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yet why do I call the Eloise a fiction? It must not be called a work of imagination, it is so perfect a copy of an original; it is so pure a reflection of human feelings and actions, that we exclaim involuntarily" Rousseau is not indebted to his imagination for this, but to his heart."

T is night,-I have just arrived at this village. We quitted Lausanne between eleven and twelve o'clock this morning; a pure sky was expanded throughout the hemisphere. Another day of sunshine and of joy has passed, leaving such vivid traces of the delicious in- We had heard of the magnitude and tensity of my happiness, that my remem- impetuosity of the Vevaise, which rises brance of it will be as inerasible as the in the Gruyere mountains, and flows wild and stupendous scenes through into the Lake at Vevai. We listened which I have passed. A current of as we advanced, and expected that the transport has coursed my veins through- hoarse voice of the river-god would saout the day. I have sighed. I have lute our ears long before we approached been speechless with joy. I did not his presence. We entered the town; suppose that the human frame was capa- we stood on the centre of the bridge, and ble, for hours in succession, of enjoyment beheld the bed of the Vevaise. How so exquisite; and I feel confident, that surprised were we to find that a feeble the scenery of Switzerland alone can generate such emotions: even while I write, recollection realizes my transports, and my eyes are filled with tears of joy: may these sensations visit my frame in after years, when age shall rob my limbs of their vigour, and circumscribe the feeble efforts of exercise to a garden, an orchard, and its adjoining copse!

current only marked the course of the river; yet all around this current, this playful stream that lives only in quiescence and sunshine, this offspring of the river-deity, we beheld traces of the power and impetuosity of the parent-of the mountain-torrent, whose voice appals whose strength is irresistible !

I traversed the town; my mind was filled with the recollection of the sentiments, which no lips but those of an Eloise and a St. Preux could breathe.

Our route lay on the borders of the Lake; its gently-agitated waters were expanded before us, glittering in the sunshine. Beyond the Lake rose the rug- I thought of them only; of beings whose ged Alps of Savoy, towering to an immense height; their sides, for the most part, veiled in shade, and partially covered with snow; not a trace of vegetation decorated their craggy summits. On our left, rich vineyards clothed the sides of the mountains, and were extended as far as our eyes could trace them.

frames were agitated by feelings the most wild, yet the most refined, delicate, and intellectual of those who had pictured to themselves an existence, whose joys would for ever partake of the meridian intensity; for it is only in the morning of life when our sensations have the untiring activity which novelty begets, when the frame is verging towards We passed Lutri, Cuilli, and St. Sa- a maturity of strength and beauty, when porin, on our way to Vevai and Clarens, the blood seems to gush through the which, you may well believe, we were veins with the velocity of light, and its most anxious to arrive at, however de- " rapids" hurry our imagination through lighted we were by every object which regions of enchantment, that we picture lay around us. My mind was for ever to ourselves that visionary, unbroken occupied with the recollection of that happiness, the offspring of inexperience, master-work of genius, which is not the from the pursuit of which we at length less delightful because it is fictitious: turn with languor, dejection, and despair,


Unconnected Sketches of Swiss Scenery.

when we discover the alloy which is inseparable from unregulated fruition.


chamois is hunted; and spoke of a valley among the mountains, not far distant, As I gazed around me, I could not where some plants are found which are but exclaim, "On such a spot, sur- no-where discoverable but on the sumrounded by luxuriant vineyards; the mits of the Alps. In this valley have quiet and delicious scenery which the resided a race of beings who, from sire opening between the mountains pre- to son, have never quitted the scenes sents; a widely-spreading and quiet of their nativity; knowledge has not, by lake, bounded by an outline presenting inflaming their imaginations, generated the reverse of all these-the craggy in the desire of change. They are fortuaccessible Alps;-here the language of nate, indeed, who are incapable of conenthusiasm is that of truth and nature." ceiving a state of happiness more perWe entered the great square, the south fect than that which they enjoy, transside of which opens upon the Lake: ported, as I now am, I almost envy here we beheld the rocks of Meillerie, those whose lives are so fixed, so quifrom which the unwearied gaze of St. escent, so insulated. Preux was fixed upon this spot. How fortunate was he that distance prevented him from disguishing the particular object which he endeavoured to behold, since more was left to the visions of imagination.

