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both crowns: we have thought fit to nominate for that purpose you Don Francifco Maria de Paula, Tellez, Giron, Benavides, Carrillo y Toledo, Ponce de Leon, Duke of Ofuna, our coufin, Earl of Ureña, Marquis of Peñafiel, gentleman of our bed-chamber, and great chamberlain, and cup-bearer, chief notary of our kingdoms of Castille, knight of the Order of Callatrava, great treasurer of the faid order and knighthood, commendador thereof, and of the Usagre in the Order of St. James, and captain of the first company of our royal Spanish life-guards; and you Don Ifidro Cafado de Rofales, Marquis de Monteleon, our kinfman, and one of our council of the Indies with full power and authority, and the dignity of our ambaffadors extraordinary and plenipotentiaries, by reafon of the intire fatisfaction and confidence we have in your perfons, and that both of you are endued with thofe valuable qualities of prudence, judgment, experience, zeal, and love for our royal fervice, which are neceffary for a negotiation of this importance, to the end that you may treat of, conclude, and finish with the minifters plenipotentiaries named for that purpose by the Queen of Great Britain, the aforefaid treaty of commerce, for the reciprocal convenience and advantage of the fubjects of the two crowns; promifing, as we do hereby promife, for ourselves and fucceffors, upon our faith and Royal word, that we will perform and keep for ever, all that you fhall ftipulate, conclude, and agree, with the afore-mentioned minifters plenipotentiaries of the Queen of Great Britain, for the attaining and fettling the faid treaty of commerce, and that we will obferve it exactly, and cause it to be obferved, without contravening the fame, or fuffering it to be contravened in anywife whatsoever, directly or indirectly; for all which, and whatsoever else may be neceffary thereto, we give and grant to you all the power, authority, and faculty that is needful; and that we will approve and ratify the fame, within the time that fhall be reciprocally agreed: declaring that in


cafe of abfence or fickness of either of you, the faid Duke of Ofuna, and Marquis of Monteleon, the other of you may proceed in the effecting and concluding this treaty of commerce; we promifing alfo, upon our faith and Royal word, that we will approve, confirm, and ratify the fame, with all the folemnities and forms that are neceffary, and in the fame manner as if it had been adjusted and concluded by both of you. In teftimony whereof we have commanded to be difpatched, and we do dispatch these presents, figned with our hand, fealed with our privy feal, and counterfigned by our under-written fecretary of state. Given at Madrid, the twentieth day of October, 1713.

I the KING. Manual de Vadillo y Velafco..

We do certify, that this prefent writing is a copy taken word for word from the original power, with which his Majefty has honoured us. Hague, the twenty-third of February, 1714.

Duque de Ofuna.
Marque de Monteleon.

[The following is printed from the treaty which was published by authority in 1717.]

The Treaty of Commerce between the moft Serene and most Potent Prince George, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. and the most Serene and moft Potent Prince Philip V. the Catholic King of Spain. Concluded at Madrid the of December, 1715.


GEORGE, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all and fingular to whom these prefent let


ters fhall come, greeting. Whereas a certain treaty of commerce between us and our good brother Philip the Fifth, the Catholic King of Spain, was concluded and figned by minifters plenipotentiaries, impowered with fufficient authority on both fides, at Madrid on the

day of this prefent month, in the form and words following:

Whereas fince the treaties of peace and commerce lately concluded at Utrecht, on the 13th of July, and 9th of December, 1713, between his Catholic Majefty and her late Majefty the Queen of Great Britain (of glorious memory) fome differences remained about commerce, and the courfe thereof; their Catholic and Britannic Majefties, being inclined to maintain and cultivate a firm and inviolable peace and friendship, have (for attaining fo good an end) by the two minifters reciprocally and in due form authorized for this purpose, caufed the following articles to be concluded and figned.

I. The British fubjects fhall not be obliged to pay higher or other duties for goods which they fhall bring in or carry out of the feveral ports of his Catholic Majefty, than those which they paid for the fame goods in the time of King Charles the Second, fettled by cedules and ordinances of the faid King or his predeceffors; and though the favour or allowance called Pie del Fardo, be not founded on any royal ordinance, yet his Catholic Majefty declares, wills, and ordains, that it fhall be obferved now and for the future, as an inviolable law; which duties fhall be demanded and collected, now and for the future, with the fame advantages and favours to the faid fubjects.

II. His Catholic Majefty confirms the treaty made by the British merchants with the Magistrates of St. Ander, in the year 1700.

III. His Catholic Majefty allows the said subjects


to gather falt in the island of Tortudos, they having enjoyed that permiffion in the time of King Charles the Second without interruption.

IV. The faid fubjects fhall not any where pay higher or other duties, than thofe which his Catholic Majefty's fubjects pay in the fame place.

V. The said subjects shall enjoy all the rights, privileges, franchises, exemptions, and immunities whatfoever, which they enjoyed before the last war, by virtue of the royal cedules or ordinances, and by the articles of the treaty of peace and commerce made at Madrid in 1667, which is fully confirmed here; and the faid fubjects fhall be used in Spain in the fame manner as the most favoured nation, and confequently all nations fhall pay the fame duties on wool and other merchandize which fhall be brought into, or carried out of these kingdoms by land, as the faid fubjects pay on the fame goods which they fhall import or export by fea; and all the rights, privileges, franchises, exemptions, and immunities, which fhall be granted or permitted to any nation whatever, fhall likewife be granted and permitted to the faid fubjects; the fame fhall be granted, obferved, and permitted to the fubjects of Spain in the kingdoms of his Britannic Majefty.

VI. And as there may have been innovations in commerce, his Catholic Majefty promises to ufe all poffible endeavours on his part for abolishing them, and for the future will by all forts of means caufe them to be forborn. In the like manner his Britannic Majefty promifes to ufe all poffible endeavours for abolishing all innovations on his part, and for the future will by all forts of means caufe them to be forborn.

VII. The treaty of commerce made at Utrecht on the 9th of December 1713, fhall remain in force, thofe articles excepted which fhall appear to be contrary to what is concluded and figned this day, which fhall be


abolished and of no force, and efpecially the three articles commonly called explanatory; and these prefents fhall be approved, ratified, and exchanged on both fides within the term of fix weeks, or fooner if it he poffible.

In witnefs whereof, and by virtue of our full powers, we have figned thefe prefents, at Madrid, on the fourteenth of December, one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen.

El Marq. de Bedmar, (L. S.)
George Bulb, (L. S.)

[The following is printed from the treaty which was publifhed by authority in 1718.]

Treaty of Alliance for fettling the public Peace. Signed at London July 22 1718.--Note. This Treaty is

Aug. 2.

commonly called The Quadruple Alliance.

IN the name of the Moft Holy and Undivided Trinity.

Be it known to all whom it doth concern, or may any way concern.

Whereas the moft Serene and moft Potent Prince George, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Duke of Brunfwick and Lunenburgh, Elector of the Holy Roman Empire, &c. and the moft Serene and moft Potent Prince Lewis XV. the most Christian King, &c. as likewife the High and Mighty States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands; being continually intent on preferving the bleffing of peace, have duly confidered, that however, by the triple alliance concluded by them on the 4th day of January 1717, their own kingdoms and provinces were provided for, yet that the provifion was neither fo general nor fo folid, as that the public tranquillity could long flourish and laft, unlefs at the fame time the jea


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