Thesaurus literaturae botanicae omnium gentium inde a rerum botanicarum initiis ad nostra usque tempora, Volumen 157

F.A. Brochaus, 1877 - 573 páginas

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Página 342 - Bryologia Britannica: Containing the Mosses of Great Britain and Ireland systematically arranged and described according to the Method of Bruch and Schimper ; with 61 illustrative Plates. Being a New Edition, enlarged and altered, of the Muscologia Britannica of Messrs.
Página 38 - Pomona Britannica; or, a collection of the most esteemed fruits at present cultivated in this country; together with the blossoms and leaves of such as are necessary to distinguish the various sorts from each other.
Página 180 - Theory and Practice of Horticulture ; or, an Attempt to explain the principal Operations of Gardening upon Physiological Grounds: Being the Second Edition of the Theory of Horticulture, much enlarged ; with 98 Woodcuts.
Página 190 - Encyclopaedia of Plants : Comprising the Specific Character, Description, Culture, History, Application in the Arts, and every other desirable Particular respecting all the Plants found in Great Britain.
Página 54 - AMERICANUS; or a curious collection of Trees and Shrubs, the produce of the British Colonies in North America ; adapted to the soil and climate of England. With observations on their constitution, growth, and culture : and directions how they are to be collected, packed up, and secured during their passage.
Página 131 - Alga: of the Southern Ocean, being Figures and Descriptions of Marine Plants collected on the Shores of the Cape of Good Hope, the extratropical Australian Colonies, Tasmania, New Zealand, and the Antarctic Regions. By Dr. HARVEY, FRS Imperial 8vo, 50 Coloured Plates, £2. 2*. A selection of Fifty Species of remarkable forms of Seaweed, not included in the ' Phycologia Australica,
Página 70 - Über die Entstehung der Arten im Thier- und Pflanzen-Reich durch natürliche Züchtung...
Página 87 - La physique des arbres où il est traité de l'anatomie des plantes et de l'économie végétale...
Página 87 - Traité des arbres et arbustes que l'on cultive en France en pleine terre...

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