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amphitheatre surmounted by a ledge of green sod which seemed to be the resort of an immense number of sea-gulls and other fowls never interrupted by the intrusion of man. They flew with loud screams backwards and forwards over our heads, as if to warn off such unwelcome visitors. In another place a narrow chasm opens into the mountain widening into a lagoon, the surrounding rocks resembling the ruins of a large Gothic building, with the green ocean for its pavement and the sky for its dome. The weather being fine, and the sun cheering us with his bright rays, after a cold and sleepless night, we seemed to acquire new vigour by the contemplation of the grand features of nature around us. We now perceived some Esquimaux with a woman's boat in a small bay, preparing to steer for Nachvak. They fired their pieces, and called to us to join them as they had discovered a stranded whale. Going on shore to survey the remains of this huge animal, we found it by no means a pleasant sight. It lay upon the rocks, occupying a space thirty feet in diameter, but was much shattered, and in a decaying state. Our people however cut off a quantity of blubber from its lips. The greater part of the blubber of this fish was lost, as the Esquimaux had no means of conveying it to Okkak.' p. 26.

The following description of the manner in which the Esquimaux catch salmon-trout, is, we believe, a novelty.

The Esquimaux about Okkak and Saeglek, catch them in winter under the ice by spearing. For this purpose they make two holes in the ice about eight inches in diameter, and six feet asunder in a direction from north to south. The northern hole they screen from the sun by a bank of snow about four feet in height, raised in a semi-circle round its southern edge, and fo m another similar bank on the northside of the southern hole, sloped in such a manner as to reflect the rays of the sun into it. The Esquimaux then lies down with his face close to the northern aperture, beneath which the water is strongly illuminated by the sun beams entering at the southern. In his left hand he holds a red string with which he plays in the water to allure the fish, and in his right a spear ready to strike them as they approach. In this manner they soon take as many as they want.' P. 28.

At Nachvak they had frequent opportunities of converse with the natives, and we know of no question more interesting than that which proposes the consideration of the best method of addressing Christianity to the minds of men totally unfurnished with any preparatory conceptions upon the subject. On other subjects of inquiry, the rashness of the theorizing spirit is exploded, and all speculation is made to vanish before the evidence of experiment. To the evidence on this question the Moravians are making daily additions; and the whole history of their proceedings, bears testimony to the fact, that the Gospel is never preached in power but when it is preached in simplicity; that the refinements of men do but enfeeble the impression of it; and that the word of truth, as it came pure from the mouth of Christ, and

of his Apostles, may be addressed to Savages at the very lowest degree in the scale of civilization. When taken in connexion with this principle, we look upon the first meeting of a Christian missionary with Savages, as a circumstance possessing a higher interest than any other thing that can be recorded of the intercourse of man with man; and the interest is considerably heightened, when, instead of the accomplished missionary, it is the Christianized Heathen, who has himself lately experienced the love of the truth, and is become subject to its power, that addresses the words of salvation to the unawakened among his own countrymen. The following is a specimen.

They (the natives) received the discourses and exhortations of the missionary with reverential attention, but those of their own countrymen with still greater eagerness, and, we hope, not without benefit. Jonas once addressed them thus. "We were but lately as "ignorant as you are now: we were long unable to understand the "comfortable words of the Gospel: we had neither ears to hear, nor "hearts to receive them, till Jesus by his power opened our hearts and 66 ears. Now we know what Jesus has done for us, and how great "the happiness of those souls is, who come unto Him, who love him as their Saviour, and know that they shall not be lost when this life "is past. Without this we live in constant fear of death. You will "enjoy the same happiness if you turn to and believe in Jesus. We are not surprised that you do not yet understand us. We were once


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"like you, but now thank Jesus, our Redeemer, with tears of joy, "that He has revealed Himself unto us." Thus, with cheerful countenances and great energy, did these Christian Esquimaux praise and glorify the name of Christ our Saviour, and declare what he had done for their souls exhorting the Heathen likewise to believe.