We proceeded to the bridge of Montreux, and from its summit looked down upon the torrent; it was roaring and foaming as it rushed impetuously through its rocky bed, at a fearful depth below


The height on which I stood, and The heat became intense as we ap- the wildness of the current, made me proached Clarcus; had my existence shrink from the fixed attention to that been merely animal, I should involunta- which I afterwards returned to contemrily have sought shelter at Vevai, but plate, not with less emotion, but with excessive happiness thrilled me-my less dread. I could not trace it far up heart bounded within my breast: what the mountain; it was concealed by an I beheld excited joy; but imagination almost perpendicular wood, which hung hurried me from these objects to its own on its side. Never shall I forget the mysterious regions of beatitude; an sensation which I experienced when I indescribable transport, before unfelt, undreamt of, pervaded every artery of my frame. We entered Clarens, more memorable for its bower, where the imaginary St. Preux was surprised by a bliss surpassing perfect happiness,* than for having been at one time the actual residence of Rousseau: such is the magical power of genius!

first bent over the parapet of the bridge; I glanced at the torrent, my eyes shrunk from its overwhelming volume, and clung to the rich underwood which lay on its banks; a mixed feeling of dread and delight convulsed me: you may have felt the same, but never so intensely.

We did not resume the road which We had not long quitted Clarens we had quitted, but continued our walk when we met an old Swiss, whom we to Villeneuve, through the church-yard found intelligent and most willing to of Montreux, and by a slanting pathcommunicate all that he conceived we way cut on the precipitous declivity of should be interested in knowing: he the mountain-side. This track conwas pleased by our eager inquiries; and ducted us through orchards, meadows, our humble mode of travelling proved and fields of India wheat. I could not that we had visited, con amore, his na- have conceived the possibility of the tive lakes and mountains. He directed cultivation of uplands so fearfully obour steps to the village of Montreux, lique, had I not beheld the peasantry on the mountain side, and particularly making hay; bad I not seen the closelyto a bridge thrown over a mountain- mown orchard, with its trees bending torrent: he pointed to the snow-covered heights, among which, he said, the

* See the Eloise---Letter 14.

with fruit, and beheld the ripened wheat drooping and threatening parturition. Among these scenes we frequently beheld the self-planted beech spreading its

355] Swiss Scenery. Restitution of Foreign Books, Manuscripts, &c. [536

"Hardly hedge-rows, little lines Of sportive wood run wild;"

thick and impenetrable branches, and pining and of hopelessness. I thought the light ash, with its thin and sunny of that period when the meek, the phifoliage. The orchard appeared to be losophic, the enlightened, Michael Serseparated from the corn or hay field, vetus, became the victim of the crafty, by irregular traces of rich underwood, cold-hearted, Calvin. When will men which were discover that religion does not consist in the belief of that which surpasses their comprehension, and in the persecution, or hatred, at least, for, although the effects of cultivation of those who do not believe, yet court lay all around us, yet was there so little conviction? When will they perceive art, so faint a shew of violence in the that its divine essence consists in kindcontroul of Nature, that she still ap- heartedness, in generosity, in highmindpeared to be almost unlicenced in her edness, in the cultivation of intellect, in liberty. promoting the happiness of a community if we possess genius, and that of our family and friends if we have it not?

