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1. What was the phlogistic theory? Trace its development, mentioning its principal supporters.

Show how the discoveries of Priestley and others enabled Lavoisier to explain the phenomena of combustion and overthrow the phlogistic theory.

2. Trace the development of the doctrine of chemical proportion (Richter) to Dalton's atomic theory.

3. Give an account of the work of Berzelius. How does his electro-chemical theory compare with modern views? 4. Show how the valency of carbon and other elements came to be recognised through the work of Frankland (organometallic compounds), Kolbe, Kekulé and others.

5. Give an account of some of the more important synthetic organic compounds (other than alizarine and indigo) discovered within recent years.

6. What is known as to the assimilation of carbon by plants, and the nitrification of soils? What explanations have

been given of the process of fermentation? What are enzymes, and how are they supposed to act?


1. Describe the Barrier Reef of Australia, and account for its origin. Discuss the relation of the Barrier Reef to the

general geological structure of adjacent regions.

2. Discuss the sequence of different types of eruptive rock in Tasmania, explaining the bearing of the evidence upon the general problem of differentiation of rock magmas. Quote any other Australasian examples of magma differentiation.

3. Explain and illustrate with sketches how the Lower Marine Series and the Greta Coal Measures of New South Wales may be correlated with other Permo-Carboniferous formations in Australia, or elsewhere.

4. What evidence as to the past geography of Australasia and Antarctica is supplied by the present distribution of animals and plants in the Southern Hemisphere?

5. What is the meaning and what are the causes of persistent geological horizons? Of what use are they in Field Mapping? Give examples.

6. What are the chief geological units respectively in New South Wales and in South Australia? Compare the geological

structure of New South Wales with that of South Australia.

7. What is known about the Geology of Northern Territory? Illustrate your answer with a sketch map and sections.


Six (6) questions only to be attempted, but 6 and 7 must be included.
All answers to be fully illustrated.

1. Give a general account of the hinge structures developed in the Pelecypoda, and describe the mechanism of the hinge. Illustrate your answer with sketches of typical genera.

2. Give a general account of the hard structures developed in the Nautiloidea. Describe briefly five of the principal Palæozoic genera.

3. Explain in detail the structure of the test in the Trilobita, laying special stress on the variations in the cephalon. 4. Give a summary of the Invertebrate fauna of the Permocarboniferous.

Draw attention to fossils of particular stratigraphical value. 5. Give a general account of the Dibranchiate Cephalopoda. 6. What are the following fossils?

Draw attention to any peculiarities of structure, giving the geological range in each case:

Tribrachiocrinus, Agnostus, Fusulina, Maccoyella, Crioceras,
Oenonites, Trachypora, Platyceras, Syringothyris,

7. Define the following terms, and state in what connection they are used. Quote examples :

Prodissoconch, Resilium, Paterina stage, Chilidium, Lancet plate, Callus, Acanthopore, Siphuncle, Operculum, Columella.

GEOLOGY III. C.-(MINERALOGICAL.)-CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. 1. Show how to obtain an expression for a zone axis, having given the Millerian indices of two faces in a zone.

What relation must hold between a face symbol and a zone symbol in order that the zone may pass through the face? 2. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of one circle and two circle goniometers. Describe the operation of adjusting and measuring a crystal on a two circle goniometer when there is no face at right angles to the principal zone, but the latter is well developed.

3. Describe the symmetry of the various groups (classes) possible in the Tetragonal system. Make use of the stereographic projection to illustrate your answer.

4. Show how to obtain a set of clinographic monoclinic axes for crystal drawing.

5. Determine graphically the crystallographic elements of realgar from the following data:

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

6. Determine by calculation the missing symbols in the above table.


1. Describe the phenomena of isomorphism and polymorphism amongst minerals. Arrange the following minerals in isomorphous and polymorphous groups, give the group composition and the chief points of resemblance in each set-Calcite, pyrargyrite, rutile, chromite, witherite, polianite, dolomite, brookite, proustite, rhodochrosite, rutile, spinel, aragonite, anatase, strontianite, magnetite.

2. Describe the naturally occurring haloid salts of silver.

3. What is meant by paragenesis; give examples?

4. How are pseudomorphs produced? Give examples of the different kinds.

5. Describe the principal minerals containing titanium, tungsten and uranium.

6 Enumerate and describe the composition and properties of the most important minerals used as gems. To what properties does each owe its particular beauty?

7. The minerals in a copper lode are usually distributed with considerable constancy as regards vertical succession. Illustrate and explain this statement.


1. Give full theoretical and practical details of a method for determining the sign of a uniaxial crystal (i.) when the plate is parallel to the vertical axis and is moderately thick, (ii) when the plate is perpendicular to the optic axis, and is very thin.

2. The cleavage angle in pyroxene is 87° 40', the plane of the optic axes lies in (010) and c:c=38° 17' forward. A certain section of the mineral, with cleavage cracks at 60°, shows a single brush which rotates about the central point of the field when the stage is rotated. Show how to find the true optic axial angle.

3. Describe Becke's method for determination of optic axial angle by means of curvature of the brush in a section nearly at right angles to an optic axis.

4. What optical phenomena correspond to the two circular sections of the indicatrix? Discuss completely the problem involved.

5. Describe briefly the correlation of the optical properties and chemical properties in the soda-lime series of felspars.




Written descriptions of constructions are not to be given, but the various figures should be appropriately lettered.

The figures are to be drawn in pencil on cartridge paper.

1. (a) Draw a circle to pass through a given point A to touch two given lines CD, CE between which A lies.

(b) Draw a triangle equal in area to a given pentagon. 2. (a) Show how to construct a parabola, assuming any data. (b) The diameters of the generator and director circles are 2 and 3 inches respectively. Draw the hypocycloid and obtain the tangent to the curve at a given point.

3. (a) Given the traces of two intersecting planes find (i.) the line of intersection, (ii.) the angle between them.

(b) Show how to find the shortest distance between two lines which do not meet in space.

(c) The inclinations of an oblique plane to both co-ordinate planes being given, determine its traces.

4. Draw the plan of a pyramid with a square base, lying on one of its sides, and obtain an elevation on each of three vertical planes which are mutually inclined at angles of 60°.

5. Draw the plan and elevation of a pair of goal posts with cross-bar. Determine the shadow cast by parallel rays, so arranged that the shadow is projected partly on the vertical, and partly on the horizontal plane.

6. Two hexagonal prisms, the principal axis of each being inclined at 45° to the vertical, intersect. Draw the plan and elevation and find the projections of the lines of interpenetration.


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