The above address seemed to make a deep impression on the minds of all present. One of their leaders or captains exclaimed with great eagerness in presence of them all,-" I am determined to be converted "to Jesus" His name is Onalik. He afterwards called upon Brother Kohlmeister, and inquired whether it was the same to which of the three settlements he removed, as it was his firm determination to become a true believer. Brother Kohlmeister answered, That it was indifferent where he lived, if he were only converted and became a child of God and an heir of life eternal. Another named Fullugaksoak made the same declaration, and added that he would no longer live among the Heathen.

Though the very fickle disposition of the heathen Esquimaux might cause some doubts to arise in our minds as to their putting these good resolutions into practice, yet we hope that the seed of the word of God sown in this place, may not have altogether fallen upon barren ground.' p. 30.

In their progress northward to Cape Chudleigh, they fall in with other parties of the natives; and on the 22d of July we have the following description of an Esquimaux feast, at which the missionary himself addressed the Heathen.

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22d. The contrary wind forbidding our departure, Brother Kohlmeister, accompanied by Jonathan Jonas, and Kukelina, walked across the country to the N. W. bay to return their visit. When they saw them coming at a distance, they fired their pieces to direct them to the tents, and came joyfully to meet the missionary and his party. Nothing could exceed the cordiality with which they received them. A kettle was immediately put on the fire to cook salmon trout, and all were invited to partake, which was the more readily accepted, as the length of the walk had created an appetite, the keenness of which overcame all squeamishness. To do these good people justice, their kettle was rather cleaner than usual, the dogs having licked it vell, and the fish was fresh and well dressed. To honour the missionary, a box was placed for him to sit upon, and the fish were served up to each upon a fat stone instead of a plate. After dinner Brother Kohlmeister in acknowledgement for their civility, gave to each of the women two needles, and a small portion of tobacco to each man, with which they were highly delighted.

All of them being seated, a very lively and unreserved conversation took place concerning the only way of salvation through Jesus Christ, and the necessity of conversion. With John and his mother Mary, Brother Kohlmeister spoke very seriously, and represented to them the danger of their state as apostates from the faith, but they seem blinded by Satan, and determined to persist in their heathenish life. The Esquimaux now offered to convey the party across the bay in their skin-boat, which was accepted. Almost all of them accompanied the boat, and met with a very friendly reception from our boat's company. In the evening, after some hymns had been sung by our people, Jonas addressed them and the heathen Esquimaux, in a short nervous discourse on the blessedness of being reconciled unto God.

Kummaktorvik bay runs N. E. and S. W. and is defended by some islands from the sea. It is about four or five miles long, and surrounded by high mountains, with some pleasant plains at their foot covered with verdure. It's distance from Nachvak is about twelve miles This chain of mountains, as will be hereafter mentioned, may be seen from Kangertlualuksoak, in Ungava Bay, which is a collateral proof that the neck of land terminated to the N by Cape Chudleigh, is of no great width. Both the Nain and Okkak Esquimaux frequently penetrate far enough inland to find the rivers taking a westerly direc tion, consequently towards the Ungava country. They even now and then have reached the woods skirting the estuaries of George and South rivers.' p 35.

On the 2d of August, they passed a strait among the islands off Cape Chudleigh, when the coast takes a S. S. W. direction. At this place the tides rise to an uncommon height. The coast is low, with gently sloping hills, and the country looks pleasant, with many berry-bearing plants and bushes. It is from this point of the voyage, that they seem to enter upon new ground, for at a very great distance to the N. W. they descried a large island

named Akpatok, which, according to the statement of the Esqui maux, encloses the whole gulf or bay towards the sea, consists of high land, and is connected to the western continent at low water by an isthmus. Now it is the north coast of this island which appears to be the line laid down in maps and charts as the coast of America to the south of Hudson's Straits. So that a large inland bay, separating the district of Ungava, from the island of Akpatok, and which, from the map accompanying this account, is made to extend from W. longitude 65° 45' to 70°, and from N. latitude 60° 15' to about 58°, appears to be an expanse of water wholly unnoticed by former navigators At the boftom of this bay lies the Ungava country, and our party, in their progress towards it, had intercourse with the natives on the coast. Our missionary took an early occasion to make known his object in visiting them.