The sun was declining as we wound among these enchanting scenes, but his slanting rays lighted up the rich verdure During the time that the foregoing of the grass and the luxuriant foliage of gloomy reflections were occupying my the trees with unusual brilliancy. The mind, the shades of evening were deepmurmuring of a thousand cascades, ening on the Lake, and enfolding in "above, below, and all around" us, their embrace the objects immediately some crossing our path, others sparkling on its borders; while the Alps, which through rich underwood, or rippling at tower above it, were enveloped in tints its side; the gentle dashing of the waves of purple light. Rousseau has faithfully of the Lake, whose sound was "by and beautifully described, in his Eloise, distance made more sweet ;" and the this effect of the setting sun on the mounsong of the grass-hopper, sometimes at tain summits, This is, indeed, a region our feet, at other times so far removed of enchantment; it presents objects not as to be almost inaudible, yielded deli- embraced by the most sublimated ficcious music for these unregulated tions of poetic genius! I looked tosounds-differing, yet not uncongenial, wards the Jura mountains; the sun had -were to me most musical. just sunk below their summits. We Through the trees we saw below us walked on, scarcely a word passed our the dark towers of the insulated castle of lips; we were too much delighted to Chillon, reflected on the bosom of the converse, for we despaired to commuLake These objects awoke a train of nicate, and feared to disturb our happipainful reflections, and proved how en ness. The approach of night, that contirely our happiness is out of our power, cealed those charms which had so transand that we are wholly the creatures of ported us from our eager and ungratified circumstance. I thought of that san- gaze, could not deprive us of the delight guinary era, when the ardor of religious which the sight of them had created. reform violated the laws of justice and Never-never did I experience—never humanity when the residents of the can I hope again to feel such heartborders of this Lake became infuriate boundings: never was I so purely dewith the unchristian zeal of persecution lighted. -when this castle was the scene of

Adieu! Adieu !

T. H.

From the New Monthly Magazine.


Oct. 29, 1815.

HEY are still busy at the royal li-
brary in selecting and delivering up
the books which belonged to the con-
quered countries. As these works had

long been distributed in their respective classes among half a million of volumes, this is a herculean labour, on which account the library has this year prolonged its vacations till November. The Bur


New Method of engraving Maps-French Protestants.


gundian library as it was called, from religious war. This misrepresentation Brussels, is returning for the second time is strongly condemned by the author of from Paris to that city: the first resti- a small tract just published, who details tution was in the reign of Louis XV. all the persecutions which the royal parMany books will certainly not be re- ty in the department of the Gard had to covered; for during the Revolution the suffer during the short usurpation of Buoforeign libraries were intermixed with naparte, and which furnish an excuse, if those of the suppressed convents in ex- not a justification for their hostility. The tensive depots at Paris. One of these national guards who to the very last condepots contained not fewer than 200,000 tinued faithful to the Duke d'Angouvolumes. Hence the libraries of the lême, were hunted down like wild beasts various authorities in the country were by the savage Buonapartists; they were supplied. Many a private person who fired upon, driven from all human habipossessed some influence also selected tations into the woods, or dragged away what he thought proper from these col- to prison, while the populace was instilections, and many of the books which gated to insult and maltreat them. The remained were sold to dealers. author admits, that among the ProtesThe restitution of the manuscripts is tants there were more Buonapartists than effected with greater facility, as their royalists, but most positively denies that number is not so considerable: most of any of them were persecuted as Protesthem are therefore already delivered to tants. Those only, whether Catholics their respective owners. In addition to or Protestants, who, during the short petheirs the Bavarians have taken 36 man- riod of terror, had persecuted the paruscripts which near two centuries since tisans of the King with such fury, were were conveyed with the Heidelberg li- chastised on the return of his Majesty brary to Rome, and originally belonged by their exasperated fellow-citizens, beto them. Who would then have ima- fore the magistrates had time to intergined that the Bavarians would by con- fere. Fortunately, not many such acts quest recover these literary treasures at of violence occurred, especially as the Paris? But a circumstance peculiarly Austrians advanced into the department galling to the French is, that the Prus-' of the Gard. sians now demand 500 manuscripts as a compensation for the pictures, statues, and books not forthcoming, and are preparing to select them from among the ancient French MSS.



