and embarrassed with debts. On one Richard Brinsley, in October of the


63] Memoirs of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan. following year, the last being baptised in acquitted himself in such a manner as St. Mary's Church on the fourth of No- astonished every body. He purposes in vember. The early education of these his next course to shew him in all the boys was superintended by their mother, variety of style that is used in English but when the late Mr. Samuel Whyte, composition, and hopes in a very little who was the first cousin of Mrs. Sheri- time to make him complete in his own dan, set up his school in Grafton-street, art. Dick has been at Harrow school they were placed with him as day scho- since Christmas; as he probably may fall lars; and on the removal of their parents into a bustling life, we have a mind to to England, in 1758, they were settled accustom him early to shift for himself.” as boarders in his house. It is said that This abandonment of the youth to a when Mrs. Sheridan first introduced public school without any paternal obthem to her cousin for instruction she servation and guidance was very injuobserved, "I have brought you my rious to his moral habits and intellectual young ones to exercise your patience, as improvement. He was naturally of a they have done mine; for a couple of sluggish disposition, and generally apmore impenetrable dunces my eyes never peared alike indifferent to praise or cenbeheld!" This story seems to be au- sure. Samuel Parr was then the head thentic, for when the boys were brought boy at Harrow, and he had sufficient to Windsor, in September, 1759, their judgment to discern superior powers in mother wrote to Mr. Whyte, as follows, young Sheridan that only wanted stimu"I can't say they do their preceptor as lus and friendship to be called into homuch credit as George Cunningham nourable exertion. He set about gaining does, for their progress has been rather the confidence of one who was neglected small for eighteen months; but, mistake and laughed at by the other scholars; me not, I don't say this, as is so much and his advances being met with equal the absurd custom of parents, by way of readiness, he shortly succeeded in giving throwing a reflection on the teacher, of Sheridan's mind a turn for study and the whose care and abilities I am perfectly beauties of composition. In the autumn satisfied; it is the interest of the master of 1764, the father of Richard took to do every thing to the best of his power Harrow in his way from Scotland, and for the advantage of his pupils; my remained there about a month, on acchildren's backwardness I impute to count of the deranged state of his affairs themselves, owing to their natural slow- in London, which becoming worse, he ness, their illness, and long and frequent with the rest of the family went away absences, not to any want of attention privately to Dover, and from thence to in you towards them." They continued Blois in France, where Mrs. Sheridan at Windsor somewhat more than two died on the 26th of September, 1766. years, during which period they were This wirreparable loss to her chilprincipally taught by their mother, but dren, w were thus deprived of materin January, 1762, at the end of the nal care and counsel at a period when Christmas vacation, the youngest was they stood most in need of direction at sent to Harrow school, while the eldest the opening of life. Richard continued remained under his father, who formed at Harrow till the end of 1767, and was great expectations from his promising ta- then taken under the tuition of his father, lents. Mrs. Sheridan writing about this who read lectures in elocution, and gave time to her friend Mr. Whyte says, instructions in the same art to a select "Last Monday evening, Charles, for the number of private pupils. Of the profirst time, exhibited himself as a little gress of young Sheridan at Harrow little ⚫rator. He read Eve's Speech to Adam is known, but the following instance of from Milton, beginning, O! thou, for his readiness at repartee has been related whom and from whom I was form'd,' by one of his contemporaries in that ce&c. As his father had taken a deal of pains with him, and he has the advantage of a fine ear and a fine voice, he

lebrated seminary. The son of an eminent physician in London, and who has himself risen to distinction in the same

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