Brother Kohlmeister visited the people in their tents. They were about fifty in number, men, women, and children He informed them that nothing could induce the missionaries to come into this country but love to the poor Heathen, and an ardent desire to make them acquainted with their Creator and Redeemer, that through him they might attain to happiness in time and eternity. Some seemed to listen with attention, but the greater part understood nothing of what was said. This of course did not surprise us, as most of them were quite ignorant Heathen who had never before seen a European. They, however, raised a shout of joy when we informed them that we would come and visit them in their own country. Many were not satisfied with viewing us on every side with marks of great astonishment, but came close up to us and pawed us all over. At taking leave we presented them with a few trifles, which excited among them the greatest pleasure and thankfulness.' p. 47.

A few days afterwards we have the following specimen of the tides in this bay.

7th. On rising, to our great surprise, we found ourselves left by the tide in a shallow pool of water, surrounded by roc y hills, nor could we at all discover the situation of our skin boat, till after the water had begun to rise, and raised us above the banks of our watery dungeon, when, with great astonishment, not having been able to find it on the surface of the sea, and accidentally directing our eyes upwards, we saw it perched upon the top of a considerable eminence, and apparently on shore. We then landed, and ascending a rising ground, beheld, with some terror, the wonder ul changes occasioned by the tides. Our course was visible to the extent of two or three English miles, but the sea had left it, and we were obliged to remain in this dismal place till about noon before the water had risen sufficiently to carry us out. We now began to entertain fears lest we might not always be able to find proper harbours so as to avoid being left high and dry at low water, for having anchored

in nine fathoms last night, we were left in one and a half this morning. Uttakiyok and Kukekina were with us on shore. The eminence on which we stood was overgrown with vaccinia and other plants, and we saw among them marks of its being visited by hares. Near the summit was a spot covered by red sand which stained one's fingers, and among it were fragments of a substance resembling cast iron. We seemed here to stand on a peninsula connected by an isthmus with another island, or with the continent, but probably at high water it may be a separate island.' p. 51.

In a few days they reached Kangertlualuksoak Bay, to which they gave the name of George river, after having formally taken possession of the country in the name of George II., whom they desige the Great Monarch of all those territories, in their explanati to the natives of a tablet solemnly raised in commemoration o is voyage. We do not see the necessity of this transaction, confess that our feelings of justice somewhat revolted at it. How George III. should be the rightful monarch of a territory whose inhabitants never saw a European before, is something more than we can understand. We trust that the marauding policy of other times, is now gone by; and that the transaction in question is nothing more than an idle ceremony. At all events we do think that our worthy missionaries have, in this instance, made an unwitting departure from the character which belongs to them; and we implore them, as they value the approbation of all right minded Christians, to keep by the simplicity of their one object, and never to venture one single footstep on the dubious ground of this world's politics. The following simple adventure is infinitely more in accordance with our minds.

After dining on part of the venison, we re ned to the great boat. On the passage we thought we perceived, at a considerable distance, a black bear, and Uttakiyok, elated with his recent success, hoped to gain new laurels. He entered his kayak, and proceeded as cautiously as possible along the shore towards the spot, landed, climbed the hill so as not to be observed, but when he had just got within gun shot, perceived that his bear was a black stone. This adventure furnished the company with merriment for the remainder of the voyage to the boat. p. 57.

They determined upon the mouth of George river as a suitable place for a settlement.

12th. Having finished reconnoitring the neighbourhood, and gathered all the information concerning it which our means would admit, and likewise fixed upon the green slope or terrace above described as the most suitable place for a settlement, on account of the abundance of wood in its neighbourhood, we made preparations

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