One day when Dumont, a tradesman of the Rue St. Denis, Paris, was walking in the Boulevard St. Antoine with a friend, he offered to wager with the latter, that if he were to hide a six Dessay, the bookseller, has announ- livre piece in the dust, his dog would ced, under the singular title of Cartes discover and bring it to him. The wager Encyprotypes, a general atlas of 40 was accepted, and the ecu secreted after maps, which are to be engraved accord- being carefully marked. When the two ing to a new process invented by M. de friends had proceeded some distance from Freyssieet. By this method the maps the spot, M. Dumont called to his dog are not drawn upon paper, but at once that he had lost something, and ordered on the copper itself, which is covered for him to seek it. Caniche immediately the purpose with a certain varnish. The turned back, and his master and his comdrawing is slightly traced upon it, and panion pursued their walk to the Rue St.. after this tracing the engraver works. Denis. Meanwhile, a traveller, who The little inaccuracies which usually happened to be just then returning in a take place in the transfer from the pa- chaise from Vincennes, saw the piece of per to the copper are thus avoided. money, which his horse had kicked from ALLEDGED PERSECUTION OF THE PRO- its hiding place. He alighted, took it up, and drove to his inn, in the Rue PontSome of the newspapers have attempt- aux-Choux. Caniche had just reached ed to give to the recent disturbances in the spot in quest of the ecu, when the the south of France the character of a stranger picked it up. He followed the


Eng. Mag. Vol. I.


French Anecdotes, 1815, 16, 17.-Canine Sagacity.


Their work was no hardship to them; they took their turns at it, but with some difference, as the number of days are unequal, but that of the fast days equal. The cook's favourite was on duty every Monday and Wednesday; whereas his comrade's days were Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Friday and Saturday were holydays for both.

chaise, went into the inn, and stuck close of meat scorch; they knew from the to the traveller. Having scented out the smell when it was done, and gave notice coin which he had been ordered to bring of this to the cook by barking. back, in the pocket of the latter, he leaped up incessantly at and about him. The traveller supposing him to be some dog that had lost, or been left behind by his master, regarded his different movements as marks of fondness; and as the animal was handsome, he determined to keep him. He gave him a good supper, and on retiring to bed, took him with him to his chamber. No sooner When once accustomed to this arhad he pulled off his breeches than rangement, they adhered to it with the they were seized by the dog: the own- utmost regularity. Men themselves er conceiving that he wanted to play with submit cheerfully, and as a matter of them, took them away again. The an- course, to existing laws, so long as no imal began to bark at the door, which violation of them is allowed by the highthe traveller opened under the idea that er powers. the dog wanted to go out. Caniche One Wednesday, the dog whose turn snatched up the breeches and away he it was, not being at hand, the cook would flew. The traveller posted after him have employed the other which had been with his nightcap on, and literally sans at work the preceding day in his stead. culottes. Anxiety for the fate of a purse The latter, indignant at the injustice of full of gold Napoleons of 40 francs each, this proceeding, snarled, ran away and which was in one of the pockets, gave crept into a corner. The cook followed. redoubled velocity to his steps. Can- The dog growled more furiously and iche ran full speed to his master's house, showed his teeth. The cook fetched a where the stranger arrived a moment stick, on which the animal sprung up, afterwards, breathless and enraged. He ran out of the house, and posted away accused the dog of robbing him. "Sir," to the Place Cambrai, where he found said the master, "my dog is a very his comrade at play with other comfaithful creature; and if he has run panions of that quarter. He flew at him, away with your breeches, it is because pushed him away, drove him before him you have in them money which does all the way home, brought him to the not belong to you." The traveller be- feet of the cook, and then looked calmly came still more exasperated. "Com- at him, as though he would have said— pose yourself, Sir," rejoined the other "Here is your dog-it is his turn, and smiling, "without doubt there is in your not mine." purse a six livre piece, with such and such marks, which you have picked up in the Boulevard St. Antoine, and which I threw down there with the firm conviction that my dog would bring it back again. This is the cause of the robbery which he has committed upon you."The stranger's rage now yielded to as tonishment; he delivered the six livre piece to the owner, and could not forbear caressing the dog which had occa. sioned him so much uneasines and such an unpleasant chace.

Some years since, two dogs performed the office of turnspit in the Collège du Plessis. Both were perfect masters of their business. They never let a joint

A shoe-black, who used to take his station before the entrance of the Hole! de Nivernois, had a great black poodle, which possessed the extraordinary talent of procuring custom for his master. This animal would dip his large woolly paw in the kennel, and tread with it upon the shoe of the first person that passed by. The shoe-black lost no time in offering his stool, with the invitation "Please to have your shoes cleaned, sir?"

As long as he was engaged, the dog sat quietly by his side. It would then have been useless to bedaub the shoes of another passenger; but no sooner was the stool unoccupied than he played

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