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" [6283 — : —, Exhibition of Pictures of the School of Siena and examples of the Minor Arts of that city. "
Internationale Bibliographie der Kunstwissenschaft - Página 351
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American Journal of Archaeology: The Journal of the Archaeological Institute ...

1906 - 546 páginas
...Strassburg, 1904, Heitz. xiv, 423 pp. ; 239 pp. ; 37 pis. ; 2 héliog. 4to. M. 00. Burlington Fine Arts Club, Exhibition of Pictures of the School of Siena and Examples of the Minor Arts of that city. Intr. by Langton Douglas. London, 1904. A. Carlier, Les Dentelles à l'aiguille. Brussels, 1905, Vromant....
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Book Auction Records, Volumen 19

Frank Karslake - 1922 - 980 páginas
...£3 ios. 255) Thorp, ¿4 Exhibition of English Mezzotint Portraits, pits., fo., 1902 (S. Mar. 20 ; Exhibition of Pictures of the School of Siena and examples of the minor Arts of that City, pits., fo., gt, 1904 (S. Feb. i ; 882) Drew, £4 8s. fo., 1901 (S. Mar. 20 ; 254) Edwards, £5 Exhibition...
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Class List of Best Books

Library Association - 1906 - 88 páginas
...x 5). pp. xiv. 360. 48 illus. and plan. 6/- net. 750- (45- 3i) London]: Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhibition of pictures of the School of Siena and examples of the minor arts of that city. [Catalogue. Illus. edition. Introduction by RL Douglas.] Printed for the Club, 1904 (1906). (16x12)....
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Monthly Bulletin of Books Added to the Public Library of the ..., Volumen 11

Boston Public Library - 1906 - 434 páginas
...Burlington Fine Arts Club, London. Introductory leaflet. [Philadelphia.] 1906. 10 pp. Illus. = 4025.98 Exhibition of pictures of the School of Siena and examples of the minor arts of that city. London, 1904. 98 pp. *8o72.i66 The preface is by Langten Douglas. Same. Plates. *Cab.8o.ig2.4 The date...
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Annual List of New and Important Books Added to the Public Library of the ...

Boston Public Library - 1908 - 318 páginas
...paintings. By Wm. H. Goodyear. [Brooklyn.] 1906. 55 pp. = 8076.103 Burlington Fine Arts Club, London. Exhibition of pictures of the School of Siena and examples of the minor arts of that city. London, 1904. 98 pp. *8о7злбб The preface is by Langton Douglas. Same. Plates. *Cab.8o.ig2.4 >...
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1910 - 394 páginas
...AND ALLIED SCHOOLS OF LOMBARDY. Atlas 4to., LARGE PAPER, with ‘27 plates; buckram 1899 6 6 0 487 EXHIBITION OF PICTURES OF THE SCHOOL OF SIENA, and Examples of the Minor Arts of that City. Atlas 4to., LARGE PAPER, pp. xvi and 103, with 47 plates (2 eoloured); buckram 1905 6 6 0 488 Portrait...
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Bullettino senese di storia patria, Volúmenes 17-18

1910 - 1026 páginas
...(Notes sur les primitifs italiens. N. 3). Brüssel, Dietrich et C.°, 1902. 8.°, pp. 132, con illustr. Exhibition of pictures of the School of Siena, and examples of the minor arts of that city. London, printed for the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1904. 4.°, pp. 103. Con 47 tavv. — Gemälde (Die)...
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Catalogues of Sales

Sotheby & Co. (London, England) - 1922 - 238 páginas
...Exhibition of Ancient Greek Art, plates, original buckram folio. 1904 167 Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhibition of Pictures of the School of Siena, and examples of the Minor Arts of that City, 47 plates, original buckram folio. 1905 168 Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhibition of English Embroidery,...
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Book Auction Records, Volumen 20

Frank Karslake - 1924 - 880 páginas
...Renaissance, pits., 4to., teg, 1913 (S. Dec. 19 ; 393) Batsford, ¿4 ios. Nov. 16 ; 278) Quaritch, ¿6 6s. Pictures of the School of Siena, and examples of the Minor Arts of that Burnaby (Rev. A.) Travels through the Middle Settlements in North-America in 1759-60, title laid on,...
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Book-prices Current: A Record of Prices at which Books Have Been ..., Volumen 36

1922 - 960 páginas
...Arts Club. Exhibition of Pictures of the [See also March 20, £4 ; April 3, £3 153.; Dec. 12, ^3.] School of Siena and Examples of the Minor Arts of that City, plates, orig. cl., gt, 1904, folio (882), Jan. 30, Sotheby Drew, £4 8s. [See also Dec. 12, £4 ; July...
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